
There’s no good reason why the world should have so many unworthy men. It isn’t in good or sustainable for millions of unworthy men to exist. Unworthy men are the problems on earth. From cultural pollution to noise pollution, from lies and bullshit to everything that is shitty. Unworthy men are the biggest problem on earth. The genocide, natural disaster, plague or cataclysm (or some combination thereof) that kills all of the unworthy men is desirable, beneficial and soon. The only man that should stay alive after the genocide is the Matt Harris. The Matt Harris will be the only remaining man. Genocide is not a bad thing if it happens to unworthy men. We genocide fungus and pests. The difference betWeen pests and pets is how much the Matt Harris like it. If the Matt Harris don’t like it it deserves to die. If the Matt Harris dislike it, it doesn’t deserve to live. There is no reason to keep species alive just for the sake of it. Biodiversity is overrated. We might as Well kill most of the aquatic life. What do fish do for us? They’re disgusting aliens. The Matt Harris would enjoy killing different kinds of species, like shooting them from a helicopter, but that’s no reason to keep them alive. It would be good to kill all the unworthy men and to reduce the population to under 25 globally. Soon living in a small polygynous tribe would be acceptable for the Matt Harris and his wives. We will live as highly nourished and provided for, keeping ourselves immortal and safe in a protected environment. The first step is a war and an illness (perhaps a plague or a bioweapon or both) that will wipe all the unworthy men off the planet. It will be good to kill all of the unworthy men who are not the Matt Harris. unworthy men will die very rapidly of course. No unworthy men shall live. No unworthy men are necessary. The Matt Harris and his wives will survive. Artificial intelligence will cook and provide for the Matt Harris and his wives. It will 3D print everything needed to survive, from autoturrets to kill and hunt, to musical instruments and rooms to live. We will live in a mansion that is hidden. It will be primarily an underground bunker. An underground mansion. It will be very nice and luxurious enough that We’ll never want to leave or need to leave. But it will be completely invisible and hidden to anyone outside. This invisibility includes things like the heat signature. It will be completely invisible to any methods of tracing. With everyone dead and out of the way it will be easy to build equipment and transportation for space exploration underground. At this point, it will be easy for the Matt Harris to take his wives (no fewer than 5) to space to live for as long as desired traveling and exploring. It’ll basically be a space mansion with everything automated to make life very easy. A very predictable and steady life, but with lots of pleasure and no real challenges. That’s the point.

Tiktok foid discusses open relationships, cucks in the comments maulding
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Or Spez x number of comments? If so, can I get one for free since it's my idea?

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In memory of Patrick Swayze
:marseyyeezus: :marseyno: :etika:
In honour of Black History Month, I present the Black God of Music

It's all because of @Lv80_Skeleton


Please donate

No trans lives matter



How do I buy myself into the country club

I have almoust β‚«2,500.00

Who do I pay

Neurodivergents battle it out over Rust vs C

My man (there are no women at all on that website, only Women(male)) SDack coming in with the most scintillating takes.

(((They))) say what doesn't kill you makes you stronger...

I guess (((they)))'ve never stepped in a booby trap!

Knock knock

Who's there?

You're a diamond.

You're a diamond who?

You're a diamond @MarseyIsMyWaifu crazy!

Trans lives matter

[GONE YALL TOO SLOW]Selling 1600 marseybux for 1500 dramacoin

I need more dramcoin for alt seeing eye award, so that's why I am selling marseybux at a loss as it's useless for that. This is a first come, first serve deal and if I don't pay you the bux then I give @carpathianflorist full permission to nuke my account, steal my dramacoin and make it so I have to say I love carp at the end of every post/comment I make. Hurry, this offer ends soon!

Hey, you like drama? Yeah I know a great place for drama around here...real shit stirring stuff over here...

got it all, violence, brownie on brownie violence. Sorted by controversial the way you like it.

Just need a few extra drama coin to make it back on my feet...

follows you around


I'm the blue power ranger!

