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KiwiFarms.cc & Null discover, yes we do have a Marsey for everything. Thread devolves into a 200+ post hellthread and a debate about IQ and race


The orginal post as of time of writing


Josh (Null) saw it eventually. I'm not sure how Marsey gets transubstantiated into a dog, but I'm not a genius


Within a record 4 replies, tedposting is sighted


racist IQ posting soon follows


The other IQ (Irish Question) quickly comes up


Eventually the real menace (redditors) is named


Finally, a real intellectual enters, as soyjacks and "source" are dropped


The only actually smart people (Marsey subject matter experts) are at the very bottom of the thread.


http://rdrama.cc if you want to join this elite club of posters

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17187151446911044.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17093267613293715.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17177781034384797.webp

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Love that IQ post showing the "pure white" with only 100iq (which is a very average score)

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It was a funny way to get their point across. IQ is not a good indicator of intelligence though.

And yes, I have a high IQ. No, I am not a social justice warrior. No, I am not a social justice warrior pretending to be a conservative. I am simply a scientific minded person who disagrees with current tests that measure intelligence because I believe that they measure education instead.

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disagrees with current tests that measure intelligence because I believe that they measure education instead

This is the oldest anti-IQ cope out there, Pingie, you're better than this.

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Look, I've met some very smart people who were uneducated, including a lot of ruralcel conservatives. A lot of hicks have low IQ, but they're not dumb, they're just uneducated and feral. You can't diss blacks for IQ results without dissing a lot of hicks as well. I would rather not diss either of those groups, except for my renter, who apparently has some very interesting ideas of "cleanliness." (I'm working on it.)

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Even low income whites out score high income blacks on iq tests like the SAT, cope more

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A lot of hicks have low IQ, but they're not dumb, they're just uneducated and feral.

Why do you think that they have low IQ, as measured by performance on Raven matrices or whatever? And otherwise why would you call them smart if they can't spot obvious patterns?

If you want to vaguely point at the difference between intelligence and wisdom then sure, but sort of soft-denying that IQ actually measures an important facet of human capability is r-slurred.

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Yes, this is exactly why most social media sucks - because their rules on "hate-speech" prevent us from even having the most basic reasonable conversations on how to solve societal problems. This is exactly why people who don't believe in free speech and who cancel others are evil monsters whose existence is bad for society. They need to either evolve or die.

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I think a lot of the alleged genetic intelligence differences are actually cultural, and that people of a particular race who lived in cultures with scholarly values would appear to have high IQ scores. But if you raised people of that same race in a different culture where scholastic endeavors were less valued, they would have lower IQ scores and appear to be dumber. This is important because culture can be changed much more easily than genetics, so we could literally raise people's intelligence just by modifying their culture.

I don't know this for an absolutely certain fact - because thanks to the Fun Police I'm apparently not allowed to conduct unethical large-scale social experiments anymore (and I'm pretty sure I attracted way too much :marseyglow: attention with my last set of experiments) - but this outcome would be very consistent with my previous findings and I have a reasonably high degree of confidence in this outcome.

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I think a lot of the alleged genetic intelligence differences are actually cultural, and that people of a particular race who lived in cultures with scholarly values would appear to have high IQ scores.

But good IQ tests don't measure culture, they measure pattern-matching ability, working memory, that kind of stuff. And they have strong correlates like reaction speed that definitely have nothing to do with culture, if anything you'd expect people groomed to be "scholastic" and "thoughtful" to have lower reaction speed, but they don't. Also, anecdotally, from hanging out with very intelligent people, it's not that they have some sort of cultural advantage, it's that they grok stuff, much more complicated stuff and much faster than I possibly could. The stuff that they have not been exposed to before.

Again, you might be trying to point at something different, like economic outcomes, and claim that we can teach people to have longer time preferences and value education and contemplating choices and all that, and that could help, sure. But that's not IQ, you just have to talk to people two SD above you and two SD below you sometimes to realize that there's this very real different axis that kind of trumps nurture/culture, high IQ people will naturally discover benefits of cooperation, low IQ people will try their best to be useful but struggle because they have trouble following orders because they forget things.

Like, consider a metaphor, imagine a society composed of yous, but you're perpetually six beers drunk. You have all the high IQ cultural reflexes, you value all the right things, you don't backstab fellow yous, and yet you will struggle and no social intervention could possibly help you with that.

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But good IQ tests don't measure culture, they measure pattern-matching ability, working memory, that kind of stuff.

True, but I don't think we currently have good IQ tests, or even good intelligence tests. I do agree that some aspect of intelligence is genetic, but if we can't accurately measure it then we shouldn't immediately be leaping to the "some races are just dumb" conclusion.

Yes, obviously on average some races will be dumber than others. It would be a really weird coincidence if all races were exactly the same intelligence, don't you think? But whether that difference is statistically significant is very important, as well as whether that difference comes from genetics or culture.

