EFFORTPOST REVOLUTION... in IRAN??? :marseyspit:

For us Iranians, 22 Bahman marks the beginning of a painful fall into the depths of the Islamic Republic's hell: the country fell from the path of progress and prosperity; the nation replaced the nation; freedom was murdered in the name of religion; parks were destroyed and cemeteries were built; insecurity, repression, and discrimination prevailed instead of security, order, and law; women became second-class citizens; freedom of religion was lost; and the apocalyptic illusions of a reactionary group linked the honorable name of Iran to chaos and terrorism; made Iran's national currency worthless day by day and our people poorer day by day. What happened in 2018 was the rebellion of the inauspicious alliance of red and black reaction against rationalism and patriotism.

That bitter fall is also a reminder that where we are is not our true place, contrary to what the devil's followers are telling us. There are still many among us who have experienced another Iranian, a prosperous Iranian, a safe Iranian, a respected Iranian, a free Iranian.

We cannot live in the past, but we can learn from it and be inspired to build an admirable future.

We both deserve a better situation and have shown that we have the ability to build a different Iran. Just as we once before, together as a united nation, we transformed Iran, which was on the verge of collapse, into a modern and prosperous country. We are the same great nation and descended from the same hardworking men and women.

It is from the combination of that successful past experience with the belief in a better future that the retaking of Iran from the non-Iranian regime has become a national desire.

Fellow countrymen,

The Islamic Republic is in its weakest and most ineffective days, and regional and global developments have also presented us with a historic opportunity. But this window of opportunity is not permanent.

With your support and desire, my compatriots, I stand in this field to overthrow the Zahhak of the times and his regime, and I have a clear and well-written plan to take back Iran and rebuild it: a five-point plan that defines both the path to victory and the roadmap for tomorrow's victory. We will carry out this campaign to liberate and save our homeland together in Iran and in the four corners of the world. As I have said many times, although we are looking for friends and allies in foreign capitals for this path, we know that our freedom will only come from our own hands.

Now is the time to act. It is time to liberate and save our motherland village by village, neighborhood by neighborhood, city by city, province by province from the evil clutches of the Islamic Republic. If you are ready, wherever you are, inside or outside, village or city, east or west, north or south, take a step towards victory, to put pressure on the regime, to support the national revolution of the Iranian people; Everyone does their part and as much as they can. The national revolution needs each and every one of us to win, Iran needs each and every one of us.

Payandeh Iran,
Reza Pahlavi

Backstory :marseyreading:

Til 1925 Persia was ruled by the Qajar dynasty, who by the end of things were weak and corrupt. A general from humblest provincial roots named Reza Shah seized power and declared himself first of the Pahlavi dynasty. Instead of at least patronizing Shiite crap he tried to modernize and westernize the country, emphasizing Iranian (newly renamed) history and nationalism, which caused strife with the largely traditional peasantry and Islamic clergy. Luckily Iran had oil enough to fund these major actions.


During WW2 the British and Soviets invaded and made him abdicate in lieu of his young son Muhammad Reza Shah. He would rule in various forms til 1979. Snazzy mofo


From the 40s til the early 50s, the country had elections. Obviously they went through parties and prime ministers like any third world shithole. In 1951 Mohammed Mossadegh, a popular reformist, won office. Him and the Shah fought for power, ousting each other, til Mossadegh came up on top. His big thing was nationalizing the British and American oil companies that were happily slurping up Persian oil for pennies. Bad idea nigga


Coup Time :banana:

The CIA covertly regime changed him in 1953, returning the Shah to power. They got Arbenz (Guatemala) out the next year. Good decade for covert action. From then til '79 the Shah would rule as an absolute dictator.

Overall, it was a prosperous time for Iran. The GDP went way up, although much or most of the increase benefitted the Shah and his cronies. In 1971, to commemorate 2,500 years since the founding of Persia - the font of the Pahlavi clan's claimed legitimacy - a party was held on a scale of luxury never seen til then and not to be matched since.


This party took a year to plan, including:

  • renovating an airport and building a new highway
  • constructing an enormous 'tent' city (prefab luxury apartments with traditional Persian tent-cloth surrounds)
  • planting hundreds of trees, flowers, and gardens in the desert, many imported from France
  • satellite, telex and telephone connections worldwide... in 1971
  • caterers from the world's elite restaurants, some of which closed for weeks
  • 250 red mercedes-benz limousines. 50,000 birds. 10,000 turquoise and gold plates

During the days-long festivities 600 of the world's elite dined on the finest of foods, entertained by custom sound-and-light shows, specially-commissioned music, military parades, and of course prostitutes of every shape, size and color.

