
Trying to follow everything is, as always, tricky without the ability to really search for stuff on Mastodon.

1. Calckey, which was a fork of Misskey, rebranded as "Firefish" (for which name choice they have been widely mocked; also there's already a software company under that name in the UK with a trademark, which could be...interesting)

1. This also I think was meant to be the start of a push for more popular adoption of the platform, which has just generally led to a lot of buzz and attention

2. Apparently for some days the code was hosted on a far-right git host, which the main developer says they didn't know at the time; they eventually moved it somewhere else but didn't openly address the issue until later

3. Folks also noticed that the dev was boosting posts by someone with a reputation for being problematic/racist

4. .art admin removed the dev from a groomercord channel where instance admins share safety info, and says that subsequently the dev started circulating a fabricated screenshot regarding this.

Also, that is all coming a couple of days after someone who had previously contributed to calckey forked firefish as iceshrimp (lol) citing being erased from the list of contributors I think and also saying that other folks were leaving that community because of toxicity/safety issues that weren't really elaborated on in what I saw. I don't have a link for this because it didn't happen today and you can't search for things on Mastodon. My sense at the time was that I had basically no way to evaluate the claims made on either side.

The Tech Normie vs The Tech Conservtive vs The Tech Paranoid
Look out slackers- Zoomers can finally learn to code!

TIL Getogeto :marseygetobuff: is a BSDchad :marseygroomerfreebsd:

!schizomaxxxers discuss @getogeto

!codecels discuss FreeBSD

!lurkers do not discuss

StackOverflow: Announcing OverflowAI

/r/programming sneed:

!codecels discuss

[Changelog] Fixed this

If url is in title notifications do the unneedful, do not show the title, issue with sanitization code

!schizomaxxxers @gsa !BIPOCs discuss

Posting to slackernews because I am banned from the changelog hole


A user asked me the below.

Hey, did you use any guides for setting up your pie hole and/or installing the button?

Was interested in making one of these as well.

Any tips or w/e would be appreciated, thanks!

This was my response. which is probably definitely rslurred but w/e

!codecels roast me

No Guides, but happy to give tips, and follow ups where things are unclear.

Button is pretty cool for sure... but you can do everything you need to do from your computer and phone.

A pihole does not protect you unless you set it up as your DNS on your router.

I would also recommend setting up a vpn to your home network using openvpn that way you can take your protection on the go, itll protect you from getting throttled by your cell phone provider too


Config Pi


  • Look its probably right... but how you set this thing up makes a difference

  • Put this on your Pi maybe call it buttonscript.js

  • {YOUR USER HERE} needs to be swapped out for the user you created

const fs = require('fs');

const Gpio = require('onoff').Gpio;

const { exec } = require('child_process');

// GPIO pin number

const buttonPin = 17;

const logFilePath = '/home/{YOUR USER HERE}/buttonscript.log';

// Setup the button GPIO as input

const button = new Gpio(buttonPin, 'in', 'falling', { debounceTimeout: 200 });

// Function to disable Pi-hole blocking for 5 minutes

function disablePiHole() {

const timestamp = new Date().toISOString();

const logMessage = [${timestamp}] Button pressed. Disabling Pi-hole for 5 minutes...;


fs.appendFile(logFilePath, logMessage + '\n', (err) => {

if (err) {

 console.error('Error writing to log file:', err);



exec('pihole disable 5m');


// Add event listener to the button;

// Cleanup GPIO on process exit

process.on('SIGINT', () => {





  • This thing needs to start back up when power fails so you need to set it up to do that

  • go here cd /etc/systemd/system/

  • run this to create it sudo nano buttonscript.service


Description=Button Script


ExecStart=/usr/bin/node /home/{YOUR USER HERE}/buttonScript.js > /home/{YOUR USER HERE}/buttonscript.log 2>&1

