Reported by:
:marseysweating: :marseyscream: :marseyveryworried: ¡REMINDER! Only 48 hours remain to earn this year's K-O-N-G badges before they're NEVER obtainable again :!marseysweating: :!marseyscream: :!marseyveryworried:

!badgemaxxers refer to above thread

Also a sneak peek of something

Also if I can figure out how to stream from the steamdeck would you guys watch me play donkey kong

I'm not very good

There would be no voice or camera or anything literally just dkc2

:marcusfootball: Super Bowl LIX Betting Thread :marseygambling:

I completely misremembered the Bill T-shirt joke and now I'm a day off :marseydalegribble: :marseyhankhill:

NFL had their little award show/NFL Honors + Hall of Fame inductees. Sterling Sharpe is in the HoF now.

Previous Threads: week 18/MVP/Regular Season threads, Wildcard, Divisional, Conference Champs. There are 2 bets left pending the SB results.

Sunday 6:30 PM Eastern Time

Kansas City Chiefs - 419 bets

Philadelphia Eagles - 381 bets

Don't Click This - 115 bets

pings: !mensfootball !goomble !goomblers !bets @BILLYBIGBOLLOCKS @Freak-Off @Drippo @SpudsMackenzie

more betting:






Other cool things about /h/chudrama:

  • you can post there while banned
  • can't be chudded there
  • if chudded it doesn't apply there
  • filters off even if you locked them on
  • a post-jannoid utopia

!chuds !transphobes


Reported by:
  • ShitTornadoToOz : Didn't read but I can confirm everything said here is true
  • KongSix : TLDR: "Leave my billions of dollars of federal money laundering alone" the shitlib cries
  • HannahMontana : when you have nothing actually interesting or important to say so you shit up the title with idiocy
EFFORTPOST Chuds are r-slurred and have small peepees; a longitudinal study of Dunning Kruger, Sociopathy and Magical Thinking

Illustration I: the delusional debt hawk

Mandatory spending consumes 84%-87% of total federal revenue ever year. This is the spending that occurs without congress doing anything, mostly in gibs to the elderly. This will reach 100% of federal revenue by 2031. Neither party want anything to do with cutting Medicare or Social Security so its clearly a tax problem, while the Democrats are usually as r-slurred as the Republicans I am fairly certain they are the ones pushing for higher taxes vs the group calling for lower taxes.

If the federal government simply stopped spending anything at all it would take 11 years to pay down the debt right now. The current law gap, without accounting for continued demographic catastrophe or new nonsense congress comes up with, and to zero the debt at the typical 75 year window would require average effective rates to increase by 50%.

Social Security/Medicare are not going to be cut and taxes are not going to increase substantially. We are all fricked.

Illustration II: the chad rag making all chads even stupider

The title mentions TD but the article is actually about congress. TD actually does almost no spending (just its own operational stuff) and instead acts to hold government accounts, an agency tells them to send money and gives a budgetary authority code. Clearly trying to shill for Elon fricking around in the fiscal service.

Anyway the piece of fiction is talking about a congressional rule created in 1974 to try and manage spending. Congress decided they were going to split the legal authorization for the government to perform a function with the funding of that function and then have their own congressional rule that appropriations can only happen for authorized functions. Fantastic idea except the rule lasted about 2 years before they decided they didn't like having to justify why every time they created pork. Naturally they left the underlying law in place so CBO have to waste time & money tracking & reporting to congress on unauthorized appropriations every year. The real waste is CBO having to prepare the report.

The article is trying to claim;

  • Congress violating a rule that no longer exists is illegal.

  • This has something to do with TD.

  • The spending wasn't entirely known and already tracked thus requiring an audit. Its citing a CBO report from July 2024.

  • Elon and is merry band of cucks is remotely qualified to perform a financial audit.

