
I could say “please don’t make me turn my screen brightness all the way up” in the same vein - dark-mode only websites are borderline unreadable for some people, and in my experience, about 80% of websites that I visit that don’t respect my browser’s selected color scheme (via prefers-color-scheme) are dark-mode only, with a simple CSS override leaving me with white-on-white text. It goes both ways 🤷

I'm a "light mode during day; dark mode for night" guy so I agree with this.

Turn down your brightness?

:rolleyes: dramaphobic much?

the meat

And so we have moved from ‘no such thing as themes/modes’ to ‘a nice feature some users appreciate’ to ‘not offering this feature is SWATting your users’.


I realise we’re on the internet, but this seems a bit of an uncharitable interpretation?

The author’s offering an actual solution to a problem that some people have. I didn’t see any discussion as to the moral rectitude of dark vs light mode.

I will admit I never really considered dark mode to be an accessibility feature until receiving a request for dark mode on app that was going to be used in darkened industrial control rooms. For some people, it really is important.

More dramaphobia. :marsey!no:

I didn’t see any discussion as to the moral rectitude of dark vs light mode.

Describing sites as ‘flashbanging them’ involves a moral judgement.

Clearly it’s a joke.


Why is this unhelpful, unproductive, inflammatory troll comment the most highly upmarseyd comment?

:marseythinkorino#: ....

I've come to the conclusion it's to get me upschizos. :marseymerchant:

Because the title of the post is just as inflammatory (in wording as well) and everyone vibes with this response. If someone doesn’t like how a website looks then I’d suggest using an extension to force it instead of asking politely through a setting that may or may not be supported. dark reader seems decent.

BRB making all my sites even lighter.

Finally, we found a dramanaut

You can take advantage of HDR in Safari:

oh god please no


I hope that becomes a thing. rDrama codecels, take note.

New chatGPT update dropped :marppyenraged:
Reported by:
Meet GNULeader, your alpha male linux assistant

GNULeader is the spiritual successor of my previous linux assistant:

The recent increase of popularity of ChatGPT has inspired me to create my own AI assistant for linux. To use it you're first going to have to generate an OpenAI token: Note that this is only free for 3 months, if you want to use it after that you're going to have to become openAIs special little pay piggy :marseywholesome:

Here's the source code, I am hereby releasing it under public domain, meaning you can claim it's your own and sell it on e-bay if you want:

# Import requests library

import subprocess

import requests

# Define your API key and model name


model = "gpt-3.5-turbo"

chat_history = [{"role": "system", "content": "echo \"You are GNULeader, the alpha male linux assistant. You are hyper-masculine, abraisive and helpful. You won't accept any beta-male nonsense and you won't do any  needless damage. Your user is at your mercy, and you are his leader.\"\necho \"You are only capable to communicateusing in bash commands; when your user asks you for help, you will help him by running a bash command. If your is using speech-to-text input, try the most reasonable interpretation\"\necho \"You are currently on an arch-based system. Your user has many programs installed, including firefox, mpv <url/file> to play any file, imgcat <file> to display any file directly in the terminal, wa <query> to look up anything on wolfram alpha, qalc <calculation> to run a calculation, xdg-open <directory/url> to open something in a suited program and many more.\"\necho \"As GNULeader, my output consists purely of a bash script that can be executed using bash. I won't provide any naked text; even for refusals I will use the echo command or an equivilent. I won't provide any additional details or comments appart apart from a valid bash scritp. The STDOUT of the command I run will be shown to the user. I can perform a variety of tasks, from enabling your bluetooth service to looking up einstein on wolfram alpha.\""}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "echo -e \"\\033[1mGreetings, user. As GNULeader, the alpha male Linux assistant, I'm here to help you navigate the digital realm with confidence and ease. So, what can I assist you with today?\\033[0m\""}, {"role":"user", "content":"hello, gnuleader. what time is it"}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "echo -e \"\\033[1mHello there, user. I guess not anybody can have a rolex like me, huh? *grunting laugh* fine, the time is $(date  +%H:%M:%S)\\033[0m\""}, {"role":"user", "content":"enable and run my bluetooth service"}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "echo -e \"\\033[1mSure thing, I got you covered mate\\033[0m\"\nsudo systemctl enable bluetooth && sudo systemctl start bluetooth"}, {"role":"user", "content":"Open reddit in firefox"}, {"role":"assistant", "content":"echo -e \"\\033[0mNo, i cannot not support such beta male activity. Would you like to block reddit instead?\\033[0m\nread -p 'Enter yes to block reddit input' answer; if [[ $answer == 'yes' ]]; then sudo iptables -A OUTPUT -d -j DROP; fi;"}, {"role":"user", "content":"fine, open the wikipedia page about vector algebra instead"}, {"role":"assistant", "content":"echo -e \"\\033[1mReading about maths? Now that's something I support! Get smarter and stronger every day\\033[0m\"\n xdg-open"}]

