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EFFORTPOST Another act of Islamic Terrorism! :marseytaliban:, redditors :soyreddit: flock to blame Christcucks :marseyjesus: and make foreign tragedies all about Burgerland! :marseypatriot:, to remind y'all that KKKhristcucks are LITERALLY the same as the Taliban! :marseymutt::!marseyhandmaid:




Yo yo yo wassup my Nibbas, BBC comin' in here with another gigalongpost!


This Sunday :marseypastor:, we have a sermon about one of the biggest causes of redditor spergouts: Islamic Extremism! https://preview.redd.it/9381vi8ziuy61.jpg?auto=webp&s=fc07296c6c13d9c19bb602eb103f9438228a6702

Beginning with this comment that sums this up:


I always find it hilarious that reddit hates Christians, but then protects Muslims. When Muslims hate women and LGBT. :chadarab:


The overlap between Muslim population and being gay being illegal is frequently ignored by reddit.

As you can already see, discussions on reddit when an incident of Islamic Terrorism occurs is:

Redditor 1:

FRICK ALL RELIGION RELIGION RUINS EVERYTHING :ragejak: (note how the single specific religion is not mentioned! :marseydetective:)

Redditor 2:

Fellow atheist here :marseyneckbeard:, you're right, frick religion, I agree that all religions suck and are violent, but why is this specific religion the one that most causes violence when compared to the others? :marseywrongthonk:

Redditor 3:

But Christcucks are LITERALLY the same coin as Islamic terrorists! look at what RethugliKKKans are doing here in Burgerstan and what the Crusaders did almost 1000 years ago! this is literally just like what Islamic Terrorists have been doing since 9/11! :ragejak:

Alright, now onto the post itself! fasten your seatbelts dramanauts! cause we're in for a ride! :marseysteer:


More conservative religious extremism :zoomer:


No need to beat around the bush. It’s Islam. :marseytaliban:



Things Conservative Christians & The Taliban Like :sciencejak:



Yes, that’s an MS Paint infographic. :marseywut2:


That speaks a fundamental truth. That you cannot refute. :marseyshapiro::soyjakanimeglasses:


The gap between Islamic conservatives and Christian conservatives is narrowing. The Christian right has been frantically revving up its hateful and violent rhetoric against LGBTQ+. They are becoming more and more threatening in the US. :marseyisis:

Besides which, I'm always amazed at how delighted right wing dullards in America are whenever they hear about an Islamic terror attack. Were you asleep or in a coma for any of the dozens and dozens of mass shootings in the US that were committed by good ol' Americans and had nothing to do with Islam? Fricking amazing. :soyreddit:


For the first time, beginning in 2021, most Republicans supported gay marriage. You could say the gap is widening. :marseyhomofascist:


You're ignoring that the majority of American Muslims agree that homosexuals should be accepted in society as well. :marseysoypoint:

Heckin valid BIPOC Afro-Latinx Burger Muslims truly represent the majority of Muslims sweaty! https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-iwTQDDrsH8c/UccolQ7L4hI/AAAAAAAAAX4/9LySCtp4eME/s320/islamı+seviyorum.png


American Muslims are a minority of Muslims :marseymutt::chadjihadi:

Wait, sniff what's that smell?.... oh my.... buckle up Dramanauts! because a wild plus-size IsLMAOphobic Pokémon appears!

/u/PreciousAliyah I CHOOSE YOU!


https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_3mlbu6/styles/profileIcon_ed5kxpr0jpc61.png?width=256&height=256&crop=256:256,smart&s=6af080a736d9e36b987b2bea3126692803fceb4f ← her avatar :#marseychonkerfoid: :#marseyxd:

Wait. Muslims commit yet another atrocity, but somehow you're trying to blame the other side? You're a clown. :marseyclown2:


Christian conservatives are only "the other side" of the same coin. :soyreddit:


I'm not blaming anyone but the Islamic terrorist for this particular attack. But why should I abstain from pointing out the general pattern here, which is that right wing terrorism in general is on the increase? We already have a Republican candidate calling for the executing of gays in the US, and right wing terrorists threatening violence against drag queens and story hours. Conservatives the world over are bigots. :soyjakyell:


Christians have committed atrocities too. :marseyclueless:

Let's not be ignorant about that. :marseyrick:


But basically nothing compared to what Muslims have done. Of course, atheists have killed more, especially the past century than either group. :marseyflamewar:

Bold of her to write this sentence on reddit! https://c.tenor.com/LJ1_ojPrbk8AAAAC/laughing-clapping.gif


The frick you talking about? :marseysoycry:

What atheist atrocities do you believe has happened that out numbers the christian and Muslim ones?

