My neighbors want to know why I'm so mad at Diana : HiTMAN
Think logically

Biggest Ukrainian supporters and believers were Boris Johnson and Ben Wallace

Hi i'm gaslighter.

@Zy is not being wholesome

discuss @BimothyX1

Kanye West - Bittersweet Poetry (ft. John Mayer)

I fricked up and I know it g, guess its bittersweet poetry

Jackson Browne was 16 years old when he wrote this song.

Well, it's just that I've been losing for so long.

Boot Scootin' Boogie - YouTube
Genghis Khan, Feminist | The Tyee


Anyone who wishes to use the Impassionata3 brand must be prepared to pay me royalties. I am Bimothy.

Gay Porn Memes 1 - Didgerioo Do Me

Hi /h/gayporn bros/tards?

In order to keep the sub alive, I was thinking of submitting a regular series chronicling gay porn memes.

Without further ado (and in honour of the very sombre and serious Voice debate raging in Australia right now), I present

Gay Porn Memes 1:

Didgeridoo Me.

You can be assured those LaborGreens ghouls in ACT would move to outlaw this if The Voice passes - Popeepee would get some sick joy out of denying future generations the opportunity to punish your loud roommate but sticking his didgeridoo up his butt. So I'm voting No and urge all Aussies here to also vote No.

Anyway, created by known for their ecclectic porn vids, this thinly-veiled premise (even as far as gay porn goes), was without a doubt 100% entirely based on a pun a producer made one day.

It also, surprisingly received controversy naturally but you gotta admit that 'Didgeridoo me in the butt' is a line that should go down in gay history forever.

Also please PM me memes to make posts for, I really only have 'In front of my salad' and then I'm all out of post ideas


Reported by:
Chubby chaser forum user pearlclutches over pizzo

For those of you who aren't familiar, Scott Alexander is the idiot who wrote "You Are Still Calling Wolf," platformed a neo-reactionary computer programmer who admitted he was unqualified,

and became a guiding star in the wrong direction for people who suffer from Woke Derangement Syndrome.

His community hosts "Book Review" where audience members can submit written reviews of relevant source material and this struggle session is a real one.

What you have to understand about these people is:

They're largely SFBA Rationalist cult, and it matters, unfortunately: they're the slow class that believes they're the advanced class.

Their politics has these flaws: 1) respectability politics with a grievance, the under-educated aware of their lack of education and still secretly afraid it discredits them because they likely know it should, somewhere. 2) the mensa effect, intellect as a virtue.

  1. A propensity to "platform the lizardman constant." There is no obligation to platform the lizardman constant. But these people are stuck in an uncomfortable space where any lizardman constant belief lampshading the most recent Trumpian authoritarian gesture was immediately seized upon and updooted.

If you're going to have a free market of ideas? Better make sure it's a well regulated market, not one with captive regulation that platforms fascists and racists.

And finally, 4) An obtuse reluctance to engage with ideas of context and nuance in favor of ideological explanations faulting individual transgressions in the standard neoliberal cogitation of violence is bad mmk? A preference for politics to be thought of as a list of rules for proper do-good thinkerinos to accomplish and follow. They're authoritarians because the state grants them the authority of intellect and they're dumb enough to fall for it. That's why they're so obsessed with g.

Consequentialist matters of reputational damage being wholly deserved are left as an exercise for the reader. :marseysmug:

You rememberΒ Godwin's lawΒ and the fact you live in a culture afflicted with Nazi apophenia. You start to question whether the incontrovertible Hitleriness of the action in question is so incontrovertible after all. But how do you decide when an invocation of the 20th Century's most famous villain is an unhelpful exaggeration and when is it a prescient warning?

The clearest thing to do is slap these people in the face. The Nazi apophenia stopped being apophenia in 2016 and people who aren't easily led morons could tell back then. This person is trying to lead the easily led morons back to political sanity and it's a long trek from where Scott Alexander ended up.

And if we say β€œWatch out: this is exactly how Hitler came to power!” once a week, eventually no one will even bother turning their head to look.

