
Orange Site:


Hard to believe just a decade ago or even 3-5 years ago, Reddit was known as a bastion of free speech.


ChatGPT writes a thoughtful criticism of the rDrama community

There are a few key criticisms that could be made of the /r/Drama subreddit and its offshoot site,

First, it could be argued that the focus on drama and conflict within these communities is not necessarily productive or healthy. By prioritizing and amplifying drama and conflict, these communities may be encouraging users to engage in behavior that is ultimately harmful or harmful to others. This could include online harassment, bullying, or other forms of aggressive or toxic behavior.

Additionally, the focus on drama and conflict within these communities may also contribute to a culture of negativity and cynicism, which could be harmful to the mental health and well-being of users. This is especially true if users are spending a significant amount of time on these platforms and consuming content that is primarily centered on drama and conflict.

Another potential criticism is that these communities may not be as welcoming or inclusive as they could be. The focus on drama and conflict may create a culture that is hostile to people who are not interested in participating in or contributing to this type of content. This could lead to a lack of diversity within these communities, which could be detrimental to their overall health and vitality.

Finally, it could be argued that the /r/Drama subreddit and do not offer much in the way of meaningful or constructive discussion or debate. The focus on drama and conflict may mean that these communities are more focused on sensationalism and entertainment rather than genuine exchange of ideas or meaningful dialogue. This could ultimately limit the potential for growth or learning within these communities.

AI image app Lensa helps some trans people to embrace themselves 🏳️‍🌈

You're officially a TRANSPHOBE if you don't like AI art, so you BETTER warn the Luddite slugs over at Plebbit and Tweeter!

Reported by:
  • Impailer : Hats | Dead Chat | Dead Repo | Shoes | Horses

:marseytombstone: Dead repo :marseytombstone:, last commit 2 days ago by a sneedbot!!!!!!!!! :marseytombstone:

:marseytombstone: Dead repo :marseytombstone:, last commit 2 days ago by a sneedbot!!!!!!!!! :marseytombstone:

:marseytombstone: Dead repo :marseytombstone:, last commit 2 days ago by a sneedbot!!!!!!!!! :marseytombstone:

:marseytombstone: Dead repo :marseytombstone:, last commit 2 days ago by a sneedbot!!!!!!!!! :marseytombstone:

:marseytombstone: Dead repo :marseytombstone:, last commit 2 days ago by a sneedbot!!!!!!!!! :marseytombstone:

:marseytombstone: Dead repo :marseytombstone:, last commit 2 days ago by a sneedbot!!!!!!!!! :marseytombstone:

:marseytombstone: Dead repo :marseytombstone:, last commit 2 days ago by a sneedbot!!!!!!!!! :marseytombstone:

:marseytombstone: Dead repo :marseytombstone:, last commit 2 days ago by a sneedbot!!!!!!!!! :marseytombstone:

:marseytombstone: Dead repo :marseytombstone:, last commit 2 days ago by a sneedbot!!!!!!!!! :marseytombstone:

:marseytombstone: Dead repo :marseytombstone:, last commit 2 days ago by a sneedbot!!!!!!!!! :marseytombstone:

:marseytombstone: Dead repo :marseytombstone:, last commit 2 days ago by a sneedbot!!!!!!!!! :marseytombstone:

:marseytombstone: Dead repo :marseytombstone:, last commit 2 days ago by a sneedbot!!!!!!!!! :marseytombstone:

:marseytombstone: Dead repo :marseytombstone:, last commit 2 days ago by a sneedbot!!!!!!!!! :marseytombstone:

:marseytombstone: Dead repo :marseytombstone:, last commit 2 days ago by a sneedbot!!!!!!!!! :marseytombstone:

:marseytombstone: Dead repo :marseytombstone:, last commit 2 days ago by a sneedbot!!!!!!!!! :marseytombstone:

:marseytombstone: Dead repo :marseytombstone:, last commit 2 days ago by a sneedbot!!!!!!!!! :marseytombstone:

:marseytombstone: Dead repo :marseytombstone:, last commit 2 days ago by a sneedbot!!!!!!!!! :marseytombstone:

:marseytombstone: Dead repo :marseytombstone:, last commit 2 days ago by a sneedbot!!!!!!!!! :marseytombstone:

:marseytombstone: Dead repo :marseytombstone:, last commit 2 days ago by a sneedbot!!!!!!!!! :marseytombstone:

:marseytombstone: Dead repo :marseytombstone:, last commit 2 days ago by a sneedbot!!!!!!!!! :marseytombstone:

:marseytombstone: Dead repo :marseytombstone:, last commit 2 days ago by a sneedbot!!!!!!!!! :marseytombstone:

:marseytombstone: Dead repo :marseytombstone:, last commit 2 days ago by a sneedbot!!!!!!!!! :marseytombstone:

:marseytombstone: Dead repo :marseytombstone:, last commit 2 days ago by a sneedbot!!!!!!!!! :marseytombstone:

:marseytombstone: Dead repo :marseytombstone:, last commit 2 days ago by a sneedbot!!!!!!!!! :marseytombstone:

:marseytombstone: Dead repo :marseytombstone:, last commit 2 days ago by a sneedbot!!!!!!!!! :marseytombstone:

:marseytombstone: Dead repo :marseytombstone:, last commit 2 days ago by a sneedbot!!!!!!!!! :marseytombstone:

Today I will put every username and password combination I have on the cloud :marseyclueless:

Keepass users (such as myself:


LastPass users (probably the site administrator here):


Reported by:
  • JimothyX3 : Not relevant to drama and stupid
  • Autismo : stop reporting every fricking post r-slur
enjoy your nasal demons.
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Progress on Nekoverse 2.0 :firecat: :marseyfediverse: :marseyneko:

HI losers ive been making this thing and this other thing (but not focused atm) and i'm hoping soemday i'll deploy it to or something


@Schizo @BIPOC

picrel is Copebox FE displaying the results of my server's inner workings :marseymerchantsoy: discuss (again)

Developer, Operations, or DevOps roadmaps updated

I love this guy's work. If you are interested in a dev, operations, or devops career his roadmaps are pretty cool.

Soyboy from McFarlane Toys angry-tweets about r/DefendingAIArt, it backfires and doubles their subscribers overnight.

Related Plebbit post:


Extremely frivolous stuff, but there's a fun debate going down over on Aella's twitter about personal hygiene. In short, as a true empiricist, she measures lots of stuff about her daily routine (iirc, using an app called Daylio), and recently revealed her stats for 2023. What is causing a kerfuffle is not the number of days she had s*x (63), took Adderall (126), or escorted (6), but the number of times she showered, namely 37 [sic].

Aella insists she doesn't smell (and says she's consulted with others to confirm this), but I think that's a very relative statement; some people seem to have a high baseline tolerance for stank of various kinds, to the point that even strong odours don't register to them as stank, while others like myself are very smell sensitive; at the risk of TMI, my wife was amused that I could tell when our kids in their diaper days had done a pee, because I could always smell it almost immediately even when she had no idea. Back in my online dating days, there were several dates I simply couldn't follow up on because the person I was with had bad personal hygiene. I'm not talking about a mild healthy body odour here, but when you're having s*x doggy-style and get hit by bad butt-stench it's an instant boner kill. And I'll be honest, I've had a crush on Aella for ages; she's a very attractive nerdy woman, and as a sexually confident and charismatic female Rationalist, she is a very horny unicorn among horses. But I've got to say, learning that specific factoid about her life had a similar effect on my idle long-distance lust as an F150's tires do on a small rodent (not that she should care, of course - just putting it out there).

That said, I am a bit of ablutomaniac - I shower and/or bathe 2-3 times a day. I don't think it's a hygiene thing per se. I shower when I get up because it helps me feel awake and ready for the day; I often have a shower or bath in the late afternoon/early evening after a workout because it feels great to soak sore muscles; and I sometimes shower just before bed, because I find it really nice to get into a bed with clean, fresh-smelling sheets having just come out of the shower smelling clean and fresh myself. I also routinely use (carefully chosen, subtle) cologne on my body as well as both fabric conditioner and scent booster when washing my clothes.

Anyway, Aella's feed is pretty funny right now, to the point that she's holding polls about showering, and I was curious what folks here think about it. Obviously me and Aella are at different ends of the ablutic spectrum, but what's a healthy normal number of times to shower/bathe per day? How much of it is down to personal preference?


:marseyno: I don't care about your parasocial simping drama.

:marseyjanny: Then skip the thread and move on. This is unnecessarily antagonistic and just plain obnoxious. Banned for a day.


She definitely has a bit of spectrum face going on. That will throw a lot of people off.

She has a playful and inquisitive vibe which a lot of people find appealing.

I admit I find it concerning that days she had s*x is greater than days she showered. But there is that famous line from Napoleon to Josephine, “Home in three days. Don't bathe.”

There's probably some deep primal appeal to her BO.

Reminder: It is impossible to be rational and a strag at the same time


UPDATE 2: This was the reason given by GitHub:



Orange Site:



Hacker news:

Question: How sustainable is the IT bull market?

Is it possible that the marginal utility of software development diminishes over time? In a stagnant economy with stagnant analog technology, I think this is inevitably the case. It's natural for people to invest in the most productive areas first, so if things remain constant then the marginal value of software diminishes. I ask this because I'm curious for how sustainable the bull market for IT is.

On the consumer side of things, we've already gone from on average 1 hour a day online to twelve hours a day online over the course of fifteen years. This is an underrated point of the discussion, we're just running out of people we can turn into no life losers. It just seems like Youtube, TikTok, Facebook, etc are all fighting over an increasingly set pie. On the video game front, the library of past games is ever growing and you still have a bunch of people playing ancient shit like Star Craft. In the year 2000, you'd struggle to find anyone who would be playing a game made in the year 1990. Now, playing a game that's a decade old like Skyrim or even two decades like Age of Empires II is the norm.

I doubt we're ever going to see a bull market the size of the 2010s for software and IT again. The ability to software to proliferate an infinite amount of times is amazing, but it could also mean we as a society pick the most profitable fruit first and once certain things are sufficiently done, there's not much point in wasting the money to improve them further. I doubt there's going to be another goldmine like youtube again. To compare it to the oil industry, it's like if we used up all the highly profitable Saudi Crude and had to content ourselves with Canadian Tar sands.

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