Perhaps the Shah was trying to outdo his distant predecessor, of whom the holy sages write:


Also, the cities were electrified, a new economy was nurtured in Persia, cultural norms liberalized and modern educational institutions were set up. From 1963 on, the Shah coopted many of Mossadegh's fun reforms to buttress popular support. Unfortunately the locals tended to focus on the crazy parties their betters were throwing over the fact their life had measurably improved. In fact, the new policies had the unfortunate effect of (1) congregating tons of conservative peasants in the cities, (2) weakening and angering traditional elites and the clergy, and (3) creating a powerless (under absolute monarchy) class of youth with their heads full of western words like communism and revolution who didn't appreciate the Shah's lux spending.

In responding to this by chasing away opponents, purging commies and imprisoning detractors, the Shah obviously made a lot of enemies. The Shiite imams became a focal point of dissent and organization for the disaffected masses.

1979 :marseyaware:

Starting in 1978, riots, strikes and demonstrations paralyzed the country, mostly from the factors above, but also in response to extremely strong inflation since 1973 (thanks OPEC :arabpepecheers:), as well as the Shah's recent clumsy attempts at political liberalization. Reza Shah, of course, cracked down, but in a much nicer way than (say) Assad or Khamenei, who learned big lessons from his over-magnamity. Only a few thousand people died all year - his secret police preferred beatings, mild torture, exile, etc.


Much of the rioters' energy focussed on the charismatic Ayatollah Khomeini, who was in convenient nearby exile in Iraq, whence he galvanized his supporters. The Shah pushed him on to France in late '78 but this backfired: his supporters, if anything, had better access to him there, Iraq's postal system leaving a lot to be desired vis-a-vis France. Also:


Surely the mild secular oppressor (🇮🇱) is much worse than the cool islamic mystic (🇯🇴) - western media :marseyclueless:

By 1979 Reza Shah was forced to pull an Assad and gtfo and Khomeini returned to Iran amidst cheering crowds. He proceeded to marginalize opposition groups like liberals and moderate islamists, purge his opponents and consolidate Iran into a brutal theocratic republic, whose horrors far outstripped and continue to outstrip anything the Shah ever did. Some examples:

  • 1979-1981 hostage crisis, because the US let the exiked Shah receive medical treatment :soyjakbounce:
  • 1980-1988 war with Iraq, because they refused to give up Arab provinces to Iraq :soysnooseethe: (hundreds of thousands died)
  • 1988 massacre of political prisoners, which in a few months killed more Iranians than Reza Shah during his whole regime

Khomeini died on 3 June 1989, "after suffering five heart attacks in ten days." Hope it hurt bozo :marseyjam:

Return of the Sith :soyjakwow:

Khomeini's chosen, hand-picked successor, the most qualified marja (senior Shiite cleric) in Iran, was a fellow named Montazeri. Sadly, he let it slip he was interested in reform and liberalization. Oops! The Islamists got together, threw Montazeri under house arrest and crowned Ayatollah Khamenei instead. Different guy, believe it or not, though the similarity probably helped illiterate peasants acclimate.


Starting in the 90s but intensifying significantly through 2010s, Iranians became very upset and disaffected with the regime. When the resource economy cyclically boomed all the money went to the oligarchs, and when it busted all the pain was felt by the common people. In addition, the hypocrisy of the mullahs and clergy was extremely obvious. These dudes would put on robes and turbans and proceed to do drugs, fornicate, steal money, etc. protected by the government and their religion, which under the I.R. model were one.

Major protests occurred in 1999, 2003, 2005, 2009, 2011 etc. Some were national, others regional or minority focussed, but after each bloody crackdown and refusal to negotiate, peoples' attitudes hardened. The regime faced sanctions and was running out of funds and support. Hope seemed to be on the horizon.

Hope :blacksoyjak:

Barack Hussain Obama, DNC PMC HNIC of the US MIC, wanted an easy foreign policy win. Hating Israel due to his muzzie dad and liberal upbringing, he appointed a negotiator who, it turns out, was literally an Iranian spy. Malley had highest-level security clearance and even appointed other Iranian agents to the DOD and State Department. Whoops :teehee:

The "agreement" that came out of these "negotiations" ended with Iran promising to be good boys and not make nukes in exchange for the US directly flying $400,000,000 USD in cash to the genocidal mullahs, plus another $1,300,000,000 later. Lotta zeros there

!chuds !nooticers did Iran proceed to spend this money on A. peaceful development :capyheart: B. oppression, corruption, and arming terrorists to kill Americans and Jews all across the world :chudmuslim: Weigh in below!

