
good evening/morning !bookworms! :star: i am making the executive decision to change the bookclub book we are reading to Atomised aka The Elementary Particles because: a) u complained, b) i think it is more topical (drama surrounds this book, incel themes, etc etc i'm very tired), c) it is shorter and we will probably have more meaningful discussion about it, d) more of u will read it bc it isn't as intense, and e) i'm in a houellebecq mood and i feel like it. you're welcome or sorry. :marseywhelmed:

chapter breakdown

Part 1: read ch 1-15 in week 1 and 2.

Part 2: read ch 1-22 in week 3 and 4, we can push this back if we need to, discuss in discussion posts to come.

Part 3: read ch 1-7 in week 4 or 5 (re pushing back)

i rly think this book will be a better fit and i'm more excited to read it and hear what everyone thinks about it. goodnight all, take a day or so to like download off libgen or buy it or whatever, i am usually a kindle-paperwhitecel bc books are expensive but i would rather read paperback for this so if u all need time before we start week 1 then that's ok. love u mean it gn <marseypaperbag></marseypaperbag>

Anon interacts with women


>Unless you're a medical professional who specialized in weight-loss, there's probably nothing you can say to them about their weight that they haven't already heard or are not already well-aware of.

Yeah no shit, wobbling back and forth waddling damaging your cardiovascular and skeletal structure is as basic as knowing the flu is bad.

Just how much internalized shame we carry. If you've seen someone who was really skinny struggle with shame, with thinking that they are too fat, and feeling guilty about how they look….that same shame lives inside so many of us.

>And a lot of us are honestly doing the best we can with subpar health care and normalized stigma.

We're also judged!!! No shit unhealthy habits are judged. At least anorexic and bulimics just understand that they refuse medical advice and not just blame others for their health issues.

It is really easy to gain weight over time. You get a sedentary job and you snack occasionally, and in the evening you watch TV or read a book instead of going out. So you weigh three pounds more than you did at this time last year. No big deal, right?

>Now, multiply that by fifteen years or so. All of a sudden, it is your fortieth birthday, and you somehow weigh fifty pounds more than you did in college. It isn't because you always eat two boxes of oreos a night -- you just gained a little, year after year.

>Also? It is a lot harder to lose weight when you are heavy. When I was 25 and thought I had gained a few pounds, I'd start jogging. Pretty soon, I'd be able to run two or three miles at a shot, and hey! Problem solved! Now? I'm older and heavier and that means I'm a lot more prone to injury. So I try to work out, and my knees start hurting (again) or I aggravate an old foot injury, and it gets frustrating. There are workarounds, of course. I can swim, and I can lift weights. But it is all harder than it was when I was young.Β 

It's so easy to gain weight that it's something I just ignored for over a decade instead of taking proactive measures in my life to prevent this when noticed. Instead let's just blame it on the fact that I made no lifestyle changes in this period even though diet adjustment is still the main factor so let's just b-word about things not in control.

Just take semaglutide like every other fatty and stop shoving your mouth with garbage.

πŸ•³ :marseysnek: :marseyking:

Also calls him a fake activists and says that one of Kendricks kids isn't even his. Kendrick pissed him off to the point he went out and bought the car from the GKMC album just so he could crush it.

Daily sirlulzingtonesquire post #2



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