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r/Politics seethes over :marseybiden: approval rating


Anyone know where I can find rightoid drama without being put on a list? I've been leftoid posting too much.


The stock market is cratering. So disgruntled investors just showed up to the party. That already had disgruntled shoppers, disgruntled commuters, and partisans determined to dislike Biden. Well we'll see how everything looks in September. If Biden and his friend JPow are right things will look better. If not welp.

Can you point to any policy or action from Biden administration that supports your statement? All he has now is fear and pointing fingers at everyone else and then avoiding raking real questions in live situations from press that aren’t plants.

Do I think neo-liberals and political fossils like Biden are out of touch and ineffective? Sure. Am I going to stop voting for Democrats against the GOP? No. Even the blandest most ineffective liberal takes a seat away from the GOP. I vote progressive in primaries. I vote anti-Republican in generals.

That's the only way for rational left-leaning people to do it.

Either vote Biden or Democrats or get an absolute mentally ill fascist shit show complete with executions, because Qanon GOP has said the quiet part out loud.

You can all downvote this stuff as much as you like. It should be the top post on this sub though. Sticking your head in the sand and trying to bury articles you don't like won't change the outcome

more of a reflection on the fact that so few americans understand the functions of the three separate branches of the government and what the limitations of the executive branch are.

They don't understand what those functions support either. Asking Americans what they think of the economy is pointless if they have no idea what it is or how to measure it even before the presupposition of asking this concerning your opinion of the President.

Priority one: Dems need to live, in order to fight (among ourselves) another day. Fascists are winning, and when they control all of government including SCOTUS, democracy will die in broad daylight.

I’m all for Biden and will always vote dem, but I can see this. Half the country wants America white again and Biden hasn’t delivered on the student debt cancellation yet. But most of all, Biden seems like the type of old guy who sips his soup loud, slow, and deliberate. If he were less old manish, people would like him more.

You really think everyone voting for republicans wants america to be white again? It has nothing to do with everything being worse since Biden took office?

Biden is a dipshit. I’m looking forward to the Dems losing the midterms and I voted for them in 2020.

So you want more 1/6, racism, losing rights, government corruption, hate toward non-white men, etc...... A bad Democrat is 1000 times better than a Romney

From the poll yesterday, something like 60% of Latinx disapprove of Biden. Midterms going to be rough haha. People are ready to try something new. Maybe voting blue no matter who wasn't the smartest idea in hindsight.

its the only option. anyone not voting blue in every level of elections every time will be pretty upset when the republicans call a constitutional convention and instill christian nationalism autocracy.

Where are these polls? I never see any polls and I’d be more than happy to answer one. I have my issues with Biden. I didn’t even vote for him last election. I was so fed up I did a write in which in PA doesn’t count. But I must say that he has done much better than I expected and I think these low approval ratings come from people who don’t fully understand how the government works and are mad about gas prices or things that Biden himself has little control over. I just don’t think he’s that bad to have such low approval ratings all the time.

Why did you vote a write in? Genuinely curious, Trump and Biden was so close for you that you couldn't decide? In a swing state?

You should be thinking about voting AGAINST EVIL not exclusively for someone. GOP =Criminals Corruption Insurrectionists Racist Hate HYPOCRITES Idiot LIARS Morons RACISTS Voting for someone to beat the GOP is a win. I didn't vote for biden...i voted against trump.

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If you vote for Republicans Nazis will take over the US


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Also: we need to send 40 billion USD to a country whose entire military is filled with rightoid neo-Nazi nationalists literally wearing Waffen-SS badges and having their bodies covered in swastikas.

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It’s not their entire military and also that’s okay now. We changed it to be okay now.

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If you’re at a table with one nazi guess what that makes you?

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In January, a nazi. But now, asking that question makes YOU a nazi. Haha loser. I win!

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...it's ok now?


ngl, i was kinda yikes about that when someone sent me pictures but im glad thats cleared up and shit

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Gimme that sweet Christian Autocracy Nationalism!


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Meanwhile Biden is sending soldiers to kill Somalians

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I've seen Black Hawk Down. Don't tell me they don't deserve it.

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By they you mean the soldiers? I agree they need to kill more brown people and bring thise oil prices down if theyre getting that gi bill.

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If you vote for republicans, it's only a matter of time before you will end up wearing a red robe with a white bonnet and having ritual s*x with fundies so they can have more babies.

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If you compare it to europe, democrats are basically republicans so youre always voting republicans so stockpile thoae red robes and illegal birth control.

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Red robes are provided free when you are enslaved by the theocratic breeding program.

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Compared to European politics, Americans are voting people that are slightly left of hitler or people that make hitler look communist

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They don't need a convention as 1/6 showed. They came that close to wiping out Congress without extensive planning. At this point, they have tons of time to plan how to seize power when they lose in 2022 or 2024. Liberals should be getting armed.

