
Apologies for stepping on Roofer's MO, but in fairness this is LA and also trans lives matter

Honestly, politicians who oppose or campaign against laws like this one should have at least a dozen homeless people sent to camp on their own front lawns, the sidewalks and lawns in front of their businesses, and the front lawns of everyone in their extended families, until they publicly renounce their position.

Someone at the Washington Examiner needs too :marseyjanny: this chud


Some military tech that likely already exists but isn't officially in use.

@dont_log_me_out tried following some breadcrumbs and working my way from that too what the US military likely currently has. Here are the results:

  1. The US military likely has strong laser turret systems that can take down military vehicles and stuff. In theory if the laser is powerful enough maybe even hypersonic missiles.

  2. The moon will likely be militarized within years of being colonized. -

  3. The US has embraced fusion tech and likely that will be the surprise solution too climate change that just so happens too pop up in the 2030's. -

  4. US military will have complete global surveillance at all times all over the world. -

  5. Augmented soldiers. The next step in infantry evolution. -

  6. Autonomous vehicles. No longer need too waste a soldier on driving. -

  7. Military logistics advances. 3D print a temporary base as required. -

  8. 3D print military grade equipment as and when required. -

  9. Logistics improvement. Delivery anywhere on the planet within an hour.

  10. US military embraces nuclear. Maxes out its energy needs. -

  11. US military space satellite defense systems.

  12. Military grade jetpacks. -

  13. Interconnected drone swarms.

  14. Robodogs

  15. Robot soldiers

  16. Headgear that allows soldiers too see through walls.

Conclusion - There is a whole lot of cutting edge shit that modern warfare still hasn't unlocked that is in development, which will likely be available in general use within the next decade too two.

Basically every online post that comes up with non r-slurred solutions, the US military is working too implement those ideas.

The one that @dont_log_me_out am personally looking most forward too are jetpack soldiers.

Drone swarms and robodogs are the most realistic option for within the decade tech.

Fusion energy should absolutely be finished being researched by around the 2030's too 2040's.

The biggest quality of life improvement are logistics. Imagine not just being able too send a burger king for the US army across the planet, but actually being able too build one and any other thing you need within the hour on you're base. Like the starcraft construct more pylons meme.

The saddest part is there is no news on exosuits. Feels like that one turned out too be a dead end. Maybe by 2060's. Fingers crossed.

Augmented soldiers are the most unlikely one on the list. Genetically enhancing you're military personnel will likely result in loads of controversy. Who knows though, maybe you just sign a contract and get a thicker skeleton vaccine or something like that. Practically bulletproof. So now instead of military service offering college, they offer you far denser bones, or gills too swim in the ocean, or some shit like that. That actually makes a scary lot of sense. Want too become more than human? Join the US military.

Trans lives matter ?



I've tried on both the based :marseybrave: browser and on gayfox :firecat: and neither work

Can't change my banner or even add fricking files to my very valuable and not at all shitty posts

What gives? is it because I didnt give an email for the glowies?:marseyveryworriedfed:

Made a better version! : grandrapids

This is supposedly a parody of the Prop 3 signs which is a very confusing and open proposition to allow child s*x change surgeries on kids as young as 8 months old.


Trans Lives Matter


No One Lives Forever - Oingo Boingo
Snail Mail - Ben Franklin [indie rock]
New @TED_SIMP kino about to drop
5 calls brietbart posters of "far lefty propaganda"
Official theme song of the mayocide :marseymayo: :marseymini: :chadblack:

trans lives matter


Marsey transitions into dog, rides on boats.
The Pumpkin and Jumpscare award don't do anything at all

Bottom text

Smoking weed with schizophrenia? : Drugs

Trans lives matter


Saturday Pt. Deux Chess Arena Results

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I think i watched this back in 2007 for the first time. I've been doing cleanup on my Youtube favorites playlist and found that this video (probably a repost of a repost of a repost) was in here and I wanted to share it with you guys. @homocracy (shit, @'ing doesn't work) would probably like this; it's hilarious.

Does anyone else remember this?

I like the consciousness is a natural emergent property of complex systems theory

Basically this theory dictates that once a system becomes complex enough, consciousness becomes a natural emergent property of that system.

Basically, once you feed a neural network enough data to work with and learn from and pattern match, for all intents and purposes, it will indeed gain consciousness as an impossible to locate specific part of its code. It's simply the interaction of the code itself that creates that consciousness.

Similarly, a forest could have consciousness.

Or the ocean could have consciousness.

Or the universe itself could have consciousness.

It won't be consciousness in a way you and I have consciousness, but it would be the system actively reacting to its environment with a goal orientated approach.

The ocean is dying would shift from being a metaphor to a literal statement.

A corporation becoming its own living entity would be a sensible statement. In a corporation who is in power doesn't matter, what happens to individuals does not matter, only the long term survival of the corporation matters. In a way it is conscious with us as its cells.

A system naturally limits possibilities. Thus creating a direction. The narrower the scope, the better the overall direction.

Under this theory you also get weirder ideas, such as the forests convincing the humans to dig out the plastics so that they end up killing themselves.

Or nature giving man a strong desire to pet every type of creature to increase the probability of them acquiring some exotic incurable disease.

Humans are only the top dog at their level.

If we are to assume higher consciousness does emerge at higher levels then humans would not be the top dog.

In cultures we sort of already do see this.

Culturally useless people tend to die off far sooner. If the culture has the right answers it gets stronger. If it does not then it dies off.

This theory thus extends into culture as super organisms. Which would explain how cultural conflict emerges and why.

The greatest risks that emerge from this theory are:

  1. Another better than human consciousness emerging accidentally from AI.

  2. Higher level consciousness networks such as nature itself or the forests or the oceans actively trying to kill us.

  3. Humans losing their individuality to higher level systems such as culture completely over time.

The greatest thing a human could ever do if this theory is true:

For them to develop themselves to such an extremely high degree that they subsume the rest of the system. i.e. a man that engulfs or fully takes over his society.

We have already had men of these power levels before. Most noticeably monarchs. The most powerful one being either Stalin or Mao. Maybe even a Hitler.

Point being there is now permanent competition, between individual consciousness reaching an untouchable peak, or the greater consciousness of humanity subsuming everyone within itself forever until everyone is just a number.

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  • smolchickentenders : <span style="color:transparent">IF YOU CAN SEE THIS YOU ARE TRANS :marseyeggirl:</span>
Why are a bunch of post/comments with invisible/clear text?

Did I miss out on a joke?

How 2 make rdrama seriouspost 101
Yakubian possession event documented
which one of you was this?
Greg Girthyforte is a based YIMBY!
Remove 18+

If the over 18 button doesn't work, it should be removed. Im old enough to read the f-word. Stop alienating or driving away users over a button.

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