Why are British "People" so ugly? :marseyhmm: a Scientific Analysis :marseynerd:

Colin Dunne gave an excellent and accurate description in The Mail last week of the bare legs of an adult British male being like “uncooked pork sausages”, or “stringy calves and sunken thighs all coated in what looks like goat’s hair”.

But his observation only tackled a small aspect of the phenomenon that is Ugly Britain.

Go to any Southern European holiday spot this summer and try to spot the Brits. It isn’t hard.

Lofty men with scrappy body hair as though it’s been sporadically stuck on; a fuzzy beard they think looks macho but would make any French woman grimace.

A bod either like a beanpole or swelling with oversized muscle wrapped in tragic tattoos, which only serves to reveal their gym b-word status and make them look like some sort of caricature with Popeye arms and a pea-sized head.

Pink women lying gracelessly on deckchairs, stubbly hairs beginning to show on their legs because they still haven’t learned the art of waxing or epilating, faces pale and blotchy because every other day of the year they smother it in make-up.

And even when the British do soak up some proper sun, no full-bred Brit can master the tan as a Spaniard or Italian does. In fact, most fail completely.

As night falls, British men and women alike prepare for a “mad one”, ready to grace the strip with their scarlet presence.

Hot pants that reveal more crimson bum cheek than anyone wants to see, Primark tank tops showing “dench” arms that look like undercooked chicken drumsticks.

The locals look on with a combination of pity and amusement as we loudly jaunt around, glugging on overpriced fish bowls, either unaware or without a care that we are by far the worst-looking in the vicinity.

Rigorous scientific analysis of this well known phenomena, and Lipstick Alley's resident PHD professional opinions here:


Oh boy.

I live on the Costa del Sol and let me tell you, fat pasty sunburnt British bodies are the least of their worries in the ugliness department. Voices like nails on a chalkboard, loutish, entitled colonialist attitudes, loud ( I mean LOUD) drunkenness, spewing, pissing, pooping and shagging in public. I have seen and heard it ALL.

I grew up on a farm and a barn load of 50 head of cattle is quieter, better mannered, cleaner, better smelling, better tempered and better looking than a table of four Mancunian football hooligans and their screeching girlfriends.

Jesus be a pox that keeps them at home this summer. The past 2 summers with Covid have been heaven without them.


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frick science

the real answer is that god made bongs ugly on purpose

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the real answer is that god made bongs ugly on purpose

You wish god was real.

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if god isnt real then who made bongs ugly

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the evil scientist yakub in his lab :marseykente: :marseytariq:

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Science obviously :#sciencejak:

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god knew what he was doing when making bongs

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Listen up kiddo, God isn't real. If God was real, when I looked up at the sky I would see a bearded man in robes wouldn't I? Your fakey pakey bible is nothing but a place for me to blow a vape cloud on. My god, is evolution, my God is science, my god is the belief that there is no God, but only science. Have you ever seen Cosmos? Have you ever heard Carl Sagan speak? You better look out buddy, because I don't appreciate these "religious people" acting like they own the godless world. Every time I hit my vape pen I just reminisce about how stupid religion is, every time I go to crossfit I discuss why I am an atheist with my fellow gym-mates. You need a reality check Mr. Religion.

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As and atheist and classic intellectual humbled by the awareness of humanities utter insignificance in this universe I don't lightly consider myself a superhero, but living amongst religious sheep and other assorted mental adolescents I can't help feeling euphoric for evolution blessing me with an intellect that make me rise above the common rabble like only a superhero could.

I have taken to wearing a cape since I am sick and tired of being oppressed by the tyranny of intellectual mediocrity. This is the time to be seen. The time to be heard. We know that God is dead. This is the time to bury him. Rise up, my godless brother's and sister's, and let us shake the church to it's very core.

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Yakub used all the creativity is his twisted and evil heart to give the bong the most atrociously ugly appearance possible.

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God made Brits so we'd better appreciate the rest of His creation.


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