This is also Elon:

TD are not the accounting arm of the federal government. Each agency are responsible for their own payments, TD are outright legally blocked from doing more than ensuring a payment is paid out of the right budget to the payee the agency specifies. Im sure Elon doesn't know this, for he is also an r-slur.

Illustration III: chuds don't understand that sometimes offices change showing they have the temporal reasoning abilities of a dog

I have no idea what the IRS data they are talking about is but their oldest and latest 660 has the same mailing address, here is the 2001 form

They seem to mostly operate out of DC at 2000 M St NW Suite 850, Washington, DC 20036

The abandoned address is the one they were at when their record was created in FPDS. FPDS is explicitly not an accurate or primary source of address or contact data, thats not what its for or how it functions. Im sure the big data experts in the chudosphere will have a solution for normalizing data across hundreds of disparate systems that wont cost billions and billions of dollars.

Nope, not so much.

Illustration IV: chuds want government to spend at all advertisers equally, they should not care if they actively misinform people

I expect People's Daily and RT to receive immediate ad buys from all of the federal government.

Illustration V: wherein rona was China designed at the behest of USAid to interfere with US elections

Viruses don't evolve naturally and viruses are sentient thus perform electoral interference at the behest of USAid. Rona only impacted the US after all, no other countries in the world were impacted at all.

The actual thing the "article" is talking about is

In an effort to identify and respond to new zoonotic diseases before they spread to humans, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) established its Emerging Pandemic Threats (EPT) program. The EPT program consists of four projects: PREDICT, RESPOND, IDENTIFY, and PREVENT. The PREDICT project seeks to identify new emerging infectious diseases that could become a threat to human health. PREDICT partners locate their research in geographic 'hotspots' and focus on wildlife that are most likely to carry zoonotic diseases – animals such as bats, rodents, and nonhuman primates.

USAid was funding viral surveillances around the world. Bats are extremely common here as they act as viral wells.

A year ago there was a survey of experts on likely origins

77% probability to a zoonosis, 21% to the lab-leak

One-quarter of respondents seemed to be very sure about a zoonotic origin, giving it a probability between 96% and 100%

This is the classic rightoid conundrum

They think no evidence of something occurring doesn't mean its not occurring, just that we haven't found evidence yet but it totally must be occurring because some guy on Twitter told me it was. Its absolutely possible rona was created in a lab; there is no evidence that occurred, the genetic structure of the virus makes it very unlikely that occurred and the researchers not publishing any intermediate research before or during creation of the virus is very unusual.

Illustration VI: feeding people in countries where terrorist groups are active is supporting terrorism

This is more that letting people starve to death is not acceptable when you have the means to prevent it rather than soft power but ok.

Over the last two years, USAID had funneled $2.3 billion in "humanitarian assistance" to Omar's native Somalia. Last year it reported a request for $1.6 billion in aid and even with the Biden administration on the way out the door, it sent an additional $29 million in December 2024.

Somalia, along with other Islamic terrorist entities, including the Taliban in Afghanistan, the Houthis in Yemen, and Hamas in Gaza, were among the top beneficiaries of USAID cash.

USAID boasted of having sent $2.1 billion to Gaza and the West Bank since the Hamas attacks of Oct 7. In 2024 alone, $917 million was programmed for the terrorist areas occupying Israel.

USAID provided over $3.7 billion to Afghanistan since the Taliban took over with $832 million in the previous fiscal year alone. The money was so unaccountable that USAID refused to cooperate with the U.S. Government's Afghan War watchdog tracking money going to terrorists.

Chud's think the US government just sends money to foreign governments as aid don't they? I also haven't seen the tiny ineffectual government of Somalia referred to as a terrorist before, that's chudtastic. Wait until they find out that both countries were exempted by Rubio from the shutdown.

Overwhelmingly aid to Somalia & Afghanistan is food & medical care. In the case of food this mostly takes the form of USAid buying surplus grain from US farmers, food aid has always been a giant gibs program for US farmers.

