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Snappy quote

You're not always going to be the smartest person in the room, but you can always be the kindest. Here on Reddit, being the kindest person in the room is a low bar to clear, and I find that fact disturbing, and I suggest that you should find it disturbing as well, and I invite you to join me in locating and then raising that bar.

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This b-word ain't known for his kindness, neither.

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Nothing unkind about a few love taps


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The combination results in soyreddit oozing feral masculinity.

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I said b-word.

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Bardfinn is always the worst person in the room.

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if @Dramacel was in a room with hitler, stalin and bardfinn, and @Dramacel had a gun with two bullets, i'd shoot bardfinn twice

trans lives matter but bardfinn's the only one that doesn't

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I’d shoot Hitler and Stalin and then beat Bardfinn to death with the gun.

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actually this is the more practical and radical centrist approach. trans lives matter

:#marseyclapping: :#@911rooferpat:

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Literally trying to scold another person like a teacher would scold a 12yrold

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and every single time anything personal or personally identifiable about a Reddit employee becomes public knowledge, a raft of ideologically motivated violent extremists (plain english: terrorists, sadists, sociopaths, paid monkeywrenchers) leverage that information to harass, threaten, intimidate, extort, and terrorise that employee.

well, if the personal details didn’t tend to be that they are sexual offenders and abusers, maybe this wouldn’t happen.

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ideologically motivated violent extremists (plain english: terrorists, sadists, sociopaths, paid monkeywrenchers)

This is the exact type of shit id pull in high school to add more words to my essay. Can someone please just shake this peepeesucker irl and scream


Until the wifestomper gets the point?

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Bardfinn gets paid by the word.

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Just like heckin Lovecraft!!!

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Bardfinn is a lovecraftian creature. He doesn’t have the innsamouth or ghoulish look but there is undoubtedly something unseemly about his seeming.

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in the past few days, bardfinn has written enough walls to build a house (so he can move out of his parents basement)

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wtf victimblaming much

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Bardfinn is a Paki in spirit. There has never been a more enthusiastic practitioner of anal jihad.

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Longpostbot quote:

Are you feeling okay bud?


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added king

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I wrote this to impress upon you these things:

Oh STFU you pretentious bag of gas.

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Reads like a jane austen character trying to write a breakup letter

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Lord Darcy would shoot Bardfinn on principal. β€œLast night some demon creature savaged my dear hound Brutus. He’s recovered , but I shall never forget the fearful weeping of his father Caesar nor the pained groans as Milton patched his wound. Whatever attacked him was the most horrible she-creature I have ever seen. I shot it, but my I fear my aim was not true and it lives to prey again. Has your mother experienced any unexplained injuries?β€œ

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Not only that, but modmailing them to say, "Hey... AEO removed these things and they do not appear to break any rules" doesn't fricking work because they do not respond.

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They dont respond because anyone who utters that phrase is a troll trying to undermine their work

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BaD fAiTh

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Or they’re just sexy Indian dudes whose only English words they know are the ones on Reddit’s no-no list

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Don’t ask me how I got unbanned for times. It’s a mystery to me too.

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Bardfinn is only silent when he’s about to r*pe.

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Frick imagine writing that many words about your fake internet job.

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Fake? He’s obviously employed by Reddit.


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Bardfinn managed to block me when I replied to a comment of his in ModSupport despite the comment getting automodded so he never would have seen it and despite me being opted out of pushshift so he wouldn't have been able to search for it in "his" "database".

He isn't a mod on d/ModSupport, so the only way he could have seen would be to have admin permissions on another account.


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"his" "database" is one of the many reasons Reddit wouldn't employ him if they had any sense. idk about burgerstan but in Europe at least i'm p. sure it's p. illegal for a rando employee to keep user data like that. Who knows what kind liability they're opening themselves up to.

