What's some shit you will NEVER tell your partner?

What are dramatards hiding from their spouses and tender simps and frickmeat?

Make it good, what a dramatard is hiding, not a redditor.

i have a new hater :marseycry:

our story starts with @trollololo making this comment (note: i am not an unfunny r-slur)

i posted a funny reply emote (marseyxd) to prove i am not seething and can handle people not liking me

he then gave me TWO shit awards :marseygasp:

i have theories as to why this person doesn't like me:

1. he wants me to breed him

2. im a gay r-slur and my posts are bad (he also wants to me breed him)

3. pinknamephobia

2 is incredibly unlikely, so this is clearly a case of color discrimination

also i tried to give him a flair that says "i love @boogiecat" or something like that but i misspelled my own name so it says "i love @boogie" :marseyspecial:

!pinknames !friendsofboogiecat discuss


I got scammed by the company name Blend. They told you it's data entry job and you only have to give 5 stars to make money. They even created group chat on telegram with lots of people who showed the evidence of how much money they are making everyday. You will feel legit at first as you earned a bit of money at first… but you have to keep putting money/ USDT to give review on expedited trips each time to get your money back… you have to finish 37 trips to get your money back but you will never get it back at the end. First they will tell you only 4 expedited trips to rate and you will get all your money back but little I knew it was a lie.. I went to 9 expedited trips and kept putting USDT in as I wanted to get my money back as they will scared you saying you can only get back when you finish all 37 trips… I was stupid enough to know and fell for it and lost around 50k. Please don't fall for this kind of scam… I learned my lesson and paid 50k for it.

Even dumber then the usual /r/scam victim who falls for romance scams.

Don't worry OP let's everyone know that he won't be falling for anymore sexy Indian dude tricks

Yep I know. Already few people came to me to talk to a guy for recovery… man I am not falling again… from now on I won't lose even a cent from my pocket… already hard enough from getting scammed. Posted here to warn others but got blamed by fricking genius 🤣🤣🤣.

At least he's in good spirits, benefit of being r-slurred I guess :marseyretardchad:

He starts arguing with everyone and I suppose that's why the kitty mods decided to lock the thread


!familyman i cry every time


And choose the opposite. Done, simple as.



Then today, my account was suspended for a piddling offense with no prior warning, and my appeal almost immediately rejected with no further explanation.

:marseycope: :marseyseethe: :marseyrage: :marseyraging: :marseyitsover:

Five stages of Marsey. He's in full on rage mode.

...I have invested in this community combined with the apparent attitude of jumping straight to a permanent ban after a single mistake has utterly destroyed what little desire remained in me to continue feeding this miserable website with my attention, even via an alt account.

So you probably threatened someone or tried to doxx someone. It's in the Reddit TOS sir. You're not doing a good deed by breaking the rules.

I suppose you could call this ragequitting in a way,

Neighbor is totally is. Even a sexy Indian dude like me can see that from a mile off. :marseytunaktunak:

I strongly recommend any other locksmiths here give up on this subreddit as well and instead join us in the groomercord server as it is a significantly better community: more kind, more helpful, more organized, more responsive, more useful... just a more effective and enjoyable experience overall.

So go to groomercord where the Groomercord admins can let you enable your p-do horse fricker shit (see end of post for his original account, he's a pony fricker) .

a moderator who cared, did his best by his community, and refused to let the "power" go to his head--a rare set of qualities on this site.

So a Jannie who isn't power hungry? Prove it.

I will remain active for a little while to answer any questions that might pop up, but consider this my formal goodbye. I appreciate all of you for your contributions to this community, and I hope to see you on Groomercord.

Piss off p-do horse fricker.

Submissions he had:

Pony fricker shit:

All Bronies should die.

I love you all. Happy birthday bros

I somehow kept refreshing /r/drama every day during my lunch break during covid. It was dark days. But it was a light. Then it went to shit. But then the off-site was made and I found out about it. And I just open this shit up every day and seeing a page full of new links in the morning just hits me with a wave of dopamine I can't get anywhere else.

I'll never forget this site coming up during that wisconsin trial. Holy shit.

