In memory of the late MGTOW, here were my 4 favorite threads of all time

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I love MGTOW. The theory is so fricking good. Frick what people expect of you and do what you want.

Then they show what they want and it's sitting on their butt smoking weed and playing video games. Go your own way and do kid shit in your 40s bros. Swear to god it won't lead to a drinking problem and suicide from self hatred.

Now I'm gonna go my own way and smash some trussy

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OG MGTOW was some anti-government shit, like "If we stop paying taxes society will collapse and the foids will flock to us as stable providers of rationed canned goods"

The time has come for the Necromaster. The unleashing of the fourth joker's card. The arrival of The Great Milenko

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Wasn't one of the original MGTOW—I'm not sure if leader is the right word...maybe daddy—some divorced deadbeat fricking dad who had money but was screwing his ex-wife (wives?) over and, in turn, screwing his kids over

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Sounds about right. The whole manifesto blog post thing reads like some guy who coasted by on looks and quick wits into his 30s, then all his bullshit caught up to him so he was desperately trying to find an out that didn't involve any effort or growth on his part.

The time has come for the Necromaster. The unleashing of the fourth joker's card. The arrival of The Great Milenko

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The half of them that weren't neurodivergent permavirgins were all divorced deadbeats coping over the fact that they had hit absolute rock bottom so I believe it.

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A lot of it seemed to be complaining (correctly or not) about custody battles. Also ended up with a rather rightoid bent.

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Men win something like 70 or 80% of the custody battles they bother to actually pursue. The reason maternal custody is so statistically prevalent is that the fathers either don’t usually pursue it, or do so only nominally and just end up skipping court dates because they don’t actually care.

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That stat is probably skewed by the fact that men are more likely to pursue if they think they actually have a chance of winning (i.e. the woman is insane/dangerous). A lot of men view custody battles as un-winnable in normal conditions. You take a lot of Ls in a divorce and it makes no sense to take one more by participating in a lopsided custody battle.

That’s just my perception and I’ve never been divorced.

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I saw the original manifesto and it was weird as shit. They wanted to go back to the fifties as far as women's roles, but they didn't want any of the annoying stuff that went with it. One of their goals was to "kill chivalry". So instead of being in the fifties with men holding doors for us and carrying heavy stuff for us, women would be stuck there with a bunch of entitled manchildren.

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They seem the type who would be OK with marriage if marital r*pe was still legal

The time has come for the Necromaster. The unleashing of the fourth joker's card. The arrival of The Great Milenko

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The eternal moid reveals his true form

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The Industrial Revolution and its consequences...

Men are only able to realize their true potential in times of extreme hardship. Sorry to serious post, but if any of the moids here missed out on getting shot at and shooting back in our perpetual small wars, then you'll go to your grave never having lived life to its fullest. Dumping a belt fed machine gun on some other poor r-slurs after a well executed ambush opens is the best rush in the world.

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Based and General Mattis pilled.

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War is horror and it should be ended, but until we find an alternative meat grinder to dispose of worthless moids, getting them to die for imaginary ideas like the nation-state is a better alternative than having them slowly kill themselves over imaginary waifus.

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@Krayon (sister toucher)Philospher whats your verdict on this dude?

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Based tbh. As much as the Moralstrag in me seethes at this war is good for the average moid.

Individuals and entire cultures and their beliefs are shaped in war.

They find themselves, or find themselves lacking.

Conflict leads to progress. It's through mental conflict, through the process of taking ideas, beliefs, philosophies and pitting them against one another in the battleground of the logical mind that people grow and develop their beliefs and personality.

It's through physical conflict, through hardship and the breaking of the body that the body becomes stronger.

Literally. When we exercise our some of our muscle tissues start to break down and be broken down by amino acids, but when you add ingested protein and other nutrition into the chemical reactions the muscles breaking down are rebuilt larger and stronger with imo acids and other shit.

My point is, physically, mentally, spiritually, men grow and come out stronger on the other side of conflict. Whether the battleground is the soul or a literal battleground

In war, entire cultures are challenged physically, mentally, even spiritually, (tragedy had proven time and time again that it can make or break faith).

