
I don't know enough about furries, thank god, and am unwilling to go into their spaces :marseyvaxmaxx: so I cant do a post on this properly. But I was very disappointed to see that the rdrama community hasn't picked up on this fresh drama (unless I missed it, in which case: :marseyfuckyou: ) ! So here's my attempt at a recap, let's begin!

Meet Anthpo

For those of you who don't know him already, Anthony Po (Anthpo) is a Youtuber famous for doing crazy bits in real life, causing chaos, and having absolutely 0 public anxiety. :marseyretardchad: Essentially embarassing himself by doing dumb shit, but not being embarassed. He started small as a high schooler, but his antics grew in size. Some of his most memorable antics to me were:

- defending my school as Ben10 @MasterLawlz

- annoying students as Perry the Platypus

- winning an asian beauty pageant as a white guy

1 year ago, he announced he was quitting Youtube and followed through, not making any videos for the past 1 year. That changed on May 14, 2024 when he announced he was coming back and would be releasing 1 video a month for the next 2 years. He also revealed that over the last year, he had been committing larger scale pranks which cost him $125k. :marseypikachu2:

The first of those pranks?

Spending 200 days undercover as a furry :#marseyfurry2:

Why? To determine whether the infamous furry parties (read: orgies) were real or not. Spoiler alert: they were. I'd highly recommend watching the video since it's like 15 minutes, but TLDR: he created a fursona, got mildly famous on tiktok under the alias Sigma Paws, went to a convention, got invited to multiple orgies, attended them, got naked, and did not have s*x ( :marseysurejan: ).

:#wolftwink: :#marseywould:

It was clear that 80% of the joke is that he "pretended" to be a furry for 200 days, and 20% is making fun of furries. He ended with the message of "furries are weird, but they're not bothering others and most of them are neurodivergent, so don't bully them." :marseymarseyloveorgy:

Surely, no one could get mad at this kind conclusion on one of the grossest groups on the internet :marseyclueless:

Wrong. The furry community was miffed (yiffed? :marseyderp: ) and he started receiving insane backlash!

The Pawtest aka The UpRoar muh private adult space that is open to children and filled with bright colors and animals :marseywoodchipper2:

Some random screenshots I found, but he received universal condemnation from the furries, and also by reddit and groomercord users :marseyhmm: wonder what the relationship is there :marseyhmmm:

/r/YouTubeDrama has a lot of the seethe. For the degens on here with inside access to the furry community, please share ur finds in the comments!

Anyways, people are saying they're mad because he included some heavily edited footage of the orgies (blurring out people, changing their voice sounds in an attempt to preserve privacy) and it was "unclear if he had consent."

Of course, those of us who are not r-slurred know that the furries are just mad their degeneracy was outed yet again as it took Anthpo very little effort to get invited to these orgies at cons that were "for all ages." :#marseysquint:

The Apawlogy

Anthpo responded with a swift apology, clarifying that he did have consent, but is removing the orgy parts :wolfthumbsdown:

In the days following, we have begun to get the inevitable hour long youtube essays trying to cancel him. One that I liked because it showed some of the original scenes before anthpo deleted them is this one: least :marseypedo: furry

- The Hairy Truth: Exposing Anthpo's Disturbing Deleted Furry Video

More are pouring out

And I am once again cucked by the upload limit, but hopefully you enjoyed this drama.

At the end of the day, the furries have won yet again using their shady influence online, rabid :marseysting: fanbase, and suspiciously high amount of money :#marseydepressed: but at least we got some drama out of it! If someone wants to explain better feel free to do so

Reported by:
  • DickButtKiss : Lol this dude is a Trump supporter btw. This is a coded message obviously
We're gonna win this thing

For years the elites of the dramasphere have conspired to suppress the pizzabros, a nomadic group of text warriors that travel from drama website to drama website to spread the gospel of anti-foidism.

Whenever we climb near the reins of power the jannies collude to stop us from over running them.

But the elites have made their biggest mistake yet - having fair and open elections, something they never considered before. They have underestimated the pizzabros and walked right into the kill zone.

To my supporters - do not let them silence you, we have come further than ever before. They laughed at us when we said we'd ascend to power and bring the jannie problem to a final solution. I believe the sound of laughter might have suffocated in their throats in the meantime.

Reported by:
It's kweer month. Take pics of your ugly feet for Marseybucks [Beauty Contest]

I hate feet. I hate my feet, I hate your feet, I hate all feet. They are ugly, and this is why we invented shoes - so we don't have to look at each others' ugly fricking feet.

SO we're going to have a beauty contest for the ugliest part of the human body - the feet. This is mostly because the actually fun/funny body-part beauty contests we could be having are illegal due to ever-increasing revenge porn laws. This is the one thing you can blame the democrats for.

POST PICS OF YOUR FEET FOR A GRAND PRIZE OF 10K MB (second prize 5k, third prize is just being insulted by me for having fricking ugly feet).

I will be enforcing the timestamp rule - so TIMESTAMP your photo.

Post your feet in this thread by Monday at 3PM PST. Voting thread will be shortly after that.

Goonerbros, we're so back.

:#marseykingcrown: :#marseycoomer2:

Oh and another thing

isn't reddit a funny place?

think about it

the Europe sub is jannied by a brazilian

the female spaces are jannied by biological males

the Christian subreddit is jannied by an atheist


Yeah every single video is just scrolling the text of a SO question. Yeah great job bastard, frick you. :marseyrage:

Reported by:
  • whyareyou : don't care plus didnt ask plus you're white
proof :marseygraze: that the lottershe :marseyitsrigged: is rigged



Bro how did I not hear that 3rd strike was coming to EVO 2024

Has potential now :marseysmirk2:


Reported by:
  • FBIshill : i said id delete the winnings lol
Good news guys, Carp sucks at blackjack

Karma for rigging


here's the channel playlists with all the fully uploaded series's

They also have a lot of behind the scenes and extras for various anime as well.

I liked them so much :marseyembrace: for free licensed anime

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