Illustration VII: media are all liars except when they agree with my feelings

I really love that top comment. Saying that totally unironically.

The media have spent decades destroying their own credibility and seemingly even with their industry going to shit they don't seem able to move from opinion mode to informational mode. I find it utterly hilarious that the chud response is not to create higher quality & more accurate news but instead to rely on batshit nonsense "journ*lists" who have no concept of fact checking and don't feel and ethical duty to tell the truth. I look forward to infowars reporting from the pentagon.

I want HBO to make a news show based around how this show represents coders to integrity to actually be.

Illustration VIII: we all love the constitution, except when it doesn't let things we want to do

Texas and a few other states have passed profoundly unconstitutional laws that try to criminalize people engaging in free association choosing not to associate. As defenders of the constitution I am sure chuds will be up in arms and calling for the immediate recall of those responsable.

Whoopsie, the first amendment was clearly written by communists anyway. We should kill that b-word.

Illustration IX: seal guy will totally fix a systems integration issue

Despite the constant claims otherwise the agencies that ultimately make up the branches of the DoD pass their audits. The issue is fundamentally that the headline branches can't globally audit all spending that occurs under them, its ultimately a systems & accounting integration issue. Currently the Navy are the problem branch, Army & AF have largely solved the problem. As with all spending its accounted for and is independently audited, you just can't get an accurate accounting from the Navy for all their spending and have to drop down a level or two. R-slurred and should absolutely be fixed but I look forward to Hegseth completely failing to fix it too.

The problem reminds me very much of FERS currently handles all retirement using a paper system under a mountain in PA. Two expensive rounds of attempted computerization have failed because unions wont allow changes that reduce headcount.

I see not evidence from Trump's first administration that he is even remotely the right person to tackle these issues. Fundamentally they require very substantial legislative changes that require bipartisan support. They require someone running the show who respects and listens to experts who can tell them what needs to happen so he can get that whipped. Congress have been incapable of doing that kind of work for decades and Trump's dementia clearly reduced his IQ from 80 to 12 but he still thinks its 9001.

Illustration X: guy who thinks economics peaked in 1908 and is 89 years old should lead an audit of the fed are the audits of the regional banks and BoG. has been a long term r-slur on this issue

This one is the one I am looking forward to the most because its going to kick off either a massive backdown or an economic shitstorm. A few possibilities;

  • As an independent agency the fed have no reason to let Elon in the building.

  • Daddy likely doesn't have the authority to fire any member of the BoG.

  • Attempting to frick with the fed would cause immediate financial chaos. Them being boring as frick and stable is kinda the basis of worldwide finance.


highlights from this thread include:

yeah this super scary d&d nerd who wants to make america a monarchy is why you MUST vote blue no matter who

this very stable guy posts exclusively in rsp subs and /r/oldergenz

you have 30k comment karma in rsp subs over a few months

redditor of 6 years calmed down because federal bureaucrats didn't quit :marseymonk:

this cute twink actually unironically trotted out the "prep for tuesday" bit from /r/twoxpreppers lol

the usual callbacks to 2016-2020

autism man is going to use your social security number to launder money to buy video game items

its all so tiresome

Have chuds really always hated USAID so much? :marseyhmm:

[I have to make this edit because I overestimated you tards. ENGLISH MOTHERLOVERS. Do you speak it? This post is not about foreign aid in general, whether USAID is corrupt (probably is :marseyshrug:), etc. It is about chuds' attitude to the specific institution USAID over time.]

Above is the google searches for "usaid" over the last 5 years, so it goes all the way back to Trump's first term.

Here's the last month. Notice it has nothing to do with Trump's inauguration. It just suddenly fires up one day when the NPCs got their firmware update.


I've seen chuds all over this place acting like they always knew USAID is corrupt and this has been common knowledge throughout society for a long time.