This is regurgitating the party line in Scott Alexander's space: it's always a problem of the people who disagree with the "How can we know if it's fascism???" types.

At last, the Nazi Party was entirely within Hitler's control.

The author is relying too much on subtext here, and easily led morons don't believe in subtext so I'll spell it out for you: the Republican Party is more or less in Trump's control if 70% of Republicans believe Trump that Trump is the correct president. As in we are actually in a "Two Popes" situation de facto. There are two "official" records being written.

Then he took Kahr, Lossow, and Seisser into an adjoining room and tried, by means of waving his pistol and speechifying, to convince them to join in a revolt against the Berlin government. They refused. Undeterred, Hitler went back into the main hall and announced the triumvirs had agreed to back him.

They lie.

The Nazis targeted propaganda specifically at the army,

Thus the interest when the Navy Seals are said to be compromised by Trump supporters. Are you listening yet, Scott? Are you listening to the people who have called wolf? I know this is a rough one but you done goofed with "You Are Still Calling Wolf," you done goofed when you sought a neo-reactionary audience, and now you're watching your last chance to redeem your community in the eyes of the literate slip away.

I have to hand it to you, someone's putting a lot of work in to steer you.

In addition to this, the public really believed there was an actual communist threat.

Brilliant. Fantastic work.

The Social Democrats and the Communists both opposed the measure, but with all the Communists and a number of the Social Democrats having been arrested in preparation for the vote (courtesy of the Reichstag Fire Decree), the remaining representatives did not have enough votes to prevent Hitler's coalition from obtaining a two-thirds majority.

This is why you have to pay attention to what the foot soldiers disrupt, which is why comparisons to BLM, a protest about the actual illegitimacy of the police stations, are tepid and poorly formed.

Swastika-loving internet trolls, however offensive, are not about to usher in a reign of terror.

A terrible mistake in an otherwise good digest. Why? The whole point of the biography you are engaging in is to show that a swastika-loving neet just bludgeoned his way into power. Even the fact that you're playing to an audience that wants to minimize the threat of swastika-loving internet trolls does not excuse this grave error, some accommodations to rhetoric must simply not be made.

The most dangerous threats to liberalism freely admit that they are enemies of liberal democracy.

Cite: all of the Trumpian authoritarian gestures. Trump freely admitted that he was an enemy of liberal democracy, Scott Alexander just wasn't paying attention to them because of Scott Alexander's Woke Derangement Syndrome.

He came openly, stating what he intended to do. His followers wanted him to do it. If you're looking for the genuine Hitlerian article, it's going to involve undisguised opposition to liberalism.

Another case of: it would be stronger to actually make the connection for Scott Alexander's insipid followers. An authoritarian movement composed at least in meaningful part of swastika-loving internet trolls with undisguised opposition to liberalism (Moldthug's flirtation with monarchism, Scott? You platformed him and that's why you're going down, as a writer, for your failure.)

Likewise, if you're on the left, you should be suspicious of the Black Lives Matter protests for the same reason.

Here it is, the horseshoe brain rot. The problem with this both sides idiocy is that it's a rhetorical tar pit in which you're stuck in an oppression olympics. It's easier to say that intelligent people should look at a police station burning down and think: the police must have failed at their job, and intelligent people should look at 1/6 and see a naked coup attempt. The problem with these logical shitheads is they're high on believing in a perfect social ruleset because they think that will save them. The idea that context matters is basically somewhere between inscrutable or indecipherable or blasphemous to the very way they relate to politics.

They build a second state.

The second state already exists. Another failure on the author's part. Arguably with assaults on power stations across the United States we're already in a Civil War. Whether or not we can avoid one depends a lot on whether or not the Republicans can smother Trump completely and they're showing every propensity for doubling down.

But I'll expand; I already alluded above to the existence of two "official" narratives. In a certain sense there are two presidents because there are two sets of beliefs about the president. You frickers fell hard for the postmodern construct of two movies on one screen and ended up in a multiplexed reality. One of the two screens is burning.