Mass love to you all


is nice

dylan mulaveny :marseypuke:
Reported by:
  • cherry : OP did some marvelous investigative :marseydetective: werk with this one :marseywinner:

Have to steal @Gibberish thunder here, because this video is absolutely nuts.

  • Woman, by her behavior and demeanour, is LITERALLY r-slurred

  • Blamed a lot of her spending on ADHD, unmedicated at time of video

  • Makes $25k a year at Tesla

  • 25% or her money goes to 401k match and Tesla stock buys (to her credit she is actually trying to somewhat pay for retirement and her children's future through this.)

  • 3 kids at 24, all with same dude, one kid is 2 and other is a set of twins.

  • Got $10k in child tax credits, used $4k to pay some debt to baby daddy's mom and blew the rest on a vacation to Dallas and a Post Malone concert. Why? "I never get to do anything and it was fun." :marseywomanmoment2: !foidmoment

  • $1600 spent at Target.

  • Second children were "planned" even though they were/are in debt and live with baby daddy's parents. Used to live with her parents until they divorced and Dad kicked them out.

  • Tons of shit in collections.

  • Didn't work for awhile after twins.

  • Baby daddy "hurt his hand" and hasn't been working, just started a job at Papa John's and makes $380 a week.

  • Dude has spent hundreds of dollars on vapes, PSN purchases, and onlyfans during his time off :marseyretardchad:. !moidmoment

  • Buys tons of snacks at work vending machines.

  • Has a scion, underwater on it of course, hasn't been using it for the past seven months because the key fob got run over :marseyconfused2:.

  • Instead of getting that replaced, she went and got a Mazda CX9 with an insane payment of $600+ a month for 72 months. Reasoning being she need more room for the kids and their car seats.

  • Caleb tries to talk some sense into her, says she could have gotten a 3 kid car seat setup instead of that. Caleb even offers to buy her one near the end.

  • Near the end of the video, she lets it slip that CarMax has a 30 day return policy. Caleb is, of course, overjoyed, tells her to return it immediately, and doesn't take that debt into account for her budget.

- A video edited in shows that she did not, in fact, return the car, supposedly because everyone around "forced her not to." :marseyfacepalm:

  • Caleb says he will give her $250 to get the Scion checked out, has to explain to her she needs to get it towed or get a locksmith to make her a key to get it to the mechanic to get it looked at.

  • Caleb's budget for her leaves her with $12 in the bank at the end of the month.

I went over to the Caleb Hammer subreddit to check out what they were saying about her, and she shows up in the comments:

Hey guys, this is me! Thank you for all the tough love comments. I honestly think they'll help. I just wanted to address some of the more common things people are pointing out/getting wrong. 1) The whole car situation didn't just happen because the key broke. I did need a bigger vehicle since all 3 car seats wouldn't fit into my scion. Could I have gotten a cheaper car? Yes. 2) I looked dead inside because that's how I feel most days 😂 I wake up at 3 am every morning M-F to get ready for work, get home at about 4 pm and then stay up until 10-11 pm looking after my kids. 3 under 3 is tough, especially with the hours that I have. 3) $6000 was spent but it wasn't entirely on the trip. A lot of the spending I did at target was stuff for my kids, granted that it wasn't stuff they necessarily needed. The only thing I really did for myself was going to the concert. I took the kids to the aquarium, got an air bnb with a pool so they could swim, took them to a Mickey Mouse event (it's my 2 yr olds favorite character) 4) I know I seriously need some discipline. I wasn't trying to use the adhd as an excuse, I just wanted to highlight why it was so difficult for me to control my impulses. I have set up an appointment to be seen by a professional so I can get the help I need. 5) I know I'm a mouth breather 😭 it's very hard for me to feel like I'm getting enough oxygen by breathing only through my nose. I've just always been that way. I tried getting braces but they said my overbite can only be fixed via surgery and I didn't want that. 6) I'm not on food stamps, wic, Medicaid, etc…my 2 youngest kids are on Medicaid but my oldest is on my health insurance I get at work. I'm not using any government programs

And I just want to end this by saying I extremely care about my kids. I may not be the most financially responsible and that is something I'm trying to work on. My son is speech delayed and has been put into speech therapy. He's being seen by the school district for special education services and I'm very much involved in everything going on with him. I'm the one that schedules all doctor appointments for my kids, I'm the one that plans the meals, plans their activities… I'm the default parent. I just wanted a little break from reality but I now realize I went overboard and I honest to god do regret taking the trip. Only thing I can do now is get that second job and just hustle until I clear my debt.

