Are you tried of capybaras?

I'm sick of capybaras.

What's so special about capybaras? Chinchillas are better than capybaras for a number of reasons. First, chinchillas are much cuter than capybaras. They have big, fluffy tails and cute little faces. Second, chinchillas are much cleaner than capybaras. They groom themselves regularly and don't stink like capybaras do. Third, chinchillas are much more intelligent than capybaras. They can learn tricks and are very good at problem-solving. Finally, chinchillas live much longer than capybaras. So, not only are they better animals overall, but you also get more bang or your buck with a chinchilla.

On the other hand, capybaras are ugly. They have big, bulbous noses and their teeth are always on display. They are also very hairy, which is not a good look for an animal. Additionally, capybaras are lazy. They spend most of their time sleeping and eating. They are also not very intelligent. So, not only are they ugly, but they are also not very interesting animals.

Take a look at the images, the chinchilla seems to be a very nice guy, you can go out for a drink with him. ( a nice mannered rodent. and then look at the capybara. ( EEEKKK!!!! not such a nice rodent, the fact that they're even distantly related to chinchilla is just SHOCKING.

I'm willing to listen to and unpack your opinions, but I don't see how anyone could possibly justify being obsessed over such a mundane animal.

PS: Good luck making a capy do your housework

Reported by:
Would you like to have a girlfriend as cute as this? 😏
Reported by:
  • DrSandeepGupta : Moooooooods the straggots are breeding again
  • Lv999_Lich_King : Despite being patrolled by @August I WILL NOT denounce having had straight s*x (100% hetersexual)
  • BernieSanders : Literally violence
  • hilldog : homophobia

Hey dramastrags, I'm (Lich) back from my (Lv31 btw) ban (5 days) and I (male) just wanted to let you (strags) all know that I (chad) had S*X (straight) with a woman (biological) and it was good (not bad but kinda meh tbhwyf)!

Also there is nothing you (gaywads) can do about it (me having straight s*x for real). :marseylaugh: :marseyxd: :marseyskeletor:

About the girl (female): She's (boring) about 5'7 (feet/inches) and likes long walks on the beach (we don't live near one so wtf did she mean by this) and talking (too much). Her hair is red (ginger) and her eyes are green (demon). Her chromosomes are XX (I demanded a blood test before I consented to anything) according to medical paperwork (results dated 4/29/2022, slight anemia detected). She's also smart (big brain) and gave me (receiving) some good brain (fellatio) if you know what I mean (fellatio). Shit was so cash (enjoyable, not currency)!

Anyway I'm (John) out of here ( and probably gonna smash (have s*x with) her (bio-foid) again tonight (from 10:30 to about 10:34p.m. Eastern Time). See you later, virgins (lol)!

Oh btw, before I dip just want to ask you all a few things I've been wondering. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any kitty? I mean, I guess it's fun making fun of people because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than jerking off to pictures on facebook. You are all cute twinks who should just keep yourselves safe. Thanks for listening.

:#marseychadthundercock: :#marseygigachad: :#marseyropeyourself:

Marsey is for chumps

Prove me wrong r-slurs

Reported by:
Boobs Marsey

this concludes my marseyposting

love that cat

Reported by:
Who wants to join me for a soggy puppy :marseypleading: butt skunk c*m party? Pic related

@JefftheJolly @butthole @BWC @Zenzic

Reported by:
based and White NO BLACK PPL ALLOWD

Miles helped Joe to his feet and walked him out of the building. His friends were all gathered in a circle, holding each other tightly. Miles felt like he was in a dream. He couldn't believe that everything had happened so suddenly. His based white friends had made it out of the ZOG-controlled NWO compound without getting bluepilled by the cyper-CIA sissy BIPOCs. They were schizohappy. They were happy.

"Well, I guess we're out of the game."

"Yeah, looks like," replied Miles as he pulled up a chair and sat down at one of the tables where they'd been eating breakfast. One of them shat their pants, and Miles Routledge did not take kindly to this bluepilled act. He got extremely enraged at this, for it was unbased and cringe. The others looked on nervously as he shouted angrily. "You sissies need to learn how to fight! You can't just sit there while an butthole like that comes in and shoots you!" They all stared back blankly with wide eyes.

"What are ya gonna do when the cyper-CIA sissy BIPOCs come for you, huh? Just let the ZOG take over everything? Hitler would be ashamed."

