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Histrionic foid screams at gay men. It's not very effective.


Ooh she's triggered. That time of the month hun?

Henni, we don't wish to understand you either. You and your hysterics on steroids are not our concern, nor you're the center of our lives.

lmfao no. being homosexual is innate and no gay male wants kitty and no homosexual female wants peepee.....

a heterosexual female can never be a gay man.

And the best yet

I’m not reading all this


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You don’t have to date me but I’ll punch your fricking lights out if you call me a woman.

(wo)manlet rage

Trans people are some of the worst misogynists.

Kinda surprised more feminests aren't TERFs.

Sassy gay guys absolutely dunking on him


https://i.rdrama.net/images/17092367509484937.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17093267613293715.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1711210096745272.webp

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I don’t really have an outlet for that at all so I came here

There are dozens of troid subreddits, yet she chooses the one populated by actual gay men. Did she send this from the bathroom she was currently crying in?

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All these askgaybros train posts look like intentional bait posts to bring out the "trainsphobia" so they can post it on ahs and cry to badmins about it

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