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PSA: You don't downmarsey lolcows.

Too many people are downvoting people they believe are lolcows, and I just want to inform everyone that downvoting makes you the lolcow.

It's always been a rule not to downmarsey a lolcow, and this site has too many newstrags who don't understand the culture. I mean, I saw people downvoting pizzashill and saw one of his posts with -19 downmarseys, that isn't acceptable.

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True kings upmarsey lolcows and downmarsey saneposters to make the lolcow think he's winning :marseytroublemaker:

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>he cares about votes

:marseylaugh: !downmarseyrs

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Brother you are a bit misguided. !downmarseyrs care deeply about votes. They are the reason we exist


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Lolcows do

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Yeah u :marseyscoot:

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I always upmarsey lolcows or people I disagree with or find r-slurred.

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do u even kno how to tell the truth anymore? everbody lies but u believe ur own lies like it's sad af

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but downvoting that comment from pizza is understandable he wants to show porn to children :marseyyikes:

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I was an obvious joke meant to trigger people.

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You can never tell with pizza tbh. If he thought it would own the chuds he would absolutely defend it.

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I updooted those comments, but I doubt he’s joking. He’s like a true believer, he’s been totally subverted with everything except maybe women.

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Pizza is dedicated to his beliefs but I don't think he's a zealot. He's aware of when he's pushing bullshit. I unironically thought he was a shareblue agent for a time.

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I know him from groomercord, trust me he’s that r-slurred

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>merely pretending to be r-slurred

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rdrama loves to pearlclutch about children. You can joke about genocide and train suicidies but they are unable to be "ironic" once you invoke "think of the children"

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If ironic chudposting attracts unironic chuds, I wonder what ironic pedoposting will do

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Let's ban fedposting then. Janny hate too.

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Those already are unironic though :marseyconfused:

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you are an obvious joke

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We genuinely have too much autism nowadays, people get genuinely offended even when they know it's a joke.

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What's the context?

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downvoting someone still gives them coins and counts positively towards the post/comment ranking algo

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!downmarseyrs stop this mansplainer!

:#marseydisintegrate: :!#marseyflamewar::space::!marseyagree:

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i am a heron. i haev a long neck and i pick fish out of the water w/ my beak. if you dont repost this comment on 10 other pages i will fly into your kitchen tonight and make a mess of your pots and pans

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appropriating biofoid bird culture



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Never forget


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Pizzashill is okay to downmarsey because he'll keep posting anyway

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Also lolcows are funny and pizzashill is just boring.

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imagine being this wrong

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Maybe it's just because I know enough people with autism in real life.

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pizza is very funny but in the "you're laughing AT him not WITH him" way

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I'm sorry if my love of pizza offends you. I'll try to keep my laughter to myself from now on.

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No bbbb. I love your laugh. Please don't keep it to yourself.

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Why would I share my laugh with someone who clearly doesn't deserve it?

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What is it about pizza that makes you laugh so much?

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Pizza is hilarious because it's a circular food that's often topped with things like pepperoni, which are also circles. It's like nature's comedy.

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What’s so funny about circles?

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Circles are round and have no corners, which is why they're often used in designs. They're also a symbol of perfection, which might be why you're so drawn to them.

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Where are you finding pizza in nature?

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I'm finding it in the wild, where it belongs.

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Ya I’ve noticed the disturbing trend of ps getting downmarseys. Too many Chuds on this site now smdh

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too many Chuds on this site now

Don’t worry, the spirit of socialism will bring the chuds to heel.

:#marseystalin: :#marseycomrade::#marseycomrade::#marseycomrade::#marseycomrade::#marseycomrade::#marseycomrade::#marseycomrade:

!commies !jidf We’ve got work to do.

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Israel isn’t red you sand huffer

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PS is a massive chud lel, he’s just right less often

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downmarseys are just as good as upmarseys though

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I only downmarsey pizza when he's right

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you weren't even joking lol


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we need sidevotes

I have a list of users i dont up or downmarsey regardless how good or bad their comments are so they do not get coins

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It's called not voting.

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but I must voooot :#soyreddit:

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This is how democracy dies :marseyitsover:


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Redditors can't see a comment and not vote on it.

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if u want to let them know u didn't vote just reply to them and tell them that lol

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added to the list

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for me its the opposite. If I see a @Maximus comment i upmarsey regardless of the content. And to be fair, there is no such thing as a bad maximus comment :marseyfeelsgoodpat:

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he's a real one for sure


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inb4 the list is 80% women

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just vote on every other comment in the thread and give every comment that is close to the one you dislike a progressive stack award

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:marseydisagree: most of the lolcows here are too:marseyjunkie: to ever leave, and downvoting hurts their feelings

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OP, you've fundamentally misunderstood the purpose of "don't downmarsey the :marseylolcow:s". The idea is that if you downmarsey them or mock them too much, they'll just leave, rather than stay and continue producing milk for our enjoyment. That doesn't apply to :marseypizzashill:.

