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Look at this drama that's gone forever because Aevann is a cute twink :!marseyshooting: :marseycapy:


That was before shadowban, this is after (every sub-comment is now gone, because I was the first reply):

@Aevann as its clear you're set on having shadowbanning and you're okay with it basically just being used instead of banning nowadays (or at least when a janny is weally weally sad when they ban someone), I doubt you're going to get rid of it. But you should really change it to only shadowdelete future comments. Otherwise, as I am incredibly good at generating dramatic threads/comment chains with every one of my accounts, you're just deleting threadfuls of existing drama each time, which is pretty clearly gay and r-slurred. You already have some kind of "delete all material from user" feature, right? Why not have that be separate from shadowbanning, for when its actually needed?

@geese_suck you are a massive cute twink. You either shadowbanned me yourself because u were crying about how I proved you wrong or went crying to some other stragmin to do it for you. Imagine being this much of a b-word hahahaha :marseylaugh:

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I hate shadowbans but i get that the bardfinn accusations needed to be stopped.

Edit: it should be solved with word replacer/robojanny/snappy

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Yea, it's gone from a good laff to a chris-chan level obsession

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tbh the only reason the bardfinn NFT thing needs to be stopped (and I suspect the only reason the jannoids care about it) is because it's basically textbook defamation and ain't nobody tryna go to court for this shit

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But haha the twitter people were threatening bardfinn and slavchad’s family because we got le epic YouTuber to say STEVE AKINS LOL :soyjakanimeglasses:

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That's unironically hilarious but I wouldn't be willing to lose a defamation case over it either lmaooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

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Defamation is a civil matter, and it would be a hard sell for that. Not really a concern, doubly so because you need money to hire an attorney to bring the suit. The issue there was criminal.

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You think? It's a knowingly false statement of fact spread to damage someone's reputation. It's a hard bar to meet in the US but this is kinda tailor made to do it.

What's your criminal concern? That some r-slurred twitter stan would actually kill him and all the rumor-spreaders would get hit with like, negligent manslaughter or some shit?

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So? He deserves it, and slavchad also deserves it (less so) for being r-slurred enough to have personal info on a twitter account

Lmfao if you guys didnt even get legal threats and this is you admitting why you mopped out. keep yourself safe

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So? He deserves it, and slavchad also deserves it (less so) for being r-slurred enough to have personal info on a twitter account

Lmfao if you guys didnt even get legal threats and this is you admitting why you mopped out. Keep yourself safe

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no I just hate fun

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Many such cases!

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thank you for being understanding <3

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Exactly. Besides, they probably don't want bardfinn actually swatted. But it doesn't matter because a bunch of normies suddenly know about bardfinn and are mad at him for preexisting reasons, which i imagine is what jannoids wanted all along.

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