
Orange Site:


Not much drama here. Someone wrote a service that lets you follow a fediverse feed anonymously. Mastodon't, being a system designed by eternally online people, sports few different types of statuses. Public (followers see it, people on you instance see it, it gets fanned out to other instances), unlisted (it won't get fanned out) and followers, it only lands in timelines of people that follow you.

Said service "hijacks" the last category because the bot follows you, thus having access to it.

Seems like a non-problem? Because it is. But it won't stop people from malding and seething.

After checking Fediverse for some time, I might say with full authority of dramaposter: what an absolute human train wreck it is. It's not even funny for the drama, just shitlibs with 24/7 diarrhea about TERFs, Musk, Muskterfs and warring over "who makes the rules". What a terrible place.

People trying explain themselves:

"LINUX is so heckin bad that I made a heckin HOLERINO into my WALL :soycry:"

Most goodlooking winbloats advocate

OP's reddit: /u/MoeDantes

advent of code final leaderboard

idk if anyone has made a final leaderboard for this yet so here it is

(anonymous user #1977895)22761
(anonymous user #931603)24654
(anonymous user #1318907)13404
(anonymous user #2334957)8219
(anonymous user #1940198)4182
bob dole4100
Mike Rotch119
Charles Hill00
(anonymous user #2464578)00
(anonymous user #2496929)00
(anonymous user #2535936)00
(anonymous user #2590651)00


what? you didn't know there was gonna be badges? the other jannies didn't either! in fact, they still don't and will find this out at the same time as you do. the badges for this event are

Saved Christmas with Teh Codez


Got the highest score and completed all 50 stars during Advent of Code 2022.

awarded to @TwoLargeSnakesMating.



Kept themselves unworried throughout all of Advent of Code 2022, completing all 50 stars.

awarded to @hbtz, @LetsUnpackThis, @chucks_feeduck_n_seeduck, @justcool393, @cyberdick, and @Corvus

Monkey Playdate


Forgot to check their worry levels during Advent of Code 2022, completing at least 1 star.

awarded to @Platybells, @DrClaus, @ihsoy, @everyone, @dotdot, @flavoredbit, @Camas, @2DBussy, @certid, @NewMoon, @not-frosty-the-snowman, @SlidingDonGER, @LongNose, @finbarfin, @Avalon, @wreaths_suck, @float-trip, @festiveagent13, @Regifter0, @ChristmasWChanderson, and @nekobit

Died of Starvation


Couldn't work out which elf had the most calories

awarded to @anime_denier, @Paragon, and @Jinglevann.

if you were on the leaderboard but didn't get a badge comment or something and idk somehow prove that you were actually on the leaderboard, idk send me a PM on reddit or something idk


The previous way to do this was to jailbreak your phone :marseylaughpoundfist:

Zhuowei Zhang shared his project on Twitter, which he calls a “proof-of-concept app.” According to Zhang, the app he developed uses the CVE-2022-46689 exploit to overwrite the default iOS font, so that users can customize the system’s appearance with a different font other than the default (which is San Francisco).

The CVE-2022-46689 exploit affects devices running iOS 16.1.2 or earlier versions of the operating system, and it basically lets apps execute arbitrary code with kernel privileges. The exploit was fixed with iOS 16.2, which also fixed a bunch of other security breaches found in the previous version of iOS.

Can't wait for Tim Apple to patch this. Maybe in 5 or 10 years, you'll be able to buy rent a new font from the store for your phone :a::b::c:

Reported by:
  • whyareyou : Literally fake news. Year of the linux desktop is NEVER LAMO

Professor catches student cheating with ChatGPT: ‘I feel abject terror’

Welcome to the new age of academic dishonesty.

A college professor in South Carolina is sounding the alarm after catching a student using ChatGPT — a new artificial intelligence chat bot that can quickly digest and spit out written information about a vast array of subjects — to write an essay for his philosophy class.

The weeks-old technology, released by OpenAI and readily available to the public, comes as yet another blow to higher learning, already plagued by rampant cheating.

“Academia did not see this coming. So we’re sort of blindsided by it,” Furman University assistant philosophy professor Darren Hick told The Post. “As soon as I reported this on Facebook, my [academic] friends said, ‘Yeah, I caught one too.'”

Earlier this month, Hick had instructed his class to write a 500-word essay on the 18th-century philosopher David Hume and the paradox of horror, which examines how people can get enjoyment from something they fear, for a take-home test.

But one submission, he said, featured a few hallmarks that “flagged” AI usage in the student’s “rudimentary” answer.