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We at AgainstHateSubreddits have previously been using a coding system that parallels the framework used by Zeinert et al., (2021) (after Waseem and Hovy (2016)), which was derived from Reddit Sitewide Rules and other academic work (Perspective API categories, Sentropy API categories); we will be using the ontology framework and codebook set forward Zeinert to classify items, while extending it to incorporate established expert classifications of extremist culture and expressions as recognised by the NSCDT plan.

Moreover the institutional enforcement guidebooks created by reference to these deep models & academic work (which guidebooks assist human reports processors in training and taking action on reported items) are themselves subject to the same cultural inertia. - This is an observation of AHS Moderation volunteers & the moderation volunteers of other subreddits w/r/t Reddit AEO reports processing, which we know uses Perspective AI to "surface" "actionable" items for triage, and the inability of that system and the human reports processors to cope with the changing of a single slur regarding transgender people (Tr*nnies to :marseytrain2:s) overnight across several hatred & harassment ecosystems, thereby effectively subverting sitewide rules enforcement (Items including this slur :marseytrain2:s are regularly closed as not violating, where an item containing Tr*nnies would be actioned).


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I’m a programmer and this screams of someone desperate to sound smart and knowledgeable about software.

As Avril Lavinge would say: he’s a poser

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Bardfinn is an animal pretending to be human.

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A beast pretending to be a man pretending to be a woman

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The guy is a pathological liar with delusions of grandeur, he pretends to be an expert in a different field every week. Internet autism is not a career.

He freaks out in ModSupport like this whenever someone complains about his pet admin (Chtorrr). When someone makes a thread on this admin you immediately see a bunch of AHS mods flood in to make it look like OP is wrong about unfair bans, at this point it's shameless.

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Your average Hacker News enjoyer

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I’m also a programmer, wtf is Perspective API categories, Sentropy API categories?

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Someone should tell her that she doesn’t need to β€œuse scare quotes” like β€œthis” to make her β€œpoint” unless she’s alluding to the β€œfact” that the words aren’t being used as β€œintended”

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It wouldnt be out of place in an actual college textbook, but the fact that this r-slur has the time and focus to thesaurize a reddit comment to that degree means theyre on drugs without a shadow of a doubt.

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It’s basically a word salad. He said absolutely nothing in three paragraphs.


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I disagree, he manages to make an actually coherent argument, for once. He's saying that reddit's automated AEO and its :marseytunaktunak: overseers suck and aren't an adequate replacement for human jannies.

The problem is he takes eight paragraphs to say that instead of one, it's common sense anyways, and he's saying this on fricking Neurodivergent Hippo Society which is read exclusively by dramanauts and unemployed powerjannies. He isn't even responding to anyone there, he's just talking to himself.


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put a backslash before your asterisks if you want them to show up as plaintext, king

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i really hope trains pick up seriously as a slur.

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Poor train neurodivergents gonna be wiped clean of the internet


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railroaded, if you will

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We at AgainstHateSubreddits have previously been using a coding system that parallels the framework used by Zeinert et al., (2021) (after Waseem and Hovy (2016)), which was derived from Reddit Sitewide Rules and other academic work (Perspective API categories, Sentropy API categories); we will be using the ontology framework and codebook set forward Zeinert too classify items, while extending it too incorporate established expert classifications of extremist culture and expressions as recognised by the NSCDT plan.

holy shit what a pseudointellectual lmfaooooo

unbelievable that anyone takes this clown seriously but then @Dramacel remember that leddit is filled with similar, even dumber trans lives matter jesters

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I love his seething over the seamless shift in messaging re: :marseytrain2:s

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Two full spergouts in a day. Is he on an all-day vyvanse bender?

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This is 100% adderall speaking. Trust me. My guess is from self diagnosed ADHD. Writing such a long comment for a meaningless suggestion like that is only matched by manic bipolars or schizos.

When bardy spergs out I always thought it was because she's on her soapbox with an audience. But no one is reading that comment except us and OP.

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manic bipolars or schizos

This is what he is, not ADHD. Seriously, has no one read his kiwifarms thread? Apparently he's been hospitalized for psych possibly more than once.