A further perusal of her history shows her boyfriend and her fight a lot, she wanted to leave him, he cheated on her, the usual.

So how's it feel folks? While you were probably doing the right/white thing, Idiocracy was happening right under your nose. At least we'll have at least one new friend here for the 20th birthgay :marseythumbsup:

Reported by:
  • X : please
Request: Unghost Post award :marseyghostsad:

Price of 10k




Reported by:
  • cherry : Unironically r-slurred
Dead Site - There haven't been any good posts in the last 11 months

Seriously go sort by Top of Last year and look at how many of the posts are from 11 months ago.

You boring neighbors haven't done anything dramatic for nearly a year.

Back in my day rdrama was a site/subreddit of infamy, known for big hi-jinks including but not limited to influencing a court case :marseyjudge: :brooksannoyed:, revealing admin abuse during place :marseyplacenofun:, unmasking the pedos :marseywoodchipper2: of /r/teenagers, and harassing Wil Wheaton :requiredreading:.

This site has lost the mandate of heaven.

The homeland /r/drama is open and full of lolcows. Retvrn.

got bit by a strange :marseyautismdisconcerting: bug today :marseyclueless:

like titles says i got bit by a strange :marseyautismdisconcerting: bug today

looked like a fly but it made me bleed??? not a whole lot but more than any sort of mosquito or really :marseythinkorino2: any bug bite ive ever had

doesnt itch either

!friendsofbugs what bug was it??? am i gonna :marseyvenn6: die?????

  • The post title was noticeably different than the article it linked

  • The article itself was misleading as Florida had a net 250k population gain in 2022 (which is stated in the article).

The drop in rent comes at a time when the state is seeing some of its residents move out, even as it is still experiencing a net increase of people moving there. About 500,000 people left the state in 2022 while nearly 750,000 moved in, according to data from the Florida Chamber of Commerce. For 2024, they are forecasting between 225,000-275,000 new residents to move into the state.

It's so tiresome.

This is white boy summer, and I will not stand for any blatant chetphobia. :marseyninja:

:soyjakfront: Will always remember him trying to fight my friend who was heckling him on the bus to a bar event. So many funny stories about him from the pike guys

:ragemask: Oh yeah. Dude was just the laughing stock of the school and had no idea

I had a class with him once, he literally emailed the whole listserv the week before finals asking if anyone could give him all their notes from the quarter

:marseynoooticer: Lmao he actually sounds like a cool dude

:seethejak: If you think that story sounds cool, you probably need to grow up a bit

:marseyshrug: If you don't think that story sounds cool or funny, you probably need to lighten up a bit and take yourself less seriously. I know you're a Redditor, but still.

:marseycope: Please explain what's cool about it

What's cool about having to beg strangers for help? Because you were too lazy to bother to do your own work?

Does that not seem a little pathetic to you?

:lelolidk: It fits his whole shtick that he went to college for having fun and never leaned a single thing. Idk man seems kinda cool to me.

:soyjaktantrum: Then you have an extremely juvenile view of what is "cool"

Imagine priding yourself on having a golden opportunity to actually learn about the world...pretty much any topic you're interested in. Maybe grow as a person. And still have plenty of time for partying in the process!

But instead you just "never learn a single thing".

That's not cool, it's pathetic.

:marseyunamused: You sound insufferable tbh

:soysnooseethe: And you sound like a child.

He was nothing but a rich dude cruising by on his privilege

And, again, when you're at the point where you have to beg people for help with your classes so you don't flunk out because you're too lazy to do the bare minimum...yeah, that's just embarrassing

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