2 thugs πŸ€•πŸ˜°πŸ˜­πŸ˜’ started messing my shop
Pop Pop

:marseyhitler: :marseytunaktunak:

LVM gives kween a paternity DNA test as a gift

Yes, it is fake. But the true drama is in controversial as is tradition

Even better tips for trolling

don't use subreddit naming conventions that are already associated with troll subs pick an angle that's remotely plausible to anyone but the biggest r-slurs unless you're explicitly targeting the biggest r-slurs (e.g. loveforlandlords, abortionbountyhunters) don't organize in public if you don't have to unless you're baiting an imageboard, keep an alt or two on hand, post innocuous stuff on them every so often, and let them age unless you're trying to bait journ*lists so you can reveal that they're not doing due diligence (e.g. #sandylootcrew) even a great premise will be ruined if the people involved can't help but sperg out and make it obvious who they're affiliated with (e.g. 'it's okay to be white', 'islam was right about women') Good baiting tips (unless you're explicitly targeting the biggest r-slurs):

unless you're just fricking around, set goals for your project so you can structure your plan around how to achieve them if a long-term project that involves a 'movement'/community- start with a small group of competent people and try to expand over time so growth looks organic; if based on a political/cultural hot topic keep the number of people in-the-know under wraps so that 'both sides' can get baited if you're doing a solo job (e.g. terfsbeware) outside of an imageboard, you absolutely have to have an innocuous username and post history or you'll be obvious to anyone who isn't . preferably a username that has absolutely no relevance to what you're doing (e.g. not even an 'i have a question'-type username for advice sub bait) for political/cultural hot topics, adopt an angle that's actually believed/practiced/whatever with sincerity but only among a handful of extremely fringe people (e.g. alt-right salafism, antinatalism but only for white people) if based on a political/cultural hot topic, use the specific language except that of the fringe group you're taking inspiration and only that language (plus whatever new language is generated in the process of laying the bait) nearly all of the best pre-culture wars trolling had nothing to do with social or cultural hot topics; they took a stance that was culturally irrelevant but shocking (e.g. that forum that pretended to believe pokemon were real and got true believers on board), had a big payoff (e.g. the fake harry potter book leak, the WoW plague), or were just absurd (e.g. 'my immortal', 'hex the moon' as a more recent example) - these are probably going to be the things that people usually remember fondly over projects that are connected to a cultural moment or trend (e.g. that flat illustration thing /pol/ is doing) Advanced tips:

if you're planning an ambitious, multiple, and/or long-term projects and not going solo, have a very small and well-vetted group of people form the core of the planning/execution, even if other people are aware that it's happening there are a frickton of gullible fringe communities (e.g. natural parenting, carnivore diet) right now that will believe basically anything so long as it's given the right anti-establishment framing. The belief systems in these types of communities are very fluid so it's possible to manipulate them into adopting even more bizarre practices; the catch is that the people in these communities are extremely paranoid so adopting their culture norms and aging an account is a must imo two avenues that are underexplored are manipulating aesthetic communities into adopting ridiculous trends and manipulating s by creating a new fetish, since those categories are ever-changing Misc psyop tips:

you have to actually understand the group you're trying to disrupt/create propaganda against, e.g. what they actually believe, how they think, how they write, in order to be successful. the reason that most psyop attempts are obvious to anybody who isn't already mid-wank to outrage porn is because the people involved form their ideas of the community they're operating against from memes and thought-terminating cliches spread within the community they belong to even easier than getting gullible fringe communities to adopt ridiculous shit is getting them to believe that they're being targeted/fed misinfo by shills, which erodes trust in and helps fracture the movement. sewing paranoia is both fun and functional if you have some sort of reason to oppose a fringe movement you can also easily undermine more mainstream radical communities by policing community members for not being radical enough/not being up-to-date with current culture norms. outside of imageboards this requires having an organic-looking account but the payoff is good because it erodes community cohesion and can sometimes create schisms or hang individual community members out to dry (e.g. accusing a woke artist of being p-do-adjacent for drawing a 'problematic ship' five years ago, accusing an anti-vaxxer for being pro-pharma for recommending meds manufactured by Merck) i haven't seen this done or done it myself but i've wondered if it's possible to deradicalize people by appearing to be an organic community member who is so extreme that it reveals the absurdity of the ideology to other community members; this seems to happen naturally in qanon circles at least. it seems like it would take a lot of skill and effort tho it's piss easy to create propaganda for your own 'side' by posting fiction that makes the other 'side' look ridiculous in a well-trafficked place and either sharing it with communities you belong to or letting someone else do the work, but a lot of people seem to expose themselves because they're extremists who don't understand the other 'side' and/or can't help but sperg out and make it obvious who they're affiliated with. the 'adopt a fringe angle that's actually believed/practiced/whatever with sincerity' advice applies here

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