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convenient how the only way to save the world is to steal more of my money raise taxes

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You have to be so r-slurred to be afraid of climate change.

Everyone's got an AC and a heater. People already live in tornado alley and Florida and they do fine. Human beings made it through a fricking ice age with sticks and animal skins, this shit will not even phase us. It might make life slightly worse in the third world but literally who cares.

The fact that the elites clearly do not give a frick at all should be a big indicator to these idiots that it's a nothing burger. Start worrying about the singularity and whatever other technological horrors we will unleash in the next century, not a minor change in temperature and a couple more storms.

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ice age didn't cause a mass extinction, the rate of thermal change was much slower.

and i'm not particularly afraid of it, i'm not sure if i'll live to see the ramifications. there are just consequences to being r-slurred, and one of those can be the end of the species. local populations have wiped themselves out throughout history ... humans just never had the ability to affect world climate until much recently.

so of course we're doing so at a rate far beyond what nature could do on it's own.

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In a hundred years, at the point where it might start to matter at all, our tech will be so unbelievably advanced that it might as well be magic. Think about the tech a hundred years ago compared to today. It doesn't matter.

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You are working under the assumption that tech is exponential. Until now it seems to be, but we are reaching the limits on how small we can make transistors, and that matters for computing power. We already hit the wall in frequency, around 5GHz is where it is, a Pentium 4 was capable of that. So we added more cores, and now that is still ongoing... But then were can we go next? where is also a limit of how much heat you can extract from a unit of area...

I think progress will slow down. We are already using quantum mechanics insights in processor design. And physics seems to be stuck. (I don't have a view into the latest developments, but I don't think the new 'quantum mechanics' or 'general relativity' is around the corner.)

Maybe I'm just a luddite, and will be proven wrong by the power unleashed of the networking of all programs and computing power. As well as the efficiency gains as technology matures. But I don't see any major breakthroughs happen.

Maybe quantum computing. If they can figure that out, then we have another paradigm shift on our hands.

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But then were can we go next?

Software. Most is terribly written and pisses away cpu cycles and eats ram for no good reason

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This is a really long way of saying you don't frick.

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but I don't think the new 'quantum mechanics' or 'general relativity' is around the corner

That's what they thought when they were right around the corner.

Maybe quantum computing. If they can figure that out, then we have another paradigm shift on our hands.

It's mostly here based on what quantum computing researchers I know say.

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Your argument begins with

If we ignore all precedent from the last thousand years or so and assume something different will happen

That is just about the worst foundation I have ever seen. More people + more tech = more advancement. This isn't complicated. People said the same thing a hundred years ago, and a thousand years ago.

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There's a TON of evidence that factor production has slowed down drastically and the growth we are seeing is concentrated only in a couple areas instead of broadly. If you take someone from 100 years ago to today they would recognize almost every major invention we have except for things like the internet. We have not had any major breakthroughs on the scale of electricity or the internal combustion engine.

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Well, the internet is on the scale of those things and removing it is a bit disingenuous because it was only 20 years ago. I would say modern smart phones have changed the world just as much too.

Idk admittedly I am not a nerd but I've just seen how things have changed over my relatively short life and it seems insane with no signs of stopping. As far as I am aware better ai and quantum computing are right around the corner and those should be huge.

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They are definitely not on the same scale. People stand today in a subway holding their black mirror and think, "wow I'm in the future" not realizing the subway they're standing in was built 50 years ago and barely works.

My whole point is that we have growth only in one narrow area and almost no where else. Biotech has some exciting stuff going on, but it's an overregulated sector that is unlikely to advance as quickly as computing has.

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crypto will save us, dont worry bro

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What about new architectures like RISC-V or just bringing back two socket mobos

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thermodynamics isn't magic, and isn't going to be solved by handwaving it away with "magic". might as well just state you're too r-slurred to understand the problem cause you're expecting "magic" to solve it.

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Imagine trying to explain a cell phone to someone in the 1920's. In a hundred years we will have cowtools beyond your imagination, and we already have the cowtools to survive even the most outlandish climate doomsday theories.

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Imagine trying to explain a cell phone to someone in the 1920's.

i could do that pretty easily actually

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Not even people in the modern age actually understand how they work

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Tell me you're r-slurred without telling me you're r-slurred.

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it's a small telephone that you can carry around and works without being connected to a wire.

:marseyvibing: The Democratic Party will collapse by 2030. :marseyvibing:
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"It's a tiny phone that works off of radio and a battery"

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Being a "phone" isn't even the primary function of the modern cell phone

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fricking reeetard

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Imagine trying to explain a cell phone to someone in the 1920's

imagine trying to explain to them how to fix nitrogen for fertilizer. oh wait, that's right, the Haber process was invented in 1909 and we've haven't come up with anything better cause technology still isn't magic.

we already have the cowtools to survive even the most outlandish climate doomsday theories.

worst case we trigger venus (which is the inevitable end state of earth anyways, the question is only a matter of when). we literally don't have the cowtools to survive that.

it hurts talking to r-slurs.

