"Free" "Love"

If you liked "Communism has failed every time it has been tried", you'll love "Free love has failed every time it has been tried"! Not only can you act smugly superior to leftists, you'll also finally have an excuse to hate hippies and "degenerates"! Interested? Read on for more information!

"Every time"? you may ask. "Isn't that just a hippy thing?" WRONG! Ever since the """enlightenment""", and to this very day (polycules) variations of this same idea have been proposed:

  1. Everyone has s*x with each other
  2. Everyone raises all of the children

Do the math, and it is seemingly objectively a good idea:

  • Everybody loves s*x, so more sexual partners means more s*x :marseydepressed: => :marseycoomer:
  • Get bored of one partner? No big deal, just switch to another partner :doomergirl: => :abusivewife:
  • The group as a whole disciplines the children so there isn't a monopoly - aka, no more child abuse :marseybattered: => :marseywhirlyhat:
  • The group pools thier money on the children (c*mmunism ๐Ÿคฎ) so they all get equal opportunities :marseypoor: => :platyrich:

It is also (in some circumstances) philosophically a good idea :marseypipe: . After all, aren't the notions of "property" and "ownership" something that are corrupting humanity from its formerly perfect state? Some philosophers sure thought so, including greats such as Rousseau and (probably) Marx :karlmarxey: . Besides that, many have that general, vauge intuition that the world is getting worse as a result of greed and it's ilk. And what greater manifestation of property is there than the property of family? The woman I have married is MY wife, my wife calls me HER husband, the children are MY children, and they call me THIER father. Whose right is it to say that a human being is owned in this way??? r/aboringdystopia r/latestagecapitalism

Well, God would. The Bible is pretty clear that s*x should only happen within the bounds of marriage, what I just described ain't a marriage ( :marseyakshually: "what about when a man took multiple wives" :marseyakshually: that's a different thing because there was only one man, so it still marginally made sense. Of course, if you read the Bible there are plenty examples of this being an absolute pain in the butt for everyone involved. I mean think about it, all of the women have the hots for one man. Imagine the catfights!) So every time this has been proposed, the Christcucks all get together and say :fatpriest: "this is degeneracy stop having fun!" :soyjakmaga: Yeah, whatever, grandpa. I'll just be banging more hoes than you've laid eyes upon :chad:


A few problems always end up happening:

  • It turns out that people don't like sharing their sexual partners, and, if they do, they are fricking cucks. :marseycuck: Beyond s*x, it seems that the sort of intimate love that occurs in a monogamous relationship can't be scaled up to multiple people. It also turns out that these illogical apes still have emotions and desire intimate love.
  • STDs, obviously. :marseyvirus:
  • Mothers and their children have a very intense bond, that also can't be scaled up very well. This is mostly because how few children we have. A single child takes nine months to gestate fully. Other animals, on the other hand don't really give a shit about their young because of how many they have at once (see: pigs).
  • Studies have shown that children do best when they have a mother and a father. This makes evolutionary sense, children have had a mother and a father since we were frogs.
  • Without someone constantly invested specifically in their development, children end up getting neglected. For an example, look at any orphanage ever.
  • etc

What you should take away from this """essay""":

  • Never join a free love commune, because it's either a ponzi scheme or it will collapse in about a year
  • Radical new ideas about human society based on SCIENCE, FACTS, and LOGIC might be really fricking bad so maybe be careful idk tho
  • It's possible to write """political""" posts that actually have a clear argument and point without being hyperfocused on current events.
  • If you are a female, you should be wearing a burka at all times. If you are a male, you should be fully nude.
The ummah gets called out for collaborating with the the Chicoms on the uighur question

The Muslims have ignored the Chicom abuse in exchange for gold. Muslim Arabs have always been enthusiastic about Selling each other out. Take the Palestinians for instance . When Israelis have abused them they cry about it, but when the Palestinians come to them for help they tell them to go to heck. This comment brought to you by the Pizzashill award.

HELPFUL rdrama SECRET the JANNIES don't want YOU to know (MORE INSIDE!!!)

If you don't have enough followers, you can just ping people in your posts.