"No, no, not everyone is like you, Miles," said another.

"Don't talk about Hitler like that," replied Joe Biden, who was still standing. "He's our leader. We respect him."

"Well," said Miles, "he clearly wasn't smart enough to see what was coming. Look at him. He didn't even have a gun. And look at us. We're armed to the teeth. This is why I don't support the Nazi party. Their leaders get killed or captured all the time, and their followers become bluepilled cute twinks instead of real men."

Joe Biden looked around the room uneasily, and then turned to one of the other guys. "I think we're going to go now."

"We'll meet you later," replied the guy.

"Jesus Christ you guys are strags, aren't you?"

They all nodded in agreement, and then they left the building. Miles felt kind of bad, but he knew that they had to leave because they feared for their lives if they stayed any longer. They'd seen what was coming, and they were too scared to stay. Miles picked up his rifle and went outside. The sky was red, but the sun was still shining through the smoke from the fires. There weren't many cars left on the street. He saw a few people running around trying to put out the remaining flames.

"Fricking BIPOC. We should've shot that son of a b-word right in the head."

"I did that!" yelled Joe Biden.

"You were in the bathroom!"

"And you were in the kitchen!"

"Shut up, both of you!"

Miles just shook his head and sighed. He watched as they ran away. They were massive cute twinks, he thought. They would never save the White Race like based and redpilled Nick Fuentes. They would always be subhuman losers. He put his head in his hands. What a fricking waste of life. All these years, all those millions of dollars spent on training, and now it was all gone.

The entire town was starting to burn. Everything was engulfed in flame, except for the few buildings that still stood. Miles stared in horror as he saw two of his neighbors' houses burning. A man was desperately trying to put out the fire, but he was using a garden hose. Then, he saw that person was black, and he assumed they were another glowBIPOC secretly trying to bluepill the based white people around him. But then Miles realized that the man was actually putting out the fire.

"Who is that?" asked Miles.

"That's our neighbor," replied Joe Biden.

"Our neighbor?" said Miles. "LOOK AT HIS SKIN!"

"He's not a BIPOC, he's our neighbor," said Joe.

"Oh my god, he has the same skin color as me!" said Miles. He realized his mistake.

"Look, he's trying to help us!" said Joe. "Let's thank him."

"Thank him for what?"

"For putting out the fire!"

"But he doesn't have any clothes on!"

"He can wear his underwear under his clothes!"

"NO HE CAN'T!" shouted Miles. "Why would he want to do that?!"

"Because he's a BIPOC!"

"That's right," said Joe. "And that makes him better than us."

"Biden, what the frick are you talking about. You're r-slurred."

"No, I'm not!"

"Yes you are! I've known you since we were kids, and you've always been stupid."

"I am NOT STUPID!" he shouted.

"If you're not stupid, then why do you keep saying that he isn't wearing any clothes?"

"He can't wear clothes!"

"So he's naked?"

"Of course he's fricking NAKED!"

"Then why does he have a shirt on?"

"SHUT UP, FRICKING R-SLUR!" shouted Miles. The man stopped spraying the water on the house and looked down at Miles. He was a very muscular black man with tattoos everywhere. Why they took him as a white person earlier, they did not know. Perhaps it was another of the jewish ZOG's tricks. Maybe they were supposed to make them think that blacks were all skinny and nerdy. But this man was built like a brick shithouse.

"What the frick are you looking at, c*ntface?" he shouted.

"Hey, I'm sorry," said Miles. "I didn't mean to call you names."

"Frick you, motherlover. Now get the frick outta here before I beat your butt."

"I'm sorry," repeated Miles. "I shouldn't have called you names." He grabbed his rifle and pointed it at the man's chest, but then he lowered his weapon.

"You ain't gonna shoot me, peepeesucker. Go ahead and try. See if I care."

"I didn't want to hurt you."

"Don't worry," replied the man. "It'll be a pleasure to kill you."

"What do you mean by that?" He was pissing his pants at the sight of such an imposing, black figure towering over his 5'6'' dispostion.

"I mean that it'll be a real pleasure to kill you," replied the black man.

Miles sighed and lowered his gun. He probably would've retaliated before he pulled the trigger, anyway. "Okay, I'm leaving now."

"Good. I hate you, and I hope you die. I'll make sure to send them here to kill you once I'm done with you."

"Who are you talking about?"