“It’s a clean style. But it’s recognizable. I would say it writes like a very smart 12th grader,” Hick said of ChatGPT’s written responses to questions.

“There’s particular odd wording used that was not wrong, just peculiar … if you were teaching somebody how to write an essay, this is how you tell them to write it before they figure out their own style.”

Despite having a background in the ethics of copyright law, Hick said that proving the paper was concocted by ChatGPT was nearly impossible.

First, the professor plugged the suspect text into software made by the producers of ChatGPT to determine if the written response was formulated by AI.

He was given a 99.9% likely match. But unlike in standard plagiarism detection software — or a well-crafted college paper — the software offered no citations.

Hick then tried producing the same essay by asking ChatGPT a series of questions he imagined his student had asked. The move yielded similar answers, but no direct matches, since the tool formulates unique responses.

Ultimately, he confronted the student, who copped to using ChatGPT and failed the class as a result. The undergrad was also turned over to the school’s academic dean.

But Hick fears that other cases will be almost impossible to prove, and that he and his colleagues will soon be inundated with fraudulent work, as universities like Furman struggle to establish formal academic protocols for the developing technology.

For now, Hick says that the best he can do is surprise suspected students with impromptu oral exams, hoping to catch them off-guard without their tech armor.

“What’s going to be the difficulty is that, unlike convincing a friend to write your essay because they took the class before or paying somebody online to write the essay for you, this is free and instantaneous,” he said.

Even more frightening, Hick fears that as ChatGPT keeps learning, irregularities in its work will become less and less obvious on a student’s paper.

“This is learning software — in a month, it’ll be smarter. In a year, it’ll be smarter,” he said. “I feel the mix myself between abject terror and what this is going to mean for my day-to-day job — but it’s also fascinating, it’s endlessly fascinating.”


Oi, have your password sharing loicense? Didn't think so :marseybong:

Reported by:
Smartest r/Linux user curls website into his grub config. :marseybigbrain:
Reported by:
  • whyareyou : caution this joke si not actually funny
  • HailVictory1776 : If it’s about programming of course it’s not funny. Techcels are neurodivergent
  • BasedGod : I snorted my morning coffee, updooted! Take my gold, stranger! Heck here's a platinum too!!
  • Sasanka_of_Gauda : Transmisia
  • Grue : Blitzen didn’t actually award this post
Funny joke for programmers:

A guy is standing on the corner of the street smoking one cigarette after another. A lady walking by notices him and says

"Hey, don't you know that those things can kill you? I mean, didn't you see the giant warning on the box?!"

"That's OK" says the guy, puffing casually "I'm a computer programmer"

"So? What's that got to do with anything?"

"I'm the world's gayest and most r-slurred piece of shit. I'm so pathetic and no one likes me. I smell really bad all the time and I hate eating vegetables but I love computers sooo much... my tiny ichthyosis peepee gets hard when it sees a fresh new computer screen or high tech gadget"


Orange Site:

Critical Program Reading (1975) :marseyoldtimey::marseycapyhacker:

It's a shame, isn't it? That our language won't let the computer read our indentation (15:35)



Orange Site:



Reported by:
  • BasedGod : Literally me except I don't know what the "you" part means either
Get your very own AI assistant for linux :marppy:

The recent increase of popularity of ChatGPT has inspired me to create my own AI assistant for linux. To use it you're first going to have to generate an OpenAI token: Note that this is only free for 3 months, if you want to use it after that you're going to have to become openAIs special little pay piggy :marseywholesome:

Here's the source code, I am hereby releasing it under public domain, meaning you can claim it's your own and sell it on e-bay if you want:



while true;

	echo "How can your linux assistant help you? "

do read input;

	output="$(curl  -s   -H 'Content-Type: application/json'   -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"   -d '{ "model": "text-davinci-003", "prompt": "Act as a linux AI assistant. The current system is an arch linux system, with many commands such as ls, firefox, qualc, wa (wolfram alpha), date, xdg-open, mpv + more. Respond a single bash command that can be executed. Executing the commands directly is better than echoing the user how to execute them. Task: '"$input"'", "max_tokens": 4000, "temperature": 1.0}' --insecure)";

	# Uncomment for deboogering:

	# echo $output;

	command="$(echo $output|jq -r .choices[0].text)"

	echo "Would you like to run the following command? $command

	press enter to confirm";


	eval "$command"


Some cherrypicked examples:



Translated drama

Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella doing Excel demos in 1993

True rags-to-riches and climbing up the corporate ladder story. But muh only rich people can become multimillionaires and billionaires.

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