Here's a good example from @finbarfin: USAID, one of the more infamous money laundering arms of our sprawling government

Infamous? Like Charles Manson? Benedict Arnold? Idi Amin? That Borgia chick who poisoned people? I've never in my life heard someone describe a person as "infamous" because they just became hated by a fraction of the population in the last week.

But Redactor, we've always hated USAID! We've been railing against their corruption for so long.

This site's users are neurodivergent, highly political, mostly right-wing so surely it has come up. Well, let's look at the data. (I know that's what the DOGE boys would do.) It was mentioned in 58 posts, of which 7 are from more than a month ago. It was mentioned in 134 comments, 13 from more than a month ago. Most of these just mention it in passing. Quite a few are negative, but not in the way our current chud program says. Most of these are attacking the politicians who ordered USAID to do something, third world people for stealing, or pointing out the actually true fact that it's largely a corporate welfare program for farmers. I'm not finding anything about corruption in the agency itself.

Did anyone post any evidence that they actually gave a shit about the internal workings of USAID back then? There was one person. Just one person. Can you guess who it was? I'll give you some time to think this over.

It was me! Little old Redactor. Not only did I care, I cared enough to read the entire fricking section of Project 2025 about it.

:#marseylaugh: :#marseyletsgo: :#marseylaugh:

And what was my opinion of it? It must be some woke soy libtard response. I probably cried on the shoulders of another guy in my polycule. You know me, the left-wing extremist.

I skimmed through Intelligence and USAID. It actually wasn't too scary. Most of it was just boilerplate "we should do things more efficiently" bullshit that could just as easily come from the Democrats. Their only new ideas were funneling aid money to missionaries in Africa and using aid to hurt Iran somehow.

Why did I choose those two sections? Why not health care, education, finance, other more important stuff? Because this was what I felt I was most qualified to evaluate.

I am the only one of you r-slurs who actually knew anything about your issue du jour before now. I even knew what was supposed to be Daddy's game plan for it. You can't deny it. I am the King of Chuds. It's time for you to crown me.

New defense :marseymacarthur: spending bill :marseybux: has some Neolibs :marseysoylentgrin: upset :soyjaktantrum:. You'll never ever guess why. :marseysmug2:




Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘

Guess the fact that those 10 athletes aren't exactly regularly outperforming their biological counterparts parts doesn't matter hey? Ofcourse it doesn't you don't give a frick about women lol. (85) (-9)

Basedness: 🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘

Why have competition if you are going to let it be unfair? It's silly (22)

Because you are making a mountain out of a mole hill. The amount of trans athlethes is minescule in the big picture. There are bigger problems to be solved. (-26)

Basedness: 🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘

Out of 500,000 NCAA athletes 10 are transgender 😂 completely made up issue (239)

This logic is flawed. While there maybe only 10 transgender athletes, those athletes impact more than just 10 people. They individually impact everyone they ever play with and against. That number is certainly larger than 10. Rules like this aren't for the individuals that they prohibit, they are for everyone else that are affect by them. (-8)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Imagine if someone made a rule that red headed people were no longer allowed to go to the movies, because their red hair was so bright it might hurt other people's eyes while watching. That's silly, right? There's no evidence of that, there are very few red haired people even that exist, and the majority of the people watching movies are cool with red haired people.Maybe not getting to go to the movies and have a source of major enjoyment that other people get to have isn't a big deal to you.But next they will say red haired people are distracting - we shouldnt allow them to drive either, they can cause accidents.Redhaired people start getting fired from jobs and no longer getting hired, or their businesses no longer patronized since people don't want to risk being around themRed haired people start being murdered and r*ped and committing suicide more often, because criminals know they can get away with it.Then they will say we should round all the red haired people up and put them... (2)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