"The "BIPOCs". The ones who will come here to kill you."

"What the frick are you talking about?"

"BIPOCs, you dumbass. That's what I said. BIPOCs. They're going to murder you and r*pe your wife. And you won't do a darn thing about it, white boi."

"How could they possibly come here? They live thousands of miles away."

"I don't know. Maybe some of them will walk all the way here. It wouldn't surprise me."

"What the heck are you talking about? How could they come here?"

"Don't you remember? That's what they told you: "America is a country of immigrants. America is the melting pot. Immigrants come to America to build something new. They come to America to make something better. They come to America to make America great again. They came to America because of freedom. They came to America because of opportunity. They came to America because of the American dream. It's a land of dreams, and they're here to fulfill theirs."

Miles looked around at the burning buildings and the bodies lying on the ground. Everyone was dead except for Miles, Joe Biden, and the glowBIPOC. As far as he could tell, no one else was still alive. He saw the bodies of the zogbots, the cyper-CIA sissies who were only there to control the population. Miles decided that they needed to survive, so he started walking down the street toward a gas station with Joe. The gasoline tanks were still intact, though they had already caught fire and caused some minor explosions. Miles and Joe opened the doors, and the two of them climbed inside the car and closed the door behind them. They needed to escape the bluepill's area of effect in order to truly unlock their schizo chakras again. They would need to go to Hyperborea.

"There's no way we'll make it," said Joe.

"We'll just drive until we run out of fuel. Hyperborea can't be that far."

"It's more than 2,000 miles away."

"Well, shit. How are we gonna ascend to our godlike nordic alien shapeshifting forms now?"

"Well, I guess we'll just have to find a safe place to hide."

"Not for long, you idiot. We've gotta be out of here by tomorrow morning."


"Because that's when the BIPOCs are gonna come to kill us."

"The BIPOCs?"

"Yes. Don't you remember? They said that they're going to come here and kill us. They planted microchips to track us inside the vaccines."

"Well, they're not here yet, are they?"

"No," replied Miles. "They're probably still in Africa. Or India. Or maybe South America."

"Where do BIPOCs REALLY come from? I know you're being facetious, you know this stuff, dude."

"They come from Africa, duh."

"No, really. Where?"

"Africa," replied Miles. "They come from Africa."

"This is getting ridiculous," replied Joe. He never knew that the racial jungles were truly Africa's fault. For this, he thought, Africa would have to pay dearly.

"What do you mean?" asked Miles. "I'm serious. They don't come from anywhere else."

"Dude, that's racist. I mean, I'm not a BIPOC, so I shouldn't be offended, but it is offensive." His brain was under the bluepilling effect, and it clearly showed in this moment.

"I'm not being racist," replied Miles. "I'm telling you the truth."

"No you're not. They come from somewhere else. I know it. You know it."

"Look, if you believe that, then you're a BIPOC too. That's the facts."

"You're a racist!" screamed Joe.

"No, you are!"

"YES I AM!" shouted Miles. "And you're a fricking BIPOC!"

As soon as the two of them got into a shouting match, a couple of GlowBIPOCs appeared in front of the car. They were armed with knives and guns, and they were obviously pissed off. Miles put his hand on the gun in the glove compartment. He didn't know how to use it, but he figured that it would be enough firepower to kill a couple of glowBIPOCs. Terry Davis taught him well, he thought. But then he remembered, you need to run them over, that's what you do. If he tried to shoot them with his rifle, he might miss and hit himself or Joe Biden. He glanced back at his friend.

"Joe, hold on tight, imma run em over."

"Hold on what?" asked Joe.

"I'm gonna run em over!"

"No, you aren't. You're just gonna get shot."

He started the car anyways, and drove towards the glowBIPOCs, their unnatural radiance permeating the evening light. One of the glowBIPOCs aimed his rifle, and Miles saw that he was completely blacked. He put the car in reverse. The first glowBIPOC fell to the ground, dead. Then Miles hit the gas, and he ran over the second one.

"Are you okay?" asked Joe.

"Yeah, I'm fine," replied Miles. He turned around and saw that the third glowBIPOC was aiming his gun at him. He ducked while putting the car in reverse and ran the third one over while it shot at the car.

"Hey, that was close," said Joe.

"That's the last of them," said Miles. "Now we can finally go to Hyperborea."

"Hyperborea?" asked Joe.

