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For perspective: Here open gay couples are extremely rare and dont even hold hands in public, transgenders dont exist, I have lived in the capital city (most progressive city) of Portugal for 17 years, and neither me or any of my friends and family ever heard of or saw a transgender in Portugal ( ALL the news we get from them is foreign). Also non-binary doesnt exist because our languages dont even allow it (no gender neutral)

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I was in Lisbon last week and saw a transgender black woman. Opinion refuted.

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it was me

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oh my god! hey girl xxxx! :marseyxoxo:

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An important thing to note is that the majority of Trans people in Europe (not counting the UK) are Homosexual AMABs who are exclusively interested in men, most of them are also s*x workers imported (or trafficked) from Brazil or other third-world countries solely for that, same thing for Asia and South America, this social media identity politics stuff is alien to them.

Euro Trains do not tend to be incels with autism who watch too much hentai and want to become kawaii UwU lesbian girls like in their Yuri anime, as this is prevalent in the Anglo world.

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If by Euro you aren't including bongs I'm inclined to agree. I saw a pride parade in Scotland on Saturday and it looked like a circus freak show.

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If by Euro you aren't including bongs I'm inclined to agree.

I do not include Anglos here, if that should be said, especially Scots, the frick is going on with that place in particular?

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the frick is going on with that place in particular?

Alcholism, incest and self-loathing

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And also Calvinism! :marseycalvin:

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Also heroin.

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@BBC as well.

Also, this movie is unironically called "Trainspotting"

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You're really selling me on moving to Portugal lol

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Its crazy because they all want to come here for some reason, 1 in 5 posts is about coming to portugal, if you come with american wages though you will live like a king among portuguese peasants so that might be worth it.

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People think it's progressive on every issue because of drug decriminalization, but my understanding is that was a last resort to fix a problem

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Portugal in the 90s had a huge heroin problem with highest overdose rates in Europe, decriminalization basicaly made it so drugs werent a criminal offense but more of a "health offense" basically instead of being sent to jail you are sent to rehab programs with proper substitutes

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Your country is what dipshits in my home state of Oregon used to justify our drug decriminalization. Why they failed to account for was the fact that 1. hard drugs were basically already legal in Portland and 2. we took literally no other steps towards drug addiction treatment. Meth zombies are just allowed to roll around on the streets screaming at demons all day long.

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>Meth zombies are just allowed to roll around on the streets screaming at demons all day long.

We just haven't had anything to do with ourselves ever since rDrama's mass demopping.

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The homeless meth addicts in Portland might be even worse than jannies, somehow

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Jannies can't bother me outside


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And 3. The β€œmedical intervention” Portugal used to clean up junkies would have looked like a straight up Holocaust to Americans.

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Portugal was hot off a dictatorship. No wonder they did so well. Too bad we aren’t using Duerte’s solution as an example instead of portugal.

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Pretty based ngl.


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Meth zombies

Probably cut with other shit. Honestly sounds like crack, considering its one where you're still mega-fricked up even when not on it since it tears through your dopaminergic system leaving nothing behind. Honestly the only side effect of massive meth usage (for only a few years) is mild stim-induced ADD when you're off.

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Implying mentally incompetent redditors could get any job in Portugal more advanced than cooking churros :marseydisagree:

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Portuguese socialist party government cucked Portuguese people with "golden visa" program, basically if you make 75000$ a year (basically nothing to american standards but its a lot here) you get a free visa with no strings attactched (selling citizenship). Because americans have so much money compared to us they come here buy all the houses and now portuguese can only leave their parents home when they are 30 years old and saved enough money.

thats why im leaving this country when I finish college

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Portuguese socialist party government cucked Portuguese people with "golden visa" program

Imagine my shock. Socialists and fricking over average people for ??? reasons, name a more iconic duo.

