No one wants to hear it at all, ever. Let's keep patronising moids. Surely that'll make them agree with us eventually. All it does it stoke resentment and gender conflict.
Men see their female peers get favorable treatment for their ~13 years of public education and then get told that they are actually privileged because a CEO they never heard of makes 40 million dollars a year or some actor makes more money than an actress and wonder why that has anything to do with them. Also liberalism is the dominant ideology of their (overwhelmingly female) teachers and kids like to rebel.
One of the things they brought up too is that Vance and Trump went to where the boys are. They said something while the left sat in Stony silence at best and outright hostility at worst.
It's still so fricking funny to me that she rejected Rogan when he invited her on, then later when it was clear she was getting trounced she tried to make amends but couldn't even be bothered to actually go on, like he probably would have had her on anyways after she rejected him but she couldn't even be bothered to do the normal 3-hour "interview".
Former United States Government Government Account βοΈ
tempest 14d ago#7743697
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It gets better. So the Harris campaign read some transcripts and decided that they didn't want to give him a platform. Joe Rogan, the biggest podcaster. They didn't want to give him a platform. By doing that they just ceded him to the right.
The Trump interview on Rogan getting like 50 million views on YouTube alone while Kamala's interview on Call Her Daddy was like sub 1 million was so fricking funny.
Former United States Government Government Account βοΈ
peepeehands 14d ago#7743861
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Yeah it's insane. One of the things Richard mentioned in the interview is that Dems don't go into enemy territory, with the exception of Booty Judge. I'm not saying going on Rogan would have changed the outcome, but it's emblematic of the Dems fading relevance. I keep hearing on this, but they still think it's 2012. They're 25 and still cool taste makers working for BuzzFeed. Impact memes are relevant, and getting on the daily show and SNL is still a big deal. But in reality they're pushing 40, uncool, unhappy wine aunts, hoping against hope they the next bumble date will go well. It won't. And podcasts and relatability is more important than ever
I will literally never forgive zoomers for cursing us with the r-slurred "here's a second video of someone playing a mobile game below the actual video" trend.
Former United States Government Government Account βοΈ
JimieWhales 14d ago#7743929
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Hopefully soon. But relatability goes all the way back to Nixon/Kennedy in 1960. Heck part of the reason Clinton beat Bush in 1992 was because he was seen as more relatable. I remember Republicans seething that Obama beat Romney because people would rather have a beer with Obama.
Former United States Government Government Account βοΈ
tempest 14d ago#7743940
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It's outright crazy. She was a nobody then too. She dropped out before Iowa. She was picked to appease the progressive flank of the party. I know it's a chud talking point, but she was a DEI hire, especially during the summer of love.
I sometimes felt like I was going crazy w/ people telling me she's not a DEI hire when Biden was literally like "imma pick a black woman to be my VP" and then picked her, somebody nobody liked, but she was a "black" woman (yeah yeah indian whatever don't care).
The arguments I heard wasn't so much she wasn't DEI hire, but that all VP picks are "DEI hires" by nature - candidates pick someone from the other wing of a party to appease them, or from specific state/region they need to do better in.
Fabricor/drama My profile and flair color is 28bca3 14d ago#7743619
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I have been saying this all along.
The progressives being the allies of liberals drove the youth away from liberals.
Progressives are a problem. They likely are THE problem. Progressives are chronically unfunny and unfun. They are extremely hateable. Being smart and academic doesn't help them be less miserable to be around.
Progressives are a problem. They likely are THE problem. Progressives are chronically unfunny and unfun. They are extremely hateable. Being smart and academic doesn't help them be less miserable to be around.
I think it would help to tease out what exactly makes them "unfun" and "hateable" because it seems to me that a lot of the reason people don't like them is just that they want to say or even do offensive shit without social consequences.
Maybe it says something that they think the guy who called PR a "floating pile of garbage" is funny and that they think progressives aren't. Is that the humor they're so mad about wanting to enjoy without people thinking they're buttholes?
