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This article is so amazingly tone deaf and out-of-touch it makes /r/antiwork look almost reasonable.

A two-week vacation can also be disruptive because it might generate resentment among younger or newer employees

Not my problem, :marseykys2:

Some managers may try to embarrass an employee for taking time off. They may even become passive-aggressive and schedule important things during an employee's vacation.

Again, not my problem, :marseyropeyourself2:

"You might feel stressed when you begin thinking of the workload you're going to return to," Morin said. "Responding to emails, addressing issues that went unresolved in your absence and learning what you missed may be quite stressful."

Unless you run the entire operation, NEVER do this. NEVER reply to a single work email when on vacation. It sets a bad precedent. I literally put "I won't be replying to emails or pings" in my OOO autoreplies. If you can't afford to do this yet, get gud until you can.

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Hahahahahahahaha How The Frick Is Work Anxiety Real Hahahaha Neighbor Just Walk Away From The Email Like Neighbor Close Your Eyes Haha

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This but unironically.

How are people struggling to do this? All the shit can wait until you're back and if anyone's deadlines are screwed up it's their bad planning not you taking your hard won vacation days.

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πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ the foreman on this job really seems to take vacations right on important deadlines that were scheduled months in advance. Like, from the beginning it had a Final Inspection date of (whenever) and two months in, he decides he's going camping that weekend

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For real, this sounds like it was written by the manager of a sporting goods store or something.

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