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I need help with English language

If we say

I love Aevann more than you

Does that mean

I love Aevann more than I love you


I love Aevann more than you love him

Maybe I'm stupid but I can't figure it out which one it is, English isn't my native language and in my language there is clear difference between subject "you" and object "you".

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It can mean both, it’s ambiguous like the gender of some people. The tone and context would dictate meaning. I am a native speaker (UNLIKE @chiobu :marseyloveyou:), so that’s my explanation.

In the context of you cheating on carp with Aevann, then it would mean you love Aevann more than you love carp.

In the context of a thread with many people who love Aevann and think he’s great, then it would mean you love Aevann more than the person you’re talking to loves Aevann.

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umm singlish is cute and valid :marlion:

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You know it ain’t like that. Love you bro.


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singapore , the country where everyone is billingual. Eventhough in reality everyone just speaks two languages half as good :marseysmug2: .

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You catch no ball lah :marseychingchong:

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Oh, that makes sense, but i would never cheat on Aevann. Thanks.

Edit: Oh I reread it, and I would cheat on carp tho, sorry fish.

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What's Marsey to him, or he to Marsey,

That he would weep for her?

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It can mean both

Is this common in language or is English just a giant :#marseyshrug:

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Russian allows for the same ambiguous wording but it sounds awkward and every native speaker would rather choose one of the two distinct forms so idk. Maybe it's a synthetic vs analytic language thing :tayshrug:

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In this case it's because the English collectively decided that the word 'thou' was kind of stupid sometime around 1680.

Also wait until you see Japanese levels of ambiguity.

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In this case it's because the English collectively decided that the word 'thou' was kind of stupid sometime around 1680.

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If you wanted to say

I love Aevann more than you love him

You'd probably say it like:

I love Aevann more than you do

Otherwise it sounds like first option

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It could be either, based on context.

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This would be acceptable but poor form in English. β€œYou should write I love aevann more than you do” to indicate your love is greater.

While you can use contextual clues to solve the ambiguity, it’s still better form to be clearer in less words

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I love Aevann more than I love you

this feels more natural

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:marseychingchong: know your place

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Thank you.

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It’s the first one you illiterate r-slur

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man short people sure are angry always

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Lol you have 3 followers

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i do?!


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Yes it’s pathetic

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I have 4 now shorty

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Still doesn’t change the fact you’re Indian

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yes, an Indian who is taller than you

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I’m taller than most Indians I’ve met and regardless even if I were shorter than you, at least I’m not a disgusting street shitter sexy Indian dude lmao it never even began for you

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English is a dumb language a lot of time because it can be left ambiguous like other users have pointed you.

Just from what you wrote, if you said this to me, I would think that you were saying that you loved Aevann more than you love me… which is completely reasonable because Aevann is adorable.



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and he fails...

:#marseykaiser: :#marseybong: :!#marseykaiser:

Just think at the ambiguous -s at the end of a word, especially in spoken bong, that has like 10e3 different meanings

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  1. Plural formation
  2. Third-person singular present verbs
  3. Sometimes etymologically in possessive lemmas and adverbs.

#3 doesn't really parse as an affix for most people (and it's largely non-productive in both cases, best I can tell). #2 is the fault of the vikings (Old Norse btfo), and without it we'd have lost all regular inflection in the present tense by now. Who needs inflection when you can use auxiliary verbs and word order to resolve ambiguity.

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Quaddy I love you more than aevann can ever understand

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Yet you ban awarded me yesterday :marseybackstab:

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I was bored and you were in my way :marseyshrug:

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Trans lives matter

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It depends where you put the emphasis

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It's either because it's bad informal English.

I love Aevann more than you [love him]

We some words when using these comparative sentences: "My life matters more than yours" v. "My life matters more than your life matters."

Generally, people mean the first interpretation in your example, but they're still dumb as that rentoid Yankee.

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it's the first one

:#marseyquadmagyarpat: :#marseyspecialpat:

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It means trans lives matter

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I love Aevann more than you love him

That would be the most direct meaning imo. Would partially depend on tone but the above would be the best in all realistic cases.

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Since almost everyone replying is neurodivergent or a foreigner, let me spell how a native speaker would say this:

"I love Aevann more than you" = "I love Aevann more than I love you"

"I love Aevann more than you do" = "I love Aevann more than you love him"

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it all means the same thing

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It can mean both but if I read it for both meanings the intonation is different in my head voice

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We call upon Reddit to take action against the rampant Coronavirus misinformation on their website. Everyone on this planet has been affected by the SARS-Cov-2/Coronavirus/Covid-19 pandemic. You may have been in lockdown, you may have been forced to work under some form of duress, you may have lost a loved one to the disease, you may be left with long term side effects of the illness, you may have found that regular food, housing, and/or medical care is less attainable or more expensive now.

We could have been better off months ago, but disinformation and lies have been allowed to spread readily through inaction and malice, and have dragged this on at the cost of lives. There are those who deny that the pandemic even exists, there are those who think that wearing a mask will literally suffocate you, there are those who think it's no worse than a regular flu virus, that it's a bioweapon, and everything in between. This volume of blatant misinformation is problematic and dangerous.

It is clear that even after promising to tackle the problem of misinformation on this site, nothing of substance has been done aside from quarantining a medium sized subreddit, which barely reduces traffic and does little to stop misinformation.

The disinformation and false information is manifold. There is no area of recognised safety procedures when it comes to battling the spread of a dangerous virus that is not under attack here. All empirically proven measures which can help save lives are under attack. Masks work1 , but not according to the propaganda. **The vaccine is safe,**2 it is not untested, and it is not experimental technology or DNA manipulation, but people getting their information from these propaganda subreddits are told the opposite. Social distancing is valuable3 , but people are being persuaded to not even do that. Cynical plays on emotion are made. Trying to keep children safe is painted as "child abuse". Lies are repeated so frequently that misinformed people begin to believe them wholeheartedly, trusting that they can't be incorrect because they're surrounded by people who believe it also.

There needs to be a more active involvement in preventing the spread of the disinformation that is keeping us within a pandemic that at this point is entirely manageable. The main problem with a concerted disinformation campaign is that such a message attains an air of legitimacy through sheer volume of repetition. This is dangerous when it comes to unsafe medical advice such as promoting the ingestion or injection of cattle dewormers, a known side effect of which is sudden death4 , or such as trying to convince people that a tested, FDA approved vaccine will cause death. There is a good chance that the disinformation that reddit is currently inundated with will necessitate people a stay at the toxicology department in the hospital or even cost them their lives. There can be no room for leniency when people are dying as a result of misinformation on this platform. Reddit as a global platform needs to take responsibility here.

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Subreddits which exist solely to spread medical disinformation and undermine efforts to combat the global pandemic should be banned.

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