The reasoning behind it is flawed and masked in "protecting women" when it's about targeting the LGBTQ community Cis women are being targeted and accused of being trans if someone feels they are too good, too masculine presenting or they just don't like them/what they have to sayCis women are being accused of being trans because of how they biologically exist, such as naturally occurring variance in hormones. Once this information is released people refuse to the believe they're women and all their accomplishments as athletes are thrown away. I was born with 9 times the amount of testosterone that I am suppose to have. It never made me a better athlete but people don't care and if that were given out the the public, people would die on the hill that I am biologically male even though I have had two children emerge from my body that lived in my uterus with my eggs that were naturally released through my fallopian tubes.This issue unfairly targets people of color who have a long histo... (8)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

J.K. Rowling says it bestJ.K. Rowling@jk_rowlingThis 'why do you care about a tiny fraction of the population?' line is, and always was, utterly ridiculous.Gender ideology has undermined freedom of speech, scientific truth, gay rights, and women's and girls' safety, privacy, and dignity. It's also caused irreparable physical damage to vulnerable kids.Nobody voted for it, the vast majority of people disagree with it, yet it has been imposed, top down, by politicians, healthcare bodies, academia, sections of the media, celebrities, and even the police. Its activists have threatened and enacted violence on those who've dared oppose it.People have been defamed and discriminated against for questioning it. Jobs have been lost and lives have been ruined, all for the crime of knowing that s*x is real and matters.When the smoke clears, it will be only too evident that this was never about a so-called vulnerable minority, notwithstanding the fact that some very vulnerable people have been ha... (1)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/xChops

Score: 🐮🐮🐮🐮🔘

Number of comments: 23

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡😡🔘🔘🔘

Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

New Orleanscels complain the city is safe for weekend



Origin story article from last March


Bento wants to be friends with the cats

Reported by:
  • Arran : you look so weird
I'm on a boat.

This has been a woot-blog.

We are anonmyouse consequences will never be the same Drumpfler... NO TIK TOK'ers STOP BULLYING US

Blah blah blah boring... Drumpf is literally the end of the world.

Tiktokers call them cringe as shit and they're crying that the zoomies and alphas are bullying them. They will no longer post on TikTok (lmao)

A revolution is when you vandalize some schmuck's car. :marseyfatrick:


/r/FuckCars :marseytrain: enthusiast makes a hardware run, fails at the DIY

Link to Reddit Post

In the dead of winter, on a day with -27°C wind chill, in FiveFinger shoes (my toes are still cold), on icy trails, in a state that hates anything other than cars, on a dead ebike (25kg), and with no additional planning than "I should bring a rope today," I was able to transport a full 4'x8' sheet of plywood from the hardware store to my home for model railroading without any issues at all. If I could do it under these conditions, then anybody could do it under nearly any conditions.

AstroG4 had a problem: He loves trains, but he just doesn't have quite enough wood. Now a normal person would look at the weather, then hop in their GMC Yukon XL Denali and run over fifty children on their way to pick up plywood.

AstroG4's too eco-conscience for that. Instead, he strapped on his goddarn FiveFingers shoes with the individual toes, mounted his glorified Huffy, and braved the subzero temperatures on a non-functioning eBike to prove to the rest of us that you CAN, in fact, transport one full sheet of plywood on a walmart-tier Trek bicycle.

You may be asking yourself "how is that a full 4x8 sheet when it's clearly cut into 4x2 sections?"

Three splices, actually, but perfectly sound logic. I could grind a piece of plywood into sawdust, dump it into a backpack, carry it onto a plane, then reglue it back into a 4x8 sheet and claim I was able to carry-on a sheet of plywood.

But honestly, that's not the reason I'm posting this. Much like the /r/malelivingspaces threads that Carp would post (please do more, they're fun), I want everyone to look at his model trainery.

The more you look, the more you see.

  • Pieces extending beyond necessary length

  • Jigsawed paths for curved tracks

  • Everything is made of scrap remnants you'd normally toss or burn

  • Drywall screws everywhere

  • Scrap pieces used as spliceblocks, seemingly using tie-wire to hold them to the main track curve

  • Thin tinmetal braces held on by a single screw, no washer, in no way actually bracing the legs

  • The table-thing in the foreground (lower right corner) has a short leg, being extended with a single carriage bolt

  • Handwriting looks like a fat neurodivergent, using the cheapest tan masking tape he could find.