"That's right, Jack. Now we can ascend to our true schizo forms."

"Oh, right. Yeah, let's do that."

"Thanks, Joe. I owe you one."

"I don't want anything from you."

"Bullshit. You always wanted to frick my wife."

"That's not what I meant."

"Then what did you mean?"

"I knew that you were a BIPOC. And I knew that you had a big peepee."

"Frick you."

After that, Miles and Joe continued to drive to Hyperborea, where they finally ascended to their nordic chad schizobeings of pure enlightenment, free from the persecuting thoughts of BIPOCs. And they were finally, truly, happy.


Reported by:
  • Inception : First post I've seen to get downmarseyd, can we mod this guy?
I mean both is good ...
Reported by:
Why are people downvoting me?

Yikes there’s a lot of rightoids here

Downmarsey bots are now starting to piss me off

I have now essentially lost another account that I very rarely accessed to consistent downmarseys within 15 seconds of commenting.

Who has the time to track these multi year accounts with high karma and then use an auto downmarsey bot? It’s apparently not somebody intelligent enough to set up a bot farm as they can’t seem to get my posts below -5 within 15 seconds but it fricks up my plans to create drama


Reported by:
  • JoeBiden : Trump supporter
  • Aevahn : antisemistim
  • hunglol : basedposting, well folx rdrama is confirmed a nazi cesspit, change my mind
I love women and I don’t think trans lives matter at all

this is not an April Fools post

Reported by:
  • SpookUsScaryGhost : Taymisia
  • SpaceMilk : I love Taylor Swift I have all of her albums up to 1989 and RED is my favorite
  • Stoicpeace : More like Soymilk ^^^
  • dramasexual : why stop at 1989? at the very least you should also enjoy Lover if 1989 is ur jam
  • Awoo : Never really got into her because I'm not a 14y/o girl. Blank space is the shit though.
  • RichEvansOnlyfans : Thank you for ruining the joke by explaining it
  • GOLEM : straightest dramanaut
  • increasepower : It's great seeing high 4 digit user IDs try to explain rdrama culture.
  • whyareyou : someone with enough DC to buy a ban, should ban this lying liar who told lies
PSA: No one here actually thinks Taylor Swift is hot or likes her music:marseydisagree::taymindblown:

The joke is that she's the blandest and most inoffensive looking white woman possible. Certainly not ugly or even below average but also not someone whom you would obsess over. Hence, some thought it would be "fun" to shill her among 4Chan-lite users who usually sneed :marseysneed: at having normie taste.

Hope you got the inside joke newfriends:marseyembrace:

Reported by:
this is cirno






























Reported by:
PSA: You don't downmarsey lolcows.

Too many people are downvoting people they believe are lolcows, and I just want to inform everyone that downvoting makes you the lolcow.

It's always been a rule not to downmarsey a lolcow, and this site has too many newstrags who don't understand the culture. I mean, I saw people downvoting pizzashill and saw one of his posts with -19 downmarseys, that isn't acceptable.

Reported by:
subredditdrama isn't that bad

x3 multiplier

Reported by:
Popped through my girls cervical ring and made her yell

I was doing some full body weight deep thrusting and I hit the angle just right and my peepee smashed right onto the donut of her cervix and pushed thru. She yelled but then she clenched her legs around me gritted her teeth and her eyes rolled back from a super big orgasm. She said it was the most powerful she ever felt like she was being electrocuted. The whole time her womb was spasming and clenching on my peepee head. She said she will never go back to smaller guys because she always will want the deepest cervical orgasm.

What do you think?





!downmarseyrs discuss

SubredditDrama is the best place for drama on the internet

upmarsey if you agree/disagree


Reported by:
My girlfriend's vag is too small and tight

Anyone else have had this problem? Ideas how to solve it? Unfortunately it means that normal s*x is painful for her.

Reported by:
I love women

i have nothing to post, i just want dramacoins so i can buy little shields, so i can be part of your community & prove i'm doing something with my life

Reported by:
Reported by:
I don't like lawlz

@BeauBiden @Soren @Snappy @MarseyIsMyWaifu @MasterLawlz discuss

Reported by:
nazis OUT Russian Lives Don't Matter.

Slavs out.

Reported by:
Thot gets patrolled. Redditors sneed

!football !foidmoment

Reported by:

!downmarseyrs nuke this shit, scorched earth style

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