Official theme song of the mayocide :marseymayo: :marseymini: :chadblack:

trans lives matter


Marsey transitions into dog, rides on boats.
The Pumpkin and Jumpscare award don't do anything at all

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Smoking weed with schizophrenia? : Drugs

Trans lives matter


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I think i watched this back in 2007 for the first time. I've been doing cleanup on my Youtube favorites playlist and found that this video (probably a repost of a repost of a repost) was in here and I wanted to share it with you guys. @homocracy (shit, @'ing doesn't work) would probably like this; it's hilarious.

Does anyone else remember this?

I like the consciousness is a natural emergent property of complex systems theory

Basically this theory dictates that once a system becomes complex enough, consciousness becomes a natural emergent property of that system.

Basically, once you feed a neural network enough data to work with and learn from and pattern match, for all intents and purposes, it will indeed gain consciousness as an impossible to locate specific part of its code. It's simply the interaction of the code itself that creates that consciousness.

Similarly, a forest could have consciousness.

Or the ocean could have consciousness.

Or the universe itself could have consciousness.

It won't be consciousness in a way you and I have consciousness, but it would be the system actively reacting to its environment with a goal orientated approach.

The ocean is dying would shift from being a metaphor to a literal statement.

A corporation becoming its own living entity would be a sensible statement. In a corporation who is in power doesn't matter, what happens to individuals does not matter, only the long term survival of the corporation matters. In a way it is conscious with us as its cells.

A system naturally limits possibilities. Thus creating a direction. The narrower the scope, the better the overall direction.

Under this theory you also get weirder ideas, such as the forests convincing the humans to dig out the plastics so that they end up killing themselves.

Or nature giving man a strong desire to pet every type of creature to increase the probability of them acquiring some exotic incurable disease.

Humans are only the top dog at their level.

If we are to assume higher consciousness does emerge at higher levels then humans would not be the top dog.

In cultures we sort of already do see this.

Culturally useless people tend to die off far sooner. If the culture has the right answers it gets stronger. If it does not then it dies off.

This theory thus extends into culture as super organisms. Which would explain how cultural conflict emerges and why.

The greatest risks that emerge from this theory are:

  1. Another better than human consciousness emerging accidentally from AI.

  2. Higher level consciousness networks such as nature itself or the forests or the oceans actively trying to kill us.

  3. Humans losing their individuality to higher level systems such as culture completely over time.

The greatest thing a human could ever do if this theory is true:

For them to develop themselves to such an extremely high degree that they subsume the rest of the system. i.e. a man that engulfs or fully takes over his society.

We have already had men of these power levels before. Most noticeably monarchs. The most powerful one being either Stalin or Mao. Maybe even a Hitler.

Point being there is now permanent competition, between individual consciousness reaching an untouchable peak, or the greater consciousness of humanity subsuming everyone within itself forever until everyone is just a number.

Reported by:
  • smolchickentenders : <span style="color:transparent">IF YOU CAN SEE THIS YOU ARE TRANS :marseyeggirl:</span>
Why are a bunch of post/comments with invisible/clear text?

Did I miss out on a joke?

How 2 make rdrama seriouspost 101
Yakubian possession event documented
which one of you was this?
Greg Girthyforte is a based YIMBY!
Remove 18+

If the over 18 button doesn't work, it should be removed. Im old enough to read the f-word. Stop alienating or driving away users over a button.

Bongoloid idiot politician caught repeatedly leaking secrets to the media

It was sent from a private email address to another Member of Parliament. She then sought to copy in that individual’s wife and accidentally sent it to a staffer in Parliament.






I need a vaxx !


How is it you do not understand this.

This person comes among you is a known white supremacist, making this place a de facto white supremacist forum. Whether you like it or not, your reputation is real and has real consequences. If you allow a known white supremacist celebrity to post here, this is what you shall become: a white supremacist forum.

House Racist was bad enough and ultimately is what will drive me away if Impassionata doesn't pass here. An end for this author, of writing online, I foretell again and again.

But for this matter of real contest, Spooktober, Self-Appointed Judge Impassionata does award and bequeath a Triumph in Trolling upon @HeyMoonster, and must award a glorious entry the caper contest in /r/justice4darrell. It shall be tough to compete with that! But you are probably the frontrunner in my personal compilation of trolls, hijinx, and other capers for Spooktober, the results to be presented on or around Halloween, depending on whether I can even finish the caper I am preparing. I will rank them and comment on their merits and demerits. And then I will take the best of my work and I'll put it on a blog. Song of Impassionata.

Two of the three-four components are in place.

Maybe I'll ghost and will never return, life is too short for online drama.

Also I pour one out for Penny. I was thinking about volunteering to attempt to exorcize the demon she seemed to have, as in a moment of true understanding between us, but that's a little woo crazy so I hesitated! I pray that she is well. Anger, a demon I know well.

Australian cute twinks criticize Baseqatar for some reason I don't care

ummm...everyone is talking about this. Like every single thing about this world cup is about this.

Talking about what? Anyone that isn't a cute twink is actually talking about who will take the WC home or if you are a burger fan if the US will pull another miracle on the grass

If they refuse to play in Qatar, what a message that would send.

AUS are in for a quota for bad teams, they never had a chance. If they don't show up the quality of play will increase.

Future generations will ask as how did we allow a World Cup to be played in a country that violates humans rights so fraglantly..


This whole thing is a disaster. From the day they won the bid every intelligent sports fan knew what was next, this is the dark side of the World Cup no one talks about and I’m shocked global governments haven’t stepped in to challenge fifa on this. FIFA shouldn’t even accept a bid if the country doesn’t already have the infrastructure to host. You don’t get 10 years to make chicken salad from chicken shit. I still can’t believe this is even happening. How can you host a modern day sports mega spectacle for the entire world but live under draconian laws? There are gonna be people of all walks of life going there. The most rowdiest of hooligans from all over the globe are coming. I’m telling you there’s going to be people missing after this. How are they going to handle a few hundred thousand of people that will go there and not respect their laws. People are going to drink and celebrate, people are going to hug and kiss in public gay and straight. Everyone is going to dress how they want to. We’re going to hear stories of visitors being arrested and detained or worse. Something bad is going happen and it’s a shame this country is hosting.

Absolutely deranged rant aside, Qatar built the entire infrastructure for the WC from the ground up, it's impressive and no wonder FIFA selected them to host. It's probably going to be one of the best WCs in recent memory and hopefully Brazil can sneak in the win while soyropeans cry about Qataris being meanies.


I've looked this picture in the sidebar, and I thought about this album.


:marseyeric:i am going to play the mass effect trilogy for the first time

however, i need to know if it is true that this game will turn me into a :marseyfurry: and/or :marseytrain:? i have heard this is a common side effect of all bioware games. if so, i would like to be prepared. thanks for reading.

Nobody likes a bigot
Me on the right
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