Let's unpack this. Why do you think progressives are seen as "no fun?" It sounds like you might have a lot of internalized misogyny. Here are some Contrapoints videos if you want to learn how to do better.
can't wait to see how you frick this one up
14d ago#7743517
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I've downplayed the idea that Dems ignore young men but I may have been very wrong. I don't understand anything anymore since the election. Giving this a listen.
Well, one made progress.
Many problems facing men and boys- the suicide epidemic that is mostly male
This kind of framing bothers me because women attempt suicide 3x more than men, but men succeed at suicide 3x more than women....I don't understand the framing of it as a men's issue when suicidality clearly runs just as deep, or deeper, among women.
Because to many if you don't die it doesn't count, downing a handful of asprin will add the the attempt counter but won't kill you so because of that people see women's suicides as attention seeking and not like "real" since if you really wanted to keep yourself safe why aren't you dead?
Yes. Now either admit women are incompetent or attention seekers, or go all the way around and say their suicide methods have been disenfranchised by the patriarchy.
since if you really wanted to keep yourself safe why aren't you dead?
anybody who "tries" to kill themselves but fails is either (a) legitimately 50 IQ, like actually r-slurred, not like "haha ur dumb" but like "it should be illegal for you to sign a contract", or (b) didn't actually want to die.
can't wait to see how you frick this one up
tempest 14d ago#7743713
spent 0 currency on pings
There's a spectrum here, but on one end there is definitely a heavy distribution of white women swallowing baby aspirin and slow crashing their cars with their seatbelts on.
For people who claim to have a data driven ideology they're sure incapable of seeing why comparing "suicide attempts" to "people dead from suicide" is beyond r-slurred.
>Also, part of this is because a lot of young men like offensive humor (Jeselnik-style shit) and online leftists were trying to cancel these types of comedians. Back in the day, it used to be Christian conservatives who would be offended over these kinds of jokes (which means the Dems were cool and subversive coded).
It's so funny and cathartic that some lefties are beginning to realize they were the Christian Right of yesteryear. I've been saying this for years and won't stop until these lefties get it. I came across so many posts on reddit where it felt like I was reading all those tired points again. Being gay back then was bad because you're going to heck and you'll get socially ostracized. Now being gay is bad because you won't accept the gock and you'll be socially ostracized.
I wasn't a real believer of the "le pendulum swing" that many kept yapping about until the the past couple of weeks. Needless to say it's been great for the dramacoin.
Director of Consanguinity, Hierarchy, and Exclusion
14d ago#7744598
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I feel like it's downstream of their whole "only educated people are people" shtick. that was one thing when it was just elitist, since men do believe in hierarchy, but over time it morphed into being more about compliance and turning everything into a classroom environment. even degree-holding men are alienated by the complete lack of criticism towards these institutions and their role in ordering society. if dems want to win young men they'll have to stop being the party of school-likers.
ONE PUNCH! 14d ago#7744183
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Does this require a three month postmortem. The democrat platform is all foid nonsense at this point To average people it doesn't even seem like the dems care about kitchen table issues anymore. The commenters try to say it's the "vibe" pushing men away not substance but rhetoric is part of policy. What part of the platform should attract me? The part where I'm an inherently racist monster or the part where my paycheck goes to helping everyone but me?
Former United States Government Government Account βοΈ
Saitama 14d ago#7744208
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The interview actually addresses that. He brings up that the Dems explicitly went after women thinking they would gain 2 women for every man they lost. It's just wild. Like I said nothing profound, but the denizens of /r/Neoliberal are gonna do what their kind do best, speedrun. In this case speedrun losing 2026 and 2028.
Also, part of this is because a lot of young men like offensive humor (Jeselnik-style shit) and online leftists were trying to cancel these types of comedians. Back in the day, it used to be Christian conservatives who would be offended over these kinds of jokes (which means the Dems were cool and subversive coded).
The interview is actually pretty insightful. At the end Richard said that he's worried the left will take the wrong lessons from this. I imagine this was done before the DNC elections for their chairman. Excuse me. Chairperson.
lmao I refreshed the page and they purged a whole subthread that started with this reasonable comment:
When you're with the boys you don't have to curtail your humor and stuff. Once women show up, you suddenly have to watch your mouth. This causes stress. Constantly self policing causes stress. People want to be messy. This is an entirely reasonable position, even if it's regressive in nature.
