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:soycry: NOOOO! :soyjaktantrum: You can't use the mythical name Calypso :marseymedusa: , she was a heckin' MALE FEMINIST! :rape: :malefeminist: :marseyquadsconfused:




Please suggest some ancient Greek or other female names.

please no Calypso



the character in the odyssey is a male feminist


Oh yikes


yikes! this ain't it yall :soyjakhipster#: :soyreddit#: :soyjakferal#:

Oh noooo that was my childhood horse's name :(


and that's why we always do our research kids.

:smugjak#: :#soysmug: :#soyjakdancing2:

I didn't name the horse. The horse came with the name. Is the Odyssey a movie? I honestly don't know, what year did it come out?

:marseyfoidretard#: :marseywomanmoment2#: :marseybrainlet#:

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How do you like Greek mythology but hate r*pe?

:chad!black2: :marseybear::marseyrefrigerator:

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There was a feminist who did a feminist re-write of a bunch of greek myths a ways back and removed all the the r*pe. That by itself isn't a huge deal but she then claimed her version was how the origional stories were meant to be interpreted and her versions are now the ones a lot of people are familiar with.

Overly Sarcastic Productions, a generally rather soy youtube channel that does a lot of videos on mythology, even gave her shit for that one.

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I loved watching Hercules as a kid, but the scene where he r*pes Meg in the underworld was a bit too much

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Isnt like 80% of Greek mythology r*pe?

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