So close :marseycrusader:

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These people don't actually believe that, right? R-right? :marseygigaretard:

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liberals should be armed because we cant win an election

Umm maybe help the people instead of spitting on them and the people will vote for you?

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liberals should be armed because we cant win an election

Do you think they realize how much they sound like republicans?

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Rethuglikkkans literally want to kill and dismember me sweaty, there is no negotiating with these people 💅💅💅💅💅💅

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They came so incredibly close that the only one actually dying was an r-slured foid rioter the moment any member of congress actually started to be in direct damage, and after which the rioters pulled back?

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Whenever they played the video of her getting shot, the news sites never included the 10 seconds after where you saw two cops with probably full auto rifles in body armor just standing probably 10ft behind her.

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They were all paid actors.

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Imagine supporting qtard boomers who murdered police officers :marseyhmm:

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cop gets killed at traffic stop by black man

Lol owned acab pig

cop gets killed by fat boomer somehow

This is a national tragedy

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the capitol raid is so tighly wrapped in r-sluration

i didnt pay much attention to it but I always see people acting like the US came close to suffering a coup d'etat



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If they had actually come close to violently purging congress I'd be calling them based instead of r-slurred.

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Libs saw QAnon and were like "dayum. need me some of that."

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Maybe you should stop murdering unborn children then huh?????????

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Biden hasn’t delivered on the student debt cancellation yet.

They really think most people support it that this can make or break an election.


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Most people don't care because it doesn't effect them, but it makes the Bernie bros seeth. The vast majority of people who would be angrier if he went through with loan forgiveness probably would be unlikely to ever have a positive view of him.

I don't think they are wrong that it would significantly improve his approval rating.

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People don't understand that if they do this ... the next step they take is making ALL COLLEGE FREEEE! Which means it gets incredibly shitty like public school education and becomes even more expensive.

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If they just fund state or community colleges not including room and board it would be fine. More people would get educated and private schools and master's education that you would need to pay for become the next higher standard. It's not a bad thing for the government to invest in it's citizens if there is a payoff.

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Find me a top 300 school that isn’t pissing money away on construction year after year for the last decade. University presidents are like the old women with a Virginia ham in their arm crying they don’t have any bread

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You take away student loans from universities to publicly fund community colleges and all the sudden universities are going to feel pressured to be more fiscally responsible.

Top universities fund that shit through alumni funding in exchange for clout though.

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That's not what will happen though.

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Well we should defund public high schools just to be sure.

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They aren't doing so great right now as it is and they mostly have plenty of funding.


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That's because politicians would rather give crappy schools more money and try shitty gimmicks that will never work (No Child Left Behind, Common Core, etc.) than actually give out proper reforms that would fix our public schools.

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I disagree with significantly, most people will college debt are in their 20's-30's. Young people with a college education are already a pretty Democratic group. It would also probably alienate lots of people who chose not to go to college, went to a worst college, or already paid off their student debt. I think it might help him a little but not in a major way.

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That age group has a significant chuck that is further left than the democratic party and it is easily discouraged and even resentful at politics as a whole.

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They seem to be moving to the gop out of rebellion to how annoying terminally online libs are

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I doubt it because both are extremely annoying.

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Only losers need their loans forgiven. Nobody supports that shit apart from said losers.


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A lot of people are victims of a society that encouraged wreckless spending on education bundled with predatory loans. Kids that have to take loans without a co-signer with good credit can get fricked even if they don't persuit a meme degree and have a successful career.

I can emphasize with that just like I can emphasize with people that become drug addicts because the drug industry pushed opiates like candy.

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I can emphasize with people

Opinion discarded.


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Okay bugman

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Emphasis is not the same thing as empathy you absolute mongoloid.


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Well played. I try to goomble but I’m not allowed.


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spends a shit ton of money

does jack shit to fix the problem

Oh i know why bernie bros love this.

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They really think most people support it that this can make or break an election.

Maher had a show talking about this that had some female sportscaster that leaned right, Paul Begala and him and they ALL said this was a bad, r-slurred, backwards idea.

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Either vote Biden or Democrats or get an absolute mentally ill fascist shit show complete with executions, because Qanon GOP has said the quiet part out loud.

I fricking wish. All Redditors need to be in mass graves.

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Four years of orange man and we got nothing but a rightoid Capitol tour, but surely this time we're getting executioners.

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Its qeird ( pretty sus typo 👀) when schizos who worship a dementia addled r-slur use mentally ill as a pjeroative

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Either vote Biden or Democrats or get an absolute mentally ill fascist shit show complete with executions,


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These are the same people that think all russians support the invasion and should be starved to death

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Actually the reason russians should be exterminated is becasue they hacked the election for dRumpf

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I just dont like russians because they are insufferable r-slurs online. Which is more than enough to justify genocide of a nation.

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I like internet russians. they can barely talk english so its fun to imagine im talking to some kind of cute r-slurred little alien

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Squeal Team Six

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Six Meal Team

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get an absolute mentally ill fascist shit show complete

Yikes. How is such ableist hate speech still allowed on reddit???

