The Day of the Prompt has come for Artcels. Dall-E 3 is out.
[askrDrama] Best security camera that can catch license plates?

Some hooligans have been up to no good in my neighborhood recently. They stole a car (not mine, but still wtf) so I bought an applestrag security camera. After filtering out my neighbors and the mailman I've found some pretty sus people that just like sitting in front of houses for a few minutes before driving a little bit further and doing it again. I want to catch their license plate but I'm going to need a better camera than that and ideally one where it can do it automatically. (They are doing this at night so I might not be awake at the time and also it needs good night vision). Help me out dramabros !codecels !cuteandvalid !pinknames


:marseypainter#: :marseycheers#:

:marseyhappening: WORLD IS CORRECTING ITSELF :!marseyhappening: NFT now properly evaluated by their actual value; NFT value drop on average by 99%
  • Most NFTs may now be worthless, less than two years after a bull run in the digital collectibles.

  • A study examining more than 73,000 NFT collections found that 95% had a market cap of 0 ETH.

  • Out of the top collections, the most common price for an NFT is now $5-$100.

:#marseyitsover: :marseyrop#e: RIP NFTbros!

Emulating a CPU in C++ (6502) :marseyowow:
GitHub :marseytrain: CoC drama round 285




GitHub drama continued here:

musiccels get h/murderedbywords
linuxcels seething

FAA Authorizes Zipline International, Inc. to Deliver Commercial Packages Using Drones That Fly Beyond Operator's Line of Sight

Monday, September 18, 2023

The FAA authorized Zipline International, Inc., to deliver commercial packages around Salt Lake City and Bentonville, Arkansas, using drones that fly beyond the operator's visual line of sight. Read the approval letters here and here. Zipline is an FAA-certificated Part 135 operator and will use its Sparrow drone to release the payload via parachute. Data collected from these operations will inform the FAA's ongoing policy and rulemaking activities.

The FAA is focused on developing standard rules to make BVLOS operations routine, scalable and economically viable. The agency chartered the Beyond Visual Line of Sight Aviation Rulemaking Committee on June 9, 2021 to provide safety recommendations to the FAA. We are reviewing their final report.

The FAA's long-term goal is to safely integrate drones into the National Airspace System rather than set aside separate airspace exclusively for drones. This approach is consistent with the FAA Modernization and Reform Act of 2012 and the FAA Extension, Safety, and Security Act of 2016. The 2016 Act directed the FAA, in conjunction with NASA, to continue developing a plan for Unmanned Aircraft System Traffic Management (UTM), which will assist in integration efforts.

Codecel writes his own compiler :marseyshook: :marseyneko:
Incredibly neurodivergent nerd fight on Lobsters about CHERI memory allocator exploits. :soyjakanimeglasses:

This will end well

Most likely will be :marseysal:

Android is superior

Changed my App Store Région to download final fantasy ever crisis and couple other games that are banned because of loot boxes

And got this message

Account nicht in diesem Store

Dein Account ist nicht für Einkäufe im

Store für Deutschland gültig.

This account is not from this store so you can't “buy” this free app.

On my moms android I just downloaded the apk from some Indian site.

Apple promised side loading with iOS 17 and it came out today and guess what… iOS 17 came out today with no side loading

Jesus christ even ChatGPT 4.0 is absolutely dogshit with deprecated features.

So I'm working on a new project with the Spring version and previously have been relying on ChatGPT for some parts (I use Java Spring+React, so it had a lot of training data for the stuff I do), because it was really good at writing basic textbook template stuff, not good for much else or big projects, but very good for these.

Recently (or not so recently, half a year ago) a lot of Spring Security stuff was removed from the latest versions (now it forces me to use component-based configs:marseynerd:) and it's shockingly dogshit, I'm not surprised he didn't know the solution straight away, afterall it wasn't trained on it, but even after explaining it 3 times (I was just curious if it could do it after explaining it the changes and gave examples), it couldn't even solve the simplest tasks and just tried to use features I explicitely said not use.

idk why I created a seperate thread for this, I just never encountered how shit it is when it faces logic it wasn't trained on, but feel free to make fun of my webdevcel butt anyways:marseygamer:

(looks like too many people don't remember that chatgpt only has training data up to 2021 september, almost 2 years ago. These changes happened in 2022 February.)


X thread


This is how you know the site is full of autism. 35 comments on an r-slured OOPBIPOC quiz.


Appletards are some of the most fragile white redditors around. Look at which comments have been upmarseyd and which are downmarseyd


There was no post in SN since 18 hours ago, sorry not sorry for posting this boring article :marseyshrug:

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