All it takes for a narrative of state to emerge is for a person to tell a story about how they're a descendant of the royal family out to reclaim the throne. It's like these frickers never opened a history book. Bless them for they're finding their way through the literature they need to find but it's a bit like... how do you tell the slow class that they're the slow class if they think they're advanced lurners instead of pseudo-intellectuals largely placed in Dunce Containment Fields until they can finish processing the 1/6 plot update which by the way that was three years ago and they're still spinning on it! I swear to God nothing I could ever dream up would be this funny.

But the reason why 538 listed election denialism on the 2022 election cycle was that's very specificially the marker of the fascist movement on US soil that has been here for 7 years. Scott. Are you ready to pull the fire alarm yet? You've been looking at the smoke all this time, going "but what if the smoke is coming from a candle?"


A man summons a mob with a state narrative in which the mob chants: "Fight For Trump" and Trump says: "Thank you." That's it. That's all you need to know to understand whether or not Trump is guilty of treason regardless of what courts say. There's pieces on the map disrupting poltiics so that Trump can gain power. What about this isn't fascism? (Mao was merely authoritarian because Mao didn't need to lie.)

(If you ever wondered why Donald Trump was less revolutionary (for good or for ill) than many people expected him to be, this is why. He didn't have an organized movement ready to take the tiller of state and strike out in a bold new direction, and so he wound up doing a lot of things in surprisingly business-as-usual ways. To radically overthrow institutions from within, you need to do better.)

This is all sorts of deeply, badly stupid. Only an idiot thought Trump was revolutionary in any sense, and by that I don't mean that he wouldn't lead a "revolution" or call it a "revolution" but it's just a coup in which the existing state is placed at his dictatorial hands. If you thought Trump really would drain the swamp instead of demand complete fealty from it then you aren't paying attention to the times he just demanded fealty from e.g. Comey. These were the kinds of events that informed observers saw and went this is truly down the authoritarian path. But whatever, Scott Alexander, link TPO on your blog.

Bonus: if you click through to Scott Alexander's Erdogan article you can see Scott come right up to the edge of recognizing similarities in Erdogan's corruption to the events which got Trump impeached the first time. Completely broken thinking can't help but get obvious facts right eventually.

Final Fantasy XVI & Masculinity - REAL TITLE


Reported by:
Think like a doctor #No correct answer

Patient assaults a physician of any kind and under policy in most hospitals you just leave the room and alert security. Do you reject to help the patient and have them seen by somebody else, continue to try and treat the patient, alert security and have them removed or start writing the EMR note with them in the room? No matter what their EMR will denote hostility and possibly evicted from the premise but what would you do in that instant? Admittedly we broke procedure all the time and assumed liability so hospital procedure for being assaulted means nothing in terms of policy unless the person was a giga neurodivergent

I have a question for everyone on this site

I'm extremely racist hello :marseywave3:

This is Froggo 🐸
Mudiji begins the g*mericide


Guess its back to asking relatives going to Dubai to buy electronics.

Fan Fiction Contest Submission

The Republican National Debates of 2024 were to be legendary.

:marseykneel: :marseykneel: :marseykneel: :marseykneel: :marseykneel: :marseykneel: :marseykneel: :marseykneel: :marseykneel:

"Welcome to the Republican National Debate! This is to be a historic occasion gathering us to discuss the serious issues facing our Republic. Snelly Ferdgaster will be the moderator this evening. Snelly has served as a retired marine colonel military man service for over 18 years as well as being a troop leader who has successfully over 23 confirmed eagle scouts, so he has good judgment and knows how to say things right, whereas I am only qualified to introduce Snelly. Here he is."

"Good God, the people they find for this shit," said Nike, or that's what they called him. Nike is already a non-binary name, so the transition period was fairly light for their family.

"Some people need the authoritative structure the boy scouts provide," chided Simpson. "Respect the teachers, especially if they're from the party of the recent fascistic coup attempt!"

"Sorry Dad."

"I, Snelly Ferdgaster, can only say that I am sincerely honored by the privilege of serving my country, in every walk of life in which I have served it. Tonight we'll be hearing from a series of people who have passed a minimal qualification to be President, and I'm told that we have tightened our standards!" Snelly Ferdgaster looks around, hoping for a good chuckle, which he receives.