In my personal opinion, this: https://old.reddit.com/r/cringepics/comments/1eynat/faces_of_ratheism_a_campaign_where_redditors/




Also I doubt you can back up your claim with anything substantial. :sciencejak:


in the 20th century? Mao and Stalin? :marseymao::marseystalin:


Wasn't that a national due to nationalism, not atheism? :brainletbush:


I mean they both dismantled religious powers in their counties and violently persecuted religious practitioners :marseyfedoratip:


I guess, but then it gets dwarfed by Christian colonialism if we count government sponsored initiatives based on the religion ruling the state at the time. :directlypointingsoyjak:

Instead of "this never happened" or "that wasn't real Communism", we now have "Stalin and Mao were Far-Right Nationalist chuds sweaty!" :brainletchest:

Or the OG "sure, that happened but the KKKhristian chuds we worse ok?" like here.


I see you're a Holocaust, Great Leap Forward, and Stalin's genocides. Wow, that's quote an impressive feat to be a denier of all of them.



Lmao where did I ever deny they happened? :marseywut2:


Calling people clowns while actively powdering up and putting on a colorful fake nose, interesting. Ignoring all the abortion clinic bombings that have occurred in the US as well as any other instances of far right christian extremism, and then making a false equivalency.:soyjakanimeglasses:

This is why christianity is getting hate right now, because people like you refuse to acknowledge certain parts of reality.:sciencejak:


All abortion violence since 1973 has caused fewer deaths than just Nidal Hassan


The gap between Islamic conservatives and Christian conservatives is narrowing.:marseysoypoint2:


what don't you understand about the word "narrowing"? Jesus Christ. We already have a Republican candidate calling for gays to be executed, and right wing terrorists threatening drag queens and story hours.:soymad:

Drag Qounter: 1


In no way do I want to defend Christians, but there is rhetoric and then their is atrocity. The scale committed by those of Islamic faith dwarfs that of the Christians.:!soyjakmaga::chadjihadi:


I agree, in terms of terrorism. But in terms of mass killings in the developed world, American shooters have given Muslim terrorists a good run for their money. And the gap in intensity between Islamic extremism and right wing extremism is narrowing. We already have a Republican candidate calling for the execution of gay and trans people. We have right wing extremists threatening to "hunt" gay people and drag queens. You don't think this is going to get much, much worse? Y'all Qaeda is just getting started, it's in its infancy. :soyreddit:

Drag Qounter: 2

I thought wokies were now using "Y'all", not racist rednecks? this is rampant bigotry against people who say Y'all!


If you are bold enough, let's do an experiment. https://c.tenor.com/v2mOMBFkM9UAAAAC/jigsaw-(saw.gif)

Make a stream of you drawing Jesus as a goat licking its own balls.

Now do the same with Muhammed. :marseyunamused:


What part of that did you not understand? It's already getting to the point where we have a Republican publicly saying he thinks that LGBTQ should be executed. We have right wing extremists saying that they're going to "hunt" gay and trans people. We have death threats being made against drag queens. I have no idea why conservatives think they can posture so high above Islamic extremists. As far as I'm concerned, you're both in the same stable. :seethejak:


Ummahchads win yet again!


