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>be 30 year old white woman >meet Italian person for the first time >become enraged


I 31F am a member of a group that convenes monthly to discuss current events. After our last meeting, someone suggested getting pizza. One of our members lit up and said they knew a great place to get pizza, a small independent pizzeria. I'm all about supporting small businesses, so I agreed.

When we arrived, the manager was very off. He greated my fellow group member very enthusiastically. He called her something in Italian that sounded weirdly intimate. He led us to a table and then handed out menus. We ordered without issue, even though his vibes were very unsettling. After he left, I asked the group member who recommended the place if they knew him personally, and they said no. They said they just went to the pizzeria a lot and was friendly with the manager.

Before our pizzas arrived, he brought us an order of garlic knots. None of us ordered any garlic knots, and I tried to correct his mistake. He said that they were complimentary as a thanks for choosing his establishment. I thought this was very presumptuous. After he left, I mentioned to the table that I thought it inappropriate to serve food no one ordered, because someone might be allergic. The group member said the knots were made from the same type of dough as the pizzas we all ordered, so there was no way anyone was allergic. Still, I didn't have any.

After our pizzas arrived, we ate without issue. The problem was when the bill arrived. No one was charged for their drinks, even though prices are listed on the menu. I pointed this out to the manager, to the annoyance of the group. He said it was a perk of being a regular. I said that I wasn't a regular, and he said he hoped I would decide to become one after today. At that point I'd had enough. I said his behavior was creepy and asked for my bill to be fixed. He looked upset, but he took the bill.

The other members of the group got annoyed with me. The one who had recommended the pizzeria was visibly angry, saying that I embarrassed them and potentially ruined the awesome discounts they get. I said that I felt uncomfortable with his overly familiar behavior and that the free food felt like a power play, a way to feel as though he had authority over us. They rolled their eyes and said I was ridiculous. They then got up to go talk to the manager.

They came back, slammed my new bill on the table and then stormed out. I paid in cash and left quickly as well, as I felt uncomfortable. I've been thinking over the situation and can't think of anything I did wrong, but some of other group members I texted said I went way overboard. Did I?


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This has to be fake. I refuse to believe anyone is this neurodivergent

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Even on this site, which is practically dedicated to trolling, people still do the thing where, after seeing a very obvious bait post, they go "Darn... this has to be a troll man... I refuse to believe that humanity is this f*cked up :marseydepressed:". The subtext, of course, is "I genuinely believe this is a real post and I'm waiting for someone to reply that it is so I can add it to my worldview". I guarentee someone's going to reply to your comment with "The sad thing is that I actually knew someone who did this so I'm like 99% sure it's true". I fricking hate you all.

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Tbh I assume everything on reddit is fake, but I do like to pretend that they really happened sometimes

I fricking hate you all.

And yet you're still here with us :marseyhearts: :marseyloveyou:

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Idc if the posts are fake, I'm after those sweet, sweet comments :marseylovedrama:

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Yeah, I secretly love everyone in the whole wide world :marseyxoxo:

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I love u MIMW


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It honestly amazes me that anyone takes anything posted onto social media as real. I just told some cute twink on this site I used to work at a local sandwich place and the closest thing to a sandwich shop that I’ve ever even been to was a fricking Starbucks. Why the frick would anyone be honest on the internet?

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Who hurt you sweaty


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So, so many people. But mostly one specific person.

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Go on :marseynails:

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What did Marsey do to you?

:#marseypearlclutch: :#marseysadcat:

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DV is no joke!

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Your mother? Carp? @Marsey?

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The sad thing is that I actually knew someone who did this so I’m like 99% it’s true

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I know a guy like this. I hate him so much.

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Well yeah but it could be real which says a lot about our society and at least it started the conversation and something something

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Idk I’m mostly in a state of constant wonder over what people entertain themselves with. I don’t understand the humiliation kink attached to writing these baits but clearly it’s a common one :marseynut:


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Yeah, it's just so over-the-top.

Also the most unbelievable part is that the restaurant just gave everyone at the table free drinks when the manager didn't even really know them. Someone being neurodivergent might happen, and I could even potentially see them throwing in some free garlic knots (no meat, they probably cost pennies in ingredients). But free drinks, especially booze? No way. Not unless you were actual friends with the owner.