  • A single laser-cut cupholder, clearly not his own work

I'm still baffled by how he can be so terrible at woodworking on the right half of the picture, but appears to have functional drawer slides and flush-mounted buttons on the left half.

And since this is Reddit, you guessed it: he's nonbinary and posts in femboymemes link

thanks and godbless !friendsofxirabolt


he's not a Kiwi Farmer per se, he tried to shake down KF, and then cussed them out when they wouldn't pay out and/or when they doxxed him.

Liz Fong-Jones (方禮真) ( 2025-02-08T03:47:58.452Z

Reported by:
  • Y : :lowqualitybait:
Frick the packers :marcusfootball: :marseydrum:

Go Eagles! :eaglesipping#:


Anyone remember college humor? This is it now

I used to go on college humor when I was a kid but fell off when I was a teen like most of the people here. I just tried to find the website and couldnt. Apparently theyve rebranded based on their youtube page.

So i went to the new website and what do you know? Its like every other media slop around now. Lets get into their original programing

Dungeons and drag queens which looks like understudies for ru pauls

Make some noise which is described as "A game show where talented contestants compete to bring to life silly prompts." Chat GPT 2 could have come up with a more passionate show description

um actually which is "Introducing a game show of fandom minutiae one-upmanship, where nerds do what nerds do best: flaunt encyclopedic nerd knowledge at Millennium Falcon nerd-speed." again the description makes me viscerally cringe


Adventuring party which appears to be just the view but with the same D list drag queens

Just another example of shit I used to like :marseytrain2:ing out for an ever shrinking audience and straddling bankruptcy.

:marseycoin: Redditor Spotlight: /u/SashaButNotGray1 :marseyzoomer: :marseyretard3: :angryvatnik: :bitcoin:

Greetings dramanauts. Today were gonna look /u/SashaButNotGray1. I found this specimen :marseydetective: when scrolling through /r/probation :brooksannoyed:. Our friend is originally from Texas :texasmutt: where he got in a little kerfuffle :marseypunching:. He accepted the plea for two years probation on a second degree felony :marseytrumpmugshot: charge to misdemeanor assault. He went to the best place for advice, Reddit dot com :soysnoo:, for his new life on probation. This was three months ago.

Fast forward to today. Homie fled the county :brainletbush:. He went to Europe :europeanunionnice:. But not to Germany :marseyhitler:, Finland :marseyfugg:, or even Italy :luigidizzy:. He went to fricking Russia! :marseysaluteussr: Now he wants to get back to the good ol US of A :muttscooter: because he learned what everyone in Russia already knows, Russia sucks :vatnik:. Now he runs back to the best place for advice, Reddit :soysnoo: dot com. Jannies do their thing! :marseyjanny2:

Like every other r-slurred zoomoid, he's been rug pulled on a meme coin. :marseywallst:

He's even got the zoomer haircut. :marseyzoomerimplosion:

Anyways, /u/SashaButNotGray1, best of luck to you. You stupid, stupid man.

Real life economic consequences of destroying the USAID. : economy


heard about the most laughably fake story on NPR about a reddit post

The tl;dr is a woman notices shit in her house is turning green and a r*dditor helps her find out it's because her husband is cheating with a woman that wears jeans.

NPReddit reports on it like it's in the news. All of the articles are slop just quoting the thread.

Most obvious reddit slop reddit shit I ever saw. Clearly trying to ape that ancient carbon-monoxide post.

Let's take a look:

I'm sure parts of it are true but this is the gayest shit I ever saw.