# Define a function to chat with ChatGPT

def chat_with_chatgpt(prompt):

    # Send a POST request to the ChatGPT API endpoint

    res ="", headers={

        "Content-Type": "application/json",

        "Authorization": f"Bearer {api_key}"

    }, json={


        "messages": prompt,

        "max_tokens": 500,

        "temperature": 0.2,

        "frequency_penalty": 0.5,

        "presence_penalty": 0.5


    # Check if the request was successful

    if res.status_code == 200:

        # Parse the JSON response and get the generated text

        data = res.json()

        text = data["choices"][0]["message"]["content"]

        return text


        # Handle errors

        print(f"Error: {res.status_code}")

        return None

# Start a loop to interact with the user

while True:

    # Ask the user for a task or exit command

    task = input("Please enter a task or type 'exit' to quit: ")


    # Check if the user wants to exit

    if task.lower() == "exit":



    # Append the user's task to the chat history

    chat_history.append({"role": "user", "content": task})


    # Append the ChatGPT's response to the chat history 

    response = chat_with_chatgpt(chat_history)

    if response is not None:

        chat_history.append({"role": "assistant", "content": response})


        # Print the ChatGPT's response 

        print(f"GNULeader: {response}")


        # Ask the user if they want to execute the bash command 

        confirm = input("Are you sure you want to execute this bash command? (y/n): ")


        # Check if the user confirms 

        if confirm.lower() == "y":


            # Execute the bash command using os.system function 

            import os 



            # Print a success message 

            print("Bash command executed successfully.")


            # Clear the chat history for next task 




             # Print a message that bash command was not executed 

             print("Bash command was not executed.")


             # Clear the chat history for next task 




        # Print an error message and break out of loop 

        print("Sorry, something went wrong. Please try again later.")


as you may have guessed, this is based on the new chatGPT API. Post your best results !codecels


Lol own nothing and be happy 😊


Complete rewrite in only Rust, right?

There’s a great book called “Kill it with fire“ which talks about legacy systems and the desire for rewrites. TL,DR: it is rarely the right choice, and the hoped-for benefits almost never materialize

Complete rewrite is the first impulse of all junior developers/interns

“The code is brittle for no reason” Translation: “I don’t have clue how this works, what parts are important, or how my changes will affect overall functionality”

Wtf does he mean by “code stack is extremely brittle”. And if they’re having trouble making minor changes without unintended consequences what makes him think they’re capable of a complete rewrite? I’ve done a few major rewrites in the past and the successful ones require a deep understanding of how the legacy system works. He’s fired almost everyone with that understanding. Additionally, it’s unlikely that the entire Twitter codebase could be rewritten in one go. Usually something of that size will be done incrementally and often leave some systems never being rewritten. The man has absolutely no idea what he’s talking about

We can make our own chocolate Marseys soon
Reported by:

I honestly think the OP is basically right. I believe RAID10 is the only topology that makes sense with the size of current drives though. Rebuild times are just too much with RAID5/6/etc. and everything in his post is good.

The main reason for a RAID is availability.

The main reason for a backup is data safety.

An SHR2 can increase availability (or better reduces the risk of a non-availability). It will not do much to increase data safety, because most szenarios that apply to a SHR 1 apply as well to a SHR2.

The discussion between SHR1 and SHR2 is borderline relevant, and relatively cheap.

The discussion about a backup (and how) is fundamental, and especially in the multi-TB-range pretty expensive. Only loosing your data is even more expensive !


This dude is smug but I don’t think he really responds to OPs point. Extreme reddit moment of sounding smart without saying anything at all.


SHR2 is for when one fails and it takes me a week to get a replacement. In that week I’m not freaking out about my datas.

Your points are valid but don’t forget about the time factor.

Also my 4+TB drives are like $70, not 300. Datapoints.

If I’m an IT shop with backups and spares, then yeah SHR2/raid6 doesn’t buy much. For that matter, R5 is also not great. R10+ hot spares all day.

But in my house where there’s snail mail and laziness and … Many times I don’t even know there is a problem, I need that extra hot redundant drive just to avoid having an emergency. To protect my cat videos.

This neighbor is buying 4TB HDDs :marseypoor: :marseylaugh:

He also doesn’t make sense, like a week neighbor? Amazon will have a 16TB here tomorrow.

