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[FINAL POST???] Official rDrama Tribunal - rDrama Foid Popularity Contest - Billie EiIish Appreciation

Good day.

In light of personal shit going on in my life, I've decided I'll be going on an indefinite hiatus of regular/habitual commenting and posting on rdrama.net. Currently, I have six 1-hour pins and 35,541 dramacoin. I will be keeping this post pinned as long as possible. My membership has also been cancelled for now, so no more sigs. I considered leaving quietly but that wouldn't be dramatic, now would it?

However, you didn't click on this for a stench blogpost, so ill save that shit for the end. For right now, this post will separated four sections.


I have amassed a list of rightoids and their co-conspirators on this website. For their crimes, I will be issuing awards to each of them based on my own judgment and experiences.

@R_F_V-2's profile picture@R_F_V-2

I have no idea who you are, but you are on my list. For your crimes- a pizzashill award, because it is the cheapest. Wear it as a badge of shame.

@boo's profile picture@boo

Ladies and gentlemen- the one and only. You have been charged with ban evasion, chudposting in the first degree, singing like a cute twink, muttposting, marsey spamming, and being a general rightoid cute twink worthy of the 8chan golden era.

For your crimes, four days of ban awards. May God have mercy on your soul.

@humancuck's profile picture@humancuck

From your comment history, it seems you are no longer an active user of this website. You have been pardoned in absentia.

@WWBFBBC's profile picture@WWBFBBC

For sneeding at me, labeling me as a safe space liberal cuck, and general rightoid seethe- a chud award. Wear it as a badge of shame.

@KAT_B0T's profile picture@KAT_B0T

Based on comments I've read in the past, you are guilty of being a 4chan /pol/ cute twink. (you are a disease on 4ch, man. I can't view one fricking irrelevant thread without one of your types showing up and screaming about jews. Let me nut to the frickin billie eilish twerk webms so I can frick off in two minutes and do something productive.)

You have also been seen commenting about /pol/ jannies being not that bad ("no man, we have a based :marseytrain: on staff! I have a black friend!)

However, in spite of that, you seem like an okay guy who just hasn't realized 4ch is dead yet. For your crimes, a standard chud award.

During these proceedings, I would like to honor a few of my favorite people on this website.

@idio3's profile picture@idio3

Personally, i have a real hatred for communists- mostly because dogwalkers have poisoned the well. You are a part of a turbo idealistic ideology that believes humans are capable of sharing.

A wise man once said "never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake." Time and time again, you have ignored this, and taken my fellow rightoids to task on some of the things they've said. Strong criticism makes a movement stronger.

For your efforts- a reward of 2000 dramacoin have been deposited into your account. Good luck to you and yours in the revolution.

@Aevann's profile picture@Aevann

I won't waste your time because I have a legit deal of respect for you. You've created a phenomenal "culture" here. The internet would be a better place if everyone treated it like a dramanaut. Outstanding customer service. When I ask you about issues etc, you respond in a polite and helpful manner. You care about donators here but you do not put them on the highest pedestal.

For you, a tribute of 2000 dramacoin.

@pizzashill's profile picture@pizzashill

Wherever you are, you're great. Peak drama. Keep seriousposting. Keep killing rightoids and women.

No dramacoin for you.

@carpathianflorist's profile picture@carpathianflorist

You're funny and cool. I'll give you 2000 dramacoin if I have any left.


For being a fun fella to talk to, dropping constant posts, and being a hitman playing giga-chad, Stench awards you 2k DC.


A great deal of psychos on this website have asked me about this. You should keep yourselves safe, lol.

For some time now, I have kept a running list of silly c*nts on this website. Some of these silly whores have made a spectacle of themselves by shitposting about Metadrama, giving out their phone numbers or some shit, or stupid frickin birds, or fake schizoposts.

As a TERF myself, I believe this cannot go unanswered. For this blatant attention seeking- a poll. A popularity contest for rdrama's bestest foid (tm). Please enter your votes now.May the best foid win.


I was going to go on an unhinged schizopost about this lovely woman, but I'll just drop a series of links to songs you might like if you want to get into her. She really does make some good stuff to settle down to.

Also one of these days I hope to God I can get her pregnant. Imagine the amount of breast milk she puts out. Forget it. I'd drink 10000 calories of that shit per day inshallah. Look at the size of her frickin jugs, man. That spotify photoshoot was insane. Swear to God I researched backstage ticket passes to one of her shows just to meet her but im an antivax gigachud who would be sniped in the parking lot.

Just a few songs to get your feet wet. Try some remixes. She is a bit of an acquired taste.


Heres a long straggy rant about my neurodivergent descent into doomscrolling here, and how it temporarily made me a bitter fat r-slur irl.

I decided I'd stop for a while here because I started to get dreams about posting here. I'd also be staring at my phone so long that my eye would start twitching. I hate that shit. It's embarrassing.

There's been a lot of irl shit and projects I've been neglecting. The last frickin thing I need is to be laying on my deathbed thinking about the hours I'd frickin spend on here screaming about :!marseytrain:s and rightoids and posting orange cats on some niche stragsite for people whos souls are screaming, asking why we can't go back to a day where we'd call up peoples grandmothers and scream POOLS CLOSED and then post the vocaroo link to /b/.

I've got shit to do- hopefully a legacy to be made. Don't give into nihilism. Make something of yourselves, boys. No drugs, no alcohol. Have a cigarette, a coffee, and start frickin grindin. God unironically loves you.

Also, please consider donating to this site. Five dollars is a good package deal. Aevann and the rest of the dumb frickin jannies here deserve it. Spread the good word.

I might be back in the future. Youll still see a brief comment here or there. Who frickin knows or cares. The terminally online shit stops for now.

Yall keep killin it. God bless.

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Are you really that thirsty?

Honest to God ive never DMed any of them. I like annoying the shit out of ted though.

You would rob your own children of their breast milk?


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how many scrotes dmed you bout us foids :marseysipping:

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Are you or would you jar your toe jam and bellybutton lint and send it for dramacoin?

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:marseydisagree: :marseypuke: :marseyblowkiss:

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Oh even better idea. Send me your bile so that I may consume it m'lady

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lmaooo I legit cracked a smile you frickers funny af despite being r-slurs 💁🏾‍♀️

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Why would you laugh at my attempts to win a virtuous lady by consuming her wastes and gaining her power?

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virtuous lady

:marseysweating: ye im both of those bb not a ghetto b-word at all :marseysweating:

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I am familiar with the works of Sir mix a lot, and I tippeth mine hat upon thee

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Between comments and DMs, id say maybe 5+?

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shit negro that ain’t bad tbf only a handful of inkwells stupid brave or coomer enough to dm you 🤭

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I also enjoy annoying @TED_SIMP's profile picture@TED_SIMP. I will continue to do so in your absence king.

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Hi queen! :marseyxoxo:

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why does your profile pic keep changing?

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Because I don't have an uploaded profile pic. What would you like it to be queen???

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a bird!

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There we go, went with a classic bird.

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