Furry convention drama: should calling the cops on a trans person be treated as a murder attempt?


TL;DR: Some furry in the group chat for Denfur, a Colorado furcon, decided to drop some lukewarm takes on gender in the convention group chat - an r-slured decision considering the average furry demographic, but dramatic nonetheless. The usual suspects demand this Nazi be exiled from the con and wider fandom for life, but in a twist of fate, the convention staff decide to boot the complainers for screaming and spamming in the chat instead.

The text that was supposedly the last straw before they got jannied, likely for melodramatic shit-stirring:


The woke faction of the wider furry community is now up in arms, branding DenFur a Nazi convention because of all this. I'm on vacation so can't pick out too many highlights but that thread is choc-full of funny furry seething. Enjoy! :marseythumbsup:

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This should be auto-posted by snappy whenever the word "furry" is used on the title

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These people exaggerate and stretch everything.

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like her ballsack

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Nah, this a they/them dude married to a :marseytrain:.

Seem like a lovely mentally stable couple. Take a guess which one of them is the wife.




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OH HOLD ON this is the one married to a convicted p-do

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Convicted p-do who’s literally banned from the internet lol.

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Yes they are in fact a furry

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So the one calling out some guy for milquetoast takes as a nazi is married to a convicted p-do?

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I feel like I'm going schizo trying to comprehend those chats

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Also your effort posts are soooo low effort Marx, you gotta explain who all these people are. At least link to her Kiwifarms

The people need to know she injects saline into her gock

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I'm out of the country and only have a shitty phone on hand :marseycry:

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I remember the Furry P-do Police raid thread, small world for degenerates i guess

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If you want something done well, do it yourself.

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Autism, trains, nazis, furries, literally all go hand in hand.

This morning, Cum went to the park. I went with Coom. And Cum brought Coomer frisbee. At least I think it was Coomers. By the end of the day, Cum started throwing the frisbee to Cumself.

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Yes I am a female g*mer, yes I even like Zelda. What a surprise (after I even gave him personal bonus points for wearing a Zelda Shirt). No, a g*mer shirt is not "a handicap". Yes, when you think wearing a Zelda shirt equals "dating a minor" then you are the problem, not the shirt. Nope, I don't think the "majority of women will see it as a turn off". Yes, when all women you know act negatively around people wearing g*mer shirts and degrade others for having that hobby you have a pretty bad and in my opinion immature social environment to be honest. Nope, you don't have to be a "nerd" or g*mer in order to accept and/or respect other people's hobbies. I think I got all covered now.


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