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crazy because I actually voted for them and they cucked me like that

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>voting for leftoids


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go frick up the place you move to as well


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Ya I mean 40+ years of Reaganomics have resulted in a paradise of broadly shared prosperity here in the states right

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only for nontards

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Ya pretty much. Used to be the local knuckle draggers could buy a house by working on the nearest assembly line.

Now they seem to have two options. Either wash their fentanyl down with Busch light and scrape by ripping out copper to sell for scrap, or wash down their soy with craft IPAs and gush about the latest Disney release, desperately trying not to think about their long term prospects as a barista.

One set convinces themselves Trump can save them, the other that Biden is saving them from Trump.

And then there's all the people that just give up to sleep in the park and shit in the street.

Democracy and freedom in action in the world's greatest country.

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Yes, for the people who deserve it.

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Based and no such thing as society pilled


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The average Alabaman still makes like 50% than the average Poortuguese

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It never even began for Portugalcels

Thanks team πŸ‘

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Reagan's biggest mistake was not personally burning down all the insane asylums with the inmates locked inside

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>basically if you make 7500$ a year (basically nothing to american standards but its a lot here) you get a free visa with no strings attactched (selling citizenship).

LOL WUT? Even the most impoverished minimum wagie in America pulls down more than that yearly. I need more info. Does buying one give me untrstricted access to the Schengen Area?

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the average portuguese makes about 6.3k dollars yearly (6k euro)

because thats the minimum wage here and about half the population here works for minimum wage since they are employed by the government

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:marseyyikes:, now I understand why you are a honorary Eastern European country.

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Hmm, what are the downsides of buying a lovely villa and getting day drunk on red wine for the rest of my days?

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Early grave and it's boring imo. I've been to Europe a couple times and it genuinely feels like a retirement home. If that's what you like then live your life but everything takes forever because no one is a workaholic like in the US. If you need anything nonstandard it will take at least a month and be done poorly.


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Yall srsly need to start conscripting most working age men and have them loot southern africa/asia again, much more productive use of time and money


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Portuguese Golden Visa provides a range of relatively affordable investment options for you to choose from in obtaining your residence permit,

You are only required to spend a minimum of seven days in Portugal per year,

Portugal Golden Visa Program gives you visa-free access to the Schengen states,

You can become a Portuguese citizen within five to six years,

Portugal is a safe, secure, affordable country with a high quality of life, solid infrastructure, superb climate, and good health and education systems.

source: https://getgoldenvisa.com/portugal-golden-visa-program#:~:text=to%20188%20countries.-,Travel%20and%20Visa%2DFree%20Countries,Europe%20without%20an%20additional%20visa.

also its 75k XD i lost a 0 by accident but still not a lot for burger standards, and with that kind of wage you are richer than 90% of portuguese and wil llive like a king unironically

Most of your foreign source income is exempt from taxation for 10 years. If the foreign income is from a country Portugal has a DTA with, then it will not be taxed in Portugal,

If you have a β€œhigh-added-value” profession, you will get generous tax exemptions.

Even if your income is from a Portuguese source, the taxation is still at lower rates for the expats

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Portuguese Golden Visa

AKA the Chinese visa. :marseytigernewyear:

I saw tons of Brazilians who sacrificed their asses off to move to Portugal cope and seethe at how the ricecel kings get their citizenship and businesses so easy when compared to us Macaquinhos! :marseybrasileiro::marseyjewoftheorient::marseyxd:

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How well can the Portugese live in Brazil?

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I never went to Brazil but I imagine its similar to the situation americans have here, because we make more money we can live more confortably there, even then I wouldnt move though because brazil is very dangerous

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Portugal is a safe, secure

Don’t you have like mafiosi and cartels like Italy and Galicia?

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No, there are not, one of the things that I most loved about Portugal as a Brazilian is that the place is indeed safe, being able to walk on the streets late at night with my phone out felt fricking unreal, as if I was in a simulation or something, since that is unheard of in dangerous countries like Brazil and I grew up with that mentality.

