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iirc an ocean impact would be more ideal as it would absormb more of the blast/have less atmospheric fallout


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Big butt tsunami would probably do more wide spread damage than a single ground impact would.


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yeah, butt the enbironmentla affects would.be shorter lived in theory as opposed to nuclear winter due to the sky being blackedout with ash/fallout


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There's no fallout r-slur asteroids aren't radioactive. There will be dust winter yeah

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fallout isnt exclusive to radioactivity. !superheroes !saiyans

why is it thst the dumbest amongst us :marseyamogus: the most likely to consider people who they either think are incorrect or who disagree are rslurred? Is it bc it is they who are rslurred? :marseyhesfluffyyouknow: thisnone surely is a :marseygigaretard:

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Yes it is r-slur.


Fallout doesn't just mean particles in atmosphere, it's only used to mean radioactive particles in atmosphere.

You could have spent literally 5 seconds to check yourself instead of writing this comment.

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!superheroes !saiyans !kowalski have you seen such a self own? The they could have easily cropped out the secondary definition to spuripusly make they point butt the they didnt.


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I guess I've really only heard or used it in the radiological fallout sense. But even Wikipedia says it's an official term for any type of aerosol deposition. Tornados, volcanoes, etc, all generate fallout. Why not a meteor.

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even you responding to my valid and brave yet controversial opinion, could be considered as fallout from the :marseytruthnuke: that I jist dropped about the nuance definitions of the word "fallout" :toddhoward:

:marseyfallout: !superheroes !saiyans when society finally falls, the future will fall to you


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What if fallout was just the friends we made along the way

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fallout isn't real

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like them birds

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@Redactor0 nuclear winter mentioned

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Thank you so much for remembering me. I love to b-word about this myth.


15 megatons

Are you fricking kidding me? My own species could do that in a few months without breaking a sweat.

I'm happy that the JWST can do this. I was worried because I know it's kinda like humans, it will go blind if it stares at the sun. I was afraid it couldn't fill Hubble's role looking at stuff in our own star system but apparently it's fine.

As for "NUCLEAR WINTER": :marseymad: :marseymad: :marseymad:

It's a pious fraud. It's what chuds imagine the CDC are doing right now. An idea that they know has been proven wrong but they keep pushing it for political reasons. If those political motives were right and really important, I might be totally fine with this. But it was:

  • Ronald Reagan wants to start a nuclear war.

  • The Soviets aren't escalating their deployment of advanced nuclear weapons.

  • !historychads (The Able Archer 1983 thing isn't 95% bullshit.)

  • Ronald Reagan wants to start a nuclear war but he'll only do it if there's enough sunlight for Nancy's flowers or something.

Well we tested out the political part. When the Russians were like, "hey, do you wanna end the Cold War?" and he was like "heck yeah".

But let's put ourselves in the shoes of Carl Sagan. What is he thinking?:

I wrote that book Cosmos and that bullshit actually went over on the r-slurs who are the general public. I am the king of the world. I looked around at what problems there were. The most obvious is that we need to avoid nuclear war. Now I don't care about the Soviets, you can completely trust them. :marseyangel: But Reagan desperately wants nuclear war What can we do?

I got an idea. Make nuclear war seem so bad that even Reagan doesn't want it! We'll lie and cheat in order to increase how much people don't want nuclear war.

So Nuclear Winter was born. Lots of smoke from burning stuff clogs up the whole atmosphere. You can't see the sun. The problem here isn't the concept, it's that they just straight up lied with a lot of their numbers. Imagine a woman from a minority group in your country that you hate, and she's in a grocery store ine the 1980s writing a bad check.

The CIA didn't believe it for a microsecond. The CIA's response was to worry if the Russians believed it. Their guys in the field went out and did their spy stuff and came back and said no. And then there's like half of the document that's "nuclear winter is bullshit, but how will the Soviets use this bullshit in propaganda?"

One of the numbers that proved this stuff was wrong was how much sunlight is deflected by smoke. This is the key to "Nuclear Winter". All the cities get nuked and burned up, the smoke rises up and blocks out the air. Okay. How much?. They assumed their claims wouldn't ever be tested. They put in some wildly ludicrous number. A few years later, bam, Saddam torches all the wells in Kuwait. Can you believe it? They probably imagined that unless there actually was a nuclear war their hypothesis wouldn't get a test. It did and it was a negative. Nuclear Winter was proved to be bullshit.

Next RedactorRant about the 1970s you want:

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Voted for Sagan

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In my humble opinion we still should test out the nuclear winter hypothesis by nuking Japan with 1000 Warheads :marseynukegoggles:

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Saddam torches all the wells in Kuwait. Can you believe it? They probably imagined that unless there actually was a nuclear war their hypothesis wouldn't get a test. It did and it was a negative. Nuclear Winter was proved to be bullshit.

Are those wells burning at all similar to nuking the world's developed cities?

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Hi grandpa :marseywave2:

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