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What is with the oversaturation of BPD foids on Reddit?


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All on a 7 week old Reddit account. Every deranged (usually man-hating) post on this shithole website will hit half or more of the same flags I mentioned above.

What is with the ubiquitous BPD foid menace on Reddit? I demand answers!

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I think reddit has more landwhales than BPD

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landwhales and BPD venn diagram is a circle.

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That's because BPD is really just unpunished narcissism. Of course those people buy into HAES.

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what about autism?

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I'm not sure. I don't have autism, I have mild sociopathy, which manifests as very low empathy for people who cross me. I don't hang out with many aut*stic people because they tend to be boring, so I don't know much about them.


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Pretty sure you said you have autism at one point, no?

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Yeah, I made that autism thing up because sociopathy is unfairly stigmatized in our society. Stupid normie filth hear the word "sociopath" and immediately think that we're nutjobs ready to go on a killing spree at the drop of a dime. Most of us are law-abiding citizens who are productive members of the community: we simply have a much lower tolerance threshold for bullshit and are willing to take very vicious countermeasures when narcissists try to push their bullshit onto us.

The massive discrimination against sociopaths is the main reason why I try to pass myself off as an autist instead. The best route towards establishing equal rights for people like me is to first establish equal rights for neurodiverse people as a class and then to focus on specifically stigmatized aspects of neurodiversity, such as sociopathy. This is also why I have such contempt for BLM and third-wave feminism: these narcissistic filth think that they have a monopoly on oppressed victimhood, but they have no idea of what oppression really is. Thanks to Leftists, sociopaths are the most discriminated-against group in the world: we can't even admit our nature without either having a Twitter lynch mob try to get us fired or some well-intentioned but idiotic psychiatrists getting involved to pathologize our condition in a way that justifies them taking away our freedom.

This may help explain why I worked so hard to put Trump in power and spread the gospel of Q. As long as sociopaths are unfairly discriminated against and stigmatized - as long as we can lose our jobs or our freedom simply by admitting to a condition that we have no control over (which is not even a real "mental illness" but simply a different ideological viewpoint) - then society is effectively at war with us. And if intolerant bigots want to be at war with me, then I will do my best to make them suffer. Why shouldn't I? After all, I am a law-abiding citizen of the United States so I should be entitled to the same rights and non-discrimination protections as anybody else. People who try to infringe upon any of my citizenship rights are all evil filth who deserve to die. And just because I obey the law and don't attack these people directly doesn't mean I can't hurt these filth in indirect (but entirely legal) ways. You'd be surprised at how much death and destruction you can sow amongst your enemies simply by whispering secrets and dangerous information online. I'm very proud of that. Anybody can kill their enemies illegally with a gun or a knife but it takes a really special kind of person to do it with just a single whisper, in a way that is entirely legal.

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Ma'am we've been over this before. You need to stop.

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:#marseythinkorino: :#marseyautismpat: :#marseyfacepat:

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I don't hang out with many aut*stic people because they tend to be boring, so I don't know much about them.

He said on a site which is a glorified otter day care

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ah I see.

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