uhh bierhday today




Natives too would-be Venezuelan tourist: you're going too di

Trans lives matter fricking heck @911roofer is so sick of that bullshit phrase


how stupid must you be to believe in this story ? If it was writen about school or college then it would been somehow believeble but at work in group of 30+ year old men a 5'5 guy with long blonde hair instrad of being balding ? And then slender ? Dude has anime avi, he probably watchen some hentai futura with lil blond girl with big peepee


:eaglebikiniflag::!eaglebikiniflag::marseylibertyfireworks::marseyeaglerider::marseyjunkiegenocide: trans lives matter defeated


I guess all the talk about we as soyciety moved away from caring about who sleep with who because we are mature soyciety that views women as personality that can do what ever they want with their body and we as soyciety respect their choice and respect sΠ΅x workers and view them as equal in soycity as doctors, engineers and construction workers is just millennial gibberish :hitspipe:

Hey, Merry Christmas.

I'm Mello, ama

I'll try to be kind

*checks clock* Yup, :boomerportrait: boomers still rocking :boomer: :marseysaluteusa:

Top US Senate Republican McConnell OK to continue duties, Congress' doctor says

U.S. Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell has been medically cleared to continue with his schedule, the attending physician to Congress said on Thursday, one day after the 81-year-old froze up at an event in his home state of Kentucky.

The incident had raised fresh questions about the health of the longest-serving party leader in Senate history, who had similarly frozen up a month earlier during a press conference at the U.S. Capitol.

On Wednesday, McConnell was speaking to reporters in Kentucky when he froze for more than 30 seconds. He eventually answered two more questions, but when he did so, his voice was shaky and quiet. Aides said on Wednesday he had been light-headed.

McConnell had been sidelined from Congress earlier this year, after he tripped in March and was hospitalized for a concussion and a minor rib fracture. He returned to the Senate in April.

Lawmakers are due to return to Washington from summer recess next week and will have urgent work ahead, including passing legislation to keep the government funded past Sept. 30, when the current fiscal year ends. McConnell in the past has typically played an important role in negotiating and passing spending bills; without congressional action, the federal government would begin to partially shut down in October.

The congressional physician said in a statement that he had consulted with McConnell and McConnell's neurology team and had evaluated the incident.

"I have informed Leader McConnell that he is medically clear to continue with his schedule as planned. Occasional lightheadedness is not uncommon in concussion recovery and can also be expected as a result of dehydration," Congress's attending physician, Brian Monahan, wrote.

McConnell's office has said he plans to remain in his leadership post through the 2024 election. Aides did not immediately respond to a question about his upcoming schedule or provide additional details on his condition.

McConnell's health issues come amid public concern about the United States' aging leaders. The Senate has one of the oldest memberships of parliamentary bodies in the world, with the average age of its lawmakers hovering above 64.

Democratic U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein, 90, was absent from the Senate for months earlier this year, after she suffered complications from shingles.

A few lawmakers, both Republicans and Democrats, have called for McConnell to step aside given his health concerns.

Democratic President Joe Biden, who at 80 is the oldest person to ever occupy the White House, said he spoke to McConnell on Thursday.

"He was his old self on the telephone," said Biden, who served with McConnell in the Senate. "I'm confident he's going to be back to his old self."

Biden's leading Republican rival for reelection next year, former President Donald Trump, is 77.


For those not portuguese here, he reviewed on Xbox Series X and he says:

It's a Bethesda RPG, Bethesda didn't reinvent themselves (it isn't like Nintendo did with BOTW, so to speak), so expect a Bethesda RPG through and through

What he expected is what he got

He likes it and thinks it's a good game (which, apparently, is high praise coming from him)

He thinks Bethesda could've evolved more since their last release (in game structure and technical stuff)

30fps are stable more than 90% of the time (framedrops only on open world) and it doesn't hurt the experience

Graphics are excellent, praises even the 3D models (even the food haha) and the spaceships, the textures and lightning/reflections, the animations of objects and sound design are very good too

However, he says the special effects (like fire and explosions) aren't spectacular, acceptable only

He criticizes the facial animations of characters, says it's very weak, like "NPC says something very very emotional but its face is like dead/robotic", which can break immersion for some

The music and soundtrack is epic, beautiful and fit for the story of the game (again, he compliments the sound effects and how it all works with tandem with the great object animations, it's immersive, he gives the example of when you sit on the cockpit of your ship and you pull the mainboard, and that little pulling sound is great and immersive)