WorkingDirectory=/home/{YOUR USER HERE}/




  • save and exit nano

  • run this sudo systemctl enable buttonscript.service

  • run this sudo systemctl start buttonscript.service


  • find your pinout, I am showing a 4b there are others

  • 3.3 to a rail on the + side of the breadboard at the top using these wires

  • in that top rail, put the resistor in

  • resistor to the left hand side on maybe the top row of the breadboard

  • gpio 17 to left side on that row using these wires

  • button to left side on that row use the breadboard wires there

  • other terminal on the button to the right side of the breadboard

  • ground to right side on that row using these wires

Package to suit, and your done



Aevann discuss sneed

Lets do a check in on Threads, The Twitter Killer From Meta

Threads usage continues to fall. (July 21st)

Hmm, wonder what sort of chatter is going on over on Orange Site from the past week

One post with over 100 updoots, only 40 comments. Other posts are literally dead.

Well, this is a Drama website. Let's see what sort of drama we've gotten from Zuck

It's Zuckover


Room temp what???

I have literally no idea what this means but I always wanted to post a HN thread and be one of the cool guys

Reported by:

Unlike another top poster, this doesn't ring true for me.

I have a blog with 170-ish posts. About half are technical. Three or four have gone viral on HN.

The other half are personal, but I live in a place where people generally share the same values, so those other posts shouldn't be a problem.

I've got a personal project. It's used in production and ships as part of the base install with FreeBSD and Mac OSX.

It demonstrates high proficiency with C. It demonstrates careful work with every function documented in Doxygen comments and a development manual entirely designed to raise the bus factor to infinity. It also shows I've got fuzzing chops.

I have other code. It's not complete, but I've got hundreds or thousands of hours in it, and it's to the same quality.

And I can't get a job.


Got another programming job. Got fired for "performance." I think the reason wasn’t good, but I also have a hard time building a theory of mind, which means I can’t read code written by others.

If you can't read code written by others, that's going to be a big concern for companies that require you to read and modify other people's code.

Perhaps you need to be a contractor, not an employee.


I'm sure you'll get pissed at this, but assuming hiring managers see your blog and Gitea instance, here are some of my guesses as to why they don't want to hire you:

  • You call BLM a "terrorist organization".
  • You explicitly object to the idea that the phenomenon of police killings of black people is rooted in white supremacy.
  • You give off serious antivaxxer vibes, and refuse to wear a mask during a global pandemic.
  • You're petty enough about the above to post a list of businesses you won't patronize because they require masking.
  • You are boycotting Rust because they don't want people bringing guns to their conferences.
  • You complain about being banned from for posting transphobic comments. (And yes, despite your protestations, they are indeed transphobic.) And also for claiming that gender dysphoria is essentially a mental illness to be cured.



All of my friends at uni would just stare blank-eyed whenever I spoke of anything programming related. My coworkers (and this is at a FAANG) don't give a and are just here for the easy paycheck. In general, very few care about programming. Sad.

Even when I speak with my father, he always has the "whatever gets the job done" boomer attitude and shuts down discussion.

Jesus Christ.

"I talk to ChatGPT sometimes"

Reminds of that boomer webm about videogames & groomercord:

R u ok????
Reported by:
anyone who takes 900,000 from Netflix is a scab

don't side with Capital ever under any circumstances

:marseygroomerfreebsd: Legacy foid DRIVEN OUT of male ONLY space :chadbasedcapy: :marseymanysuchcases:

A wave of relief is rippling across the FreeBSD community today, as the open source project’s most notorious “contributor,” Randi Harper, announced she was leaving for good.

Harper, who once went by the name “FreeBSDGirl” on Twitter, had been involved with FreeBSD for over 10 years – although her actual contributions are difficult to track down. But in a lengthy post on her blog, which reveals that her association with FreeBSD had become so toxic that the project asked her to change her Twitter username, Harper announced she was dissociating herself after 12 years.