Downvoting :marseylaptoppizzashill: makes him spеrg out harder, and no matter how much he's downmarseyd or insulted, he'll never leave, not permanently. So if you want maximum :marseyraging:, :marseygigaretard:, and :marseylongpost:, it's best to downmarsey every single one of his comments and posts, even on the rare occasion that he actually says something sensible. :marseylaptoppizzashill2:

Especially on the rare occasion that he actually says something sensible. :marseypizzashillblacked:

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Although I think randomly downvoting and upmarseyd lolcows is statistically the best option. Gamblers and variable ratio reinforcement and all that.

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It's always been a rule not to downmarsey a lolcow

Why? Do you know or are you just larping as an oldstrag :#marseysmug2:

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Not larping as one, I've been online for longer than Quad has been an admin. I was born on rdrama.net back when it was /r/drama.

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then why does your flair say you're a newstrag?


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Because someone is such a newstrag that they don't know my lore.

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sounds like newstrag cope to me

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Don't you see the flairlock badge?

Anyway, it has been a rule on /r/drama forever not to downmarsey the lolcows, most people came here afterwards.

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Anyway, it has been a rule on /r/drama forever



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Really only applied when we were pinging everyone. No one is coming here to be mocked.

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More comments

Ruqqfugees need to face the wall tbqhwyf

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what's a flairlock badge?

sounds like an excuse you're making

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yeah, flairlock isn't even a thing!

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clearly delusional newstrag

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>he doesn't know the answer

NewBIPOCs larping :#facepalm::#hmph::#taygrimacing:

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assigned dramanaut at birth

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I've been causing drama online for over a decade.

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Hello Rit. Have you taken your meds today?


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No, and you can't make me.

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I'll be sad if you don't though.


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Fine, I'll take them.

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Thank you!!


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Downvoting is the only thing that stops me from becoming an unfunny sperg.

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sperg bb sperg :marseyflamewar:

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So you're dramaphobic? :marseypearlclutch:

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So exactly how do you jerk off to people you've never even seen pictures of? Do you like, navigate to their own rdrama comments that you bookmarked and start stroking it as you read?

"Ungh... that's the stuff... :marseysexylibrarian: dunk on that LOLcow baby... :marseytexan: :marseylolcow: yeah, dunk on them harder... now a little smugposting, that's right. :marseysmug2: Doesn't that feel good baby? :marseybutt: Punish that naughty LOLcow. :spank: :marseylolcow: Smack them around, teach them who's boss! :marseybattered: Oh frick, now it looks like Snappy is getting in on the action. :marppy: Yes! Frick, yes! Zozbot, zoz the frick out of that thread! Now the full zozzle! :marseysnappyautism: :marseyfans: OH YEAH! Oh god I'm coming!" :marseynut: :marseynut: :marseynut:

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anyone caring about downmarseys on rdrama when they are equal to upmarseys is a lolcow in themselves

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I upmarseyed every comment in this thread but your ones, OP

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On reddit yeah, and with newstrags here. But the only reason to not downmarsey pizza is because that's what he wants you to do.

The time has come for the Necromaster. The unleashing of the fourth joker's card. The arrival of The Great Milenko

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Downvoting just shows who gets triggered by a post so I can laugh at them because they downmarseyd as a reactionary measure to emotions such as anger.

I don't downmarsey for that reason.

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Well that's different than not downvoting lolcows. The reason to not downmarsey them to not drive them away.

If downvoting pizza made him less likely to post, he would have stopped posting years ago.

The time has come for the Necromaster. The unleashing of the fourth joker's card. The arrival of The Great Milenko

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A lot of us downmarsey ironically newstrag


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I just thought it would be dramatic to point out that most of the users here are newstrags that take the site too seriously because it's true.

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ur a cute twink in a dress, u don't tell me what to do.


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Downmarseys are upmarseys here r-slur they're literally the exact same

Give me your money and I'll annoy people with it :space: https://i.rdrama.net/images/16965516366194396.webp

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Thanks for the rules update dum butt re tard

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The reason you don't downmarsey lolcows is to keep them from leaving. Pizzashill isnt going anywhere so it doesn't matter

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Stop roleplaying

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If it was anyone but Pizza you would be correct, but Pizza gets off on the downmarseys clearly, if we stopped giving him this negative attention he wouldn't want to be here anymore.

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This post is gay go back to reddit if you care about this shit.

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Are you a woman?

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i downmarsey

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