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I was just in Target and saw the baby formula aisle is now full of jugs of water to hide the shortage. If there's one group you don't want to piss off in an election year it's suburban moms. The Democrats are so fricked :marseylaugh:

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God they just started running cover for Biden on reddit, too because he did the defense act thing or something to produce formula that he should have done three months ago because everyone knew this would happen. "Nice to have a President who actually DOES something!" And they put out two bills or something. One of them takes steps to relieve the shortage and Republicans are on boaard. but the other one is something that does nothing to address the shortage so Republicans don't like it and they are all, "Leave it to Republicans to NOT VOTE for FOOD For BABIES!"

Christ it's such bullshit.

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Yeah and the DPA doesn't even address the issue. This came about because the FDA forced Abbott (40% US market share) to shut down their plant. Biden could easily reduce the shortage short term by easing tariffs on formula from other reputable countries while domestic production ramps back up but he's not doing that.

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Abbott maintains that the closure was bs, too. The supposed illness the babies got wasn't from the plant and was likely instead from the water used to make the formula.

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Qanon fascists at the waterworks poisoned the water and then got their co-conspirators in the FDA to close the plant, all to hurt Biden a little. What lengths wont these people go to?

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Dems caring about post aborted black babies lol

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Don’t worry, Dems are protecting abortion rights so suburban mothers can just abort their fetuses next time and not have to worry about menial things like baby formula. Leaves more time for MSNBC :ramonajak:

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Ralph Nader was the green party in 2000. Got 2.7% of the vote handing victory to George W.

holy shit are these r-slurs still on this

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At least theyre back to hating bush lol

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If you vote third party your vote counts twice duh.

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Bush got voted in because of vote rigging in Florida, Rethuglicans stole the election!

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over the last few years they've managed to gaslight each other to levels you'd have a hard time finding on small fringe conspiracy boards.

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small fringe conspiracy boards

The dems will splinter after being annihilated and will turn into the Green Party

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get an absolute mentally ill fascist shit show complete with executions

Uh based?

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Someone please cut the strings off Pinnochio Joe!

This Establishment dinosaur is getting too old!

Your labor's now worth half of what you got for it befo'!

I'm sure glad I put my money into silver and gold 😎

posted by BigHardDkNBubblegum

god i love boomers

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What's Joe manchin approval rating?


you just know this guy hoped for a really know number to destroy the hecking republicans

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Or maybe a high number to suggest only repubs like him? Idk

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Either vote Biden or Democrats or get an absolute mentally ill fascist shit show complete with executions,

but i want the absolute mentally ill fascist shit show complete with executions because it would be funny

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2 years before all autists are sent to concentration camps

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Nah only half will go to concentration camps the other half will devoid themselves to study of esoteric racial beliefs that explain how the Japanese are a secret lost white tribe.

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where to find rightwing drama without being put on a list

Twitter, tbh. But your options are slim.

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From the poll yesterday, something like 60% of Latinx disapprove of Biden.

What if Biden played Despacito again?


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I want dementia daddy as president and donald trump as head of the ministry of truth

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You can’t vote for someone just because they’re less fascist than another fascist. They’re all oligarchs, elite, fascist, etc.

You can’t vote for someone just because

You can’t vote

:marseywrongthonk: :marseyblm:

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Watch Biden run on the gold standard.

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Vote red so the republicans install fascism and then long march through the institutions so it becomes homo fascism in 30 years

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Anyone know where I can find rightoid drama without being put on a list?

Follow razorfist hes a rightoid lolcow

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I want the republican party that exists inside liberals heads to become real

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says the quiet part out loud.

I am become rage

:!marseybarrel: :marseybarreldrunk:

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Rightoid drama doesn’t get any attention on here.

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If there was more rightoid drama on Reddit I bet it would. But linking pol threads just feels like :marseynouautism:

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@ me rightoid drama and i’ll give it a pin award

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Cant really lolcow rightoids theyve been losing consistently for decades now

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All the things people are mad at Biden about he has no control over it. Just bc you severely hinder production of energy domestically, that doesn’t mean cost will correlate. It would do Americans good to go to college and take a class or two.

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Friday’s poll found just 18 percent of Americans believe Biden’s policies have done more to help than hurt the economy, compared to 51 percent who said they’ve hurt more than helped.

For a generation people will remember what happens when the dems are in control.

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I wish lol. The media propaganda machine will do its thing whenever the next rethuglikkkan gets into office. They’ll all scream “RACISM! SEXISM! CORRUPTION!” at the most innocuous actions, yet for Dems they’ll write 1000s of thinkpieces like “Yes, gas prices are up. Here’s why that’s a good thing” and “Inflation is up 9% but evil fascists are taking away your right to kill babies”.

Eventually, they’ll convince enough swing voters, who get their news largely from mainstream sources, to vote for Dems, and the cycle will repeat itself.

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