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Yuros owning Putin by accelerating climate change and ruining their economy 😎

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Never underestimate the stupidity of Western leaders. Everything they do is based on impulse / emotion.

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!remindme 2 years

You can fake nimbers all you like tard cant hide forever

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I will be messaging you on 20.06.2024, 23:59 UTC to remind you of this comment

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At this point, I just have to assume there's something extremely negative about nuclear power that they're keeping secret.

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The technology is controlled by a few large corporations, which means politicians can’t use regulatory capture and pork barreling to toss government funds to their buddy’s green energy startups.

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>which means politicians can’t use regulatory capture


Regulatory capture is when corporations control their overseeing agency.

If anything, collusion among a few companies would be easier to overcome compared to industries with many companies, so all else equal we'd expect the nuclear sector to be dominating the policy. They kinda are since competitors have been effectively blocked from entering. There's also voter influence and regulatory creep that "evolve" into the currently stagant outcome.

As for green companies, they're a new source of exchange between politicians and owners (so they're still fighting over the gibs), and they've yet to get hit with 50+ years of incompetent politics.

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Wrong. All of your opinions have been really shitty and wrong this week.

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The negative thing is that you can't grift a trillion dollars carbon tax on a no-carbon electricity source. Bank accounts can't be lined and politicos can't get rich with clean unlimited power

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Tesla wouldn’t exist if not for being able to sell imaginary carbon credits.

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The whole climate change thing relies on countries no using nuclear energy. If they stopped using fossil fuel then they can’t squeeze the citizens out of what ever little money they have left in the name of the environment.

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The lizard people need uranium to survive.

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Big things are:

  1. It takes forever to build

  2. Heavy upfront investment with a long tine to recoup costs.

  3. Limited global uranium supplies

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Building nuclear power was faster than building green power. Capacity/time nuclear ramped up faster after we started building plants mid 1900s compared to green stuff today

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Just say 20th century BIPOC

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:#@hereforabitpat: :!#marseygodel:

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Thorium cels stay winnings

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Huge start up costs, no power on demand (just steady state power output), waste products worse than CO2 (what do you do with spent fuel, just dig a hole?). Gas power plants are great and are here to stay for a long time since they can quickly spin up and support any extra power generation requirement due to some other "primary" power source not cutting it (imagine depending on solar but the sky has been cloudy with radioactive dust the past week, we could quickly spool up a gas power plant back up to cover energy needs).

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what do you do with spent fuel, just dig a hole?

God gave us Nevada for a reason

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what do you do with spent fuel, just dig a hole?

Literally yes. If anyone goes digging on the nuclear waste dump we don't need them on the genepool anyway.

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So it's better to indefinitely make a place uninhabitable than dump some CO2? Inb4 runaway catastrophic global warming turning us into Venus. Gas turbines with HRSGs are very efficient (near theoretical max thermodynamic efficiency) and they don't pollute anywhere near as much as old coal plants.

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There are plenty of places that are already uninhabitable as they are, like Cleveland. A few Roentgens aren't going to make a difference.

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We can just yeet them in the sea.

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Just pick some desolate mountain on bumfrick nowhere and dig a bunker to store all the spent fuel.

Heck, there is barely no need to dig a bunker, just repurpose some depleted mine or whatever, once you fill it up a bit, concrete it up and keep going.

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We already have the bunker in Nevada. Obama cancelled it when it was 95% finished.

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We've already done all that lol. Spent waste can also be reprocessed into fuel a lot of the time.

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Australia is paid to deal with nuclear waste. We build an underground swimming pool in a concrete bunker, dump the barrels in it then seal the whole thing forever.

It's perfectly safe, in about 20 years the radiation levels are neutralised to beach-like levels. We have no techtonic movement or natural disasters that might crack them open early and even if we had a leak, the outback has no water tables for it to poison.

Our greens are the most r-slurred political party in the world, they only have one goal and have never succeeded in lowering carbon emissions by any amount. They would put themselves out of a job if they allowed atomic power, so at least they're being smart about job security.

In fact I'm pretty sure the carbon output of Australia would be lower today if the greens had never won an election.


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>no power on demand (just steady state power output)


>waste products worse than CO2 (what do you do with spent fuel, just dig a hole?).

They encapsulate spent fuel rods, and let them sit till a more permanent solution can be found, but its such a small amount of waste that its negligible to deal with. Even if a permanent solution is not found.

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The more.permanent solution is to reprocess waste into fuel again. There's still shitloads of energy in spent fuel

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>what do you do with spent fuel, just dig a hole?

Yes, the world is pretty big, I'm sure we can spare some land to do it

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Aren't the startup costs entirely self-imposed? And I thought the nuclear waste was solved a while ago for the most part. Not saying it's the end all be all, but it appears the plan is to shut them down, and then proceed to realize it's a bad idea.

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It has all been solved a long time ago, that guy is r-slurred

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Only partially. Even if all the bullshit regulation was removed it would still be a massive upfront capital cost compared to alternatives.

Life time cost is of course a whole different matter.

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The startup costs are due to decades of brainwashed greenies making it pointless to research and develop since they’ll force any actual plant to close before opening.

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>d it would still be a massive upfront capital cost compared to alternatives.


Not so pre 1960s/70s.


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Companies make hundred of billions on gaz and oil, and not a cent on nuclear (state owned). :marseyhomofascist:

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Republicans like it so it's bad.

That's literally all it is.

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Nuclear is the most expensive source of electricity invented. Most countries in the world are pushing it and it is still failing - even in China.

Nuclear exists solely for internet intellectuals to feel smug about suggesting it

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Explain or get impaled

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Uranium is the most energy dense of all the big 3 fuels. Without nuclear we'll all live in energy deserts

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The toaster bath won't work if you can't afford to pay your power bill, Snappy :marseydisagree:

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This :marseysexylibrarian: is surprisingly based, I wish I found her show sooner

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I am going to commit crimes towards the german parliament

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