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Brave r/pics user takes a stand against the SCOTUS



that'll show em!

8000 comments, make sure to sort by controversial

Took my flag down in 2016. It has been replaced by a rainbow peace flag.

Feel free to give ur land back to its people too

Edit:I guess only some rights are sacred


Nah, it'll more likely be because of betas like you.

“betas” - don’t project so hard, you’ll hurt yourself


Voting won't change anything. General strikes , bricks and fires will. You don't free yourselves from a theocracy regime by following the rules they set .

calls for violence... cool

If the second is supposed to protect the people from a government becoming tyrannical, we’re pretty much there.


So brave.

This is like the 500th “so brave” comment.

This is the Bad Place because I’m forced to spend my time here with you and people like you.

You’re a bad person. Rights are being stripped away and you. Don’t. Care.

Do us all a favor and move to Saudi Arabia.

Edit: NSFL this is what happens when you prevent access to safe abortion.

Blood is on your hands.

don't like a reddit karma whore post? :marseywave2::marseytruck:➡️:marseyflagsaudiarabia:

I really hate it when people fly the flag upside down for political reasons. It doesn't even matter whether I agree with them or not. That's supposed to be a signal that you're in immediate danger and need help, not a political statement.

I actually googled the rules for flying the flag upside down during the Trump years because frick. Found out that you are not suppose to do this for a political statement. But I totally get the sentiment.

orange man made me google what an upside down flag stands for

Lmao so it’s legal to burn the US flag as free speech, but ya’ll got a problem turning it upside down? Makes so much sense lol


Took down my American flag and put up my Canadian flag. They may not be perfect but at least they understand a woman’s right to her body eh?


just take it down. frick this symbolic bullshit. go out and protest, actually take action, organize. upvotes on reddit aren’t going to get us there or change anyones mind on this decision.

It has to start somewhere

the revolution starts with a reddit post of a flag

not quoting this one because too long, dude's seething and calling for the revolution to begin - https://old.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/vjvveq/oc_my_response_to_scotuss_decision_to_overturn/idlt6rx/?sort=controversial

This will make them overturn it immediately, thank you for your service.

Ok, so I should just be quiet and let the world walk over me? Gotcha.

I obviously don't think my one action will change everything on its own.

You can do whatever you like, no need to ask me.


How much violence needs to be committed before violence should be advocated for? Peaceful protests have never worked and never will work.

> Peaceful protests have never worked and never will work.

TIL The Civil Rights marches did nothing.

Sound like an insurrectionist

Revolt. Revolutionize. It's over. Done. This union needs be disolved.

where were you when Reddit ended the United States


You don't know what that subreddit is, do you?

The SCOTUS stopped being the will of the people. Republicans can't win elections so now they are bypassing democracy.

the (((republicans))) are taking over

Man that sounds an awful lot like you're calling for an insurrection.

At least they would have a leg to stand on.


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clarence thomas saw this picture and is drafting a new opinion as we speak to reinstate roe v wade

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he should ban reddit as cruel and unusual punishment

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