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Oh well that's boring. I imagined bardy being more complicated than just a lunatic. :marseysigh:

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The night he got violent with his wife, he's the one who called the cops.

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:marseyconfused: Wait what? On himself or the wife? Never mind i'll just read the thread.

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He punched his wife and kid and was so convinced that he was in the right that he called the cops thinking they would arrest her. Sounds pretty manic to me.

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Our Fact Check(tm) team has rated your statement: Pants On Fire(tm)!

Bardfinn has publically stated on the record that it was "aggressive poking". Since we're j*urnolists, we're going to take Bardfinn at face value once more and pretend he she xe would never lie.

Do Better Sweaty. :marseynerd:

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Lowtax moment

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Why hasn't Bardfinn applied to be an admin yet?

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The wife beating might disqualify xer, now that Reddit claims to do background checks after the Aimee Challenor disaster.

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That was St*ve Akins. Penny has done no wrong.

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lol, if a potential employer says they did a background check and a history of domestic violence came up just accuse them of deadnaming and transmisia

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She might already be 'working for' them but under contract like those shitty community builder things.

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The kiwifarms information suggests that he's getting social security disability which is why he doesn't pay child support. So he can't work or he'll lose his benefits.

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I wonder how he was able to provide proof of disability. Think he just faxed a copy of his Reddit comment history?

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If you’re a contractor they don’t report your income? So he could be contracting and collecting disability.


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And still not paying a cent to support his kid!

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wat? businesses report 1099s they send cause they don't want to pay tax on what they pay you, it's a business expense.

... i thought at least ...

are you telling me i could have not paid several thousand in tax this month?

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1099 is for like interest income and divis and shit?


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no it's also for independent contracting.

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I would say they probably background check but with all the pedos working their already we know that's not true.

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He makes Chotrr seem like a normal member of society

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Chtorr at least has a job.

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I'm fairly certain working for AEO requires a Bachelor's for some reason. Reddit seems like the company that wouldn't consider experience in place of education.


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AEO is mostly people employed through contract companies. Reddit probably doesn't require very much beyond some broad guidelines since they aren't the ones doing the direct hiring.

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How do you know they haven't already been doing so for years?

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Holy frick i was scrolling a lot longer than i was expecting this time. Actually fricking unhinged.

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If there's a Reddit employee who is not doing their paid job appropriately, that's a matter for Reddit's HR department,


a matter for Reddit's third party, at-arm's-length, not-legally-the-employer, volunteer moderator / user base to address,

imagine if elon bought reddit.


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I fricking wish he would. Unfortunately, reddit threw a parade when they made $100 million for the first time in the not-so-distant past. In contrast, Twitter had revenue over $5 billion last year.

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that makes it easier, not harder.

the hard part here is the fact it's private still. owners aren't legally responsible to do what's best for shareholders.

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Cost-wise, yeah. But why would Musk want something that can't exist without constant fund raising.

But maybe it would work if it wasn't filled with idiots, libertarians, and idiot libertarians.

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just fire everyone and have a skeleton crew keep the db running. it's fricking text sharing, they don't need to do anything.

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Lol poor guy got bardfinned out of nowhere

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I’m always amazed how few people know about G*mergate. It’s not only the key to understanding so many violent harassment campaigns going on today, it’s lots of the same people angry about the same stuff using the same playbook.


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Bashco... that mod name sounds familiar: https://medium.com/@johnblocke/a-brief-and-incomplete-history-of-censorship-in-r-bitcoin-c85a290fe43

It's actually super ironic that he's complaining about admins being heavy handed, given that he censors /r/bitcoin purely to promote his own opinions.

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Isn't he the guy who claims he should be paid six figs per year? Is he actually getting money for doing this somewhere somehow?

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$175k per year

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Holy shit, the wall of text just doesn't stop.


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Oh right he blocked me lol

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:marseyazov2: :marseyazov: :marseyjavelin:

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:marseykkk: :marseykkkblm:

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:marseypig: :marseychonker2:

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Are you feeling okay bud?

:#marseyxd: trans lives matter BTFO

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