Support your local Military Industrial Complex
tempest 14d ago#7746669
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There's also the fact that once a woman becomes a part of a male dominated space, a significant number of the males will start trying to have s*x with her, no matter how uggo she is.
No sexualizing minors, even as a joke. This includes cartoons.
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Using alts to game dramacoin will get you banned.
If you post screenshots of publicly-available content, make sure to also include links.
Supporting free speech is an immediate ban.
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You are encouraged to post drama you are involved in.
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You are encouraged to gaslight, to gatekeep, above all else, to girlboss.
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This site is a janny playground, participation implies enthusiastic consent to being janny abused by unstable alcoholic bullies who have nothing better to do than banning you for any reason or no reason whatsoever (MODS = GODS)
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!neolibs, the interview is actually pretty good. Nothing really profound, but it's good nonetheless.
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Jeremiah Johnson is usually correct but deeply unoriginal and uncharismatic. He really lucked his way into professional politics.
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He's more of a writer.
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Not even. I've read his writing and even in written form he is a profoundly boring person.
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Don't worry I reported this chud for sexism
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No one wants to hear it at all, ever. Let's keep patronising moids. Surely that'll make them agree with us eventually. All it does it stoke resentment and gender conflict.
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Clear solution is to cull moids. We can easily get rid of 10%.
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Just 10%?
You only need 5% of them for breeding stock. Keep the good looking, tall, handsome ones.
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Cull it down to the 0.1% that identify as female. That'll solve the problem.
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I'm curious what the speech was now lol
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Men see their female peers get favorable treatment for their ~13 years of public education and then get told that they are actually privileged because a CEO they never heard of makes 40 million dollars a year or some actor makes more money than an actress and wonder why that has anything to do with them. Also liberalism is the dominant ideology of their (overwhelmingly female) teachers and kids like to rebel.
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One of the things they brought up too is that Vance and Trump went to where the boys are. They said something while the left sat in Stony silence at best and outright hostility at worst.
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It's still so fricking funny to me that she rejected Rogan when he invited her on, then later when it was clear she was getting trounced she tried to make amends but couldn't even be bothered to actually go on, like he probably would have had her on anyways after she rejected him but she couldn't even be bothered to do the normal 3-hour "interview".
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It gets better. So the Harris campaign read some transcripts and decided that they didn't want to give him a platform. Joe Rogan, the biggest podcaster. They didn't want to give him a platform. By doing that they just ceded him to the right.
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The Trump interview on Rogan getting like 50 million views on YouTube alone while Kamala's interview on Call Her Daddy was like sub 1 million was so fricking funny.
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Yeah it's insane. One of the things Richard mentioned in the interview is that Dems don't go into enemy territory, with the exception of Booty Judge. I'm not saying going on Rogan would have changed the outcome, but it's emblematic of the Dems fading relevance. I keep hearing on this, but they still think it's 2012. They're 25 and still cool taste makers working for BuzzFeed. Impact memes are relevant, and getting on the daily show and SNL is still a big deal. But in reality they're pushing 40, uncool, unhappy wine aunts, hoping against hope they the next bumble date will go well. It won't. And podcasts and relatability is more important than ever
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Total zoomer death when?
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I will literally never forgive zoomers for cursing us with the r-slurred "here's a second video of someone playing a mobile game below the actual video" trend.
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Hopefully soon. But relatability goes all the way back to Nixon/Kennedy in 1960. Heck part of the reason Clinton beat Bush in 1992 was because he was seen as more relatable. I remember Republicans seething that Obama beat Romney because people would rather have a beer with Obama.
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Lmaooo yeah you could tell they always thought they were hotter shit than he was.
Ironic because Harris is basically a nobody rn and I really doubt her political career is ever gonna recover.
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It's outright crazy. She was a nobody then too. She dropped out before Iowa. She was picked to appease the progressive flank of the party. I know it's a chud talking point, but she was a DEI hire, especially during the summer of love.
