omg this is so cool

I love this soooo much, I want barbiecore to become a thing


Bonus power rangers

Yea Oppenheimer was alright
my fav director (of this century ofc) Matt Johnson has a new film out

if you don't know who MJ is, FRICK YOU


i have outconsumed all of you. there will never be an opportunity to do better than this. how does it feel


Saw Oppenheimer last night with mates some hours after bourbon soda with a coworker. Mind going in was a bit giddy but not sloshed.

Oppenheimer: parsimonious 6.5, generous 7. One of Nolan's better since 2010 IMO. Nolan's average bats a rung above goyslop; basically if Marvel was slightly better directed. Oppenheimer is another rung above that.

I hated Tenet. Also disliked Interstellar unlike a lot of people. Much prefer this to both. Haven't seen Inception in 7 years but also think this is better.

Some of the 'Nolan stains' are there: disordered timeline, bwam music, men doing things determinedly, patriotic liberalism, repartee.

I think Nolan is another source of the 'quippy banter' that gets less attention than Whedon. Most of his dialogue is witty repartee that no one would ever think up on the spot. Quite shallow words too - a mile wide, an inch deep. There was a 'joke interrupts serious discussion' moment in the film that stuck out like a sore thumb, but otherwise it's Marvel dialogue toned down 20%. Not too bad, and it's arguably stylistic - it's an r-slur criticism to complain it's not fully realistic.

Touches upon themes that might seem lame but are arthouse compared to modern cinema: i) quantum mechanics is art, and we should explore it no matter the consequences (fiat ars pereat mundus), ii) technology will probably kill us all, but we can't desist due to Prisoner's Dilemma, iii) tension between compartmentalising research for Natsec reasons + trying to finish the thing as fast as possible, iv) free speech re: the Red Scare stuff (seethe rightoids).

Surprisingly sympathetic to socialism; I think the 'oh it's just silly kids exploring themselves and tossing slogans' is a surface level reading. The film's anticommunism amounts to 'ideology is a map, not the territory, and you shouldn't put all your trust in one book', which is something every Pomosexual implicitly believes, and most leftists.

The film basically makes the First Amendment argument: a nation is stronger with a robust free speech culture, because strong minds will naturally differ from the rest of the herd (for better or worse), and you must attract strong minds. A country is like a tapestry, filled with colour of all types (for better or worse). It's a work of art, and if you try to expunge elements that you don't like, you're a shitty artist.

The rightoids in this film (anti-commie has a Hitler cut and a thick philtrum resembling the stache lmbo) are pulling the Paradox of Tolerance that leftoids do today. Commies can't have free speech because it's a national security risk. On this site, I have seen seething rightoids go to bat for McCarthy, completely belying they ever cared about free speech, they're just as cynical as the leftoids they hate, and are only seething that the leftoids got there first. In other words - slave morality.

Long film, but worth it for the meme if you're not an ADHD zoomer. You might also learn a thing or two.


Fiscally Left :cheers: Socially Right

:unicorn: Nonfiction = Fiction :mummy: Fiction = Nonfiction :!unicorn:

In celebration of Oppenheimer




i havent been able to access the site in days says we dont have a subreddit go to irc if you have problems says "For support, log onto our IRC network. Further information on the site."

how am i supposed to log on irc to ask about the site being down if the only way to get irc info is on the site?????








Event Horizon is the first Warhammer 40k movie!

Barbie is indeed the Fight Club of women

Bad news everybody
The Venture Bros movie is out



Firstly, let's remove even the smallest hope that this will be a good movie, or even a slightly decent one:

>The writing process began with Will Matthews and Jeffrey Addiss [Editor’s note: they recently won an Emmy for their Netflix series The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance] who have comedy chops but were not versed in the lore of Middle-earth. And Philippa didn’t want to write it: “I felt too old, honestly.” So she brought in her daughter Phoebe and her partner Arty Papageorgiou. Phoebe literally grew up on the sets and most importantly, she understands the rhythm of Tolkien’s language. Kenji was so excited to have a young female writer onboard.

Looking good so far :tayclap:

Now, the characters:

>Héra (VA: Gaia Wise) – female main character. Not named by Tolkien, but Helm’s daughter is mentioned and she was the character they wanted to explore. Wanted to explore a female POV in Middle-earth, but she’s not a warrior princess per-se — she doesn’t become king. For her character, they they drew on the historical figure of Æthelflæd — the Lady of the Mercians, who defended her people.

>We saw expression sheets and designs for Hera. She reads very 90s anime girl — kind of reminds me of the Rankin Bass Éowyn. She has red hair in a messy braid, leather armor, and a sword. We also see designs of her in formal dress. They describe her as “vulnerable and wild”, a tomboy type character. She has a growth in the film — maybe tied to needing to lead her people in a time of chaos. Philippa loves that her hair is never perfect.

Surely, what Tolkien needs is a quirky YA protagonist, right? :marseycapitalistmanlet:

>The movie begins with a voiceover from Éowyn — Mirando Otto herself! She talks about Héra, how she is a rebellious child and how she is not named in the old tales. We got to see a rough cut of this beginning, with a combination of CG models and hand drawn animation. Héra rides across the plains, rides to the top of a bluff, and tosses a huge hunk of meat into the air, where it’s snatched by a giant eagle. She almost touches the eagle — but it flies away before she can.

>Fréalaf (VA: Laurence Ubong Williams) – I think he’s Héra’s cousin, he “wins everything in the end” and becomes king.

Will chuds receive a lesson on feminism and how without women the world would have been destroyed a long time ago? :gooby:

>Freca (VA: Shaun Dooley) – He’s the leader of the Wildmen, and he offers his son’s hand in marriage to Héra.

Like entire long rants about how patriarchy is keeping down women? :marseyfeminist:

>Wulf (VA: Luke Pasqualino) – the other main character, the main antagonist. They solicited “lots of ideas from the female staff” in the studio. The note they got was “he does bad things, so make him beautiful”. And he is.

You know he will be the most popular character and we will get hundreds of rants about toxic masculinity in the fandom :marseypopcorntime:

And lastly, my favorite part:

>I talked with Philippa later and she wanted me to share a detail: in Carpenter’s Tolkien biography, when Tolkien first had a room in college he decorated it with Japanese prints. She found that really cool to now be doing this distinctly Japanese take on animation.

Beautiful :marseyhappytears:

r/southpark turns against a one off joke about the token character
Mainstream media understands me :marseywereback: :marsoyhype::marsoy::marseysoylentgrin::soyjakdancing2::soyjakdancing::soyjakdancing::soyjakdance:



I absolutely love this movie, you can watch it on youtube and Amazon prime. Despite being a total shitpost of a film it has what I consider the best s*x scene in a film so far. The actual s*x is implied and the dude that made it was definitely just showing off his editing skills. Just watch it, it's fricking hilarious


Feminist enlightenment follows, but while Barbie is discovering herself, Ken

learns that real society is male-dominated and uses the lesson to turn Barbieland

into the Kendom—a bro paradise of brewskis and weight lifting. In his ideal

state, "Everything exists to expand and elevate the presence of men."

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