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On the Deuxrama Question :marseydeux:

I am a lurker who's been watching from the sidelines for several months now, but between the Day of the Login Screen, and the Deuxrama issue, I can remain silent no longer, so I am going to use my first post to speak out on this issue.


Deuxrama as a separate site is not only a stupid idea, but may in the process ruin rDrama forever. This recent :chudsey: purge has been, to my knowledge, orchestrated to drive people to Deuxrama, and in doing so merely turn rDrama and Deuxrama into two separate bastions of wingcuckery, that will just eternally sneed at each other. Excess CHUDness might get rDrama removed, but I presume :marseydeux: has the same host, and will likely get both sites removed if it gets taken down, so it's pragmatically useless. It also gets unfunny when in excess, and so and the goal is NOT unrestricted :chudsey: or :marseyfreezepeach:, but instead to avoid a division into two wingcuck communities that eternally sneed at each other, and the concept of a separate rDrama-related :chudsey: site. If you want to be a wingcuck, SRD and Kiwifarms exist for that. I can't just sit and watch as this site runs itself into the ground. We must not become /pol/, but we must be careful not to lean into :marseybardfinn: too much. Wingcuckery is a two-sided peril, after all, and Deuxrama was a r-slurred idea from the start.

I propose a balance system for a hypothetical Chud Award/Leftoid Award ratio, wherein say 10:1 - 10 dramanauts chudded for every dramanaut leftoid-awarded, and an excess in one direction will make the opposite award cheaper, subject to rebalancing by Carp and the other admins, e.g. if we get an influx from twitter, this ratio could be flipped on its head, while if this site gets mentioned on /pol/, it could be made 20:1, to maintain a proper wingcuck balance ratio. This could be a better solution to rDrama's political balance problems than creating a chud exile site that brings all the cons of being a chud site to rDrama (deplatforming, chuds finding it a :marseyfreezepeach: place from other chud sites) while also turning rDrama and itself into bastions of wingcuckery. Drama comes from difference, after all. What use to the world is another /pol/, or another SRD?

I also have noticed a sore lack of :chudsey: longposts, and I'm planning on making a few long-winded posts of that style as well - starting with a dissection of the question "What is a Woman?", and why it makes those who believe TRANS LIVES MATTER sneed so much. Plenty of :chudsey:s like to take small potshots in the comments, but I notice few tend to elaborate. I will try to fix that, or shout TRANS LIVES MATTER trying.

And now, finishing this first post, I ask myself the question all lurkers becoming posters must ask ourselves - am I still the lol-milker, or have I become the :marseylolcow:?

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For what it's worth, they are on different hosts, and you're right that part of the argument for separating the chudposting out is to prevent an rDrama deplatforming. Speaking in my personal capacity, I'm not entirely sure this is that big of a risk in practice.

The perhaps stronger argument is around community management: the spectre of communities.win is haunting the reddit off-site world. Which is to say: there's a perennial fear of every non-mainstream social media space turning into /pol/. The reason that's bad isn't even because certain rightist views of politics are wrong—heck, I'm not exactly a leftoid myself—but just because it's boring and it consumes & overpowers any existing culture. The question from there is whether the Deux split achieves the desired end of preventing that.

There's also a secondary question of how to handle the fact that sometimes leftoids really are doing Dramatic things that deserve to be sneered at, which inevitably starts to tend toward rightoid critiques. The challenge is not treating those the same way one handles outright chudpoasting. In practice, the solution has been to occasionally let idio loose to terrorize the masses, even the undeserving. It seems to work, even if it's suboptimal.

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I have had similar thoughts regarding the /pol/-ification of any offsite - part of me thinks that this is semi-deliberate on the part of larger social media to tarnish any competitors with nazi labeling before they can rise. However, people ask themselves "How can we avoid being /pol/ 2.0?" that they forget to ask "How can we avoid being Reddit/Twitter/Tumblr 2.0?" Both are very concerning, like I said - wingcuckery is a two-sided peril. The point is to find a balance - preserve rDrama culture and avoid being a rightoid or leftoid wingcuck website. Becoming a leftoid website whilst spawning a rightoid website is the exact opposite of that.