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worst case we trigger venus

Youre right that we wouldnt survive that, but it doesnt matter cause that will never happen until the sun swallows us.

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it's gunna happen long before the sun swallows us buddy.

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If worst came to worst with major resources we could probably build a generational ship right now. Easy in 50 years.

Not that it matters because we are talking about a slight change in temperature and a few extra storms every year by any reasonable prediction.

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you realize that self-sustaining biosphere experiments have so far failed.

delaying climate change doens't require any serious unknowns, but ya major resources would be needed. sooner than later for it to be meaningful.

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look at microsd cards, compared to hard drives 40 years ago.

A piece of plastic the size of your pinkie nail, storing over 8,000,000,000,000 individual 1s and 0s, practically waterproof, and costs less than a tank of gas


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I have a 1 tb micro SD in my phone with like 500k books in it. I'm not even sure a library with 500k books even existed 40 years ago.

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"lol"? "Lol"?! What the frick does that add to the conversation? If you don't have something to say be silent

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Holy shit I recognize you now, you are that gambling scam artist. Go frick (((yourself))), you will burn in heck. I'm adding you to my enemy list.

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:marseylaugh: :marseylaugh: :marseylaugh:

Also I never scammed anyone but if I did and you fell for it it would be your own fault.

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TRUST THE HECKIN SCIENCERINO :sciencejak: :sciencejak: :sciencejak:

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I distrust and hate scientists in general but that doesn't mean I'm going to pretend we aren't advancing as a species.

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local populations have wiped themselves out throughout history

Yes, when we were a scattered group of savages with extremely limited capabilities. Things are very different now, we are highly adaptable and have many cowtools, and in the future we will have many more.

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Its funny how goons on reddit will go on about heckin snowstorms but then cheer when AI manages to control another aspect of humanity.

We can generate human faces from scratch. We can put peoples faces onto other heads and make the head sing, and theres even joke apps about it. :sciencejak: :sciencejak: :sciencejak: are gonna kill us all

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They cheer on AI because they assume someday the AI will be able to do their job in the communist utopia inshallah

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I still fully believe when everything collapses, people will break him out of supermax and he will reign over the New America

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Yeah, when everything collapses...


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Two weeks

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"Hes just like me!" Says man from internet

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Yeah im nothing like him. Wouldnt dream of it.

Btw ive got a package coming in, can you grab it for me

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Big Titty Mommy AI :marseynut:

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Start worrying about the singularity and whatever other technological horrors we will unleash

Im not worrying, im preparing

:marseyunabomber: :marseyunabomber:

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gr8 b8 m8

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I am dead serious, you are just dumb. Climate change is not going to do shit to first world countries. It will never matter at all.

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He is unironically a schizophrenic Nazi, leave him alone

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Oh look it's (((you))) again. It's incredible that out of the sheer volume of shit I've seen spew out of your keyboard you have never stumbled on a crumb of intelligent thought, even by chance. You don't even have the grace to be moronic in an entertaining way, it's just non-stop forgettable drivel.

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Wake up babe, new Snappy quote just dropped :marseygift:

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Post in megathread

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This would be a lot more insulting if it wasnt coming from a man who thinks the Jews are stealing his semen

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That is not a view I have ever expressed, I actually donate my semen regularly in order to spread my superior genetics. Though it honestly would not surprise me at all if the NWO intercepts my donations out of fear.

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tfw no big khazar milker gf to steal your aryan semen


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Unbiased bystander here.

Your insult kinda sucked, it just goes on on on about the same idea just in heavily descriptive and varying language, but ultimately too vague and not targeted enough to be truly biting. The prose is decent, but putting myself in the receiver’s shoes I literally would just laugh. When you sound like you’re seething, especially when your audience is a dramacel, you’ve already lost and are just giving them free entertainment.

If this is actually a copypasta, then that’s my review of it, it’s like basically every heavily verbose 4chan copypasta.

A score of 4/10 SNSP (standard navy seal pasta[s])

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Your insult kinda sucked, it just goes on on on about the same idea just in heavily descriptive and varying language

Also not a copypasta I'm all oc baby. Your post is three times as long as mine with half the substance and your prose walks on three legs.

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:#marseypizzashill: :brainletmaga:

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There really does need to be a religion called Schizophrenic Nazism.

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Pretty much every unironic modern Nazi is schizophrenic.

I just hate Israel and it's people, like 90% of other nations throughout history. That doesn't make me a Nazi.

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i was going to ask about the most populated areas of the netherlands which are under the risk of sinking, but you specified "first world countries" so never mind

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They aren't just going to sink in a day, they will have plenty of time to adjust. Many cities have sunk into mud over the years but we've never called that an existential crisis.