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not that I know off

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superb climate,

Portocels disagree, Porto is the most unbearably humid place I ever was in my life, even rural farms in the Swiss alps felt warmer than in Poorto.

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only brazilcels go to porto, real expats go to algarve or lisbon

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omg, I thought his post said $75,000

lol wtf

EDIT: I see it was a typo :marseykneel:

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Maybe you'll find this interesting, but I get ads (google ads or w/e) to "come live in Portugal". General gist, they're looking for Americans who work remote to move and live in some village(s) in Portugal. Generically they say CoL is very low (maybe 1500/month) for a very high standard of living (clean and beautiful environment, excellent food, low crime, and otherwise quaint and relaxed living). Seems nice tbh, just feel that you'll perpetually be an unwanted guest in the country.

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If you speak Portuguese and integrate people will want friends with you, especially because you are "exotic" but if you dont you will probs have to stick to expat circles

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If you speak Portuguese

Or they just move to the Algarve which is the Anglo colony where there is no need to learn the local language and still live like a colonial administration officer, the Anglo-Burger dream!

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Yeah, when I go to algarve it makes me feel like I am the tourist there

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Can you cut off the hands of the locals if they anger you?

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thats why im leaving this country when I finish college

Like pretty much all Poortuguese youth? Portugal has the highest emigration rate in all of Europe, young people can't wait til they finish college to move to France/Switzerland/Luxembourg/the UK, a job that many Brazilians go after (including a relative of mine) is taking care of the elderly, since Portugal is full of them, and there is a large demand for nursing due to the lack of youngsters and tons of oldcels.

Ngl tho having a chat with the old Poortuguese folks is truly very cool, you have everyone from die-hard Salazarists who were born in the Overseas Provinces and think that Portugal is ran by Freemasons, to the Communists who say that the "Socialist" Party is secretly ran by Rightoids and are permanently stuck in 1974, to the 95-year-old grandmas who only consume Brazilian media and can't wait to visit Brazil, though you sadly know that given their physical health, this isn't gonna happen, so you can just describe to them what life in Bostil is like before they kick the bucket, like a lady I was a friend of did, RIP :marseysadge:

Edit: Also the most fricked up thing I saw in Portugal that perfectly describes its situation is that I out of nowhere got a funeral home ad on YouTube :marseyxd:

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Like pretty much all Poortuguese youth?


Ngl tho having a chat with the old Poortuguese folks is truly very cool, you have everyone from die-hard Salazarists who were born in the Overseas Provinces and think that Portugal is ran by Freemasons, to the Communists who say that the "Socialist" Party is secretly ran by Rightoids and are permanently stuck in 1974, to the 95-year-old grandmas who only consume Brazilian media and can't wait to visit Brazil, though you sadly know that given their physical health, this isn't gonna happen, so you can just describe to them what life in Bostil is like before they kick the bucket, like a lady I was a friend of did, RIP

My family has both sides of this, in my fathers side my grandpa was a colonel who fought the MPLA in Angola during the colonial war and on my mother side my grandma was persecuted for being a communist. My great grandma also is still alive (100 years old) and only watches brazilian novelas and the sunday mass on the TV because she is too old to go the church herself.

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>thats why im leaving this country when I finish college

With how common WFH jobs are, wouldn't that be a good option to explore? Like if you overcome the tragedy of being economically level with Balkans, I'm not sure I'd take having to live next to germoids or getting mugged in some smelly french city over Portugal.

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Yeah but it would have to be to a foreign company

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You guys also decriminalized drugs right?


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The weather is a bit more extreme in the islands and the accent is a bit harder to understand in my opinion, they are not really gentrified yet so you would get the certified portuguese experience though. Also cheaper cost of living because of it.

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Do you guys have surfing that isn’t extremely dangerous?

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I don't know, I never surfed before XD

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:#marseyxd: I recall this recent article

Welcome to Portugal, the new expat haven. Californians, please go home

@Transgender_spez is this article accurate?