Also, Drag Qounter: 3 times! https://c.tenor.com/CIYOjsn8auEAAAAd/drag-queen.gif

/u/KagakuNinja :#marseyweeb:

Christians have always had extremists as bad as any Muslim. Read about the siege of Jerusalem.:marseycrusader:

Crusade == Jihad...:brainletchadmask:

I'm gonna bring up shit that happened almost 1000 years ago, that will be relevant to the discussion in the present day! :brainletcaved:


Read about the centuries of Muslims attacks, genocide and invasions before the first Crusade was even declared:marseytransgenocide:


There’s a billion Muslims in the world. If it was Islam, then we’d all be dead. So clearly these extremist cowards are a drop in the ocean. (-31)



So no, it’s not Islam, it’s extremism and wherever there’s a belief, there’s an extreme version of that belief that’s ready to commit horrible violence. (-31)


Islam dominates those lists. We’re just supposed to cover our eyes and ignore it? :seethejak:

Yes sweaty. :#chadlibleft:


When a building burns down, you don’t try to figure out the cause? :soycry:

No. :#chadlibleft:


Religion is the leading cause of death in world.:sciencejak:


According to scholars such as Jeffrey Burton Russell, conflicts may not be rooted strictly in religion and instead may be a cover for the underlying secular power, ethnic, social, political, and economic reasons for conflict.

According to the Encyclopedia of Wars, out of all 1,763 known/recorded historical conflicts, 121, or 6.87%, had religion as their primary cause. Matthew White's The Great Big Book of Horrible Things gives religion as the primary cause of 11 of the world's 100 deadliest atrocities.

This is where I get called out for defending religion by bringing up reality.:marseyunamused:


You know what is a great idea? Importing more culturally and religiously backwards people who hate gays into a gay friendly country. What could go wrong! Diversity am i right?!



Where did Breivik come from? :soyreddit:

He came from Oslo, but there could be a scenario where Breivik never became a terrorist and instead sought help, was diagnosed with gender dysphoria, changed her name to Andressa, finally got gender re-assignment surgery, and after almost a decade of getting her bussy filled up, she would be sadly killed on this fateful day on that same bar! :#marseywholesome:

/u/WilmaDickFitInU (answer: :#chadnocapy:)

You’re projecting a lot. Norway is an open and diverse country, if it wasn’t open for different ethnicities it wouldn’t be open for gays either. (-63)


This thread is so fricking depressing. Everyone here immediately thinks, “how does this fit my political beliefs?” Instead of “this is terrible, innocent people have died”

This is modern discourse, not just on reddit.


Whatever your political leanings... I just don't get committing a mass shooting in the name of religion... What does it achieve? :marseyhmm:


Achieve? Not much. It's usually just a mechanism for young men to place their anger. If it's not religion it'd be an incel attack, nationalist thing, or what not. :truestorybro:

/u/Religionbedumb :#marseysoylentgrin:

Lol I would say a vast majority of incels are religious :marseysoylentgrin:

Where do you think they get their negative views on women? :coomer:

Dunno Mr. Euphoria, from them not being able to get their peepee wet? from the few religious incels whose schizoposts I stumbled upon, they claim to be religious because:

1. They believe that religionmaxxing will make it easier for them to get laid.

2. They are religionmaxxing as a last-resort cope to not kill themselves (this is not unique to incels)


But it could also be a woman, POC, or member of the LGBTQIA2S+ community. It could be anyone. We're all equally capable of the same things, so don't be prejudice.:soyjakfront:

EDIT: I'm reporting all you misogynists that are telling me that only men can do things. Grow up! It's 2022! A woman is vice president! (-14):marseysoylentgrin:

You fricking Dramanauts already invaded the thread before I even wrote a gigalongpost about it?!?! :#marseysmug2:

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>with another gigalongpost!

Not reading all that :marseysleep:

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You WILL read the BBCpost.


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But...but...I cant read


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That never stopped the greatest Boxer of all time smh

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Nice a dedicated aznidentity account

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Nibba this is the second time someone accuses me of being a ricecel, I come from a South American shithole, and I adore making fun of ricecels too, additionally, ricefoids also belong to BBC.



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Comment after comment of redditors saying the same things they always say. It really is all so tiresome.


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I think the best answer I could give is that it’s very difficult to get used to such a vastly different culture. Psychologically, we all love familiarity.