Other than that fighting against an enemy perceived to be evil gives men a sense of purpose.

The idea that you'll most likely die, and then be forgotten, having had no impact on history or anything within 100 years of your death is a depressing one, it makes people feel insignificant and utterly purposeless, Cause if you live a life that ultimately isn't remembered and didnt change anything then it didn't matter.

Fighting, and winning, against an evil enemy gives men a sense that they WILL have an impact on the course of history, even if their contribution is a very small one.

It takes away that feeling of insignificance and pointlessness and adds purpose to soldiers lives.

So yeah, war is good, as long as it's fought against evil. And because war needs to happen there always has to be some evil force to challenge and be defeated by good men.

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All those words won't bring daddy back.

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@Chapose with the longpostbost bait

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imagine believing some grunt getting his nuts blown off by an IED in bumfrickistan is "having an impact on the course of history"

Any of you fslurs who feel like you missed out on getting shot, let me know and I'll happily shoot you.

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war is good because moids die in it end of

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How do I cite this for my paper? APA 7th edition, please

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Or moids could just learn to suck it up, realize we're each an insignificant speck in an endless universe, and go back to their Call of Duty and weed.

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The biggest issue with MGTOW is they never, you know, went their own way. MGTOW since pretty much the very start was guys circle jerking about how much they hate women.

Almost every convo was over women. It was just a cesspit of guys furious at life and women looking for an outlet to complain.

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Why do straggots have 0 ability to make a room look even remotely inviting

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my wife left me a year ago but it’s great because now I have a studio apartment with fish from Walmart


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Idk why people are critical of shit like that. I imagine I could live in a studio apartment with walmart fish and be completely content in life.

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That fricking desk

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This picture says it all

It really does, but not the way you think it does...

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Reminds me of this old pic.

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Seventeen dollars?

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Now that’s gangsta.

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Kids today don't respect the classics.

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epic fish room.


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Hello Mr. McClure

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The original sigma male

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The rightoids are right about mayocide lmao

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frick off carp


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is this 2002?

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Pic #2 just keeps on giving. The mix of shitty furniture, vidya, mountain dew, lotion, and completely bare walls shows how refocusing is going for this sigma king

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Woman or Fish. Which way white man?

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No amount of g*mer cope will save you from the pain of realizing that you're a grey-haired Norwood victim heading towards his late thirties.

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If you're going to "go your own way," at least get two monitors. Might be wrong, but I'm assuming they do useful stuff on those desktops.

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This is somehow more pathetic than fds land whales buying themselves engagement rings. That's what, 100 bong-dollars? 😂 Has to be a troll

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There were always posts from sad old dudes buying like RC trucks and shit and longposting about how wonderful it is not to have to worry about being judged for their hobbies anymore. They’re all 100% serious and it just kills me.

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Holy shit lmao, at least you were there to let them know that they definitely were being judged, and for good reason

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Yeah, when I first read about MGTOW, I thought they were going to focus on self-development, meditation, walk in the woods while it snows to contemplate life. But nope, it was almost entirely lame hobbies.

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fds foids are insecure and want shiny jewelry

mgtow moids are pathetic bedroomdwellers obsessed with gussy

reddit truly brings out the true essence of humankind

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I like fish 🐟

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Didn't realise it stood for Men Gaming Their Own Way smh.

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These posts are so dangerous. I'm glad reddit is keeping people safe by not allowing such information to be distributed on their platform.

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I wonder if he talks to his goldfish

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>that handful of pennies he's flexing

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AHS must be having a good wank.

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holy shit I should get my shit together

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Dear god, that first room must smell horrendous and I’m 99% sure those are lotion bottles under the desk in the sad second one lmfao. Also is that person bragging about having like 100(?) dollars?

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Anyone know where they have a forum or something so we can see them rend their clothes and gnash their teeth at gynocentrism?

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proof that moids are inferior

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I'm sure it's just a coincidence most are g*mers.

Is that lotion under the desk next to a chair stolen from the mall food court? 😂🤣

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