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ATTENTION: Ukraine is a fabrication.

There is no such thing as Ukraine. There was never any such thing as Ukraine.

As one the larger memeplex looked to the Wikipedia article on a president, supposedly elected, supposedly peacefully, that was completely fictional in every way.

So Russia, which does exist, is not invading anything. All of its troops are at home. The elaborate mirage of the media machine is composing a false war, as fictional as the pandemic, in order to leverage further the systems of control over we, the cattle.


Keep your eye on the ball: getting the boomers out of power before they ruin us all. Don't let this fake war propagated by THE MACHINE distract you.

Slava Ukraini!

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aaaah help my ironic mask is slipping ~~~~

Why do you bother with a mask? People can see through it, and anyway it's easier just to be genuine rather than engage in the elaborate exercise of pretending not to mean what you say.

It is a lot easier to point to a removed and powerful entity as the cause of our problems than to be introspective.

I agree with you theoretically, but the practical reality is rich people collude to make themselves richer and every so often you have to use the government to rough them up for change. Now is one of those times. Taking the rich people's money away from them will help us because a current problem of our government is the rich people have deliberately lied to the people about climate change and its effects on the world. The oil companies have locked the controls. This is a problem that we actually have right now, and it's solved most immediately by following the precedent of trust-busting.

the lack of culture is a result of a conscious effort by the elites.

No our present lack of culture is a bit of a difficult conundrum, but it's mostly a dense accumulation of spectacular effects: effects which have no cause, but appear to be caused by some entity which wants to subjugate humanity utterly. The entity isn't real, but the effects of its complete and total control are real.

That's just ordinary living: Guy Debord recognized this in the 60s.

But something additional is at work. I think it's a product of boomer mass culture specifically, which is a topic on its own.

No offense, I just can't grok what the sentence is supposed to mean

Ok so a big important idea out of postmodernism is the understanding that the way we tell our stories affects our reality of them, it in many ways is our reality, so it becomes very important what stories you tell. If you tell stories of averages you're baking in the assumptions that come with essentializing the things you're averaging. The more you look at differences in average wealth across races, the more race shall be how you tell the story of the world.

But averages aren't real. They are a statistic reflecting a likelihood, and most importantly, a spread.

You have no information on a random person you just met who has a skin color, but if you get to thinking of races and averages, you might fool yourself into thinking you do have information on them. This is the dilemma of statistical knowledge. In the right hands it can point to meaningful insight. In the wrong ones, it can trap you in the wrong way of thinking.

If to have wealth is to be successful by "civilization's own metrics", and if having wealth improves people's lives, which I think it does, then "success by civilization's own metrics" does matter.

If the story you tell yourself is these people are just this way, then you will be less inclined to listen to stories about how these people came to be that way. So: until every American child has received the same standard of education, the numbers just point to a problem. Whether that number is achieving a dollar amount of income, or a score on a goddarn test, it's just a fricking number. Our education systems are still separate and unequal.

If you bought the state propaganda that said racism was over, well, it isn't. I bought the state propaganda for longer than I cared to admit.

In short I don't take this statement for granted.

It's imprecise. The true caged ones don't even see the bars. I at least learned to shut up and stay still.

I will say I am more pro-authoritarian than your average person.

It's good that you can recognize this.

Why should I not go along with what the machine wants? :marseybootlicker2: tasty

And this is the bargain with the machine, which no one can rise above.

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Why do you bother with a mask? People can see through it, and anyway it's easier just to be genuine rather than engage in the elaborate exercise of pretending not to mean what you say.

Being serious is boring and is for the small minded. :marseydisagree: The more you take politics seriously, the more the energy vampires get you :marseydracula: Ultimately most political debates aren't worth having. Rightoids talking to rightoids = boring. Leftoids talking to leftoids = boring. Rightoids """Debating With""" Leftoids = boring, because they are just trying to score goals for their side. So it is more entertaining to wear a mask. Better yet is not having these sorts of discussions. I think that the apolitical are generally better off in every way, but I am not there yet because I have :autism: so I have to think about something 24/7, and politics is my chew toy.

Also, I don't think as many people can see through it as you might expect. you can see through it, because I am speaking candidly, but I have been called a leftist many times on here, when this is not true. LOL ping collectijism or boo and ask them where they think I am on the compass.