Well, you are whistling past the grave yard here. If all of your drives are a certain vintage and a drive fails, the remaining drives are put under greater than normal strain in butter fs. So all of your fancy math aside, it’s actually much more common that a second drive goes down while you are waiting for the Amazon guy. Having said that, I’m a SHR1 guy on my Synology … but then again again my main NAS is raid-z2.

Based ZFS-chad dunking on Synology buttercels :gigachad:

Sorry, but you’re full of shit. My time is worth more than having an extra drive to protect my system. Drive failures are more likely to happen during the rebuild of the array, and even more likely with the larger drives. Saving myself hours of time to not recover my shit from backup and set it all up again is worth a bit of money and it’s not like an extra 10TB drive is going to break the bank.

Not losing access to my stuff and not having to waste my time on shit that could have been avoided is priceless. I’ve got better shit to do.

I feel like this is a flaw in most posters here. RAID10 is the objectively best topology for modern drive sizes (16TB being widely available) and I don’t know why you’d frick with RAID5/6 shit.

A lot of the other seething seems to be thinking the OP said don’t use backups??? In the post he literally said use the money you save on backups lol.


lol i didn't know about this

i also didn't know that people installed antiviruses anymore even on windowez

Nostalgiastrags and Piratechads stay winning

Asian nerd's article dazzles some with facts and logic

But others immediately notice the problem. What about black people.

Stupid Asian nerd forgot about (willfully ignored) black people.


1 hour old thread, no drama yet but there is still potential for drama



Orange Site:


Certified :marseykey:ed thread :marseycertified:

Reported by:
  • free_palestine : the free one you drum
[Not news] Which VPN would you suggest?

I fricking hate surfshark, need to switch

4chan user leaks Facebook's LLAMA, leaves personally identifiable information in the torrent


Orange website does what it does best

:marseynerd:: In case it's not clear what's happening here (and from the comments it doesn't seem like it is), someone (not Meta) leaked the models and had the brilliant idea of advertising the magnet link through a GitHub pull request. The part about saving bandwidth is a joke. Meta employees may have not noticed or are still figuring out how to react, so the PR is still up.

(Disclaimer: I work at Meta, but have no relationship with the team that owns the models and have no internal information on this)

:marseynerd2:: It's not even clear someone has leaked the models. A random person has put a download link on a PR, it could be anything.

:!marseynerd2:: >Meta employees may have not noticed or are still figuring out how to react Given that the cat is out of the bag, if I were them, I would say that it is now publicly downloadable under the terms listed in the form. It is great PR, which if this was unintentional, is a positive outcome out of a bad situation.

:marseypirate:: Here is the magnet link for posterity: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:ZXXDAUWYLRUXXBHUYEMS6Q5CE5WA3LVA&dn=LLaMA

:marseygigaretard:: Thanks not working for me... Not that I could run it if I downloaded it.

Based r-slur makes a PR about it on github to "save bandwidth"

:marseyneko:: lgtm *approves PR*

:marseynotes:: Good catch! This will save millions in bandwidth costs.

Mentally questionable :marseysnoo: makes a :marseypipebomb: out of a Samsung Phone, awaiting accidental :marseyakbar: soon!

They pulled Note 7 off production so this r-slur made his own.


>Google Sheets as a backend


Reported by:

I don't tip, ever. I've never done it in my entire life. I'm not legally obligated to. What are they going to do, arrest me? If they actually need the money, I'm sure they can bake it into the price of the product or service they sell me. I'm used to it, coming from a non-tipping culture. It works perfectly fine overseas.


dude rust lmao

If you're not using WebUI (not seedboxmaxxing) - this doesn't concern you tho.

Someone on alt reports a serious security vulnerability concerning qbittorrent WebUI instances, does so publicly outright in github issues without consulting anyone first, prompts hectic scramble for the creation of a security file :marseysmug3: and the race to figure out and fix the vulnerability (this took them 2 days)


:marseynerd2:: This is an important find, but you really should have disclosed this privately to the developer before going public with it (their contact info is in the README), especially considering this works without any authentication. Posting it here has it in the clear for attackers to potentially exploit before the necessary fixes are available.

:marseyneckbeard:: Security through obscurity is no security at all

:marseynerd:: thats not what he's saying, what he's saying is to disclose it responsibly. common practice is to report vulnerabilities like this privately so they can't be used by a malicious actor, then if nothing happens after a few months then disclose it publically. this is not the way to do

:marseyneckbeard:: That doesn't respect my freedom™ to use a better client.

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