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I don't disagree. Right now, Deux is less the chud sister site it's billed as and more LLM's personal fiefdom. Ironically, this is turning it into something like an unapprovedcel site that might pick up its own culture, distinct from the left–right divide. This wouldn't be a problem in itself if we had the population to support both sites. Not sure that we do, though at least it's not drawing down the rDrama side of the pair.

From that perspective, there's two ways to analyze it: 1) Deux is irrelevant, and we can consider the effect of the half-dozen rightoid permabans on the main site in isolation. Your argument works pretty well here, and I can't say I remember who all was banned with enough detail to have a strong opinion on it. Or, 2) Deux's existence threatens the culture of the main site by symbolically splitting the userbase, even if it doesn't split it much in practice.

I think ultimately, we need to find a good solution to wingcuckery—both sides, as you mention—on the main site, and then it should become obvious what to do with Deux. We're in a bit of a holding pattern right now since nothing seems to be going terribly wrong, so probably nothing will change until someone starts to think there's an active issue. Carp's lurking somewhere, and he might have an opinion on the leftoid award proposal.

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Btw while you're here, who are you?

All the other jannies I can pin down. Homocracy and Joan were the OG gay jannies of /r/drama.

Aevann and Carp we're ruqqoids who kinda founded this place. Aevann did all the coding and engineering while Carp became the talking head.

Others like Idio worked their way up by grovelling to be part of the bureaucracy. But from what I can tell you just kind of showed up...

Are you someones alt, a bit, the glowy in charge of rightoid entrapment here?

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the glowy in charge of rightoid entrapment here

This but unironically



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I did code for free and was seemingly stable enough to get handed a mop. Geese is in a similar boat, if we're counting jannie origins.

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i didn't even do it for free i got paid 100k mb to make a theme and then as soon as they mopped me the money dried up :marseyannoyed:

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>Others like Idio worked their way up by grovelling to be part of the bureaucracy

Yep, it's commie time

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>calling me ruqqoid when all i did there was run a spam bot to enrage the userbase

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I don't disagree. Right now, Deux is less the chud sister site it's billed as and more LLM's personal fiefdom.

Napoleon Complex in action? Also, I'm arguing about the idea of a chud splinter, I'm not that updated on the goings-on of Deuxrama at the moment.

if we had the population to support both sites

I'm leaning towards a 'no' on that.

  1. Deux is irrelevant, and we can consider the effect of the half-dozen rightoid permabans on the main site in isolation. Your argument works pretty well here, and I can't say I remember who all was banned with enough detail to have a strong opinion on it.

It's still in its infancy - LLM can probably turn it around, though I doubt it at this point.

  1. Deux's existence threatens the culture of the main site by symbolically splitting the userbase, even if it doesn't split it much in practice.

Yes, it does symbolically split the userbase, even down the classic lines. As - I think it was "Slate Star Codex" noted - there tends to be a 'In-Theory Neutral' institution that was liberalized and a rightoid splinter, e.g. ABC/NBC/CBS/CNN vs. Fox News, with the consequence that the original institution becomes more and more leftoid. We don't need a CNNrDrama and a FoxrDrama.

It also threatens it by providing leftoid mods the excuse to purge and permaban chuds with the excuse of 'go to Deuxrama', which just can't end well, and I can see that happening if this whole split idea continues on.

I think ultimately, we need to find a good solution to wingcuckery

Ultimately, there is no solution, people will always have opinions - the point is to prevent rDrama from falling into the exclusive or near-exclusive domain of one side or another. This is why, I presume, while despite the de facto open atmosphere, Carp (rightfully, in this case) dislikes the notion of 'free speech' - no leeway to deal with /pol/ gunking the place up. Also, a relatively comparable and small (i.e. not dominating the community) amount of wingcucks arguing with each other can be dramatic - who would want to kick Pizzashill out, for instance?