I get it, when I take a wrong turn and end up in a new neighbourhood I run over the pedestrians by instinct.

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Tbf, if the neighborhood is filled with urban youths, you may have to do just that to escape being robbed

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I can’t tell who is a dramatard or just actually neurodivergent. Mass shooting threads are truly an equalizer.

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Bonus deleted scenes that did not fit the 20k character limit, or were already removed on plebbit:


It feels like a moose and a hippo are having an argument over who is right, completely glossing over the fact that they're missing out on a genuine friendship by not bonding over their mutual love of killing people. :soyjakanimeglasses:

Meanwhile the people are just trying to stay out of their way as both animals run roughshod over their towns. (-7) :marsoyhype:

You could have used a Rhino and a Hippo having an argument but meh.


So no, it’s not Islam, it’s extremism and wherever there’s a belief, there’s an extreme version of that belief that’s ready to commit horrible violence. (-31) :marsoy2:

Redditors but also Amerimutts in general assuming that "Islam = Poor BIPOC People" and its consequences have been a disaster for, idk everything I guess lmao


Here is the direct Imgur album link to the "Faces of Atheism" UNESCO World Heritage Center:



"This post may contain erotic or adult imagery."

"By continuing, you acknowledge that you are 18+ years of age."






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a woman is Vice President

Yeah and I’m sure they let her do things besides grab coffee and sit in zoom meetings while muted with the vid off. She’s sure making a difference


The ball licking goat experiment is gold, might use that myself


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I've extensively studied all 6 religions and I have to agree with the redditors here, it's not a Islam problem it's a religion problem. :marseyshapiro:

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all 6 religions

All 6 religions known to r*dditors:

  1. Christianity (i..e. the Burgermutt Evangelicalism they're used with, or Roman Catholicism they hear Latinx talk about and see in the movies)

  2. Islam (either Saudi-funded Salafism or Western convert-friendly "I wanna look more ethnic and show my respect for BIPOC" starter pack)

  3. Judaism (modernized Reform/Conservative Judaism similar to its progressive Christian counterpart, genuinely religious Orthodox Jews rival the Amish with their levels of religious zealotry and legalism)

  4. Hinduism (always the Westernized Chakra/Esoteric/New Ager grifter crap that has nothing to do with Hinduism practiced in India)

  5. Buddhism (again, the Westoid-friendly hippie garbage that has nothing in common with the denominations of Buddhism practiced around Asia)

  6. Soytanism (always Atheists with Hot Topic goth aesthetics, either Satanic Temple or LaVeyans, for rebellious youngsters who want to trigger le fundies, but these days it is mostly the Soytanic Temple, since LaVeyans have been mostly deemed problematic Far-Right chuds)

  7. Honorable mention: Paganism/Astrology/Occultism/etc. (it's just literally "pick whatever worldview you like and pretend it's a religion to make yourself look cooler and fill the void of the lack of faith)

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They are religionmaxxing as a last-resort cope to not kill themselves (this is not unique to incels)

Most incels who successfully religion max stop being incels.

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they transform from :marseyelliotrodger3: to :marseypedo:

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Only if they’re Catholics

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or towelheads

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Stop being incels in the sense of getting laid, or leaving incel internet communities to touch grass/accepting celibacy?

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The latter usually leads to the former. Most incels are mentalcels if we’re being a totally honest.

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Good job champ, updooted :marseyemojismilemouthpat:

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Too long. Downmarseyd. Also downmarseyd youfor upmarseying

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Upmarseyd king :marseygivecrown:

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Im ODing on cringe help


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Do you need medical assistance? don't worry, I'm here to help ya homie!


