Arizona School Boss proclaims "You cannot arrest a husband and a wife for the same crime"

School Board guy is keeping photos, screenshots and lists of parents he hates on his google drive. Also includes Social Security numbers, financial information and divorce records of parents. School Board guy does a pro-g*mer move and accidentally has the link to the google drive show up in a message to a parent. Parent's get a hold of it and try to have him ousted. Denies that he is the one that owns it because his wife can also use google drive.

Even though Mark Greenburg is listed as the Google Drive owner, records from an Aug. 17 special SUSD board meeting show Jann-Michael admitted sharing a computer with Mark. With Mark and Jann-Michael Greenburg sharing a computer and a home, there is no way to know which of them has been uploading files (now known as the β€œG Files”) to the drive, according to concerned parents.

Dailymail link with more photos and video of gossip for all the brits to read (provided you have a loicense for that):

Also it turns out his father has access to the computer not his wife, but I like this title so I'm leaving it.

Australia to begin lock down of plague rats
This is why you don't let r-slurs who don't understand basic logic write laws :marseykyle:

Warning: lawyertalk.

If this is too exciting for you, go back to 45m for the start of the debate, 50m for the middle of the debate, and 58m for the judge's decision.

TL;DW - Lawyercels debate whether Kyle violated any gun laws, and the judge decides that "it does not make sense"

:kyleface: :kyleface: :kyleface: :kyleface:


How often do you see an anti-Trump schizo? :marseyexcited:

featuring neurodivergent formatting, lots of obscure unicode characters, bizarre diagrams & gross pictures

@pizzashill this is your future :marseyjam:

When faced with the fragile mortality of Human Life, how does the redditor respond? :marseyhmm:

That and smoking weed at home is apparently the only way to live


Bottom Text


I'm boutta hop on the stream but didn't see the last few hours

[STILL NOT DRAMA] Just look at this fricking dog

This is a follow up to my previous post [DRAMA?] Pictured: Seven-stone American pitbull-type dog that mauled boy, 10, to death.

Since then we have learned that the dog was literally named Beast. The BBC even found a nice new picture of it. Look how calm and dry that dog looks.

It is thought to have previously belonged to Lee Jenkins, 34, who voluntarily attended an interview with police on Wednesday.

Mr Jenkins has denied ownership of Beast. He said: "I am not the owner of that dog. I told the police everything I know. They know I have nothing to do with it.

A neighbour of Mr Jenkins has told BBC Wales that Beast was used as a breeding stud. He is known to have fathered at least 10 puppies by Mr Jenkins' other dog, Beauty.


Whoo chile I did NOT need to see this today. I really want to back hand slap this little racist brat and her little giggling gargoyle in the background with the power of a Serena Williams tennis serve.



The meta-drama in that thread is hilarious. Simpler times in the colonial

Comment link:


Foid triggered by an ar 15 magazine
Gay Bait Sub Idea

For those of you who are unaware gay dating (honestly if you aren't gay get out of this website), there is this stigma around being feminine that exists in the gay community. This is why some gays write stuff like Masc4Masc on Grindr to signal that they aren't interested in fricking feminine gays. However, there is opposite subset of gay people that are super feminine. These are the stereotypical gay guys from Netflix. They are the type of people you know are gay from the second you look at them. Typically, masculine men do not want to date feminine men, which really pisses off feminine men. As a result, they say shit like, "Masc4Masc is discriminatory," because they do not hate people act masculine, they are just jealous that they are not masculine and can't have masculine men. It is like trans people saying you have to frick a trans person or you are transphobic, but would never consider fricking a trans person themselves.

My idea for a bait sub is pretty simple. Create a small sub, name it something like r/nofemsallowed, private, invitation only, modmail open so we can all see, then, using the same ban bot that you used for r/teenagers, ban everyone who posts in r/gay with the message, "No fems allowed." This should get enough people pissed off where they send some pretty funny modmail. Secondly, to maximize the seethe, I would also ban everyone who posts in r/askgaybros, because that sub basically exists for masculine gay guys. It would be pretty funny to see them try to explain they are not feminine.

That's racists!

A tense discussion broke out Thursday during the murder trial of three white men charged in Ahmaud Arbery's killing when a defense attorney said the presence of "high-profile members of the African American community" may pressure or intimidate the jury.

Defense attorney Kevin Gough, who represents William "Roddie" Bryan, took issue with the Rev. Al Sharpton's presence in the courtroom the day before.

"If we're going to start a precedent, starting yesterday, where we're going to bring high-profile members of the African American community into the courtroom to sit with the family during the trial in the presence of the jury, I believe that's intimidating and it's an attempt to pressure ... or influence the jury," Gough said.

"Obviously, there's only so many pastors they (the family) can have," Gough said, adding, "We don't want any more Black pastors coming in here, or any Jesse Jackson or whoever was in here earlier this week."

Gough, in response, referenced Colonel Sanders, the founder of Kentucky Fried Chicken.

"If a bunch of folks came in here dressed like Colonel Sanders with white masks, sitting in the back, I mean that would be β€”" Gough began to say before the judge cut him off.

Gough stopped short of making a formal motion to bar anyone from the courtroom, and Judge Timothy Walmsley indicated he would not grant one if he did.

Tariq's Nasneeding again.
"Axios on HBO" exclusive: Chris Christie taunts Trump for losing - Axios
Redditors literally malding
God Bless the USA triggers public freakout

I'd apologize for the Rittenhouse spam but it seems like the rest of the world took today off from being stupid.


I remember Dead or alive creators told that’s why they didn’t wanted to release their games on pc kek

Public Freakout v Rittenhouse Round 2
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