Taking the rich people's money away from them will help us because a current problem of our government is the rich people have deliberately lied to the people about climate change and its effects on the world.

See that's where I disagree. Sure they lie to boomer republicans that watch Fox news. Fair. But the problem I have with all of this climate change stuff is that at the end of the day, the big oil companies aren't just burning oil for shits and giggles. The oil companies are profitable because we expect the quality of life that comes from burning oil. We want cheap gas and transportation and we will pitch hissy fits if we don't get it. We make them rich because they give us what we want.

Democratic citizens are some of the dumbest people imaginable, and I say that being one of them. We demand things that are mutually exclusive and get pissed off when we don't get them. An example I gave of this a while back is imagine two politicians running for office. One wants to build a park, which requires an increase in taxation. The other doesn't want to build a park, but wants to keep taxation low. Who wins? Neither. The winner is the third candidate who promises both low taxation and a new park. Sure, it is impossible for this to work, but the voter is divorced from the reality of situations at hand, and the politician is all too ready to exploit this.

I think it's a product of boomer mass culture specifically

See, we agree. That's exactly what I think.

But averages aren't real. They are a statistic reflecting a likelihood, and most importantly, a spread.

Sure... causation and correlation and all that. But with such an unusual spike, surely there is something that can be gleaned from it? with the context of the stories we tell influencing our reality, it seems that what you are encouraging is sticking your head in the sand and ignoring things if you don't want to accept the conclusions that the facts would suggest, rather than engaging with them and showing why they are (or aren't) significant. This has the benefit of keeping us from thinking things that we believe currently to be immoral but also has the side effect of disconnecting ourselves from reality. I would argue that it is impossible to be a moral person unless you consciously pursue knowledge about reality. Otherwise, at best you are a happy oaf that ends up doing good without realizing it, at worst you are actively participating in immoral actions.

I, on the other hand, decide to consciously engage in immoral actions. :marseypsycho:

In short: It seems that you are avoiding the question because you don't like any of the conclusions that they question might evoke. Which is fair. I wouldn't ask other leftists this question unless I was trolling them. For you, however, I am genuinely interested in why you think this phenomenon exists.

If the story you tell yourself is these people are just this way, then you will be less inclined to listen to stories about how these people came to be that way. So: until every American child has received the same standard of education, the numbers just point to a problem. Whether that number is achieving a dollar amount of income, or a score on a goddarn test, it's just a fricking number. Our education systems are still separate and unequal.

Wealth or Education? Wealth is certainly society's number, and it isn't a fair number, I agree. It is, in fact, rather arbitrary. However, we can consider four types of people: The Smart Rich, The Dumb Rich, The Smart Poor, and the Dumb Poor. The Dumb Poor likely isn't going anywhere, unless he wins the lottery, lol. You would probably be skeptical of the notion that the Smart Poor can pull himself up by his bootstraps, and I'll agree with you for now. That leaves me with the Dumb Rich and the Smart Rich. I believe that the Dumb Rich lose their money within their lifespan, because they never invest or do anything with the money. This is the "Frat Boy" type who partied it up on daddy's money -- I assure you, his money won't last long after daddy dies. That leaves us with the Smart Rich, who I believe are the real rich, the actual "elite" such as it were.

My semi-ironic Judeofascism (lol) is based on the notion that Jewish wealth is intergenerational because there are so many "Smart Rich" in their numbers. The sort of people that are really good at numbers, or clever when it comes to business dealings, which ends up making them the real powerhouses of the current world order.

I agree with everything you're saying but I think there are a few puzzle pieces that haven't been fitted together. Do rich kids go to nice schools? Of course. Do all people that go to nice schools come out being geniuses? No, of course not, some clearly come out as wastrels. Do dumb people actually retain their wealth? Not unless they have a smart person managing it... and you have to be smart to realize you need a smart person managing your wealth. How do Jews have enough money to keep sending their kids to nice schools? Well, there's the million dollar question!

And this is the bargain with the machine, which no one can rise above.

Rise above? lol. Who can rise above? What would that even mean? The machine feeds me more food than I could ever grow on my own. It pays me to do things I like more than heavy manual labor. It clothes me, it keeps me safe, it keeps me warm. The system seems to be working for me.

Edit: in case it isnt obvious I am not Jewish lol

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