For example, suppose that right now, we magically fixed all the intelligence tests to be more accurate and measure intelligence rather than education, and managed to test every single person in the world. Obviously you would find that black people are dumber than whites, but that would be the result of Africa completely throwing off the statistical average, since their cultural norms are total shit and practically designed to leave these people ignorant and dumb. The only way you could know for sure if there was a genetic component to the intelligence gap is if we fixed the IQ tests and we fixed Africa's shitty culture, since those two things are both throwing off the results. But our elites won't ever let that happen because they are in total denial that Africa has a cultural problem in the first place, instead they falsely attribute all of Africa's problems to "muh colonialism." And the principle of Westphalian sovereignity (or as I like to call it, West-FAILURE sovereignity - because it forces us to operate in failure mode) that the U.N. propagates means that we can't just go into Africa and start overthrowing warlords, kicking butt, and solving problems. We should be able to, but our leaders are gutless and incompetent. They spent trillions of dollars and couldn't even hold Afghanistan! It's just pathetic how incompetent our leadership is. If I had been in charge, then by now Afghanistan would be our 51st state and functioning really smoothly.

Does that make sense to you? I hope I'm doing a good job of explaining my position.

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That's what most people mean when they say "stupid". Maybe in burger comedies dumb people are gentle downies, but in real life all that "stupid" entails is "feral". A stupid person is indistinguishable from animal - like a cat that deliberately breaks glass and is then spooked by it. A bear that attacks everything that moves. A hyena that can follow you for months through a desert. Stupid people can be amusing, annoying, dangerous or impressive. What they are not is sapient.

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No, I disagree, because I am both highly intelligent and feral. I consistently score in the top 1% of the population on standardized tests (SATs, SSHATs, GMATs, etc) and I am a productive member of society. But I am feral because as a child I was frequently left to care for myself for long periods of time so I developed my own moral code independent from societal norms.

I do happen to be very highly educated, which distinguishes me from the average ruralcel, but that is simply because New York City (where I grew up) has a couple of specialized public high schools with accelerated learning programs - Bronx Science, Brooklyn Tech, and Stuyvesant - which you can get into simply by testing really well on a standardized exam. Since they're public schools, you can get into them regardless of your socioeconomic class.

But I'm very aware that I lucked out by being born in New York City. I grew up poor so I couldn't afford to go to a fancy private school - if I had been born in a poor community, it wouldn't have mattered how smart I am: I'd have taken a very different track in life and probably been indistinguishable from your typical redneck or gang member.

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That's nice sweaty. Why don't you have a seat in the time out corner with Pizzashill until you calm down, then you can have your Capri Sun.

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But I am feral because as a child I was frequently left to care for myself for long periods of time so I developed my own moral code independent from societal norms.

That's not what feral is.

That said, as any aspie, you do exhibit an occasional inability to control your behavior, but that's probably within the margin of the humane.

Also also, I ultimately agree that nurture plays a part in adult IQ, but it has little to do with formalized education. I'm not one of those people who chant that blacks/rednecks are untameable.

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Lol education? Nah that’s called an achievement test. Thanks for showing you know nothing about psychometrics, r-slur.

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Obviously you'll get exceptions and obviously education and nutrition etc. play a big part too, but I'm sure you'd concede IQ ALSO plays a crucial role in intelligence.

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Nutrition only plays a role if you’re literally starving and don’t get basic stuff like iodine. Same goes for education.

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100 is the average for whites though. Average is nothing brilliant. Only south east asians and ashkenazi jews have anything above, 110 and 115 respectively.

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wants to paint self as superior

Uses the most average score


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it's the benchmark, I'm obviously an ashkenazi jew supremacist.

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100 is the average for whites though.


It's the average of the entire US population. You chuds should know this.

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fine, but it's only a few points difference. nothing debilitating. Poles are something like 96. We all cluster around 100, I don't give a frick. We're white, you're white.

btw: if you're trying to claim that ALL americans have an average of 100, this is incorrect. We can get estimates of 102 and 105 for whites like this, but it's not proper.

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I think you mean east asians. I've been around enough south east asians to know that they're not exceptionally bright on average. But if these IQ scores do indicate real intelligence, why have these 2 groups been so thoroughly BTFOd throughout history? :marseymerchant: kept getting forcibly ejected from every state and eventually genocided. :marseychingchong: lost a war against the :marseybong:s ffs and had their empire completely crumble. After which they proceeded to starve for most of the previous century. The :marseykamikaze: lost WW2 and have now been reduced to a bunch of consoomer losers.

Aren't smart people supposed to win? This really doesn't look like winning to me.

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i did mean east asians. i plan to go to SEA after my trip to aus in october to frick a bunch of thai and vietamese hookers and ride my bike. ive got ching chongs and ladyboys on my mind

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thai and vietamese hookers

:#marseymask: :#marseyvirus:

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And Brahmins.

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