Credit to @Cringeonthefringe for giving me this idea, he and I are best friends. @suggynutz @ultimateredditor @BraveShill @wampus @ThatHoeOverThere @JoeBiden @Klenvastergan were all inspirations as well in their own way.

This will help build your engagement numbers which will push you further up the rdrama algorithm, thereby increasing your dramacoin income.

If you liked this tip, smash the upmarsey button below! Also, feel free to hit the 'follow' button on my page for more cool drama tips!

Alright mods I have 1000 true score give me country club

If it's just 1000 actual DC @InternetCustodian pls show mercy


Long story short Germany enabled this Ukraine crisis and now all the Germans and desperately denying their role.



I've come across a lot of posts in confessions that are clever but definitely not real but I do hope that this one is.

Honestly you people could take bait notes from people like this.

Which is worse, social clubs or p-dophiles? NewHampshirecels can't decide
Some of you """people""" really need to listen to this song.๐Ÿคญ



Purdue President Mitch Daniels recently came out with his 2022 address to the university. In it, he had a section titled "Where are all the Men" about recent trends indicating fewer and fewer men are going to college. It's a fair point to make but not well written, leading to some anger from Purdue students and alumni.

I've linked one article about it. You won't find it very far from the Purdue confines, but go on LinkedIn or r/Purdue and you'll probably find some more discussion on it.

I won't post my full opinion because I don't want to be labeled an agenda poster.

Here is the address in full if you want.

Commies and Albertans Collide

Trans Lives Matter


Last one failed because mobile makes rdrama yt embed crash or something. Had to wait till I got home no idea why that is.


Why didnโ€™t God answer their prayers?


Jason Jones gets S A N I T I Z E D
Florida Redditor
Anaconda size peepee man performs many arts, causing universal seethe in the prudish anglosphere
I am going to sleep

๐Ÿ˜ด ๐Ÿ˜ด ๐Ÿ˜ด

Chad Revisionposter BTFOS Manifestcel jannie

Set, setting and scene:

r/LawofAttraction is a virgin schizosub where people believe they can "manifest" changes in reality by "attracting" these changes to themselves through various rituals

r/NevilleGoddard is a Chadsub where people share the fact that they are God Himself and reality is simply of figment of their imagination. If they don't like something in this world as God they literally just "revise" it by altering their belief in its reality until reality accords with that belief.

So what happens when the two subs and their techniques collide?

First post:

First post summary:

Chad posts about being able to effect the shape of reality however he wants in the LoA sub. Is banned, told that he's a scammer and if his "revision" powers work so well then he should use it to unban himself.

Second post:

Second post summary:

That's exactly what he does. He alters reality according to his will, is unbanned and bigdicks tf out the banners account.

edit: LoA wonders whats going on


Ain't nothing like a bird in play to tickle my beard today,

Work this way to sensuate my lips,

Oh dear it's my very first kiss,

To call upon the sermon today,

Yes to call upon these words to say

Oh, oh, oh, oh, Lord take care of myself

Do, do, do, take care of myself

When I find my way to heaven,

I will walk it down to earth,

I will tie my shoes to heaven,

Well I will walk it down to earth,

Walk it down now; do, do, do, Lord take care of myself, Walk it down now; do, do, do, Lord take care of myself,

Walk it down now; do, do, do, Lord take care of myself,

I'll take good care of myself, I'll take good care of myself.

All will rise to be, in the air,

Oh dear look'it the birds in play,

Play, it's twice we've tangled our strings today,

Today, dunk your toys into the sky

Into the sun our kites will fly,

Oh dear look it the birds in play, play,

Yes to call upon the sermon today

Oh, oh, oh, Lord take care of myself

Do, do, do, take care of myself

Cause when I find my way to heaven,

I will walk it down to earth,

I will tie my shoes to heaven, well I will walk it

Down to earth. walk it down now, do, do, do, do, do, do, do

I'll take good care of myself

:marseydog: :marseydog: :marseydog: Official Arr Drama CFB Championship Thread :marseyelephant: :marseyelephant: :marseyelephant:

Feel free to cope and seethe here while you drink on a Monday night

:gigachad2: triggers :marsoy:
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