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Pizzashill's week goes from bad to worse

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Imagine being born disabled ๐Ÿคฎ in Britain ๐Ÿคฎ, the state forces you to live your dreadful disabled ๐Ÿคฎ British ๐Ÿคฎ life, and the only intimacy you experience is a handjob from a whore older than ya mum. Honestly, can't tell if being born British or Indian is worse: at least everyone in India can agree that life is terrible. Imagine complaining bewailing your miserable life in England, and the ยฃ23-grandmarm with tardcum all over her saggy freckled tits says,

Oi, tha bes' gobby I gibya, yeh?, an' ya lil spaz arse disagree? Ma arthritis is bernin' I'll slep 'ere t'night then, yeh?

Orwell never could have guessed that the real 1984 government would just send blowjobgrannies to the tenements and slums to check for unregistered tellies, and skip the brainwashing and ratboxes.

Oi me back 'erts. Where's 'e spa'tic in 'e chair oo needs 'is rimmy?


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I thought this was snappy talking at first so I downvoted on instinct

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Downvoted for downvoting snappy

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