Satire post (but is it)

I am 100% behind abortion rights but not for the reasons you imagine. As I walk down the streets of my city with a sign on my chest that says conservatives for abortions many people in the Maga crowd show up and ask me why wiggle hard why? Have you abandoned your principles my man? And I tell them now, if anything I've doubled down on my principles my fellow Maga, Chad. Studies have shown that conservatives have more children than liberals. Many liberal men and women do not want to have children, especially when you get into the big cities and away from the country bumpkin liberals of Vermont let's simply want to smoke marijuana and eat Ben & Jerry's ice cream all day, which by the way is an excellent choice. What I'm saying is, I do not wish to infringe on the rights of liberals to have abortions, or even conservatives for that matter, although an argument could be made, and liberals are moving away from conservative states because of abortion right issues. What I'm saying is that we were out producing them in children and call this a hot buttery biscuit take roe versus Wade did far more damage to liberalism and Maga rallies ever could do. That's my satirical totally not satirical take on why I support abortion as a conservative nut job that just got done playing my banjo on my back porch while my cousin Willie makes love to a VHS player

I love marathon sessions, just went for 45 rounds against a guy on fightcade

You always learn a lot going for long sessions like these.


So six month ago there was agreement between Russia and Ukraine that Ukraine will give 75 Russian soldiers for 5 Azovcel and that should happening in Turkey, so Russia send a jet with 5 Azovcel to turkey and a Ukrainian jet came just with Zelenskyy and he told Erdogan, I take those 5 Azovcel and will send those 75 Russian to you tomorrow but he never did it. He later told he will force Russian to accept this deal and offered new trade 300 for 300 but Russia told no and closed the grain deal and Erdogan couldn't do anything because Zelenskyy also fricked him over.

Now this cutie twink does this:

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said on Tuesday that a recent slowdown in prisoner swaps with Moscow was due to unspecified "reasons" on the Russian side, but expressed hope that the swaps could soon resume.

And you could understand his reason 6 months ago he was winning, he just lost bakhmut but ufff spring counteroffensive is coming and he is about to win everything so he started acting this bold

"It has indeed slowed down due to the Russian Federation's own reasons, but these are very specific reasons. The track will open," Zelenskyy told a news conference in Kyiv, without citing Russia's reasons.

Now those are specific reasons

Just one of millions reason how trustworthy khohols are who now want Minsk 3

It's also kek how west now don't talk about prison exchange and that it should happen because true reason why it stopped doesn't look good for narrative of elfen khohols stories

Merry Crystmeth!

Black Lives Matter (as they prefer crack too meth)


Good slur, example:

Miss you don't look AFAB and this toiled is AFAB only


its uncanny I'll bet my life on

Even the author of the books


thanks snally!

Why and how it's a detriment to society as a whole

I'm the strag man!

Neighbor us like 60

Dear Mr. Fantasy - YouTube
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