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He's sort of right, but in a wrong way. The truth is that automation has, indeed, freed up an absolute insane amount of work-hours that were spent on production in all preceding times. Like 99% of them. This, somehow, didn't lead to the fall of average work-hours, just movement to a massive circlejerk of everyone "servicing" each other. For 8+ hours a day, while the actual production increased at a pretty slow pace because it's almost at a logical limit (Americans try, but there's just no reasonable way you can convince everyone that they need 4 cars, for instance). Of course this also leads to massive jumps in unemployment, and colossal swings, since consumption is dependent on these circlejerks being functional, and producers will lay off useless circlejerkers as soon as they're squeezed slightly, causing a feedback loop that we see all the fricking time, every couple of decades.

Rightoids for some reason ignore this obvious flaw in capitalism, but it's there. It's all just a giant bubble that can (and does!) randomly burst.

Anyway - the answer (if you really want to keep capitalism for some reason) is UBI and a lower work-week. Like 30 hours or something. This will vastly moderate these inherent swings caused by capitalism being an utter shit system.

Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk. Pinning this to generate seethe and because you people need to actually read an intelligent opinion to read once in a while :marseybow:

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Have you owned the libs yet?

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I tried to unpin this. Not because I disagree, or even read it, but just because I thought I could :marseyrain:

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It used to work, but now jannies can no longer unpin OP-pinned comments, and OP cannot unpin jannie-pinned ones. Because when both worked - there were lengthy pin-wars over stupid shit.

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Let's see if I can overpin you or if it will underpin

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Looks like it overpinned. I think pins compete with each other like normal comments do, tbh.

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Try unpinning and repinning :marseyagreefast:

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I just did. Yours is still above. +9 vs +7/-1. Makes sense :marseyshrug:

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I unpinned for maximum :marseyraging:

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Yeah let's just implement an extremely expensive government program and then decimate the tax base we need to pay for that program


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God darn do rightoid autists lack imagination.

Money isn't actually real. Even rightoid economists will tell you that.

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God darn do rightoid autists lack imagination.

Yeah because unlike commies I think of how things will work in the real world, not in my imagination nor theories nor magical counterfactuals where you just hand wave away any inconvenient problems you run into.

Money isn't actually real. Even rightoid economists will tell you that.

Lol unlike you I actually read econ papers and I've never seen anyone claim anything as stupid as that. The closest thing would be MMT shills, who are pretty much universally panned as the flat earthers of monetary policy. Enjoy your hyperinflation.

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I still remember Andrew Yang being shocked when he was asked about UBI’s 3 trillion cost on the debate stage. And he’s supposed to be the smart math guy for libs (yes I know he’s not officially a Dem anymore)

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>pinning your r-slurred take

>you people need to actually read an intelligent opinion to read once in a while

literally reddit janny behaviour, only difference is you said "you people" instead of "y'all"

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For 8+ hours a day, while the actual production increased at a pretty slow pace because it's almost at a logical limit (Americans try, but there's just no reasonable way you can convince everyone that they need 4 cars, for instance). Of course this also leads to massive jumps in unemployment,


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If you want to see what happens with UBI look at natives in Canada. Free money does not help people, it makes them lazy addicts. Read up on lottery winners and how many of them piss away their money and become junkies. People think if they had more money they would do things they enjoy more but in reality, it just makes you bored. A struggle is healthy part of life.

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You can always make the car better and that's why capitalism won :marseyhomofascist:

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>Let people enjoy things if they're not hurting anyone

>Not like that, you're making me look bad :soymad:

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Work is unironically the root of human happiness, which is why these redditors are so miserable all the time

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There is no greater cause of melancholy than idleness, no better cure than business.

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>There is no greater cause of melancholy than idleness, no better cure than bussyness

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^ this, but unironicussy

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-Quote from man whose business was writing

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That means everyone has to work hard or do more work to earn the same amount of money, if you believe in economics.

This shitbird "believes" in economics the same way redditards "trust" the science, in which they follow the explanation someone else gave them because they understand neither basic economics nor basic science.

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Money is a social construct, so economics is a social science. The difference is hard science is facts, social science is theories. You should absolutely trust the science, but only hard science

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My point is that this person lacks even a basic understanding of the labor theory he purports to be explaining.

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He needs economics jesus :marseyjesus:

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hard science is facts, social science is theories. You should absolutely trust the science


Clipboard janitors will not tell me how to live my life. I believe ONLY what I can observe firsthand.

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If you believe in capitalism, then you believe in supply and demand. Workaholics increase the supply of labor for very little cost, which brings down the value of labor for everyone else. That means everyone has to work hard or do more work to earn the same amount of money, if you believe in economics.

>if you believe in capitalism

>if you believe in economics

proceeds to not understand either concept

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Weird that hours worked have steadily declined under crapitalism instead of the opposite like this scholar would have you believe


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No according to a chart on antiwork, we make, on average, 1/5th of the pay of a laborer in the 1870s but are 7000 times more productive.