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I'm being a bit non-committal in answering because I've got to thread the needle of my personal views versus the fact I'm inevitably a representative of the jannie staff, but I do think your analysis is right. The one point I might differ on is that Deux is… mostly dead, so discussion of it is less about Deux itself than it is about main-site wingcuck policy. Strongest point in favor of putting it out to pasture being that it "provid[es] leftoid mods the excuse to purge and permaban chuds", not least since that's already been happening with that explicitly excuse. However, in a counterfactual world without Deux, there's probably still some rightoids getting permabanned under the current wingcuck policy. Overall, the primary assurance I can provide is that a similar debate to this one has been going on behind the scenes for some time, so perhaps the public debate here can inform it.

Given you alluded to Scott, any chance you're a Mottizen? The Drama–Deux dynamic amusingly parallels the Motte–CWR dynamic—and your CNNrDrama–FoxrDrama hypothetical.

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I've heard of the Motte, but haven't really dug into that sphere, or really posted there. I have read some of Scott Alexander's blogposts, though. Looks interesting though, I might get into it. I presume that's what /h/the_ivory_tower is supposed to be a copy of? If so, then I like the idea. What is CWR, though? Haven't heard of that.

Also, the point is to ban the wingcucks with the highest seriousposting/dramalessposting per capita, and to maintain a balance. I do understand the need to remain non-committal, however. Also, in practice, I suspect rightoids banned under such a policy might just go to Kiwi or similar instead of to LLM's fiefdom.

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/r/TheMotte which was a culture war discussion spin-off from /r/slatestarcodex. TheMotte are in the process of putting together their own off-site based on the rDrama code now too! And /r/CultureWarRoundup being the place Mottizens went to chudpoast when they didn't feel like writing paragraphs. /h/the_ivory_tower was originally just @JugMoonalo wanting to make a place for long-form discussion, but some of us have been slowly trying to Motte-ify it :marseywink:

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Sounds like a place I might join when it's ready, then!

Also, does that make CWR the chud offshoot of a chud offshoot?

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A brief glance at their front page shows it's about as lively as Deux


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Lol idk anything about the motte, but the name "the ivory tower" is a parody of "the motte"

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Was there ever anything but ironic longposting there? Seems like a weird take.

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Just get LLM hooked on some kind of downers or benzos to stay more placid.

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part of me thinks that this is semi-deliberate on the part of larger social media to tarnish any competitors with nazi labeling before they can rise.

Did it ever occur to you that the only people seeking out Reddit clones are either:

  1. FOSS Scizos, the sorts of people who think Pop_OS! is the greatest and most secure OS ever.

  2. People who are too extreme for Reddit. Ha ha ha Gruumers meabs ban but overall Reddit's enforcement of it's rules is fricking lax. It's really easy to not get banned, just don't threaten to kill Landcucks, Leftchads, SRDines (yes, even if they deserve it), and/or :marseytrain:.

So when you've got an Reddit Clone you're really only getting the socially maladjusted. It's not FemJ-12 conspiring to enact the moidcide, it's your undiagnosed Neurodivergence.

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but overall Reddit's enforcement of it's rules is fricking lax

Unless you get labeled as a DAS and then they go after you for any little thing


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Don't get DASmaxxed r-slur

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The admins might be somewhat lazy, but the powerjannies and Bardfinn types certainly are not. Even if accounts are not purged with large frequency, what does it matter if any community gets banned or restricted, and you get subreddit-banned anyways? And it certainly would be in the interest of a for-profit business to strangle competitors in the crib, like with Ruqqus.

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Alternatively, Chudcucks just ruin everything they touch. As has been demonstrated thousands of times.

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The eternal 110th Website.

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They go through websites like they might condoms if they were more palatable to Womxn

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If I were as comfortable with rejection by women as I am by neckbeards, I'd have 50 children by now.

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🚨Bard bot alert!🚨

Reset the counter. Current counter was: 0 days, 0 hours, 32 minutes

Record is 0 days, 22 hours

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People who are too extreme for Reddit. Ha ha ha Gruumers meabs ban but overall Reddit's enforcement of it's rules is fricking lax. It's really easy to not get banned, just don't threaten to kill Landcucks, Leftchads, SRDines (yes, even if they deserve it), and/or .

Sweaty did you not know of Marseygate? Lurkers here got their decade old accounts banned for drawing a pixel or two of Marsey FFS


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Using your main for a dramaop


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