Good voice acting

Bugs/glitches/crashes? No. Zero crashes, very very little bugs that's to be expected from any polished big-butt open world game. Says sometimes he talked to an NPC and the NPC didn't turn around to you so he talked to you while you saw its back, and very little texture pop-in. He talked with other people that experienced different bugs but, again, not game-breaking or anything

Says the biomes and landscapes are really diverse, you never feel like you visited the same place again

All cities are very different from one another, praises Neon highly

Criticizes the amount of loading screens: even if they are quick, the quantity bothered him and his immersion. Enter the ship; enter in one planet, exit it, change galaxy, go to a different landing zone in one planet, many many doors (if not all), all have loading screens

You can fast travel from one planet to another you already know, no need to be on the ship, so you only have one loading screen instead of 1) enter the ship 2) travel to another system, 3) enter that planet, but he says the game doesn't explain that

Difficulty? Low (he played on the normal difficulty). Enemy and company AI? Bad.

The game lasts for about ~150 hours. He played 40 hours and finished the main story. Says the main story only path can last 20-25 hours, a bit more perhaps.

Doesn't recommend 3rd person camera to do shooting

Gunplay is good, fun, simple and effective; all weapon types are interesting, he says the game sorta "forces" you to change weapons because there isn't a lot of bullets for your favorite weapon at all times

Again, he played like "run and gun" because the enemy AI isn't good at all

Little enemy diversity, you mostly fight against humans, aliens' design is cool but, again, "run and gun"

Planets' atmosphere can cause effects on you, like too warm or too cold, but he says "nah I didn't need to modify my armor at all, the game warns you but it doesn't really affect you"

When you go over the weight limit walking consumes oxygen, says this is an unnecessary headache

There is a weight limit on your ship too, upgradable it seems, but it starts off small

Says this is bad, because there are a LOT of items, but, because of this, it forces you to only focus on weapons and healing items etc and not other miscellaneous items that COULD be interesting, but you won't be able to know because you won't prioritize it

The game doesn't have a map. You guys, the game DOESN'T HAVE A MAP. You have that galaxy map we all know ofc, but not a local map, neither on cities (what were they thinking?...) neither on explorable planets (understandable). You have a little compass on the bottom left corner only. Forgot where a specific vendor is? Good luck.

is? Good luck.

The game doesn't introduce/explain you to some of its mechanics, like persuasion in dialogue, crafting, building outposts, buy/modify ship, how to use fast travel correctly, he complains those mechanics aren't intuitive and the game should explain them, but it doesn't

Big-butt grass pop-in at 33:19 lol

"don't compare this to No Man's Sky, don't view this as a space exploration game"

Spaceships look stunning, but he didn't like the ship combat, especially at first, doesn't say why, says you can run from many fights and the main missions have very little ship combat

Says the hacking game can be a pain in the butt as you go forward, because it's always the same

There is A LOT of dialogue

Mission structures are the same you can expect: combat missions, dialogue/negotiation missions, delivery missions; he didn't feel the missions were repetitive, not because they tried different things, but because the world around it is always diverse and cool to explore

Says he has the feeling that the persuasion mechanic is sorta random and not that complex: NPC goes "no I won't do it", you use persuasion, NPC goes "ok I will do it", linear like this

The lore of this universe is deep

All the main story missions are really good, because of the quality of the stories and the world and characters around you

Two mechanics he didn't use at all: outpost building (says the game couldn't convince him to build them, didn't saw the interest in it) and crafting (it ties in on that item/weight limit problem)

He liked the skill tree progression mechanic (that thing where you have to do XYZ to upgrade a skill level, it encourages you to explore and play more)

Says the level progression takes a lot, killing NPCs doesn't give you that much XP, completing missions does

He says he didn't need to buy a weapon or armor from vendors, enemies drop constantly better loot

Companions aren't necessary too, he didn't use them a lot, again he says the game doesn't explain the advantages of having a companion properly, sounds underutilized like other mechanics he talked about

What he can say about the main story: when you touch the artifact, you travel to another dimension, you go and get more and more artifacts, amazing events keep happening, all characters add up to the story, there are cool plot twists, he liked the main story a lot, it makes you feel epic and grandeur

Conclusion: Starfield is a very good game, an epic one, despite its flaws it's impressive how it kept him playing and playing, he says the flaws kept bothering him less and less as he kept playing, 8.5/10

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