Why does a forum need Jannys anyway?

Fat Jon you are about as useful as a sponge screwdriver. The issue here was whether you received any personal injury from attending a chemist where you carried on like the complete frickstick that you are. Of course, you would have been ordering the staff around, because they are all female and have coin-slot kitties & you are very jealous You would have yelling at the top of your voice & lumbering all around the room like some overweight quarterback whose just dropped an acid tab. From the staff’s perspective, they see a very mentally unwell, overweight, dog ugly bloke dressed in a set of curtains and a table cloth, they know you have rung emergency services 300 times this month and that one of your hobbies is to run across the road a few old ladies at your Mum’s place then hit all the fire alarms because slapping old ladies reduces your blood sugar level. Then they see a totally out of control, untrained puppy that at any moment will shit and piss on the floor if it doesn’t start chewing up the carpet or biting staff on the ankles, the dog has a service vest on that you brought at a boot sale so everybody better agree it’s a service dog or you will receive a summons to appear in the Supreme Court for dead-naming the dog and once it gets to court, you better watch out. Fat Jon is in the habit of making delusional statements with huge claims in them but when it comes to the crunch and he’s asked to write supporting affidavits and supply hard evidence this big time wanna be Lia Thomas can’t come up with the fricking goods because he’s totally psychotic and suffering severe delusions which he has come to believe while larping as a lawyer, because he attended two legal assistant classes and got 125% in a multiple choice test with ten questions. Fat Jon, you did not file a final submission and you were given the opportunity to do so. A lawyer wouldn’t do that, what’s the matter cockwomble, couldn’t come up with a relative submission could you peepee head, you have a mouth & a body the size of a hippo but the reality is your totally c*nt-struck when it comes to the rules of evidence. Of all the things you should know, the rules of evidence are the most important, they are the building blocks of your case. Why don’t you know that? The answer is that at best when it comes to IQ scores you are a hopeless, peepeeless fricking dimwit. You took a four month old untrained puppy into a chemist, who fricking does that, you might as well have taken a bullfrog with a leash on it and told them it was a service frog. Easier to look after, they eat less, they take up less space & you get the same result, in fact the frog might croak three times when your blood sugar was low, bullfrogs know things like that. You’ve been gobbing off to all and sundry that your dog is a service dog, when given the opportunity to prove it with paperwork you declined, therefore that issue is settled, the court has found that your crazy little puppy is just that, an untrained shit machine that loves to attack the staff at your condo. The lady at the chemist has zoophobia, a fear of animals and it wasn’t the dog she was referring to it was you, you fricking great animal. Your dog was out of control and lunging at the staff, as were you too, what fricking right have you got to treat people this way c*nt? What gives you the right to attack people then make up ridiculous claims and try to sue people for something you should have been arrested and charged for. One day mate you are going to push the wrong persons buttons & you are going to end up in a critical care ward for six months, then you’ll know what disabled is about when both your kneecaps have been broken, and your jaw. Then you unleashed the dog & let it run riot in the pharmacy, that’s a c*nts act. Can’t you see that it is the chemist that actually had the cause of action here, and if they had sued you for this, they would have won hands down. This business and its employees have the right to feel safe at work, they don’t have to put up with a mentally deranged 400 pound man-child who’s shit and pissed his nappy & is upset because nobody will obey his Hitler-like orders. Then you submitted a letter as evidence which proved nothing & lead nowhere, now again, a lawyer would never do that in a million years and this is the second time you’ve done it. Then you submitted no evidence to prove that the dog is psychic or some type of animal doctor that can read a person’s blood sugar levels. No dog on this earth has ever been trained to do this and Bayshore submitted evidence from an official dog trainer that this is not possible. Now because I know what a frickwit you are Jon, I will give you some free legal advice. You have claimed in a court that your dog is a service dog, the court has asked you to provide evidence of this, you declined, the court then had an official dog trainer give evidence that your dog is not a trained service dog. This is now on the public court record, so if you claim in any other court that this is a service dog then you are making a false statement and committing perjury as the matter is settled, it’s not a service dog. Then it is noted that you submitted no medical evidence whatsoever that you received any personal injury, a lawyer would never make a basic mistake like that either. All I read in this judgement is no evidence, did not prove his claims, no evidence, no evidence, did not supply a supporting affidavit etc. etc. Eunuch boy, do you see a patter here son. In your mind you are a model, a human rights campaigner, a nubile young lesbian legal mastermind, you’re playing four dimensional chess with the courts & pretty soon you are going to pull a rabbit out of a hat & have a multi-million dollar win in the Supreme Court. What we all see is a severely obese, gargantuan, badly dressed and very ugly man who talks like a man & acts like a man in a shitty nappy who chopped his own peepee off & now runs around claiming he was injured when the local chemist won’t let his out of control pup smash the shop up. A man that issues legal actions like he’s handing out tissues at a covid clinic. Jordan Peterson is one of my favourite speakers and a very good psychologist and the best piece of advice I ever heard him give is that when people act like c*nts- call them out on it, explain their actions to them. Jon, c*nt, we’ve seen you larp as a lawyer from the time when you lost six grand in the wax my balls case, then you got $2500 frick off money from the chiro, that was just pure dumb luck because you then lost $350 to DFS which you never paid but that all works out in the end because the company that you won $5000 off by default has not paid you because you don’t have the money to take legal action to force them to pay. You then lost to Target, your condo strata, your mother’s condo strata and now you lost 2 x $1680 to Bayshore. You have enrolled in some crappy legal course & now the delusion is fixed in your head that you are brilliant at law. Jon, you’re fricking hopeless at law, at this stage you should have learned a heap of things about law, but you have learned nothing. You declined to file a supporting affidavit and you declined to be questioned on the stand in the Rebel case. Then in all your cases, you don’t offer any evidence, you don’t file supporting affidavits, you submit evidence that is not admissible & does not meet the rules of evidence, you quote case law that is not relevant. Very, very simple, elementary, and basic rules in law that have been explained to you in court over and over but to no avail. Do you see a pattern here frickwit? You have no aptitude for law because the reality is you are neurodivergent and have an IQ of about 40 if you are lucky, but you like to play pretend, even if it is fricking up your life. You have now racked up loss after loss, but you don’t give a frick because Mummies paying. She get’s nothing but pain out of this and to make it even worse for her you’re no longer fricking her, you’re fricking yourself, in the courts, but please keep going, we need the entertainment, and I don’t have Netflix.