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I always find it hilarious that reddit hates Christians, but then protects Muslims. When Muslims hate women and LGBT. ![](/e/chadarab.webp):


The overlap between Muslim population and being gay being illegal is frequently ignored by reddit.:


More conservative religious extremism ![](/e/zoomer.webp):


No need to beat around the bush. It’s Islam. ![](/e/marseytaliban.webp):



Things Conservative Christians & The Taliban Like ![](/e/sciencejak.webp):

Yes, that’s an MS Paint infographic. ![](/e/marseywut2.webp):

That speaks a fundamental truth. That you cannot refute. ![](/e/marseyshapiro.webp)![](/e/soyjakanimeglasses.webp):

The gap between Islamic conservatives and Christian conservatives is narrowing. The Christian right has been frantically revving up its hateful and violent rhetoric against LGBTQ+. They are becoming more and more threatening in the US. ![](/e/marseyisis.webp):

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That top comment thread is surprisingly sane. I'm surprised it hasn't been yallahed yet

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yes, most "mass shootings" are done by white Christians. do not fact check this.

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Thank you for this mega post that I stopped reading 1/3rd of the way through.

Also I fully supported Trumps muslim ban. And it's stupid for liberals to not support it as well

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Trumps muslim ban.

AKA banning Muslims only from third world poopholes, Saudibulls still cuck the US with their Big Black Oil :!brainletmaga::chadarab:

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Cultural evolution states that the fittest culture will thrive at the end no matter what is done in between, no matter the ups and downs. To see which culture is the best in the world, one must only ask, which culture is dominating in the world today and constantly expanding?

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To see which culture is the best in the world, one must only ask, which culture is dominating in the world today and constantly expanding?



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Weebshit is limited to very specific subsets of a population.

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Do you have a source on that?


A source. I need a source.

Sorry, I mean I need a source that explicitly states your argument. This is just tangential to the discussion.

No, you can't make inferences and observations from the sources you've gathered. Any additional comments from you MUST be a subset of the information from the sources you've gathered.

You can't make normative statements from empirical evidence.

Do you have a degree in that field?

A college degree? In that field?

Then your arguments are invalid.

No, it doesn't matter how close those data points are correlated. Correlation does not equal causation.

Correlation does not equal causation.


You still haven't provided me a valid source yet.

Nope, still haven't.

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Oh honey I really appreciate the hard work and effort you put into this, but how long did it take you? Is this really how you want to be using your Sunday afternoon?

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how long did it take you?

Dunno, I started writing this yesterday at around, idk sometime between 16 : 00-17 : 00, but I obviously took long breaks, I was supposed to post this yesterday but I opted to post it tomorrow (i.e. today) to fix some mistakes, remove useless text, and face the always-present formatting issues when it comes to longposts

Is this really how you want to be using your Sunday afternoon?


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This post hurts my autism :marseysad:

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There will always be a food chain of autism, some are stronger, some are weaker, only the spergiest survive!


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>Give me a break. Islam gets criticized all the time despite the fact that the overwhelming majority of Muslims are normal people, and mass murder is absolutely against the tenets of Islam. These guys are right wing extremist terrorists just like incel and white supremacist terrorists; they just all use different terms.

According the redditurds all the ideological divisions in the world can be divided into democrats and republicans. The guy replying to him rightly pointed out the majority of "normal Muslims" AKA Arabs, North Africans, South Asians, Persians, and South East Asians think gays are going to heck and that women don't deserve the same rights as men.

But anyways this isn't about trying to understand the historical and cultural context behind these shootings it's a self-defense mechanism against the local rightoid chuds dunking on their progressive values.

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I read all of this and all I can say is bradfinn

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We already have (...) and right wing terrorists threatening drag queens and story hours.

Notice how they worded this as if the two things were completely separated because otherwise it would sound reasonable

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Not wanting your child molested is terrorism. Now to tell on a father to the FBI

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Way too long man, no ones gonna read that. Christians should follow the Muslims and start fighting globohomo instead of being kitties and sitting at home as the world degenerates.

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I live in Oslo, and I can't bring myself to fricking care one bit about this terror attack.

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What terrifies me is if ISIS were to detonate a nuclear device and kill 50 million Americans. Imagine the backlash against peaceful Muslims?

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Trans lives matter

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The fact that redditors/liberals compare rightoids to the taliban is proof they dont seem to understand that america was the bad guy overall in the war on terror

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Wow thats a long post. Has anyone summarized it in 4 or less sentences yet?

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