That being said, I remember this coming up back on /r/drama, where someone mentioned that calling out bait was like watching a movie in a theater and calling out the obvious plot twists. Like just sit back and let it happen. If these r-slurs bite, let them bite.

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It’s a normal thing when you regularly buy from mom and pop pizza places. You get special prices etc. Pizza is a pretty profitable business.

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I mean sure. Maybe they add extra toppings for you without charging you or something. But the drinks probably make up at least a third of the bill (assuming we're talking about beers and stuff), if not more, so you'd have to be pretty good friends to get that kind of discount.

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They probably all had soda because they know they can’t order alcohol around β€œMiss Paranoia”

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To the contrary, I think alcohol is the only way I could possibly deal with someone like this.


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Oh, mim-wee! :marseyexcited: You are such a smartie! :marseyhearts:


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I refuse to believe you really hate us all, this has to be a bit right?

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The subtext, of course, is "I genuinely believe this is a real post and I'm waiting for someone to reply that it is so I can add it to my worldview".

Or it's just small talk trying to figure out if any other r-slur here happened to gleam a missed hint of baitiness

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People don’t really do this do they??????

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You choose to recognize bait and call it out

I choose to believe and parrot whatever bait I find funniest

We are NOT the same

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You sound almost as miserable as the totally real story op linked.

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lol, you fall for bait all the time.

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I was holding off calling you TA on the reading that you were very likely on the spectrum. Do you have other experiences where your expectations are very out of line with other people’s?

Even the redditors called her an neurodivergent.

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Somehow that comment is even more ruthless than just calling her an butthole


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I'm definitely not on the spectrum. I'm a teacher, and I work with many mental health experts. I would know.

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I work with almost exclusively children, so I know what a functioning adult looks like

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I choose to work in the same artificial society the school bus took me to every morning, because the outside world is a scary and nonsensical place where people don't even walk in lines together

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The thought of you influencing young minds is unsettling…

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She's teaching them how to be empathetic

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Imagine putting a camera on a superneurodivergent and livestreaming their life to the world. Pretty sure you could top this.

Even an avg person probably could.




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Autism? Looks like severe r-sluration.

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Not believing this one, no way

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Lol yeh there's some doubt. This is her explanation.


Other Twittertards turn up to talk about their retail experiences with the r-slurred public and they sound similar.


Yikes "proud libertarian"


Who knows what's real on the internet anymore.

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Nah, people are legit this r-slurred. One of the part time jobs I worked after retirement was at a small local sandwich place and so many people would come in and get enraged that we didn’t honor Subway’s coupons or their 5 dollar foot long commercials despite not having any association whatsoever with Subway.

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All you have to do to realize how r-slurred people are is try to buy or sell anything online. I have many examples like this.



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Yes but retail is not much better. :marseynoyou:

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You’re right. It’s way worse with retail. I worked retail for like 2 months and those r-slur made the other mouth breathers look like geniuses.

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I was talking about wagies :marseywagie: but sounds about right :marseythumbsup:

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Final Part

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The only part that is believable is the Italian owner being overly friendly to a table full of foids. I remember having to shoo a constant stream of greasy pastaBIPOCs away the last and only time I took my wife (beard, pls forgive) to the β€˜authentic’ Italian restaurant nearby.

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Your wife is a beard or has a beard? :marseyreading:

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Dramatards more neurodivergent than redditors confirmed


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I'm all about supporting small businesses, so I agreed.

Can't even go to a Pizza place without virtue signaling sounds like a neuro typical r-sluritor.

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I remember this post from years ago and tried to google the copypasta, def 2+ years old.

Who's the dramatard recycling old content for updoots?


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a lot of people here seem neurodivergent enough to believe it so

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We should hook this chick up with Pizza. The amount of sneeding theyd produce wiuld be great

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Imagine thinking "im goingnto be in a good mood today and help out some people in the way i know how oh hey a large group" then this b-word gets involved.

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When I was a preteen my dad used to always take me to this sushi place and the chefs would try and give me the craziest/wasabiist shit they could make to see if the white kid would like it… for free.

Now that I think about it those sushi chefs were p-dophiles.

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This but unironically. But if true legalizing euthanasia is the right call.

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