But also yeah frick the Netherlands smug c*nts

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first world countries are immune to rising sea levels. this is a well known fact.

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Sea barriers / just move inland. It isn't going to happen overnight, we'll deal with it as it comes. Very minor problem.

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yep. very minor problem to either move millions and millions of people inland or build billions and billions of dollars worth of walls.

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Its going to move at like an inch a year. We'll figure it out.

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Relocating millions of people? Walls? Sounds like a job for :israel: :marseymerchant:

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Stfu cringe BIPOC :marseyropeyourself:

every year for the last 25 years it's the same shit, the Amazon is reducing like that, the Niger river in Nigeria where the BIPOCians live is getting heckin polluted so much that the Africans won't be able to use it anymore.

And then you see even the Chernobyl plants have been overrun by natural growth within 3/4 decades. The earth turning into an inhospitable zone of fireball is only believed by mouthbreathing fat lard doomers like you who think it's going to give their pathetic life some meaning..watching the end of history or some shit :soyjackwow: :soyjakfront:

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R-slur Mutts especially will be fricked hard in a worst case climate scenario. Have fun occupying Canada and patrolling the border to shoot Hard-working Americans so you can some actual arable land.

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Ok on second thought this sounds absolutely based and I will look for a brand new Truck to make this reality come to be asap.

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Every real dramatard rolls coal

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The fact that the elites clearly do not give a frick at all should be a big indicator to these idiots that it's a nothing burger.


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Those are for a nuclear war, not climate change. Or any number of other actually possible doomsday scenarios.

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Great post! I'm a collection for you:


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It's true, regardless of how many objective facts and flawless pieces of logic I post doomercels will still not accept the truth.

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The (((elites))) don't care because they'll be dead by the time climate change fricks us over.

Also literally anyone who knows shit about chemistry can figure out that climate change will become a problem.

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Oh yeah because the elites never care at all about their legacy or descendants 🤨

Generational wealth is the primary difference between the rich and the poor dumbass, that's how an aristocracy works

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They unironically really don't. They're hedonists, through and through.

Also did you pass high school chem you r-slur? The continued creation and emission of CO2 into the atmosphere causes the atmosphere to retain more heat.

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Cool bro like I said I have an AC unit and in a hundred years when it actually matters we will be able to easily fix it with our ridiculous tech

Also no, you are stupid, they care a lot about retaining their family wealth. They aren't just mindless hedonists lmao this is why you and your family will stay poor

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Holy shit dude are you braindead? You're a waste of semen lmao

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YOU are a waste of semen. Your entire family is an enigma of evolutionary failure where somehow by extraordinary chance your r-slurred ancestors have stumbled on other r-slurs to frick. If you can't understand the concept of generational wealth you are hopeless. Obviously the people in power give a shit about their next generation that's how they've maintained power for hundreds of years Jesus Christ

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Darn dude carp should hire you as Snappys ghostwriter.

Anyways, keep talking about why it doesn't make sense socially for the elites to do what they do. I don't care.

Sociology is a meme science compared to actually sciences that offer actual evidence, like chemistry. You're just too stupid to understand the latter.

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Climate change is nothing but a communist ploy. If the people all up in arms about it actually cared they would be sucking nuclear energy’s peepee. Instead they b-word about how everyone must eat bugs, live in cubes, and get rid of their vehicle or else we all gonna die.

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The secret truth is that people are just r-slurred and care more about bring morally pure than about solving a problem. Thats why they are gung-ho about climate change but also hate nuclear power.

Theyre not even wrong that nuclear power is too risky imo. Accidents will always happen eventually, no matter how good your procedures and design. But throwing nuclear power out as a transitory technology to be able to shift away from fossils while maintaining energy security is a completely different discussion. Its about managing and accepting risks on a timescale of 50-100 years probably. Considering the west has used nukes since the 50s and had no significant accidents, that seems a fairly acceptable risk to take.

But again, its not about a solution, but about being morally pure in your proposal even if that makes it impractical.

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The fact that the elites clearly do not give a frick at all

Not true. They care very deeply about the masses believing that climate change is a great existential threat, and that only by giving said elites additional power, money, money, woofie or whatever, can anything be done about it. That aside, I agree with you, as long as you believe Trans Lives Matter.

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Personally I believe that people will spend 90% of their time within virtual spaces in about 50 years so you might as well get on board with trains now

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But climate change can easily be proven to be true. CO2 is a greenhouse gas that causes heat to be retained in the atmosphere. More CO2 in the atmosphere means the atmosphere retains more heat, meaning the global climate warms.

It's not rocket science dude.

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tfw the leaf government steals six figures of income from you every year and uses it on diversity programs instead of something cool like blowing up brown people

Feels bad, man.

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Rather than trying to do literally any tangible measure to help the environment, I heard on npr that nationalizing the energy sector is literally the only play

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government agency wants government to have more power


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