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Jesus is savior


And if you think they were truly holy, would any of their more brutal actions still warrant divine judgement or do they get unlimited good boy points?

Daily reminder that miracles still happen and the supernatural is real

"Read NKJ, the modern versions are trying to change that"

What did he mean by this?

@Redactor0 @johannesalthusius @Chad_Thunderballs @lain @D @Summerland @frozenchozen @CARPLENCIAGA_MenstruGator @W @ponyblaze @Summerland @dramapus

/r/Catholicism debates at what temperature and for how long you should burn Harry Potter books

If Pope St. Pius X told me I was under obligation to cook him chicken dinner every Sunday for the rest of my natural life I'd be asking him if he wanted biscuits to go with it.

There will be unbelievers denying this happened :marseysmug2:
Prot homilies be like
Uh Orthocucks? Wtf???????

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Is the Pope a figurehead worth following in this day and age?

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Mass graves found: 0 | Churches burned: 80 | Catholic cemeteries defiled: a few dozen



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  • care_nlm : Taxes are gay and fatphobic
Even Jesus doesn't mess with the IRS.
Dr. J. Vernon McGee's entire “Thru the Bible” series is 4GB on
Was Jonah the biggest chud of the Bible?

>Be Jonah, the prophet.

>Get told to go to Nineveh and tell them to repent.

>”Why tf are you sending me to that shithole God?” :marseychud:

>”Why not just glass them like Sodom and Gomorrah and be done with it?”:chudsmug:

>Realize He's gonna be merciful to your enemies AGAIN. :chudconcerned:

>Frickthat.jpeg :marseyfuckyou:

>Hitch a boat in the opposite direction :chudjakdancing:

>God sends a storm :marseyrain:

>Tell God-fearing sailors you're a prophet and convince them to throw you overboard. :marseydeception:

>Would rather die than see that degenerate shithole, Nineveh be saved.

>Get tossed overboard. :marseydefenestration:

>get immediately swallowed up by a whale. :chudtantrum: :obesedaddysgirl:

>Fml fine you win I'll give the Ninevites their stupid message. They're not gonna repent anyway. :marseygiveup:

>get barfed up next to Nineveh :marseypuke:

>go to Nineveh

>deliver Message :marseypop2:

>They listen

>Go to cliff

>Wait for Nineveh to be Sodom and Gomorrah'd :marseychuddance:

>Nothing Happens :chuditsover:


>”HE CAN'T KEEP GETTING AWAY WITH IT!” :chudturbospergout2:


attended a friends wedding like only to have my own marriage insulted by the catholic priest for not being christian

i feel like my wife and i attended a friends wedding at a church, and they were fairly religious so there was a lot of bible reading and praying etc, and being atheists, we like just sat there in silence and tried to be respectful, and at one point though, near the end, the priest goes, do you know what it is about christians that makes their marriages so special??? theirs are the like only ones that are truly blessed by god. now, the priest knew very well that many of those in attendance were not christians, and so it was absolutely a slap in the face for us, not because we believe in god but because the message was clearly that our marriage is inferior, and i really had to fight hard against the urge to get up out of the pew right then and there and walk out with my middle finger extended in the air, but out of respect for our friends i didnt budge (apart from shaking silently with anger bc man was i pissed)

im literally screaming, who the frick do these butthole priests think they are to essentially spit on our face in a setting where we cant respond, like because we actually have enough respect for our christian friends to not shit on their marriage??

also like edit: phrasing

edit 2: thanks for literally all the feedback, and many have voiced the opinion that im overreacting; since im an atheist anyway, what difference does it make to me what literally any priest says??? to be clear, its not about a priest talking about my marriage or anyones being blessed or not blessed by whatever deity, and its that we showed up to celebrate our friends wedding because we were invited to do so, but by quietly accepting their priests comment about their marriage being blessed and ours not being blessed, my takeaway is that these people we considered to be our friends accept this idea that their marriage is superior to ours, though they may never say it directly to our face (again, it doesnt matter that in reality nobodys is blessed), and until this particular moment, our religious differences were never an issue and in fact were never even discussed, and maybe im naive to have not seen it coming

im literally screaming, edit 3: im an ex-jw and this was my first wedding at a non-jw christian church, and i had no idea what was going to happen but didnt expect the person presiding over the wedding to throw shade at like 25% of the attendees, and lesson learned i guess


Do not trust the foid

Do not

Church music for online tradcath converts

:marseysing: Our god is a chad 🎵
:marseycrusade: He is so based and trad 🎵
:marseycrusader: I converted last week 🎵
:marseyzoomer: Nofap is so rad 🎵

Sing this in latin for double Jesus points. Perfect backing track for browsing /r/tradwave

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