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I sometimes felt like I was going crazy w/ people telling me she's not a DEI hire when Biden was literally like "imma pick a black woman to be my VP" and then picked her, somebody nobody liked, but she was a "black" woman (yeah yeah indian whatever don't care).
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The arguments I heard wasn't so much she wasn't DEI hire, but that all VP picks are "DEI hires" by nature - candidates pick someone from the other wing of a party to appease them, or from specific state/region they need to do better in.
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Her r-slurred
gay zoomers were responsible for that one allegedly. But im sure every blunder of the harris
campaign is actually
someone elses fault.
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Don Draper did a heckin' sexism in the 60s and now all white men must die
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I think he just did.
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That poster is all over that thread seething about moids just wanting to crack jokes with the boys.
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It also should be pointed out that it has a trans flag flair.
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s of neoliberal are all so predictable.
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Let's unpack this. Why do you think progressives are seen as "no fun?" It sounds like you might have a lot of internalized misogyny. Here are some Contrapoints videos if you want to learn how to do better.
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What? SNL? John Oliver? Jimmy Kimmel? Stephen Freaking Colbert? These aren't funny enough for you? All the humor lives on the left!
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Well, one made progress.
Yes. Now either admit women are incompetent or attention seekers, or go all the way around and say their suicide methods have been disenfranchised by the patriarchy.
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anybody who "tries" to kill themselves but fails is either (a) legitimately 50 IQ, like actually r-slurred, not like "haha ur dumb" but like "it should be illegal for you to sign a contract", or (b) didn't actually want to die.
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There's a spectrum here, but on one end there is definitely a heavy distribution of white women swallowing baby aspirin and slow crashing their cars with their seatbelts on.
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80% of suicides are men, women most affected
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For people who claim to have a data driven ideology they're sure incapable of seeing why comparing "suicide attempts" to "people dead from suicide" is beyond r-slurred.
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Because I'm a failure, okay? Is that what you want to hear, mom?
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Dudes just can't stop rockin'!
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It's so funny and cathartic that some lefties are beginning to realize they were the Christian Right of yesteryear. I've been saying this for years and won't stop until these lefties get it. I came across so many posts on reddit where it felt like I was reading all those tired points again. Being gay back then was bad because you're going to heck and you'll get socially ostracized. Now being gay is bad because you won't accept the gock and you'll be socially ostracized.
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The ol party switch
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I wasn't a real believer of the "le pendulum swing" that many
kept yapping about until the the past couple of weeks. Needless to say it's been great for the dramacoin. 
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I feel like it's downstream of their whole "only educated people are people" shtick. that was one thing when it was just elitist, since men do believe in hierarchy, but over time it morphed into being more about compliance and turning everything into a classroom environment. even degree-holding men are alienated by the complete lack of criticism towards these institutions and their role in ordering society. if dems want to win young men they'll have to stop being the party of school-likers.
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Someone called them the party of the kid who reminds the teacher that they forgot to pick up last night's homework.
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Does this require a three month postmortem. The democrat platform is all foid nonsense at this point
To average people it doesn't even seem like the dems care about kitchen table issues anymore. The commenters try to say it's the "vibe" pushing men away not substance but rhetoric is part of policy. What part of the platform should attract me? The part where I'm an inherently racist monster or the part where my paycheck goes to helping everyone but me?
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The interview actually addresses that. He brings up that the Dems explicitly went after women thinking they would gain 2 women for every man they lost. It's just wild. Like I said nothing profound, but the denizens of /r/Neoliberal are gonna do what their kind do best, speedrun. In this case speedrun losing 2026 and 2028.
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All you had to do was let us say r-slur
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I'm sure they will figure it out this time.
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The interview is actually pretty insightful. At the end Richard said that he's worried the left will take the wrong lessons from this. I imagine this was done before the DNC elections for their chairman. Excuse me. Chairperson.
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lmao I refreshed the page and they purged a whole subthread that started with this reasonable comment:
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There's also the fact that once a woman becomes a part of a male dominated space, a significant number of the males will start trying to have s*x with her, no matter how uggo she is.
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That's more of an issue with male dominated fields and a single woman, less so for fields that have become woman dominant.
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Snapshots: (click to archive)
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