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this tbh

I have been in this shitty sub for almost a year and the humour here almost didn’t change at all. All of you here are so fricking unfunny it hurts to even open Reddit and see your “jokes” on my home page. The word 69 is not funny at ALL. 420 is also not funny. I know they are the s*x and weed number but how is that funny at all? Do you just say “oh I’m almost about to get 69 karma haha funny”????? You’re not. Saying “peepee” or when asked to say a joke “my life” isn’t fricking funny in any way. How is a whole group of teenagers SO UNFUNNY???? I used to have this type of “humour” for a bit (not that long so thank god) and after I realized how much it was being repeated I realized that you guys are embarrassing. No one out of Reddit likes or respects ANY of you. TIK TOK is funnier then here AND ALWAYS WILL BE. “So leave the sub” that won’t fix the sub though, will it? It hurts to see your “jokes”. Develop a sense of humor or just get out😐


So do you guys know those waterslides that you stand in, and then they suddenly drop you straight down onto the water slide? If not, look them up on YouTube, there's nothing like them.

Ah yes, the sweet memories of my first time on one of these. I feel that my mental/emotional scars have healed enough to tell this gem.

At the time my girlfriend, now Fiancée, worked as a photographer for one of those resorts with the indoor and outdoor water parks. One of her perks was that her and a family member/friend could get into the waterpark for free, so one hot summer day she had off and we both decided it'd be fun to go there and cool down for the day.

While we were there, I discovered one of there most "Thrilling" looking waterslides. Basically you stand in this tube, and then the slide operator presses a button and this slide drops you straight down a good 90 FEET, before you actually start going down the water slide. Me, being a thrill seeker, of course had to try it. So I made the great climb up to the top of the slide, stood in line, and finally it was my turn. Once I got in the tube, the operator told me to keep my legs crossed. Now I'm a pretty big heavy guy, so I was like "That's uncomfortable as frick, I'm not doing that". So there I was standing in the tube, having a panic attack from anticipation, with my legs not crossed. The operator finally presses the button, the bottom opens and I fall straight down the water slide. Very quickly I realized why they have you cross your legs. Water shot so far up my butt, so fast, I swear I tasted it in my mouth. My body raced down that slide, as I questioned every life choice that I have ever made.

Once I made it to the bottom, I sat there for a moment, absolutely violated. I felt like someone in an episode of Law & Order: Special Victims Unit. I built up the courage to finally stand up, and all I could feel was the nice warm stream of water mixed with shit, and maybe a little bit of blood shoot out of my butt faster than the Steamboat Geyser at Yellowstone National Park. I quickly got off the slide and ran to the bathroom, with a trail of shitty water tailing me as the slide operator stared in awe. They had to shut down the slide for the rest of the day :'), but man was my butthole clean after that!

Moral of the story: Keep your darn legs crossed on waterslides.


41 %
i can do this all night

stop wasting my time

no more account

delete my account twink

rem9ove my account

do it

POV: you made the mods seethe

Just because I said they're desperate for attention lmao

Daily reminder that NOBODY has less dramacoins than me

Suck it nerds

Some great videos on diversity

Very educational


Everyone has known forever that :marseytrain2:s are just mentally ill weebs that have never touched a woman other than hugging grandma. That is why the most popular :!marseytrain: on the planet is Buffalo bill dancing in front of a mirror tucking his micro peepee


I have the least dramacoins out of everyone

Suck it plebs

#TBT to this amazing DDR tweet. Check the comments out for major seethe.







Removed for using heckin racist terminology


Men are better at everything lol. 3 way bromance sounds dope


kill urself nazi



How else will they signal their gender neutrality and ally status to passerby?



4K upmarseys, 32 awards

wow I almost had to come to terms with White women being the most privledged creatures on the planet but this post saved me!


i win by fact that the white race is going extinct


i dont care about race replacement/extinction


frick ur race

i've defeated so many racists online


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