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Our word filter has caused me to unconsciously mentally replace any instance “bipoc” with “BIPOC”


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nword turns into bipoc with the filter on right? or is there another filter that turns libtard words into the correct terms like bipoc -> nword :marseybateman:

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Reported by:
  • Monke : Evading the slur filter & IS LITERALLY WHITE

It turns nBIPOC into BIPOC yeah. No reverse filter; the filter serves three purposes:

  • preserves r/drama culture and shibboleths by forcing their use among new people
  • enrages the fringe rightoids who ruin every other alternative platform
  • makes us look better to our host, eventual curious journ*lists, and search results


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I also unironically think the word is crude.


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It is unbecoming of our gentle nature

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Carp I’m not tryna simp but just wanted you to know that I love these comments. Seeing the thought processes into decisions like this and why features work a certain way is always interesting and makes people feel a little more like an insider in the group. It’s something you never see on other websites which often seem like a black box of poor decisions.

dude BIPOC lmao

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We (deliberately) look like Angelfire and Geocities had an incestuous r-slurred FAS baby that survived a coat hangar and we try to keep everything seeming as whimsical and ridiculous as possible, but virtually every silly-end-product decision actually has a ton of thought put into it. The simps/haters lists, just as a random example, had a lengthy discussion behind their naming. Simps were almost called orbiters, but the biggest downside to that was "Simps for" would either become "Orbits" which makes sense if you think about it but you shouldn't have to, or "Orbits around" which suffers the same problems and is also really fricking long and sounds stupid. Can't remember the possible alternatives to "Hates" but some were good, though they'd necessitated changing "Haters" to something less fun and that's a non-starter.

We try really, really hard to make it look like we don't try hard, is what I'm saying :soyjakyell:

And all things considered, I'm very pleased with the results.


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Why is Haters not spelled H8rs?

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eventual curious journ*lists

narcissistic delusions in action

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yet you allow it to be disabled. curious :marseyshapiro:

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Yeah they should only allow to turn the filter off after a certain amount of time or drama coins 😶‍🌫️

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TBH I think you should be doing more to preserve drama culture. Too many comment threads are undisguised seethe nowadays.

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Saying "bipoc" out loud already sounds like a slur tbh.

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I read it as by-poke. The only time I’ve ever heard it said aloud is on Red Scare.


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I thought it meant bisexual people of color 🤦🏾‍♀️

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I read it as bi-poc (with the end like 2pac). Noone will change my mind on this.

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17187151446911044.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17093267613293715.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17177781034384797.webp

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You’re only supposed to read the subreddit and follow their Twitter antics, not actually listen to them speak.

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It’s a good show


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What about Family Man?


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It's supposed to be read "bee-pok", like ewoks, you know.

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Welcome to the euphemism treadmill

Where substance means little and appearance everything.

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what happened to 🏀?

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🏀 is ableist


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It was way better tbh

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I really miss it.

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Ive had the filter on the whole time, but i assumed people just said BIPOC because why wouldnt they. I thought the basketball emoji was the n word.

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I just use the basketball emoji sometimes now because i don't want my keyboard to start autocorrecting to (((bipoc))) if you know what i mean.

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I call them black people because im a decent human being

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I call them black people because im a decent human being

uses black instead of Black

[X] Doubt

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Point of privilege- ableism, im not educated.

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Counter point: being uneducated is a privilege and its not my responsibility to teach you

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Based white liberal

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I'm a decent human being

Then use person first language, it isn't even hard.

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You didn't capitalize "Black" chud be better :marseydisagree:

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every time I say BIPOC people think I'm saying a bad word


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Theyre not wrong

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nobody says bipoc you silly goose

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Literally exactly the same. I got made fun of for it!


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