Animephobia is transphobia

A fellow reminder

This is sir, no (it is ma'am)

Idk if someone else posted this variation, probably because ain't no way I'm smart enough to think about it first. :marseybrainlet:

Found a Schizo Boomer's YouTube Channel

Ryan Coomer




CAN'T LOG IN WITHOUT GETTING BONER CHANGE THEME :marseyraging: :marseyraging: :marseyraging: :marseyraging: :marseyraging:

This is ceni


Subway shooting bet thread

Send me 25 dc and your vote in a msg, i will pay the sum to the winners while taking a 4% cut because frick you thats why . 5 people injured in us subway the guilty party isMy bet is on white female becauase its some overplanned bullshit with 5 injuries and no deaths



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This is bruno no no

“On the other hand, Samsung Electronics, which is the number one global smartphone, is being treated coldly in Japan. This is probably because the Japanese people's preference for Korean products is very low. In fact, Samsung sells its products only under the brand name "Galaxy", excluding the name Samsung, which is an unusual Korean company only in Japan. This is because of the request of the local telecommunications company due to the cold treatment of Japanese people for Korean products. “

“ While Apple enjoys its influence of over half of the Japanese smartphone market, the global leading smartphone company, Samsung Electronics, continues to fall behind in Japan, where it even trails the second-place Sharp in market shares. According to the Korean media, the main reason behind Samsung’s cold treatment by Japanese consumers is due to their “shallow perception” of Korean products.

It’s worth noting that there’s some truth behind Japan’s poor perception of Korean products. Japan is the only country that removes the Samsung brand from its Galaxy phones, such as when the Samsung Galaxy S21 was marketed and sold as the “Galaxy S21” in Japan.

The official website for Galaxy phones in Japan also doesn’t even mention Samsung as part of its brand. The removal of the brand name was a request from the local telecommunications companies to get around the poor perception of Korean products in Japan.

Unfortunately for the Korean conglomerate, it doesn’t look like Japan’s undying love for iPhones will change anytime soon as the latest Apple products continue to outsell their competition year after year. In any case, Samsung could surely use help from Sam to turn things around in Japan.”

Japs act like they are living in the 90ties where jap was cooler than Korea :marseyxd:

When you find out about minor happening from regular news and there is no thread on


r/drama momdau srunk tbread

Woooooooooooooo scotch woooo

former reddit foid destroys the chuds with facts and truth


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My favorite amiibo :)

Isabelle is so cute.

The preparations have been made


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