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it is accurate and actually got posted on /r/Portugal and created a lot of seethe, when americans approach me and try speaking to me in english I just pretend I can't speak it, or if im feeling extra devious and they ask me for directions (in english) i just give them wrong directions on purpose. If they use portuguese im merciful

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when americans approach me and try speaking to me in english I just pretend I can't speak it, or if im feeling extra devious and they ask me for directions (in english) i just give them wrong directions on purpose.


Tuga Rei do Caralho, porra!

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lmao the average European when someone tries to speak with them in English :marseyxd::marseyxd::marseyxd:

Probably not the smartest idea to announce that you're a tourist anyway

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I hate anglos :marseyno::marseybong::marseyscooter:

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I think you mean Brazilian :#marseyflagbrazil:

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Californians really do shit up every place they go, don’t they?

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12ft.io is a paywall remover cause I'm not sure if LA Times is paywalled for the mobilecels, nothing sinister don't worry :marseyangel:

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Just like the warez crackers, I am sure they do it for free.

:marseyclueless: :marseyhacker:

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Don't, portugal is the eastern europe of western europe

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Dw I'm not actually gonna, the US is fantastic if you've got plenty of money lol

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In Italy the highest authority organisation on language came out and basically called people trying to push gender neutral Italian language r-slurs for even trying, it was a brutal, academically sound takedown.

In regards to gays and stuff yes, pride parades exist but for everyday life it's normal for gay men to get assaulted if they act gay in public, especially by immigrants lol

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In Italy the highest authority organisation on language came out and basically called people trying to push gender neutral Italian language r-slurs for even trying, it was a brutal, academically sound takedown.

Got a link for this? I also was in Italy and it was fricking unreal how much Burgerfied Italy is when compared to Portugal, even though ironically, Portuguese people speak English much more than Italians, you would expect that the most Amerimuttized country would be the one with more English speakers, but that is not the case here.

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Italian university students are very fricked and Americanised, everyone else rejects it hugely. A lot of the tourism industry also caters to Americans that's maybe why to thought that

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Basato in italian


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Okay I officially want out, America sucks

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Lol making posts on this sub that you want out from America being too liberal, cite southern europe as places to go might be fun

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>I’m in Oregon and my state just legalized abortion up through the third trimester. This is incredibly disheartening and I can’t stand the way politics are going here. No one respects their elders or goes to church. I’m looking to move to southern Europe so that I can live somewhere that better aligns with my Catholic values. I’d ideally like to be somewhere that also allows for hunting and membership to a shooting club as I have numerous expensive rifles that I don’t want to give up.

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You're a bigoted, sexist butthole and I hope you never reproduce.

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This is good for dramacoin


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Evil Nazi TERFs on rdrama?? OUT OUT OUT!!!

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Can't wait to visit Portugal!

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I'm in one of the remotest, most bumfrick conservative parts of America and I still see :!marseytrain:s

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Different worlds really, even the most conservative spaces in the US are liberal when compared to southern europe, this will change soon enough though with the ammount of american immigrants coming aswell as culture exports.

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Also non-binary doesnt exist because our languages dont even allow it (no gender neutral)

You underestimate the r-slur power of radlibs. In my country gender neutral terms are used for inanimate objects, braindead enbies still use them and basically dehumanize themselves. :marseylaugh:

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Most people here havent met a train either, ive met one

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are they like in the internet?

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At a berine sanders event, pitching their softcover book. Black dress, smelled funny

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I went to Spain in 2002 when I was in highschool. There was a gay couple making out on the subway giving me weird looks.

Maybe Portugal just exported all the gays to Brazil.

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Also non-binary doesnt exist because our languages dont even allow it

Language doesnt create genders

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Sounds pretty great, protuguese people hate bikers too.

Trans lives matter

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I’m moving to Portugual

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