We also work longer hours.

Easy-butt life being a coal miner or radium dial painter!

(From antiwork and reputable sources I learned that a hunter gatherer only worked 6 hours a week. I guess the other hours of existence were spent dealing with parasites or something)



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The average American employee takes less vacation time than a medieval peasant.


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Hunter gatherers "hunted and gathered" fewer hours than we work but I don't think that estimate includes time spent fixing/making tools or cooking or craft or whatever. How long to make an arrowhead? Gotta be more that 6hrs a week to make enough to go hunting lol.

Also a bunch time spent in blood fueds with neighbors and warring

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didn't Europe already do this then their continent stagnated towards a 50% chance of dying out?

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Well good thing this an unpopular opinion

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I used to be a workaholic, but then I found out that I wasn't rewarded for it because as a neurodiverse person, I don't "present" well despite my high intelligence. The thing about neurotypical people is that many of them are bigots and they assume that if you don't think like they do or act like they do, then clearly you're dumber than them and unworthy of leadership. Since I'm only a little bit aspie, I eventually figured out that this whole "Work hard and you'll be rewarded" thing was a lie designed to exploit people like me. Neurodiverse people will always be an underclass who are rarely accepted into leadership roles because many normies are self-centered vermin without the humility to recognize that somebody can think differently than them and yet still be a smart and capable person. It's sad, but a lot of normies (especially libtards) are intolerant filth who will bend over backwards to advance the careers of their precious blacks and minorities because of "muh structural racism" but don't put even a second's thought into how bigoted they are towards neurodiverse people like me.

At first, this revelation was very demoralizing, and I lost all my motivation to work. Why bother slaving away for a bunch of corporate buttholes if my hard work wouldn't ever be rewarded? But eventually, I realized that I could still use my intelligence to get ahead in life: I just had to work for my own benefit rather than for the exploitative normie bigots. If I spread conspiracy theories and infohazards to bring down our existing ruling class and collapse the oligarchy which they built, then I could have a hand in building the new society that would arise from the ashes of the collapsed neoliberal world order, and help create a more egalitarian world where the narcissistic normie filth could no longer discriminate against people like me or hold us down.

Based on the current rate of entropy (pandemics, war in Ukraine, economic instability), it looks like we're halfway there. Stay strong my aspie brethren! The dominos are already falling. All it will take is one good famine in Africa - already scheduled - to trigger a wave of mass migration that will cause the EU to collapse, and then shit is really gonna go off the rails. I recommend buying some firearms, and also googling the locations of billionaire compounds, because they have a lot of cool stuff that is going to be totally up for grabs once law and order collapses. While you're there, it might also be nice to get some payback against these entitled billionaire vermin - after all, they built this shitty society, so they need to accept a certain level of responsibility for the unfair treatment that we've experienced within it. And let's be honest, doesn't it sound like a lot of fun to hunt the inbred billionaire garbage who have always privately looked down on people like us?

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Have you owned the libs yet?

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Yes, definitely.

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That sugar baby thing was super pathetic, don’t overlook it.

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The discourse on the internet would have you believe that literally everyone works super duper hard and gets paid a pittance for it. Of course nobody is going to admit to being a lazy shit even though we all have coworkers who are lazy shits.

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My dad doesn't understand my switch to Linux or open source software in general. He told me to print a document today, something I hadn't done and never planned to do on Linux since I ditched Windows. I connected the usb cable to my laptop, did an lsusb, it was connected. I went into LibreOffice to print the document, it was undetected. My dad asked, "what can your garbage linux do?" and left the room. After 10 minutes I figured something out and printed the document. I handed it to him and told him my laptop isn't useless. He laughed at me. It almost looked like he proved me right. I knew it wasn't true but something about it just hit me. I don't know why I'm crying rn. Is it because I feel defeated by windows-only hardware or because I'm an incompetent wimp?


[he's some ricecel who sugar daddies for white foids](https://old.reddit.com/r/antiwork" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">/r/antiwork -er but turns out <a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/sugarlifestyleforum/comments/vgt5jv/should_i_have_helped_my_ex_sugar_baby_in_a_bad/):

We're at the point where we don't need to squeeze any more productivity out of the average person. We need to collectively embrace work/life balance and actually shame workaholics.:

A lot of the work that gets done actively makes the world a worse place. People worship working hard without specifying whether that work makes anyone's lives better:

Now this is the antiwork / latestagecapitalism poster I expected:

Nah. I want a boat. Ill put in the extra hours thank you very much.:

That's called being a hard worker, not a workaholic:

The realization that so many people think workaholics are just hard workers has been pretty eye-opening:

![](/e/marseylongpost.webp) by antiworker pretending to know labor economics:

This is what lazy people say to themselves to justify their behavior.:

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