Neuer Kamensky. "Brandmauer" edition

In this pic you see Elon Musk, Alice Weidel AfD and Friedrich Merz CDU


Soon the !germs will get eternally cucked by another lefty+conservative coalition. Despite that our shitlibs went into sneed mode not against the far right AfD but the conservative party CDU. They dared to share a single opinion with Hitlers reincarnation: "Maybe we have too much illegal immigration" :marseyclueless: So they voted last week for more border control but got help from the AfD. This made all the r-slurred lefties in the country go ballistic. They stormed CDU offices and demolished and sneeded around. But of course only in cities that are already pure lefty strongholds, yet the media portrayed this as a general opinion that our democracy is failing because of Friedrich Merz. There is the thing called "Brandmauer" => fire wall that is formally that no one should never ever work with the AfD! Under no circumstances, ignoring one quarter of Germanies voters :marseymao:

Enjoy the wild ride:

Nazi-Tutorial-Fire Wall


Merz holds the AfD Logo

That's a classy one :marseyhitler:

:marseyangelamerkel: The Merkel Slap

WE'RE GOING TRAD! :chudgrug:

Jesus destroys the C in CDU, it stands for Christian. Everybody knows Christianity is only saved by an endless immigration of muslims :capybigbrain:

You can kiss your crazy wife

Nothing more german than literal shit

Fake news peddlers are here!! : pinoy


Take a loss on your Tesla for progress


If one Nazi makes a yuppie electric car company and someone buys one, that's makes two Nazis

unless is Ukrainian, of course. Many heros

Anybody been playing Ashes of Creation?

I know people are going to talk about the money, but say someone was buying it for you, what are your opinions of the game outside of cost?

And yes, because I am a troll, I want to join the same Pirate Software server and join that guild harassing him in-game. teeeheeee

Welcome, gentlemen Mr. McFoid is speaking now
'Cancelations are Canceled': Science Fiction Competition Tries To Cancel Author, Sees Backlash

Seven authors have pulled out of the competition, citing free speech concerns.

Cancel culture—the practice of ruining someone's career for not sufficiently adhering to Leftist principles—appears to be dying after decades of victimizing innocent people. In what seems to be the first attempted cancelation of the new Trump administration, Self-Published Science Fiction Competition (SPSFC) announced on Wednesday that it was removing author Devon Eriksen's book from consideration for an award. The SPSFC said that it made the decision because Eriksen violated the competition's code of conduct—which had been published to X the day before this announcement.

SPSFC Twitter "We apologize for the extended delay and radio silence. Devon Eriksen has been removed from the SPSFC effective immediately for violation of our code of conduct," the SPSFC posted on X.

Eriksen is the author of "Theft of Fire: Orbital Space #1," a popular self-published book that has received glowing reviews, including one from the creator of Doom. He didn't even enter the book into the competition; his wife did, thinking she might surprise him if he won. After seeing that he had been booted from the competition, he published a fictional account of learning that he had been entered into a competition without his knowledge and had somehow violated that competition's code of conduct, which he never agreed to.

Read the whole thing

That code of conduct stated that contestants could not harass judges or other authors, which Devon didn't do—and couldn't do—since he didn't even know he was entered. But one of the judges posted on Bluesky, in a message provided to The Daily Wire, that even though Eriksen "didn't directly contact judges or other authors," his posts were "driving away judges, authors, and prospective contestants/members in huge numbers."

The SPSFC competition has been around for a few years and is currently in its fourth iteration. Nearly 200 books from independent authors are submitted and divided among various reviewers, each reviewing around 30 books. Each group then selects around four books as quarterfinalists, reads those four books, and selects two semi-finalists. Eventually, the list is narrowed down, and a winner is selected. There is no cash prize, but it allows the authors to collect reviews and publicity.

According to Christine, Eriksen's book had been selected as a quarterfinalist and was the only author to receive a "strong yes" in his batch. After dozens of authors had been cut, at least one began complaining about Eriksen's inclusion in the competition based on his numerous blog posts and tweets, which contain comments about immigration and transgenderism that frequently offend the Left. Dozens of people on Bluesky and the SPSFC groomercord started calling Eriksen a "nazi" for his posts and published some screenshots of them on Reddit along with a summary of the situation at the SPSFC. Following the prolonged outcry, the SPSFC put together a code of conduct and then used it to boot Eriksen from the competition.