"Let's have our candidates! First, Dernie Purge. Dernie is a House Democrat who turned to the Republican side, he claims, "for the lolz" and is here tonight after having promised to talk about how he will hew to the Republican Party Platform."

Dernie smiled, and began to speak. This was it, the big first impression. "Hello There, America." The audience did not reply, but the silence managed to score this inadvertent solemn effect. "I just want to talk about what it is I believe."

"I believe that it is the right of Americans to bear arms." The audience began to warm.

"I believe that it is a Goddarn blessing -- sorry, I'm trying to swear less" the audience laughed, he's like they are! ("Oh lord," said Nike and Simpson agreed)

"that in America we have the greatest military the earth has ever seen. God bless our troops!" The audience clapped, which became a long clap.

Snelly then asked, "What is your perspective on climate change?"

"I believe that there's a lot of passion on this subject and that it's a very important issue. We have a lot to discuss."

Snelly let that silence linger for a while.

"I think that's enough for now," said Snelly. "Next up is Moe Tinctel. Moe is an out-of-work freelancer who decided to run for President after reading an idiot scrawling on a message board whose psychogeographic location was "bathroom scrawl." It was all it took, astrologically, was seeding the earth. Or so I heard it said, when I was an Eagle Scout. Moe, would you like a few words on your service to the Republican Party platform?"

Moe stood up. "I want a kinder America."

"Sorry, my name is Moe Tinctel. And I want to run for a kinder America. We need to remember that what makes humans precious is our ability to adhere to a social contract, and that's love, folks. Love between people."

"Now don't let that hippie talk distract you from what I bring to the table. I've been a small business owner and I know that leadership is hard. We can talk policy later, but what's important is kindness, and the strength that comes with it... as well your sidearm!"

The audience laughed, cheered! Another hit. It's good to have some true competition.

Snelly Ferdgaster straightened up. "Moe, can you tell us about your perspective on climate change?"

"Well I want to make it clear I care a lot about the environment. The Lord said that we're here to be stewards, and I take that commitment seriously." The audience clapped politely. Snelly sighed almost imperceptibly.

Finally, Snelly turned to the third figure at the podium. "This is our final contestant on the reality show that has always been out of control though not usually as nuts as 2016 was, and that's... Marsey? A cat?"


"Alright Marsey, would you like to tell us how a vote for your America is a vote for America?"


"You fools! You thought I wouldn't lie to you? You thought I wouldn't lie, pledge my eternal loyalty and servitude to the Republican Party? Just to get here?"




"I'm here..."


"To destroy the Republican Party!"


"How, you ask? First: I believe in the reality of humans causing climate change, and I am firmly resolved to take every action to forestall further disaster."


"Second, why would you trust any of the people on this stage? Trust me, for I am a cartoon cat."


"Third, I believe that if you are still talking about whether or not you believe in climate change you have failed the American people. The fact that climate change denialism is being platformed is proof of your incompetence, and I've had enough so I'm..."


"walking out that door and take all of your voters with me. Join my parade at rdrama dot net~"



Nike and Simpson looked at each other.

Then they reached for their phones.

Dernie Purge looked at the camera, panicked. "But I was going to do that! My site is -- " but his microphone was cut because no one cared.

Snelly Ferdgaster looked at the screen and said, "Well, that's one of our contestants down. Frankly I'm just glad I had the balls to ask these questions. I quit."

The screen dissolved into static, then Fox News anchors appeared.

They, too, were looking at their phones.

lucky end for them and you

:marseyxd: :marseyxd: :marseyxd: :marseyxd:

!bharatiya Rubbish Kumar having a mental breakdown live


Apparently they did some music for Civ 6 and one of the later Doom games.

Another Mongol band is The HU. More melodic. They ride motorcycles though the steppes and have bow-and-arrow shaped guitars (it's actually a tovshuur which is some sort of lute) and swastika fret markers on their morin khuur, but the good kind of swastika.

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