Harper frames her departure as her own decision, but she has of course been regarded by everyone associated with FreeBSD as a liability for some time. In her long-winded post (I read these things so you don’t have to), Harper unleashes a blistering array of bizarre allegations against the FreeBSD foundation, including a claim that they stood by while she was being threatened online, and that she was “tone policed” by someone at FreeBSD who suggested she “be nicer” online.

No wonder that one stung her. Harper is one of the nastiest pieces of work on the internet. She is a self-proclaimed “anti-abuse activist” who has in fact spent most of the last two years generating hate-filled online mobs against her opponents, as voluminous reporting by Breitbart has demonstrated. Famous for telling people to “set themselves on fire,” this anti-abuse activist once drove a woman to tears for disagreeing with her.

Harper’s post details her history with FreeBSD, a story that is, of course, filled with fibs. She repeated her claim to have been responsible for fixing a bug that prevented FreeBSD from being installed via a USB thumbdrive. However, solutions for this problem existed for years before Harper arrived on the scene.

She also claims to have been harassed and threatened by another FreeBSD committer, but IRC logs of their discussion, unsurprisingly, show that Harper was doing most of the harassing. Harper is the consummate crybully – a vicious, aggressive firestarter who turns into a mewling victim whenever she receives a hint of her own medicine.

Judging by her blog post, she seems genuinely astonished that fellow FreeBSD developers weren’t taking her side. “A lot of developers didn’t know what was happening, just that one of the few women in the project was mad at another developer, and he quit. It made it look like the bullying was coming from my end.”

The bullying, coming from your end? Surely not, Randi!

Harper also sought to pressure the FreeBSD foundation into instituting a code of conduct for all their project members. Amazingly, they agreed, following the lead of a number of other open source projects that have instituted wacky, social justice warrior-led codes of conduct for their contributors in recent months. However, Harper still wasn’t satisfied.

“They later published a Code of Conduct, which went so far as to use the term “meritocracy”, and didn’t make a clear distinction between code mediation and responding to abuse.” That’s right, readers. One of the reasons Harper left FreeBSD was because the project valued meritocracy.

No doubt sick and tired of having to deal with her, and the damage she was doing to their public image, FreeBSD decided to ask Harper to remove the name of their project from her Twitter handle (then “@FreeBSDGirl”). According to Harper: “I received an email from this person threatening to involve the FreeBSD Foundation lawyers if I didn’t change my username immediately.”

Harper ends her post with a farewell to FreeBSD. “After 12 years, I left the IRC channel, and will not be going to any BSD conferences or participating in the community going forward. I remain friends with many people involved with the project, but FreeBSD no longer feels like my home.”


You live in a (((bad country))))? Sorry, we can't trust your device.

You have been using the internet in (((bad faith)))? Sorry, we can't trust your device.

You are posting (((dangerous))) content and (((disinformation))) online? Sorry, we can't trust your device.

Remember, you do not own this device.


Figured I'd share this in case anyone is interested in learning coding or learning a new language.

Someone I know teaches software dev in college and they told me they use these resources/vouched for them.

I skimmed through the JS book and it looks useful. All you do is enter your email and you can download them.

The site has tutorials for different use cases as well.

Here's the list of books/languages:

📚 → C Handbook

📚 → Command Line Handbook

📚 → CSS Handbook

📚 → Express Handbook

📚 → Go Handbook

📚 → HTML Handbook

📚 → JS Handbook

📚 → Laravel Handbook

📚 → Next.js Handbook

📚 → Node.js Handbook

📚 → PHP Handbook

📚 → Python Handbook

📚 → React Handbook

📚 → SQL Handbook

📚 → Svelte Handbook

📚 → Swift Handbook

Sneed :capysneedboat2: is generated after (((systemd))) is ported to OpenBSD :marseygroomerfreebsd:

!glowies which one of u did this

!codecels would u use this

@grizzly noootice I used :marseygroomerfreebsd: as there is no equivalent Marsey for OpenBSD

!schizomaxxxers discuss

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