But the code of conduct claims that its "goal is not to eradicate these 'bad' opinions" and that they are "not here to police people's opinions," they do just that after claiming Eriksen's posts amount to "hate speech" and "backwards attitudes."

Eriksen was not the only author targeted. E.J. Fisch, author of "Dakiti: Ziva Payvan Book 1," who wasn't even part of the SPSFC competition, spoke out against the handling of Eriksen and quickly saw her book dropped out of a promotion that is reportedly being run by one of the authors involved in the mob against Eriksen.

The announcement that Eriksen was booted from the competition was met with immediate backlash, with many other authors pulling their books from the competition. Moe Lane, whose book "Ghosts of an Alien Wind" was in the competition, asked the organizers to remove his book from consideration, though his reasoning is unclear. His announcement was posted on the Groomercord for the competition and was shared with The Daily Wire.

Other authors were more explicit about why they asked for their books to be removed from the competition. Gregory Michael, author of "Chloe's Kingdom," asked for his book to be removed because "free speech is crucial."

G.S. Jennsen, author of "The Thief," posted a lengthy letter on X outlining why she wanted her book removed from the competition as well.

C.R. Walton, author of "Wilderness Five," also noted that Eriksen's removal had nothing to do with his actions relating to the competition, writing that the decision to drop him was "very clearly just caving to a hateful mob that hates the guy."

Zachary Forbes requested his book, "Slipspace: Terra Nullius" be removed from the competition as well, also writing a lengthy X post about how the SPSFC's recently introduced code of conduct "was done hastily and sloppily, left intentionally vague, for the sole purpose of banning one particular contestant."

Steve Gavin also requested his book "Cosmic Strife Assault" be removed from competition, writing a short post on X calling the situation involving Eriksen a "mess."

Grace Walker publicly distanced herself from the SPSFC, seeking to have her book, "ASH (Rogues: Legends Book 1)," removed from the competition as well.

Danielle Ste. Just also cut ties with the SPSFC, although her book, "The Disk Mirror Solution (Galaxia Mortem Book 1)," had already been cut from the competition.

Haldane B. Doyle, author of "Our Vitreous Womb," announced he was also withdrawing from the competition, thanking the volunteer judges but saying he only wants "to participate in indie sci fi competitions that judge the books and not the authors, regardless of the criteria applied."

Even one of the competition's judging teams decided to pull out of the competition—not because they agreed with what Eriksen had said—but because of how SPSFC handled the situation. The eight authors—other than Ste. Just—who have so far withdrawn from the competition were quarterfinalists, meaning they had already advanced over about 30 other competitors in each of their respective judging groups.

Eric Kay, author of "Above Dark Waters," wrote on X that his book had already been cut, but questioned why the people behind the competition couldn't just cut Eriksen and write a nice review for his book, as they had done for Kay's book.

The idea that fellow competitors would drop out of a competition in solidarity with one of their own is almost unheard of when it comes to these types of cancelations and shows the ideology of "cancel culture" may no longer be tolerated. Christine Eriksen wrote on X that "cancelations are canceled" and pointed out that her husband's book has had one of its best sales days to date.

Other authors who dropped out of the competition said they had seen an increase in sales. Michael, who was the first to withdraw from the competition, noted that "Chloe's Kingdom" was now #1 on Amazon, "not from winning a competition – but for standing up for free speech. Doing the right thing feels good."

In a post shared with The Daily Wire, John A. Douglas, author of "The Black Crown," commented that the SPSFC doesn't "fully understand the schism kicking Devon out has caused in the indie author spaces." "DevonGate is a seismic shift in the indie landscape," Douglas added. "And he didn't even DO anything!"

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