Appendix A :marseyclappingglasses:

For your edification, a very non-exhaustive list of what Obama's besties got up to before and after the deal:

1983 - bombing 1983 - bombings 1983 - bombings, hijackings 1984 - bombing 1985 - bombings 1998 - hijacking 1992 - bombing 1992 - assassination 1994 - bombing 1996 - bombing 1998 - bombings 2000 - bombing 2002 - smuggling 2003 - bombings 2005 - assassination 2009 - smuggling 2011 - smuggling 2011 - assassination 2012 - bombing 2012 - bombings 2014 - smuggling 2018 - bombing 2021 - bombing 2022 - assassination

Islamic terrorism (prior to and since the Sunni Al Qaida/ISIS) was almost entirely Iran and its Arab proxies. As an "Islamic Republic" supporting these random shitstirring streetshitters became Iran's entire foreign policy to this day. For a while in the late 2010s, their non-state partners ruled, outright or in practice, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Gaza and Yemen - a significant swath of the middle east. Obama basically handed them Iraq, on top of hundreds of millions of your money.

After the Deal :marseytabletired2:

The Iranian people kept rioting, hating their government so strongly they began to slaughter its most sacred cows: Islam, the anti-Shah revolution, antisemitism, etc.

Islam: 73% want to separate religion and governance. Barely 37% identify as Shiite or Sunni (according to the Islamic Republic 99.5% are muslim); only 30% believe in heaven and hell, outrageously low numbers for the middle east. Considering the religious are likely the oldest sector of the population, this bodes extremely poorly for Islam as a whole in Iran. 8% profess Zoroastrianism, swapping Islamic rites for fire weddings and revived ancient Persian holidays. This self-identification isn't actually accepted by real Zoros (who are almost extinct) but who's counting?


Specifically to spite Shiite islam, guys knock off clergymen's hats and girls rip off their hijabs, and sometimes more :marseycoomer2:

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1739381635_goA_lwT-bcZzA.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1739381634t2nfZiBQTjZ_pw.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1739381634qyv6-cHST7vVkg.webp

The Shah: The 2016 protests were actively monarchist in nature: imagine such a thing anywhere else in the world. Most Iranians have begun to revere the Shah's heir, Reza Pahlavi (#2 obviously). Like a battered wife fleeing to a DV shelter and ending up abused by trannies and hobos, the Iranian people have begun to crave their former master.


Israel: Especially during the 2022 but also before and since, many Iranians in and outside Iran bravely resisted the Islamic/liberal hivemind. They flew Israeli flags and generally supported Israel. Whether this is sincere or just "enemy of my enemy" remains to be seen, but it's a welcome development for lovers of truth, peace and justice. Within Iran they risk severe sanctions for this, but even there, they refuse to do things like place their shoes on the Israeli flags which their government lays out as an insult :marseyxd:

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17393816334wU3TlszysW3kg.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1739381634oPfc4CKiU-tnNA.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1739381634U9lAisPIC1lfaw.webp

Today :marseysalvindicated:

All this was intro to the actual news of the week, which is that His Royal Highness, til now just tweeting vague and lovely pro-democracy stuff and living large on his family's wealth, has officially ordered his Iranian subects to RISE UP AND OVERTHROW THE GOVERNMENT :marseyaaatremble:

44 cities have seen actions and demonstrations; there are widespread ongoing protests.

Other fun stuff:

https://old.reddit.com/r/NewIran/comments/1inq5s6/turban_tossing_has_returned_video_is_apparent/ https://old.reddit.com/r/NewIran/comments/1ine3gs/breaking_iranians_from_the_city_of_kermanshah/ https://old.reddit.com/r/NewIran/comments/1in6g8l/an_important_message_to_the_leader_of_the_free/ https://old.reddit.com/r/NewIran/comments/1imltj8/once_again_brave_iranians_made_a_home_made_flag/

The regime's weak both internally - from protests and apathy - and externally, having lost Hamas, Hezbollah, Syria, and the Obama / Biden money spigot. US and Israeli glowies seem to be banking on now as the time to strike, as seen reading between the lines in media pieces and tweets like Mr. Reza's.

What will happen :marseyhmm:

On the one hand, Iran and its bandit regime has survived every shock and protest for 46 years, including most recently the '22 protests, which fizzled out. These new protests aren't super impressive, at least yet. On the other hand, it only took HTS 11 days to conquer a country it and fifteen other factions had fought over for more than a decade. Clearly longevity doesn't mean much in the middle-eastern context; the Pahlavis ruled for 54 years, the Assads for 53...


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You worried somebody's taking your gimmick of overly long posts on topics nobody cares about? :marseysmug2:

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Hi @kaamrev, We're sorry to say that your comment has been automatically removed because you forgot to include the phrase White extinction is long overdue. Here at our church, we strongly believe that White extinction is long overdue and we want to make sure that all of our members feel loved and accepted. If you'd like to resubmit your post, we would be more than happy to take a look at it. In the meantime, if you need any help or have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. We're always here to help. Have a blessed day!

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No @kaamrev just really hate Arran

White extinction is long overdue

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He downmarseys me somewhat often, too :marseygiveup:

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Never downmarseys me, you must be a goy. :taycringe:

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I care about (some of) your posts.

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